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August 15, 1952 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1952-08-15

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Mc Caran Act

More Realistic
In Viewing the
English Press

Read Commentator's
Column on Page 2

VOLUME 21—No. 23


of Jewish Events"

The Mounting
European Dangers

Echo of Palestine
War in Egypt

Editorials, Page 4

Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newsp;oper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle

708 David Stott Bldg.—Phone WO. 5-1155 Detroit, Michigan, August 15, 1952 .,e*7


$4.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 10c

State Dept. !tures Israel Eligible
for Reimbursible Military Help
,Eban Heads Uill-Bond Coordinating - Body

committee to co-ordinate the
drives of the Israel Bond or-
ganization and the United
Jewish Appeal is expected to
be formed this month follow-
ing discussions held between
the Ambassador of Israel, •
representatives of the Israel
bond campaign, leaders of the
United Jewish Appeal and
representatives of the Jewish
Agency's U. S. Section

New Israel Crisis?

Does the situation in .1 ordan
point to a new danger f or I s-
rael? Events in their neighbot
ing state are being watched
with keen interest by Israelis,
following the abdication of
Ring TALAL (left) and as-
sumption of the throne by his
son, Prince HUSSEIN, 17, (be-
Il low), who has been studying in
England. Talal, 41, succeeded
his father, Abdullah, who was
assassinated in 1951.


iT '


The main principles approved
by the Israel government and
conveyed to the Israel Ambassa-
dor in Washington for imple -
mentation include:
1. Full support for both the
bond drive and the UJA.
2. The establishment of a
committee with representa-
tives of the bond drive, the
United Jewish Appeal and the
Jewish Agency under the
chairmanship of the Israel
3. This committee is to plan
co-ordinated activity by both
drives and to issue binding di-
rectives for reconciling any
differences or conflicts.
4. The acceptance of agreed

time schedules to eliminate

conflicts in communities.
An 18-man delegation of the
Israel bond organization will
leave for Israel Aug. 22 for a 15-
day stay to study American in-
vestments in Israel and to con-
suit Cabinet members.
The JTA reports that the Is-
reel government on Wednesday
withdrew its bill for special sta.` -
us to the Jewish Agency. It is
expected that the matter will be
taken -up by the Israel Cabinet
on Sunday. but it is uncertain
whether the bill will be resub -
mitted again to the Knesset and
whether it will be acted upon
prior to the Knessset's adjourn-
ment for the summer vacation
on Aug. 27. ∎

gra•G and

in white


NA'ASHINGTON. (JTA)—The State Department
announced Monday that the government of Israel and
the American government completed an agreement on
July 23. 1952, whereby Israel became eligible to re-
:.eive military assistance on a reimbursible basis from
the United States under the provisions of the Mutual
Security Act of 1949, as amended.
Israel is now entitled to make applications for the

purchase of munitions from United States stocks "in return
for payment -at fair value." Israel presented its official
request for military assistance early this winter. Other
governments in the Near East already eligible to purchase
equipment on a reimbursible basis, the State Department
said. are Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
The permission granted by the United States to Israel
to purchase arms from this government has nothing to
do with the application of Israel for grant aid provided
under the terms of Paragraph 202 of the Mutual Security
Act of 1952. This was learned when the State Department
pointed out that Israel will have to pay for everything it
gets and that the new arrangement merely means that
Israel can buy directly from the government rather than
from private American companies.
It is considered a step forward because Israel may now
be able to buy certain categories of munitions previously
A spokesman for the Department of Defense said that
the Department does not consider Israel to be earmarked
as a country guaranteed free arms under the Mutual Se-
curity Act. However. funds are contained in the Act, the
spokesman said, for both Israel and the Arab states totalling
approximately $50,000.000 and could be extended if recom-
mended by President Truman, following consultation with
the Secretary of State. joint Chiefs-of-Staff and the Na-
tional Security Council.
Before an outright grant would be made. it was learned,
a bilateral agreement must be signed. Then an American
military Mission would go to Israel and survey the Israel
Army and the defense needs of the state. The mission
would then return and its recommendations would De
screened by the joint Chiefs-of-Staff. Actually. however,
the State Department has not yet indicated officially its
views on the extension of such free grants of arms to Israel.
Commenting on the State Department's announcement
Monday that Israel is now eligible to receive United States
government aid in acquiring arms in the U. S.. a spokesman
for the Israel embassy said Tuesday that he wished to ex-
press - appreciation and satisfaction - at this announcement.
The spokesman added that the agreement covered re-
imbursible aid and that Israel is encouraged "by this im-
portant development to hope for favorable attention to its
request. which is still pending. for military aid under section
202 of the Mutual Security Program."


uniform and decorations, England's Lord LOUIS

MOUNTBATTEN called on Israeli Prime Minister DAVID
in the latter's office in Jerusalem. The World

War It naval hero toured the Jewish state and talked to gov-

officials. In Tel Aviv, Israel Foreign Ministry of-
any discussions with Earl
ficials denied that there were
in Wash-
in-Chief, on
Ington, American officials made it clear that British proposals


for the formation of a Middle East Defense Command are
acceptable to the United States.

U.S. Investments Aid Israel:

As the New Year 5713 ap-

proaches, all phases of Israel's economy are s'lowing expansion and growth under the im-
the 5500.000.000 State of Israel Bond Issue. Bond
pact of American investments through
drive funds are making possible the expansion of Haifa Harbor (left) , so that its capacity
will increase from 1,300,000 tons to 4,000.000 tons of cargo a year. Modern methods are
being applied to agriculture, as in the use of mechanized harvesting equipment (center),
The new superphosphate plant of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Ltd. (right) , built with the aid
of the Israel Bond drive, is producing material vitally necessary to the country's farms.

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