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December 17, 1954 - Image 21

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1954-12-17

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Friday, December 17, 1954

divitiei in Soci4

Rhoda Aisen Is Wed
To Robert A. Kutzen

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kalovsky (Harriet Lip -son) have left De-
troit to make their permanent home in Van Nuys, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Menahern Singer of Tel AViv, Israel, arrived
here last week to attend the marriage of their son, Avraham Ran,
to Annette Stollman,. daughter of Mr. and . Mrs. Phillip Stollman,
on Sunday. Mr. Singer is a foreman for the Solel Boneh in Israel
and Mrs. Singer is an active worker for the Hadassah Hospital.
Also here for the Ran-Stollman wedding are Mrs. Phillip Stoll-
man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Segelman, of Los Angeles; her.
brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gershon Segelman, of
Ein Dor, Israel, former Detroiters, and her sister and brother-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Margolis, of Los Angeles. Also coming for
the wedding the the national Mizrachi leaders, Dr. Pinkhos Chur-
gin, Rabbi Mordecai Kirshblum and Rabbi Israel Friedman, all of
New York; . Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Feigenbaum, of Cleveland, and
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Berman, of Grand Rapids.
Florence Weintraub Goldring will present Rochelle Komisar in
an individual piano recital and a group of her students in a joint
recital at 8:15 p.m., Thursday in the Baldwin Recital Hall. The
public is ,invited.
Reena Biederman, piano teacher, will present a group of her
students in a piano recital at 3 p.m., Sunday, in Baldwin Hall. Miss
Biederman, of 21850 Ridgedale, Oak Park, is affiliated with the
Detroit Dunning Teachers Association.
Mrs. Simcha Rabinowitz, honorary national president of Miz-
rachi Women's Organization of America, was guest at a board
meeting of Sisters of Zion Mizrachi at the home of Mrs. A. Dub-
rinsky, having come here to address several events of Mizrachi
women in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Pleasant, of Eastwood Ave., Oak Park, Mich.,
honored their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Franklin, with a
dinner in honor of their 35th wedding anniversary. The Frank-
lins entertained the family with a dinner at Sid's Cafe, also in
celebration of their anniversary:

Margery A. Jacobson
To Wed Barry Levine


Council for Rescue
Of Egyptian Jews
Formed in Israel

LONDON, (JTA)—A National
Council for the Rescue of Egyp- I
tian Jews has been established
in Israel, in view of the grave
situation of Egyptian Jewry, the
World Jewish Congress announ-
The Congress said that repre-
sentatives of the council met
with the WJC executive in Isra-
el and urged that the Congress
participate in an international
campaign aimed at crystallizing
support among Jews and non-
Jews • throughout the world to
help Egyptian Jews.
The Council was reported to
have made available to the Con-
gress information to the effect
that former Nazi officers now
advising the military regime in
MISS MARGERY A. JACOBSON Egypt were organizing a me-
thodical campaign aimed at the
Mr. and Mrs. Abel L. Jacobson, physical and spiritual annihila-
of Par kside Ave., announce tion of Egyptian Jewry.
the engagement of their daugh-
ter, Margery Ann, to Barry H.
Levine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Berlin Pharmacist Wins
Abraham L. Levine, of Monterey Appeal for License
Mr. Levine is a graduate of
BERLIN, (JTA)—The disputed
Purdue University, where he was license to acquire a local drug-
affiliated with Sigma Alpha Mu store, which had been refused
to Jewish pharmacist Norbert
Brandt by the municipal Health
Department, has n o w been
Assert Civil Rights
awarded him by decision of the
Making Steady Progress
Superior Administrative Court.
The Court set aside a decision
The gap • between American by t h e former chief of the
democratic ideals and practices Health Department, Berlin's
is closing steadily, with the na- then Deputy Mayor Dr. Walter
tion's courts and lawmakers Conrad, to issue the license to
a Nazi pharmacist who once be-
"continuing the forvvard march fore,
in 1937, had taken over a
toward equal justice and oppor- Jewish
tunity for all," the American
decision, and the inter-
Jewish Committee declares in a
pamphlet, "The People Take the national publicity it attracted, so
Lead," released on Bill of Rights irked Berlin's municipal parlia-
Day, by AJC president Irving M. ment that Dr. Conrad was ousted
Engel. This year's Bill of Rights by an overwhelming vote of "no
Day marked the 163rd anniver- confidence." In the , meantime,
sary of the adoption of the Bill the Health Department's legal
of Rights, the first ten amend- adviser has been placed on leave
of absence by Dr. Conrad's suc-
ments to the Constitution.


84 Percent of Canadians
Reject Entertainment Bias

percent of the Canadian people
reject discrimination in places
of public entertainment, and
only 10 percent favor it, a recent
survey by the Gallup Poll has
The Canadian Institute of
Public Opinion, commenting on
the results, said that this is an
"extremely high unanimity of
opinion, seldom found in con-
troversial subjects." The results
show a favorable development
over a similar poll in 1946, when
only 77 percent opposed discrim-
ination and 19 percent favored


The Crystal Ballroom of the
Sheraton Cadillac Hotel was the
scene of the- Dec. 9 wedding of
Rhoda Marlene Aisen and Rbb-
ert Alan Kutzen. Rabbi Milton
Arm officiated.
The bride is the daughter of
Mrs. Harry S. Aisen, of 18709
Greenlawn, and the late Mr.
Aisen. The bridegroom's par-
ents are Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
P. Kutzen, of- 20489 Stratford.
The bride chose a traditional
gown- of Ivory satin of princess
lines, featuring hand-fagotting
around the simple, rounded
neckline and a full skirt and
train. Her headpiece was of
ivory chantilly lace, and held in
place her veil of fingertip
Mrs. Arthur Rosenberg was
matron of honor, and Rochelle
Frances Aisen was maid of hon-
or . - Bridesmaids were Barbara
Jacob, Beverly Kahn and Mrs.
Jerome Kutzen. Flower girls
were Maxine Rosenberg and
Peggy Kutzen.
Jerome Kutzen was the best
man, while ushers included Mar-
vin Sakat, Leon Siegel, Arthur
Rosenberg and Sam Franken-
stein. The bride's brother, Ar-
nold Aisen, gave the bride in
Following a dinner, the couple
left for a honeymoon to Florida
and New York. On their return,
they will reside at 20487 Strat-

e e


NEW YORK, (JTA)—Some 4,
000 Jewish troops assigned to
duty at nearby Fort Dix, New
Jersey, have volunteered to take
all guard and kitchen details
during the Christmas week-end
in order to free their Christian
fellow soldiers during the holi-
day. Fort Dix is one of the
major bases in this part of the


Editor, The Jews News:
Amongst the obligatory read-
ings of Latin authors, I was
forced to read the tragedies of
Seneca. I paid little attention to
its mythical contents..
Of late, I had occasion to per-
sue it again, especially the trag-
edy of "Hercules Oetaous," and
I detected something there that
should be of profund interest to
the Jewish student as a means
of warding off the proselytism
which is foisted upon Jewry
from various sources.
5440 Cass.

S. African Zionists Arrange
Loan for Jewish Agency

Zionist Federation of South Af-
rica has arranged a loan of 250,-
000 pounds ($700,000) for the
Jewish Agency to help it estab-
lish settlements along Israel's
border, S. M. Kuper, chairman
of the federation announced. He
revealed that 100,000 pounds has
already been borrowed.


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Hillel said: An empty-headed
man cannot be a sin-fearing
man, nor can an ignorant per-
son be pious, nor can a shame-
faced man learn, nor a passion-
ate man teach, nor can one who
is engaged overmuch in busi-
ness grow wise.—Ethics of the

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U.S. Attacked in UN
On Jerusalem Issue

(JTA) — The United States and
Britain were criticized by Ahmed
Shukairy, Syrian delegate, for
having their Ambassadors to Is-
rael present their credentials in
Speaking at the UN Political
and Security Committee on the
question of Korea, the Syrian
delegate said that while the
American and British govern-
ments insist upon invoking the
United Nations' authority in
Korea, they "betrayed the au-
thority of the United Nations in

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