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August 07, 1953 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1953-08-07

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Local Council of Jewish Women
Plan Fund-Raising Fashion Show

Detroit Section, National Coun-
cil of Jewish Women, at a re-
cent patio party at the home of
Mrs. Bert Smokier, 1900 Balmor-
al, launched its fund-raising ef-
forts for the season.
Funds will be raised through
a souvenir daily calendar book,
to be given out to those attend-
ing the group's Jacque Fath
fashion show on Nov. 2, at the
Royal Theater.
At this show, Mr. Fath, the
noted designer, will send his own
models to exhib-
it 50 of his
latest creations
which will be'
dised through .
a Detroit store, -
yet to be named.
announces Mrsj*.
Oscar Zemon,
program chair-
Others ap-
pointed by Mrs. Mrs. Weiner
Daniel Krouse, president of
NCJW, are Mesdames Robert
Janeway and Raymond Sokolov,
calendar chairmen; and Emil
Rothman and Arthur Gould,
membership solicitation chair-
Mrs. Leonard H. Weiner, new-
ly-elected member of the na-
tional board and chairman of
the national public relations
committee, addressed those at-
tending the meeting, and ap-
pealed to them to gather the
much-needed funds used by
NCJW in its many-faceted pro-
She told of the program of
educational aid whereby students
in foreign countries come to the
United States for graduate work,
and then return to their lands to
put into practice the skills they
have learned.
NCJW also sponsors local
classes in public health, nursing,
social work, general education,
and maintains a home in Paris

How's the Time to
Trade YOUR Car !

Singer is Honored
On 70th Birthday

for displaced Jewish girls. Its
Settling here at a time when
service to the foreign born helps the giant "Motor City" of De-
locate missing relatives and troit was "a little country vil-
serves to unite families, Mrs.
Weiner explained.
Locally, the Detroit Chapter
operates the Twelfth Street
Council Center program of as-
sisting new Americans with Eng-
lish classes, school groups, eve-
ning classes, junior clubs, teen-
age groups and adult organiza-
A job placement committee
for older workers, started last
year, is becoming a vital part of
the NCJW local program, Mrs.
Weiner stated. Funds, she added,
for all these institutions are
gathered throughout the year in
Council's Re-Sale Shops, which
constantly collect bundles of
clothing and goods for public

ORT Schools Receive
$230,000 in Supplies


lage," Julius M. Singer 40 years
ago began a career in business
and in Jewish and civic affairs
which he still actively pursues.
This week Mr. Singer was hon-
ored on his 70th birthday by
his family, including his four
Mr. Singer owns and still per-
sonally manages the Wolverine
Ginger Ale Co. which he found-
ed in 1916. Having joined the
Farband in 1913, he is today a
leading member of Arazaroff
Branch. He has been active in
the Labor Zionist movement for
30 years, performing outstand-
ing service for the Jewish No-
tional Fund, the Allied Jewish
Appeal, the Israel Bond Drive
and Histadrut. He is a member
of Adas Shalom Synagogue.
Shortly after the First World
War, he introduced to Detroit
the English drink of "ginger
beer," developing his own "Bull-
dog Ginger Beer," as he has de-
veloped many other flavor ex-
tracts in which he takes a
craftsman's pride. During the
Israel Protests Admission Second World War, Mr. Singer
received a certificate from the
Of Egypt to Conference
United States Treasury Depart-
ment in appreciation of his ef-
LONDON, (JTA)—A protest forts in selling over $250,000
against the election of Egypt as worth of Defense Bonds.
a member of the Council of the
Honoring Mr. Singer on this
International Wheat Confer-
ence, now taking place here, was occasion were his wife, Esther;
voiced by Chaim Margalith, Is- his daughter Mrs. Harry Eskin,
rael economic attache who rep- Mr. Eskin, and their two chil-
resents the Jewish state at the dren, Morton and Jerry; 11`.s
daughters, Deena and Phyllis
His son, Milton Singer, came
"I believe that many members with his wife for the occasion
of this assembly feel like my- from Chicago, where he is Paul
self that a country bound to a Kiapper Professor of the Social
policy of boycott against fel- Sciences in the College of the
low members is not eligible for ,University of Chicago.
membership in the Council," the
Israeli said. He emphasized that
Egypt has been obstructing es- Israel Proposes Law
sential cargoes from reaching Ousting Small Parties
their destination in Israel.

GENEVA, (JTA) — Machinery
tools and other materials, worth
$230,000 were distributed to ORT
vocational schools in 19 coun-
tries last year, according to a
report published by the central
office of the World ORT Union
Much of the material was used
to set up new teaching units in
Israel and North Africa. The
ORT Tool Supply Corp., which
was established to handle dis-
tribution in Israel of tools and
machines to artisans received
350 sewing machines, 45 show
finishing machines, 30 knitting
machines and five metal shapers
during the past six months. This
is in addition to the 18 Israeli
ORT vocational centers.
The purchasing program is di-
rected from Geneva headquar-
ters, which has secured markets
in machinery from Denmark,
Sweden, the U. S., Holland,
Switzerland,England and

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cial Ministerial committee met
here to consider the proposed
government election law limit-
ing the representation in Par-
liament to those parties which
command 10 per cent of the
total vote in a national election.
Benjamin Mintz, speaking for
the religious elements in the
coalition, declared that "if the
bill is passed it will rob the
smaller parties of representation
in the Knesset." A Progressive
spokesman later said that the
tendency to create a two party
system in Israel will "only harm
Israel's democracy."
The Knesset has passed the
first reading of a bill giving the
government the power to sign
extradition treaties with various

Farben Files Pay Appeal


giant German chemical trust
I.G. Farben filed an appeal here
with the Superior Court against
a. lower court decision awarding
over $2.000 in back pays dam-
ages to Norbert Wollheim, one-
time Jewish slave laborer who
worked for the company when
he was imprisoned at Oswiecim
concentration camp.


Friday, August 7, 1953

First Reparations Goods Sent to Jewish State

COLOGNE, (JTA)—The Israel German reparations pact. Ship-
vessel S.S. Haifa sailed from the ments of fertilizer and iron
port of Bremen with the first products were also load.e.d aboard
German goods destined for the the freighter Esrog for trans-
Jewish state under terms of the mission to Haifa.


To Attend the

High Holy Day Conference of the



Monday, August 10, at 8:30 P.M.

Young Israel, Dexter at Fullerton

(Air Conditioned)

Itzhak - Gerstenkorn

Founder and Mayor of B'nai Brak,
Israel, Will Be Guest Speaker

Mitrachi, Hapoel Hamizrachi, Agudath Israel and Wom-
en's Mizrachi, Sisters of Zion and Fannie Gluck Chapter,
and the following representatives of Synagogues are
invited to participate in the High Holy Day Conference:

Cong. Adas Shalom....Rabbi Jacob E. Segal, Manny Lax, Pres.,
Nathan R. Epstein, Pete Goldstein, David Safran,
and Ira Kaufman
Rabbi Leo Goldman, Isadore Sweet,
Cong. Adas Yeshurun

Pres., Meyer Freedman, and Hyman Mandelbaum
Benjamin Aronson
Cong. Agudath Israel
Rabbi Jacob M. Chinitz. Isadore
Cong. Ahavas Achim
Leeman, Pres., Harry Eskin, and Albert Burke
Cong. Ahavas Israel....Rabbi Gershon Winer, Percy A. Berman
(Grand Rapids)
Cong. Ansche Bereznitz....Ben Eizelman, Pres., Meyer Terebelo,
and Isadore Sweet
Rabbi Benjamin H. Gorrelick,
Cong. Beth Aaron
Harry Green, Pres., and Samuel I. Freedman
A. GimiDel, Pres.,
Cong. Beth Aaron Velsrael
Charlie Wolok and Sol Lapinsky
Cong. Beth Abraham....Rabbi Joseph Thumim, Rabbi Israel
Halpern, Louis Ellenbogen, Pres., Abraham Nusbaum,
and Louis Kukes
Sigmund Littman, Pres.,
Cong. Beth Itzchock
and Isidore Rosenthal
Cong. Beth Moses..Rabbi I. Paneth, Sam Yuster, Pres., Irving I.
Feldman. Harry H. Anbender, and George Silverman
Cong. Beth Shmuel • Rabbi Joseph Rabinowitz, Isadore
Rosenberg, Pres., Harry E. Citrin, Melech Lipshitz,
and Juda Lachar
Rabbi Louis E. Kaufman,
Cong. Beth Tefilath Moses
Rev. Samuel S. Schwartz, Pres., Meyer Davis, and
Baruch Litvin
(Mt. Clemens)
Abraham Berris
Cong. Beth Tefilo Emanuel
and Morris Dorn, Pres.
Rabbi Leizer Levin
_Cong. Beth Tikvah
arid Abe Levenberg, Pres.
Harry Stolsky, Pres.,
Cong. Beth Yehudah
and Jacob Soberman
Rabbi Herman Dolnansky. Joe Gorman,
Cong. Bi9ai David
Pres., David J. Cohen, and Mendel Shifman
Bernard Waldman, Pres..
Cong. Bnai Israel
Isaac Faxstein and Jacob Lesser
Max Hoberman, Pres.,
Cong. Bnai Jacob
Jacob Nosanchuk, Abraham Milgrom and Joe Gittle-
Rabbi Moses Lehrman,
Cong. Bnai Moshe
Alfred Deutsch, Pres., and Mitchell Feldman
Rabbi Solomon H. Gruskin,
Cong. Bnai Zion
Morris Snow. Pres., and Harry Katz
Rabbi Israel Rockove
Cong. Chesed Shel Ernes
and Harry E. Citrin, Pres.
Rabbi Moses Rothenberg,
Cong. Dov Frenkel
Israel Schwartz, and David M. Edelman
Rabbi Abram Gardin,
Cong. Ezras Achim
Isidor Sosnick, Pres., Jack Zeldes, and William Keller
Cong. Gemiluth Chassodim Rabbi Dr. Max Kapustin,
Siegfried Cahn, Pres., Dr. Hugo Mandelbaum, and
Alex Roberg
Rabbi Isaac Stollman,
Cong. Mishkan Israel
Abram Shainak, Pres., and Harry Einhorn
Rabbi Max J. Wohlgeiernter,
Cong. Mogen Abraham
Max Kaplan, Pres., Benj. Sachs, Sol G. Chinitz,
Hyman Beale, and David I. Berris
Harry L. Blitz,
Cong. Northwest Israel
Arthur Klein and Benj. Brodman
Sam Nelson, Pres.,
Cong. Nusach Harie
William Axelrod, Yoel Taitelbaum and Louis Hammes
Rabbi Isaac Kaplan,
Cong. Shaarey Shomaim
Jos. Balberor, Pres., and Harry Horowitz
Rabbi Morris Adler; Dr. Leonard
Cong. Shaarey Zedek
Sidlow, Pres., Harry Cohen, and Maurice Zackheim
Benj. Assik, Pres.,
Cong. Shaarey Zion
Ben Gelman, and Max Charness
Rabbi Samuel H. Prero, Solomon B.
Cong. Young Israel
Cohen. Pres., Morris H. Berris, Alter Greenbaum,
Meyer Eisenberg, Rabbi Henry N. Cariebach, Samuel
W. Platt and Max Stollman
Rabbi Richard C. Hertz
Temple Beth El
Rabbi Leon Fram
Temple Israel


Nathan R. Epstein
Daniel Temchin

David J. Cohen
Abraham Nusbaum
Irving W. Schiussel

For Further Information Contact the


TO. 8-3128


No Bond Solicitation

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