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October 20, 1950 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1950-10-20

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Joseph Zechmans to Be Honored
Oil Golden /edding Anniversary

One of Detroit's most distin-
guished couples—Mr. and. Mrs.
Joseph A. Zechman — will ob-
serve their 50th wedding anni-
versary Sunday, Oct. 22. They



Friday, October 20, 1950

Marilyn Janet Koffman

Shaarey Zedek and of Pisgah
Lodge of Bnai Brith for 50 years, Weds Herbert Cantor
he also is affiliated with Perfec-
At a candlelight, double-ring
tion Lodge of the Masonic
Order, is a 32nd Degree Mason ceremony on Sept. 23 at North-
and a Shriner. He was in the west Hebrew Cong., .Marilyn
retail business for 40 years on
East Lafayette Boulevard until Janet Koffman, daughter of Mr.
I his retirement several years ago.
Mrs. Zechman, daughter • of
Detroit pioneers, Mr. and Mrs.
I Morris Harris, was born in Pitts-
burg, Kan., 71 years ago, but
has lived in Detroit for 55 years.
She is a past president of the
Sisterhood of Shaarey Zedek,
past worthy matron of Purity
Chapter of Eastern Star and
for many years a member of
Mr. and Mrs. Zechman have
four children, Leo M. Zechman,
' Mrs. Charles Rubiner, Mrs. Beu-
lah Lewis and Manuel Zechman;
nine grandchildren and four


will be honored with a reception
on the occasion of the golden
.^-:,,..event at the home of their chil-
dren, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ru-
biner., 2044 Chicago Blvd_
The reception will have double
significance, since it also marks
the 25th wedding anniversary of
the hosts—the Charles Rubiners.
Mr. Zechman was born in Tit-
zit, Lithuania, 73 years ago, but
was brought to Springfield, Ill.,
as a young - boy. He settled in
Detroit after his marriage.
A member of Congregation

New Teen Facilities
Open at Dexter Center

New facilities at the Dexter-
Davison Branch of the Jewish
Community Center for the fall
program for teen agers are an-
nounced by Bill Rosenthal, as-
sistant supervisor.
In the newly opened play-
ground, games for teen-agers
will be organized and supervised
by Boris Katz, health education
A new, fully equipped photog-
raphy darkroom, donated by Max
J. Kogan, will be used by the
teen-agers photography club un-
der Lew Tendler, Detroit News
staff man.
A ceramics room, equipped
through the courtesy of Milton
J. Saffir and Max J, Kogan, and
a newly equipped arts and crafts
room, donated by Kogan, will be I
opened under Lenore Konikow.
Seventeen teen age clubs, serv-
ing boys and girls 14 to 21, will
46 ► -meet at the Dexter-Davison
branch this year. All clubs are
open for new members.


KOGAN Auxiliary has planned
a social for 8:30 p. m. the even-
ing of Oct. 26 at the Memorial
Home. Films will be shown, fol-
lowed by entertainment and re-
freshments. Members are urged
to attend and bring their
DETROIT POST will sponsor a
membership party at 8:30 p.m.
Monday evening at the Memor-
ial Home. Marvin Bernstein,
membership chairman, has se-
cured the "Van Carlo Trio" for
entertainment. Members are
asked to bring at least one friend
eligible for JWV membership.



The fourth annual LADIES
EON will be held on Nov. 8, at
Masonic Temple.
Figures released at the Na-
tional encampment of the JWV
Ladies Auxiliary held Oct. 4 to
Oct. 8 showed that during the
year 150,000 veterans were ser-
viced at the expense of over
$300,000. -
Sixteen local auxiliaries parti-
cipate with six hundred auxili-
aries to support non sectarian
scholarships to Brandies Univer-
sity; a milk fund for D.P. chil-
dren; a program for Israeli vet-
erans; laboratory at General
Maurice Rose Hospital in Den-


and Mrs. Alfred Koffman, of
Wildemere Ave., became the
bride of Herbert Clive Cantor,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Can-
tor, of Chicago Blvd.
The bride wore a gown of
candlelight satin, fashioned
with a deep yolk of Pointe de
Lyon lace, tapering to a V at the
waist. Her fingertip illusion veil
fell from a satin Juliet cap, and
she carried a white Bible with
white orchids and stephanotis.
1 Mrs. Joyce Epstein, sister of
the groom served as matron of I
"honor, and the groom's brother-
in-law, was best man. Brides-1
maids were Elaine Koffman, Lila!
Rosen and Janet Weingarden.
Ushers were Dr-. Paul Pensler,
Seymour Cantor, Marvin King,'
Buddy Giegan, Marvin Starman
and Seymour Edelson.
The couple will reside at Ann
Arbor while they finish their
studies at the University of

Israel 'Remarkable'
Say Drews After Visit

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Drews of
12500 Broadstreet, back from a
European and Israel trip, com-
mented that they found the
JeWish state more remarkable
than they had expected.
Mrs. Drews, who is active in
Hadassah, said that she was
thrilled to be witness to the ac-
tual workings of the great
health movement, its child care
program and hospital facilities.
During her visit in Germany,
Mrs. Drews was impressed by
the fact that the people there
have not forgotten Hitler, that
they still live under the spell of
the fuelirer even though they do
not mention his name. She said
that the Germans play the in-
nocents and try to give the im-
pression that there are no Nazis.
Dr. and Mrs. Drews visited
France, Italy, Belgium, Holland
and Switzerland and during Mrs.
Drews' prolonged stay in Ger-
many, Dr. Drews was also in
Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
Their children, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph A. Raimi (Sonia Drews)
recently returned from a 15-
month stay in Paris. Mr. Raimi
now has a teaching fellowship
at the University of Michigan.


Detroit Chapter of Hadas-
sah has arranged for the
showing of a Hadassah film,
showing Hadassah in action
in Israel, over WWJ-TV, from
2:15 to 2:30 Thursday, Oct.

East Central Conclave
To Discuss Resettlement

CLEVELAND—Delegates from
seven states attending the East
Central States Conference of
United Service for New Ameri-
cans in Cleve-
land Nov. 4-5
will be led in
their discussion
of resettlement
programs for
Jewish sury iv -
*ors by Mrs. Alex
4 '" B. Miller, head
the Cleve-
Mrs. Miller land New
mittee, who has been . named
chairman of the conference.
A feature of the meeting will
be a first-hand report from a
USNA leader recently returned
from a survey of DP installa-
tions abroad.

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This Week's Radio and Tele-
vision Programs of
Assisting chairman Trudy Bale on the •
general committee are: Mesdames • Leah
Jewish Interest
Schuster, ticket chairman ; Arlene Rhodes,
program chairman; Berte Troy. liner
chairman; Ruth Elson, program book
Time: 8 a.m., Sunday, Oct. 22.
chairman ; Ruth Schreiber, flower and
arrangements; co-liner chairman Mildred
Station 'WWJ.
Lewis and Harriet Bogorad, co-ticket.
Feature : Morton Wishengrad's
* '4 *
, "Young Man in a Hurry" will
"Junior Jamboree" will be the be presented. It is a sensitive
theme of the JOSEPH L. BALE story of a young refugee boy
AUXILIARY membership tea to who became an American in a 1111
be held on Thursday, at the hurry, and still took time to be-
Memorial Home, announced come an inventor.
president Gertrude Hertzberg.
* *
Mrs. Mildred Zerkel, junior vice
president, is chairman of the
Time: 10 a.m., Sunday, Oct. 1111
affair and is being assisted by 22.
Mesdames Betty Litt and Ruth
Station: WXYZ.
Feature: Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, C
* V*
a visit to Europe
Sept. 20 — To Dr. and Mrs. • SERGEANT MORTON A. SIL- and Israel, on
will deliver a "Report
Harold Milinsky (Tova Snyder), VERMAN POST, will be the host on the Jewish State."
Sunday ,night at a Monte Carlo
a daughter, Sharon Binah.
night, at Memorial Home. The
Oct. 1 — To Mr. and Mrs. Her- public is invites to the event.
Gottlieb to Address
bert Miller (Florence Tchor), of
Following a regular business
Snowden Ave.,a son, Norman
meeting of SHOLOM POST
AUXILIARY Thursday evening . Chaim Gotlieb, member of
Sept. 27—To Dr. and Mrs. Her- at Cong. Shaarey Zedek, Emile, Histadrut and recently returned
man H. Bennett (Geraldine enowed hair-stylist, led a discus- from Israel, will address the
Meyers) of Grand Ave., a son, sion on hair styling and dem- Women's Auxiliary of Maimon-
• onstrated his work on three ides Medical Society at a lunch-
Steven Ira.
eon meeting Tuesday.
I auxiliary members.
Proceeds of the souvenir book
Oct. 6—To Mr. and Mrs. Her-
:will be used
bert Pfeffer (Jean Fistikin) a
again for arti-
ILIARY meets at 8:30 p.m.,
son, Steven Leo.
* * *
Tuesday at the JWV Memorial
ficial limbs and
Oct. 1—To Mr. and Mrs. Har- Home. Hostesses for the eve-
of Israel's
old Gurstein (Ellen Sigi.nan), a ning will be Sue Gelson, Mar-
jorie Greenberg, Ida Greenberg
wounded. M r s.
daughter, Linda Diane.
* * *
and Minnie Eisen. Ann Hoff-
Hy Mellen is
souvenir b o o k
Oct. 9—To Mr. and Mrs. Har- man was national delegate to
chairman, a n d
old Gross (Elaine Burman), of the national convention at As-
4 Mrs. Morris
Tracey Ave..
, a son, Jeffery Al- bury Park, N.J.;. and gave a re-
K a z d a n fund
port. of the activities at the last
i raising chairman.
Hostesses for the luncheon
Card of Thanks
are Mesdames Morton Adler,
The family of the late Harry H. B. .Appelman, Alan Agree,
Rev. Yehudah Loewy
Weisenfeld wishes to express Sam Alpiner, Ben Bader, Jos-
sincerest thanks to relatives and eph Baks t, Sanford Bennet,
Hospitals and Homes
friends for the kindnesses shown Morris Braverman, Daniel Bud-
WE. 4-2696
them in their recent bereave- son, Meyer Cantor, Herman
, meet.
1Cohen, and. Robert Cowen.

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