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August 15, 1952 - Image 2

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1952-08-15

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Purely Commentary

Collector's Items Prom. a Writer's Private Mail


News Hollywood Correspondent
! Kirk Douglas: "Some people Jewish Copyright,
1952, JTA, Inc.
don't mind the lies told about
George S. Kaufman: "By the them; what worries them is the
Larry Adler: "A snob is one
time a writer discovers he has truth."
who lives in public as the rich
I no talent for literature, he is too
George Jessel: "The wife who do, and in private as the poor
dreams that she is married to do."
. successful to give it up."
Fanr:e Hurst: "Some people a millionaire is not nearly so
Jerry Lewis: "If you want to
think they are worth a lot of troublesome as the wife who flatter somebody, just look seri-
money just because they have thinks so when she's awake.''
ous and ask him what he thinks
: Martha Raye: "The kind of of the general situation."
Harry Hershfield: "It's a girl men toast is the kind of
Maurice Samuel: "Silence is
funny thing that when a man girl women roast."
the only successful substitute
hasn't anything on earth to I
Sid Caesar: "Thirty is a nice
for brains."
worry about he goes off and gets! age for a woman,- especially if
Benny Fields: "Some men
f she happens to be 40."
marry poor girls to settle down,
• Edna Ferber: "Women are I
Gertrude Berg: "The man who and others marry rich ones to
attractive at 20, attentive at I wants a girl who is godd, clever settle up."
30, and adhesive at 40."
'and beautiful doesn't want one;
Max S h ulman
Sophie Tucker: "The modern he wants -three."
much humor in the world be=
Mr. Fink's series of articles ended with his frank admonition
cause there are so many peo-
will satisfy her smallest wish; j creature who has made millions
to Yiddishists to recognize the validity of the English-Jewish
ile who take themselves seri-
press and to treat it properly as a very important instrument what she wants is a man who of laws, but he hasn't yet im- ; Olusly."
will satisfy her biggest ones." proved on the Ten Command-
ill moulding the sentiments of young Jews. His concluding
Cary Grant: "Security is one
Shelly Winters: "A woman meats."
article is of great value as a treatise on the domination of Eng-
forgives the man who kisses Jerry Lester: "Most of our of the most insecure things in
lish among young Jews who have become estranged from Yid-
without consent, but never the troubles would have been avert-
dish. While he makes interesting comparisons between the non-
man who lacks the courage to ed if the Constitution had pro- I Artie Shaw: "When everybody
Jewish newspapers and the Yiddish dailies, indicating that while
kiss when she is willing." vided for mental tests for con- attends to his own business,
the former have gained circulations the latter are constantly
Ed Wynn: "The world is full gressional candidates."
news is .scarce."
losing readers, this portion of his study is of lesser value than
of willing people: some willing
Mel Blanc: "It isn't so hard
Herman Wouk: "Income tax
his conclusions on the need for encouraging young Jews to read
to work, the rest willing to let t-returns are the most imagina- to live on a small salary if you
English-Jewish newspapers. -
He asks for recognition of the fact that the English-Jewish
tive fiction being written today." don't spend too much money
Sam Levenson: "Wealthy wid- Paul Muni: "The only thing trying to keep it a secret."
press is growing in strength and in numbers, that it has a circu-
Shelley Winters: "A girl can
lation of more than 220,000—("more than the Yiddish daily news- ows are the only second-hand worse than being talked about
always live on love, if he is
papers in New York")—and that there are, in addition, many bi- goods that sell at first-rate is not being talked about."
weekly, monthly, quarterly and other Jewish publications in Eng-
Oscar Levant: "My idea of a
Max Shulman: "The early bird successful man is one' who can'
Yehudi Menuhin: "The dis-
lish whose value adds weight to the English-Jewish periodical field.
catches the worm, and he is wel- earn more than his wife can advantage of being rich is that
Mr. Fink makes note of the fact that the English Jewish
come to it."
you have to live with rich peo-
press has strong influence upon the young generation of Ameri-
; spend."
Clifton Fadinian: "The only
can Jews. This, he emphasizes, is of the utmost importance. He
Groucho Marx: "Your knowl- ple."
way to avoid quarreling with ledge of love depends on the way , Paulette Goddard: "Girls who
is realistic—and daring, too—in his warning that the existing
your wife is to let her go her :you grasp your subject."
Yiddish periodicals are uncertain of the morrow in their struggle
offer no resistance lead a very
way and you go hers."
for survival. He advocates practical means of averting a crisis,
I. George Jessel: Most after din- nice existence."
in the interest of retaining the value of Yiddish as a cultural
Mary Livingstone: "What
Phil Silvers: "Money may be ner speeches are usually a diar-;
all right, but you can certainly rhea of words and a con.stipa- some women want for their
waste a lot of time making it": tion of thought."
birthday is ... not to be remind-
Disturbed over this "tragic situation" affecting Yiddish, Mr.
Abe Burrows: "Some people Molly Picon: "Nature is won- ed of it.:'
Fink wishes that Yiddish could be a strong force, that its news-
Clifton Fadiman: "When
would be happy if they had all derful: a million years ago she
papers ands. journals could grow, but is compelled to the admis- the money they want; others didn't know we were going 'to
some people pay you a compli-
sion that the Yiddish theater is dying, that the press is declining,
ment, they look as though
would be happy if they had all wear spectacles, yet look at the
that Yiddish is spoken by fewer people, that Jewish organizations the money their creditors want." way she placed our ears."
they expected a receipt for it."
are beginning to conduct their meetings in English.
Paulette Goddard: "When a Jascha Heifetz: "Man is al-
Norman Corwin: "Some peo-
"When I witness these things, they hurt, but I dare not say
woman really loves a man he ways trying to make something ple don't lie; they merely pre-
that I do not see them," he affirms.
More than that: he brings the issue nearer home with this can make her do anything she for himself rather than some- sent the truth in such a way
wants to do." i thing of himself."
that nobody recognizes it."
practical application:
Henny Youngman : "Although;
"If my daughter is unable to or does not wish to read Yid-
dish, let her, at least, read an English-Jewish Journal so that
wasted, there are few better
she mail-become acquainted with the Jewish spheres in the
ways for a father to receive an
Anyone who approaches the problem in another sense in- education."
Joe E. Lewis: "A man is old
vites suicide for Jewish culture and for Jewry itself.
acs theo in-
(Copyright, 1952, Jewish Telegraphic
Mr. Fink has rendered a real service by bringing the truth— wh en he -
in Yiddish, to those who, in their love for the Yiddish language,
Helena Rubinstein: "The ,
The military dictatorship that has now been established In
fail to see it decline. It is better to recognize truth, in order that
woman who is vogue on the out- Egypt is causing grave concern in Israel . For Israel, the Egyp-
the language may be realistically advanced and protected.
side is usually vague on the in- tian military dictatorship means, of course, a stronger menace on
: side.'
the southern border . . . Such a menace already exists on Israel's
Injustice Sprouts Out of McCarran Act
i Ruth Roman: "When a
northern border with a military dictatorship functioning in Syria
The inju.3tice of the McCarran Act became apparent in th--
woman lowers her voice, its a
. . . The situation is not too encouraging also on the Lebanese
case of Carl Latva. the 49-year-old mill worker who was ordered
sign she wants something;
frontier . .. Tendencies are now developing in Lebanon resembling
deported to Finland. In 1934, he had signed a Communist member-
when she raises it, it's a sign
the situation that led to the Syrian dictatorship ... And it is no
ship card because "they told me they wanted to win a strike in
she didn't get it."
secret any longer that the Arab states which have armistice agree-
which I was involved." He paid a 50-cent fee and 10 cents a
Phil Baker: "It's a good thing ments with Israel have now gotten together to agree on new
month thereafter, and "never heard from them again." He did
not hide the facts and related them when he applied for citizen- that life is not as serious as it measures against Israel . . . The result of their talks have been
kept secret . . . However, it is feared that Syria may any day
ship in 1949. But the McCarran Act must be plain in its cruelty. seems to a waiter."
Victor Young: "If you want to provoke incidents with Israel at the northern border under the
Judge Charles E. Wyzanski of Boston having ruled "WITH RE-
LUCTANCE" that he must deport Latva under the rules of the know the value of money, try pretext of raising anew the Huleh question .. • This is apparently
and borrow some."
going to be part of a plan to exert military pressure upon Israel,
recently adopted legislation.
President Truman was abused for his excoriation of the Mc -1 Edward G. Robinson: "An short of open war, by various forms of nuisance attacks .:.Israel
is watching
il in Jor dan
of h
. e. .nIetw i s n og secret th at
Carran Act, but, as Senators Lehman, Moody, Humphrey, Douglas onion can make people cry, but
cal domination, Jordan s
oNlererore it not for British military and fiscal
and others had warned, the law, in spite of some good provisions, there is no vegetable that can a
make them laugh."
separate existence would have ended by now . . • The death of
carries with it a serious menace to basic freedoms.
Perhaps the Latva case will be the means of bringing the ( Groucho Marx: "He who tries King Abdullah last year brought instability to Jordan, which is
issue to a higher court and to a wiser Congress, so that the Mc- to borrow money soon discovers bound eventually to lead to the annexation of that country by
that all the untouchables don't either Syria or Iraq . . . These two states are fighting fiercely
Carran Act may be given short life.
,sin c e th m ental l n e ss
live in India."
Harpo Marx: "It's always the brought the regime in Jordan to all but an end . .. But foreign
best policy to tell the truth, un- Arab domination of Jordan cannot' be tolerated by Israel . . . Is-
less of course you're an excep- rael cannot allow Iraqi or Syrian troops along her long open
George Jessel, film tionally good liar."
border, or in the divided city of Jerusalem . _ Such a change
Lillian Hellman: "The secret would be resisted by Israel, and might lead to open conflict ...
producer and come-
dian, will make his of successful writing lies in United Nations truce officials are well aware of this situation ...
striking the right keys on the So are the governments of Britain and the United States.
first visit to Israel typewriter."
Aug. 20 as part of his
Marlene Dietrich: "Men have The Domestic Front
overseas fact-finding' less courage than women: im-
The Maclver Report, a controversial issue in American Jewish
survey mission for agine a man with 10 cents in
life since May, 1951, is again coming to the forefront . .. The
the United Jewish his pocket trying on 10 suits
fate of some of its major recommendations with regard to the
Appeal which will of clothes.7
coordination of the activities of the Jewish groups engaged in
Judy Holliday; "Twenty-five combatting anti-Semitism is to be decided early next month ..
prepare him for a
speaking tour in be- is the proper age fob, a woman; No wonder, therefore, that the battle between those favoring the
half of the UJA's fall if she is not proper by that basic suggestions by Prof. Maclver and those opposing these sug-
campaign. Jessel, who time, she never will be."
gestions is now again raging in the open . In this tug-of-war,
will be accompanied
the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds stands on
by his daughter, Jeri-
the pro-Maclver side while the American Jewish Committee and
lynn, will meet top-
the Anti-Defamation League stand jointly against the Maclver
ranking officials and
recommendations . . . The fight must now come to some kind of
officers of the gov-
a climax at the Plenary Session of the National Community Rela-
ernment to get on-
tions Advisory Council scheduled to open Sept. 6 in Atlantic City
the-spot accounts of
. . . Indications point to the fact that this time the atmosphere Le
Israel's economic
far from being conducive for reaching a compromise . . . Nor is it
shortages. During his
likely that both sides will this time again postpone the settling of
travels throughout Is- Rosh Hashanah
Sept. 20, 21 the issues involved . .. The question, therefore, is: Will the
rael, the comedian ,Yom Kippur
Sept. 29 American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation League
Oct. 4, 5 , walk out of the National Community Relations Advisory Council
with star in a motion Sukkot
picture short which Shemini Atzereth .
Oct. 11 if the majority there votes against the stand of these two organ-
Oct. 12 izations? . .. Competent observers doubt whether such a c7ivoree
will help raise the Simhat -Torah
vast sums required to Hanukah
Dec. 13-20 will actually take place . . .They believe that now is not the time
aid the new democ-
for starting independent fund-raising drives for any organization
racy. The picture will Purim
March 1 which for years has enjoyed the financial report of the welfare
be filmed in actual settlement and rehabilitation installations Passover
March 31-April 7 funds throughout the country .. . However, others point to the
financed by funds raised through the UJA.
May 20, 21 I fact that the American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defama-
Tisha b'Ab
July 21 i tion League have been conducting their joint independent drive
Friday, August 15, 1952
Rosh Hashanah 5714, Sept. 10, 1.1. 1n
ew 'ork and pan do Aie-same in other cities.


Yiddishists Approach Realism
A controversy over the virility of the Yiddish press, fanned by
Dr. A. Roback who himself writes for Yiddish magazines but pub-
lishes his books in English, appears to have brought many ex-
tremists to their senses and into admitting that their position
is not so strong, and that the Yiddish press is not the potent force
it was a generation ago.
The die-hards were brought to their senses by a series of
articles by Reuben Fink\ in the Freie Arbeiter Shtirrime, in whose
columns Dr. Roback first began his tirade on the question • of the
Yiddish press against this Commentator. Out of it has developed
a clear-thinking evaluation of the Yiddish press and a realistic
examination of its present status by Mr. Fink, a New York teacher
of mathematics who had an interesting career as a Washing-tan
correspondent for a Yiddish daily, and whose book on this coun-
try's position on the Palestine question was among the most val-
uable published in the years when it became necessary to en-
lighten non-Jews on the Jewish position.



Between You and Me


Jessel to Visit Israel for WA

3 a iLlits
Cal n octs,

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