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January 24, 1958 - Image 40

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1958-01-24

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— 24 —

Friday, November 8, 1957—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-6

Pictorial Tour of Jewish

On their tour of Israel's settlements and
Philip Slomovitz had an opportunity to see how pro
dollars are being utilized for Israel's upbuilding. T
to meet with many Detroiters who are pioneering

Tke photos are by one of Israel's best photo
Ilani not only is' an excellent photographer: he is a
He knows Israel-well, is acquainted with the work
zation and.is a dedicated interpreter of Israel's ac

One of the truly great experiences of the Detroiters, while
studying the great industrial creative efforts of the new
pioneers and frontiersmen, made possible with the aid of
Israel Bond investments, was at the Bromine Works, at S'dom.
Here the maintenance mechanic, Eli Kemlot, and the plant's
construction manager, Eliezer Haberfeld, explain the marvelous
'developments in this great Negev effort. The highest concen-
tration of bromines in the world is at this spot.
At this plant, Dr. Feibel Yaron, its director, has per-
fected a cold process of producing the bromines. While the
hot process used everywhere else also is used here, the cold
process predominates. This is the only place in the world
where this process, which is found superior to the old warm
method, is in use.


At Urim, on the road to
with several Detroiters. In the
Sidewater, Morry Silver, Rina
son Yigal, and Weasel Lipshitz

At the Sninning Mill at Kiryat Gat, John Briscoe, of
Lancashire, England, an expert who came here to assist in
establishing the weaving industry, shows how the Israel cotton

lotinr woven Into fine yarn.

Negev, Mr. and Mrs. Slom
photo with them, from th
Schwartzberg (daughter
(daughter of the David r

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