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February 04, 1955 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1955-02-04

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6—DETROIT JEWISH 'NEWS Judge Picard and Congressman Celler
Friday, February 4, 1955
JNF to Honor Laikins With
Join in Aiding Israel Bond Drive Here
Congress Awards
Forest in Israel; Hordes
Shared by Three
Heads Detroit Foundation


In recognition of their serv-
ices to the Zionist cause and to
communial movements in De-
troit, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M.


The annual American Jewish
Congress awards for courageous
defense of civil liberties this
year will go to Rabbi Jacob E.
Segal, Rev. Philip Sarles of May-
flower Congregational Church
and William T. Gossett, general
counsel of the Ford Motor Co.
The awards will be presented to
the three recipients at a lunch-
eon on Feb. 16. The awardees
were selected by a committee of
judges headed by Bishop Rich-
ard S. Emrich of the Episcopal
Judge Rosenblatt spoke at Diocese of Michigan.
noon on the day of his visit
here • at a luncheon for lawyers United-HI AS Service
at which he outlined the impor-
tance not only of insurance but Slates Annual Meeting
also of bequests for •JNF. James
I. Ellmann -was named chairman
of a committee to organize the
layovers for this purpose.

in the fact that the fund cre-
ated the foundation for th?..
statehood of I s r a e I, and
reminded his audience of the
trials and tribulations of the
years when 906 people on the
ill-fated St. Louis were not
admitted anywhere until four
lands got together to split up
the numbers among them.
The permanent solution came
with the establishMent of
Israel, he declared.

Rabbi Noveck Opens
LZOA Forum Monday


• •


Congressman EMANUEL CELLER of New York (right) and
Mr. and Mrs. DAVID GOLDBERG, of 18063 Wildemere, welcomed
Judge FRANK A. PICARD, of the U. S. Circuit Court, on his hav-
ing become a "Guardian of Israel" by having purchased' a $1,000
Israel bond, at a reception for Rep. Celler at the Goldbergs' home.
Judge Picard is chairman of the Michigan Chapter of the Ameri-
can Christian Palestine Committee. Congressman Celler, who spoke
at the reception, urged increased efforts for the Israel bond drive
and told of the impression Israel made upon him on his recent
visit there. He reported on the precarious state of the Jews in
Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. in his description of the conditions
he observed there on his recent tour of North Africa and the
Middle East.



Laikin will be honored with a
forest on Jewish National Fund
land in Israel, William. Hordes
announced at the dinner of the
Detroit JNF Foundation Jan. 26.
Mr. Hordes made the an-
nouncement while naming those
who already are enrolled in the
JNF ' Foundation by virtue of
their having made the JNF
beneficiary in insurance poll-
' cies. He stated that the largest
amount of any policy thus far
assigned to JNF by a Detroiter
is Mr. Laikin's. The Labor Zion-
ist movement here, according to
Mr. Hordes, has decided to spon-
sor the project of a Laikin For-
Mr. Laikin, a former president
of the JNF Council, also is a
former president of the Zionist
Council of Detroit. He has been
associated with the Labor Zion-
ist movement for more than 30
The more than 100 members

Rabbi Simon Noveck, of Park
Avenue Synagogue, New York,
director of the National Aca-
demy for Adult Jewish Studies
of the United Synagogue of U.S. Solicitor General, and
America, will
address the
U.S. District Judge, will be
third annual
speakers at the' first annual
Labor Zionist
meeting of the United HIAS .
Forum, dedicat-
Service, which was the- result of
ed to the 50th
a merger last summer of HIAS
Jubilee Year of
and USNA. The parley will__be
Labor Zionism
held Sunday, at Hotel Roose-
in America, next
velt, New York. Judge Rifkind
Monday, 8:15
will speak at a. testimonial din-
p.m., at t h e
ner Saturday night, in honor of
Davison Jewish
Edwin Rosenberg and Arthur
Center, on the
Greenleigh, who will report on
theme, "A dult
Jewish E d uca- Rabbi Noveek the organization's accomplish-
ments since the merger.
tion —. Link with a People."
Rabbi Noveck is the author of
the "Layman's Institute — An Leon Kay to Address
Adventure in Jewish Living," Israeli Students Club
co-editor of the Adult Jewish
Education Newsletter, and con-
Israeli Students Club will meet
sultant to the National Com- at 8:30 p.m., Saturday, in Zion-
of the Detroit JNF Founda- mittee on Adult Education.
ist 'House, Linwood at Lawrence.
tion who attended the dinner
The Labor Zionist Council of Leon Kay, president of the Mich-
fan. 26 voted unanimously to Detroit sponsors this series of igan Region of the Zionist Or-
create a permanent Founda- lectures.
ganization of America, will be
tion in Detroit to meet once
Other speakers scheduled are: guest speaker.
a year and to encourage more Isiah L. Kenen, executive direc-
As part of the social-cultural
Detroiters to write insurance tor of the American Zionist evening, dancing and a social
with the JNF as beneficiary.. Committee for Public Affairs, hour will follow, at which re-
Mr. Hordes, who presided, was March 14; and Dr. Aaron Decter, freshments will be served. In-
elected president of the Founda- Labor Zionist theoretician, April terested students are invited to
tion and in turn named the fol- 11.
lowing as members of- the ad-
visory and ex-
ecutive commit-
- tee:'
David Silver,
president of the
JNF Council;
Benj amin Lai-
kin, Irving'
Schlussel, M r s .
Philip Slomo-
vitz, Mrs. Sidney
Ravin, Daniel
Temchin, Harry
Schumer, Harry Mondry, Philip
Slomovitz, Mrs. Max Stollman,
Shulamis Goldoftas.
Henry Burston, George W.
Gray, Edward Wishnetsky and
Earl Hordes were named mem-
bers of an insurance advisory
committee, others to be co-
opted on the committee.
Outlining the history of the
Foundation, which began upon
the death of Menahem Ussihkin
as the Ussihkin League, Mr.
Hordes reported that more than
$3,000,000 in insurance already
has been written making the
JNF the beneficiary, $300,000 of
that sum having been written
The Jewish National Fund Council announces that nine
in Detroit alonea. '
Judge Bernard A. Rosenblatt societies have undertaken the planting of groves of 1,000 trees
of New York, national president each as their part of the large project undertaken by the
of the JNF Foundation, in the Landsmanshaften of Detroit, a Forest of 30,000 Security Trees in
principal address of the evening, Israel, to be known as the Detroit Landsmanshaften Forest.
expressed the hope that the idea Left: seated, HARRY KAMINER, president, Berditchever Progres-
of insurance for JNF "will be- sive Aid, member of praesidium of Landsmanshaften Committee
come the nationally popular for JNF; Mrs. ROSE FRIEDMAN, president, Ladies Auxiliary of
thing to follow the example set Korostishever Aid Society; NATHAN ROSE, former president,
Bereznitzer Aid Society; standing HARRY ROSENTHAL, president,
.in Detroit."
Judge Rosenblatt, reminis- Chernigover-Loyover, member of praesidium; MORRIS MALIN,

Nine Societies to Plant Groves
In Detroit Landsmanshaften Forest



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"Rambam (Maimonides) Nis Life and Works"

A series of public lectures by Rabbi Isaac Stollman,
chairman of the Vaad Harabonim (Rabbinical Organiza-
tion) of Detroit; National Vice-President of Mizrachi.


In commemoration of "Moimonides Year," proclaimed by Israel,

marking 750 years since the passing of the "Rambo:71," Rabbi Isaac

Stollman wilt present the first of a series of lecture forums, beginning
Thursday evening, February 10th, at 8:30 p.m., at the Holiday Manor,
18641 Wyoming. The public, particularly the Northwest area, is

cordially invited.


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cing about Zionist accomplish- president, Korostishever Aid Society, praesidium member; LOUIS
ments, recalled that the build- ROSENBERG, president, Chaim Weizmann Society, secretary of
ing of the all-Jewish eity of praesidium. Absent are: Louis Bassin, president, Kesheniver
Tel Aviv was made possible by Bessarabier; Mrs. Miriam Knoppow, president, David Horodoker
a $50,000 JNF loan.fHe pointed Young Women's Organization; Herman Kolko, president, Jewish
Cultural Club. A breakfast meeting for Landsmanshaften will be
out that 500,000 people live on
held Sunday, 10 a.m. at the Zionist House, Linwood and Lawrence,
JNF-owned land. He empha-
sized that JNF importance lies I to plan for -the promotion of the Landsmanshaften Forest.

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