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January 25, 1952 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1952-01-25

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Twe ty-First Annual Donor Event

of the Ladies' Auxiliary
of the Jewish National Fund of Detroit

Tuesday, January 29, 8:15 p.m., at the Masonic Temple


The Star Spangled Banner


Jean Jaslove
Accompanist, Mrs. Herman Bregman


President, Ladies' Auxiliary of Jewish National Fund

Report ow: 21st Annual Donor E-vent


Chairman, Donor Event



President, Detroit Jewish National Fund Council

Introduction of Guests


Chairman, Program Committee


Guest Artist


Guest Speaker




Officers, Captams of 1952 JNF Auxiliary's Donor Event

Honorary President, Mrs. Dina , Grossbart, Mrs. Joseph Rubin,
Milkovsky Kaplan; President, 1 Mrs. Oscar Ruzumria, Mrs. P. M
Mrs. Albert Prag; Chairman of SikoV; Corresponding Secreta-
Board a n d 1st Vice-President, ries, Mrs. Gus Jacob& Mrs. Man-
Mrs. Jules Kraft; Donor Event ny Barris, Mrs.- Max Stollman.;
Chairman and 2nd Vice-Presi- Financial Secretary, Mrs. Joseph
dent, ivfrs. Sidney Ravin; Donor Greenbaum; Treasure r,, Mrs.
Event Co-Chairman, Mrs. Philip ' Jack Rosenthal; Donor Secreta-
Slomovitz; Chairman of Mem- ries, Mrs. Harry Schumer, Chair-
bership and 3rd Vice-President, ' man, Mrs. Joseph Greenbaum,
Mrs. -Milton Winston; Chairman Mrs. I. Berkowitz, Mrs. P. Sikov;
of Trees and 4th Vice-President, Ticket Chairman, Mrs. Jack
Mrs. Samuel Krone; Chairman Grossbart; Program Chairman,
of Blue Boxes and • 5th Vice- Mrs. Ir ving Arlin; Publicity
President, Mrs: Isadore Good- Chairman, Mrs. Harry Portnoy;
man; Co-chairmen of Blue Organizations Chairman, Mrs.
Boxes, Mrs. Leon Kay and Mrs. Na than Rosin; Organizations
Mary Scott; Recording Secretary, Key-Women, Mrs. Louis Light-
Mrs. Al Schneider.
stone, Mrs. William Mandell, Mrs..
Dues Secretaries, Mrs. Jack Julius Ring.


Great Afforestation
to Israel

JNF Auxiliary Fund-Raising Chairman .

Our activities for Keren -Kayemeth LeIsrael
have been. manifold. There is no doubt that the
_ work of lewish National Fund stands out as a
splendid chapter in the history of our struggle
for the Homeland.
By joining with. Jewish
National - Fund, you, the
Jews of Detroit, have help-
ed Israel grow. With your
traditional contributions,
such as tree planting, you
are constantly linked with
the State of Israel. • -- -
Immigrants from all
over the world build new
lives on Jewish National
Fund land. Israel's extend-
ed afforestation plan, de.-
signs to cover the denuded
hills with more than 200;-

R a vi n

000,000 trees. .

This plan has proved a ..tremetidous benefit
to the country. Not only does it mean restora-
tion of -its forests but it also means employment
for thouSands of new citizens who derive a liVe-
lihood from their work for Jewish National
This year our donor funds have been alto
eated to the Forest of the. Martyrs. The growing
mantle of green spreading across Israel and the
fields of new grain that once were a sea of
boulders is a glowing testimonial to Jewish Na-
tional Fund accomplishments.
It is heartening to know that you, the con-
„ttibutors to Jewish National Fund, have this
year again felt the great needs of our cause.
It is my privilege to be associated with such
a loyal and conscientious army of workers whose
names are listed on the page. I should like in
particular to express my sincerest thanks and
appreciation to my very capable co-chairman,
Mrs. Philip Slomovitz.
A great ideal has motivated the efforts of
Our loyal workers. May their hands be strength-
ened for continuation of their devoted work in
Israel's behalf”,

THE JEWISH NEWS—Janukry 26, 1952-1141

Golden Book and Dunam
Chairman, Mrs. Irving Shevin;
Sefer Hayeled Chairman, Mrs.
I. Walter Silver; Sefer Bar-Mitt
vah Chairman, Mrs. David J.
COhen; Memoriams Chairman,
Mrs. Morris Lachover. Social
Chairmen, Mrs. Leo Lesser, Mr3.
Al Posen, Mrs. Sidney Katchem;
Bond Chairman, Mrs. Beryl Har-
rison; Bulletin Chairman, Mrs.
Samuel N. Heyman; Office Com-
mittee, Mrs. Joseph Rubin,
Chairman, and Mesdames Joseph
Greenbaum, Al Schneider, A. T.
Osik, A. Zalenko, A. Scheuer, J.
C. Snider.
Division Chairmen: Mrs. Jack

Aaron, Mrs. Peter Chodoroff, Mrs. Herrnelin, Samuel N. Heyman,
Albert Clubok, Mrs. Isaac Kar- William Hordes, I. Kardener,
dener, Mrs. Irvin A. Lawton, Mrs. Sidney Katchem, Leon Kay, Ben-
William Levin, Mrs. Albert New- jamin Klein, Morris Kutinsky,
man, Mrs. Harry Davis, Mrs. Max _Morris Lachover, Benjamin Lai-
Partrich, Mrs. Irving W. Schlus- kin.
sel, Mrs. Milton Winston, Mrs. Al
I. A. Lawton, Leo Lesser, Mau-
rice Levy, I. A. Liebson, Nathan
Pledge Chairman, Mrs. Harry Linden, William Mandel, Harry
Newcorn, Albert Newman, Max
* * *
Partrich, Harry Portnoy, Al Po-
sen, Julius Ring, Nathan Rosin,
Joseph Rubin, Irving Schlussel,
Mesdames Jack Aaron, Irving Morritz Schubiner, Benjamin
Berkowitz, Al Clubok, David. J. Schwartz,' Harry Schwartz, Sam
Cohen, Sam Cohen, Meyer Coop- Schwartz, - Mary Scott, Arthur
er,Philip Cutler, Harry Davis,
Morris Davis, Ralph Falk, Chas. Selmar, Frank Skolnik, Philip
Friedenberg, Harry Gross, Beryl Slomovitz, Sam Solomon, Irving
Harrison, Max Hayman, Irving Shevin, Philip Stollman, I. Zeff.

Captains of Donor Event

Mesdames S. Aaron, Irving Ar-
lin, H. Bale, A. Berger, Irving
BerkoWitz, H. Berlin, N. Borins,
Jack .Bookstein, Harry Buchman,
I. Burnstein, S. Brower.
Mesdames S. Cabot, Harry
Cash, Larry Chanin, D. Cohen,
J. Cohen, S. Cohen, Meyer Coop-
er, Philip Cutler, M. Davis, Jo-
seph Deytshe, Abraham De Ro-
ven, Ralph Falk, I. Faxstein, P.
Feirstein, M. Fishman, Sam Fol-
be, Elka Freedman, Chas. Fried-
enberg, Tobias Fuller, Joseph
Goldfarb, Isadore Goodman, Sid-
ney G o r m a n, Abe Green, D.
Greenbaum, Joseph Greenbaum,
Jack Grossbart, Harry Gross,
Max Gvazda.
Mesdames Beryl Harrison,_
„Sherman Harrison, Max HaY--
man, Israel Hertz, Samuel Hey-
man, I Hermelin, M. Hittman,
William Hordes, Charles Jacobs,
Gus Jacobs, Sam Jacobson.
Mesdames Clara Kaller, Leon
Kay, Williath Kiafer, Ben Klein,
M. Knopper, I. Kolodny, Harry
Kraft, Jules Kraft,• S. . Krone,
Karl Kutinsky, M.. Kwaselow;


Sam Kobaker.

Mesdames . Morris Lachover,
Benj. Laikin, S. Leach, Maurice
Levy, Isaac Liebson, Louis Light-
stone, Nathan Linden, Harry
Linton, S. Liptzen, L. Lesser.
Mesdames William Mandell, J.
Messer, B. Milinsky, B. Miller,
Karl Mindell,. Harry Newcorn, B.
Mesdames A. Panush, Bernard
Pesick, PiankO, Harry Piaven,
L. Please, Albert Potiker, Albeit
Prag, H. Portnoy, Albert Posen.
" Mesdames Sidney Ravin, Juli-
us Ring, Jack .Rosenthal, N. Ro-
sin, Joseph Rubin, 0. Ruzumna.
Mesdames J. Sabbath, Ted
Schaffer, Morritz Schubiner,
Harry Schumer, Ben Schurgin,
Benj. Schwartz, Harry Schwartz,
Sam Schwartz, Mary Scott, A.
Selesny, B. Seyburn, Irving She-
vin, Isaac Shewach, B. Sik-o r,
Solomon Sill, I. Water Silver, 1.
Singer, William Silver, F. Skol-
nik, Philip Slomovitz, Harry Sott,
S. Solomon, M. Stollman, Joseph
Weisberg, Rose Whiteman, I.
Zeff, Sol Zeme. -

Honorary Board Members

Mesdames S. Becker, Charles William Feltner, Nathan Finkel,
Brody, Rose Cabot, John Hay- Max Hayman, B. Lehrman, Louis
man, William Kiafer, Harry Lightstone, A. D. Markson, Abra-
Kraft, Louis. Miller, N. Newman, ham Miller, Louis Rycus,_i_kdolph
Abraham Panush, I. Faxstein, Smilo, William Silver, M. Wexler.

Our Proud Share in
Israel's Upbuilding

President, JNF Auxiliary

After 50 years of' existence, the Jewish Na-
tional Fund looks with pride upon the achieve-
ments of the past and with confidence into the
future as the greatest single force in the up-
building of the State of
During those years, the
J.N.F. has drained marshes,;
leveled sand dunes, brought .
irrigation to parched soil,
dug wells and conducted
afforestation work in Pal-
estine where ancient for-
ests have been devastate
by centuries of neglect. It
is the proud task of the
J.N.F. to take the lead in
restoring fertility, beauty
and prosperity to the Land
of Israel.
Mrs. Prag
This year, the J.N.F. has
undertaken the vast-project of the Forest of Sir
Million, or the Forest of the Martyrs, in com-
memoration of the six million Jews who were
done to death by the Hitler hordes.
This Forest is being planted through the'
J.N.F. by the Jews of the world on the hills of:
Judea, in the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv Corridor. -
The Six Million Jews will not have died in
vain if in their places trees of continuous life
are lodged in the soil for all to see as symbols
of the future.
Detroit Jewry has made important contribu-
tions to J.N.F. in the past—and it is reasonable
to believe that its efforts in this field will con-
tinue unabated.
I wish to extend sincere thanks and appre-
ciation to Mrs. Sidney Ravin, our fund raising
chairman, Mrs. Philip Slomovitz, co-chairman,
and their entire staff of officers; to all division
chairmen and their co-workers; the donor event
secretaries; and all the members of the Ladies°
Auxiliary for their splendid co-operation and
untiring efforts in bringing the campaign to a
successful conclusion,
It is our sincere hope that the citizens of
Israel, with our help, will make of a small coun-
try, a great democracy.


`The.. Voice of the Land'


Prime Minister of Israel

There is no longer any artificial barrier dividing us from the
land which calls for redemption: not redemption for profit and
property, but redemption by work and production, redemption
of trees and flowers, of corn and oil.
Now that the Jewish people is the ruling power in its own
land, it is inconceivable that the hills should remain for long with-
out a covering of trees and the valleys without a carpet of verdure,
or that the springs of the Negev should not be opened to stake the
thirst of the parched land.
Let the youth hear the cry of the land and equip themselves
for the greatest task that man can expect to find on earth: making
the waste places fruitful and conquering the mighty forces of na-
ture; let the whole people listen, Olim and soldiers released from
the army, and let them cleave to the soil of the homeland, to build
it and to be rebuilt• in it.

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