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August 04, 1950 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1950-08-04

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diviiico in Socieiy

Mr: and Mrs. B. D. Bennett of Duluth, Minn., have returned
to their home after spending a fortnight in Detroit visiting with
the Joseph Fishmans of Indiana Ave.
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Green left to visit their son, Howard,
who is at Camp Tamakwa for the summer. They will visit in
Toronto and then motor to Charlevoix for a week's stay.
Mayor and Mrs. Albert E. Cobo were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry H. Weinbaum at their summer home in Charlevoix last
Louis James Rosenberg, of the Belcrest Hotel has returned
from a trip to Salvador and Panama. Mr.. Rosenberg is Consul-
General for Panama at Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lewis of Birmingham returned this
week from a month's vacation in Charlevoix, Mich.
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Spero and their daughter,. Alice, have
returned to Detroit from a three-weeks' vacation in Los Angeles,
Calif., where they visited with family and friends.
Mrs. Harry Gleick, Jr., and her son, Donen, of Clayton, Mo.,
have returned to their home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Julian
Wolfner . of Burlington Drive.
Among the guests at Camp Hiawatha in Comins, Mich., during
the recent parents' week-end, were Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Bloom
who visited their son Steven, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Bloom whose
son Douglas is summering at that camp, the Emil Roses visiting
their son, David, and Dr. and Mrs. Tomliarwil, to be with their
son, Brand.
The Frank Bernsteins of Oak Drive are vacationing at Ra-
mona Park Hotel in Harbor Beach, Mich.
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Cowan and family of W. Chicago Blvd.,
are spending the summer at Kingsyille, Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Brown and their daughter, Barbara, of
Strathcona Drive have returned from their vacation in the West.
They visited in Colorado Springs, Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Grosner and their daughter, Joan, have
moved from Atkinson Ave. to their new home at 19715 Shrewsbury

June Bride

Singer and Gourmet


Ian Peerce Presents
His Favorite Recipe


(Copyright, 1950, Jewish Telegraphic
Agency, Inc.)

When the long distance oper-
ator put my call in for Jan
Peerce, the world-famous tenor,
whose home is in New York, I
thought I would have a long
wait. I was
pleasantly sur-
prised at having
Jan answer the
telephone . .
not his secreta-
ry or business
manager. Jan's
speaking voice
is as rich and
resonant as his
;lorious singing
1 an Peerce voice.
Jan told me that he plans to
concertize with the Israel Phil-
harmonic Orchestra and give
some recitals while in that
I asked Jan my favorite_ ques-
tion, What was his favorite fOod
and did he have a recipe? . . .
Oh yes, he had the "best recipe
for Boiled Chicken in the Pot
with Matzoh Balls I could ever
Here is Jan •Peerce's recipe:

4 to 5 pound chicken
1 onion
3 cups cold water
1 cup shredded carrot
1/2 cup finely diced celery_
1/2 teaspoon salt.

Section chicken or cut into,
.serving portions. Heat a heavy,
deep pot and sear chicken on all
sides. No other fat is .needed.
Add onion and stir until onion
is light yellow. Add other in-
gredients and cook over moder-
ate heat until chicken is tender.
Cover the pot tightly. Cooking
time about one and one-half

Matzoh Balls
2 eggs separated
1/2 cup matzoh meal
1‘, teaspoon salt.

. Beat egg whites and yolks
separately. Combine, a d d i
salt and matzoh meal gradually
while stirring. Refrigerate 30
minutes, before forming into
small 'balls with a teaspoon or
by rolling in the palms of the
hands. Drop one by one into
boiling water. Cover and cook
at a slow boil for 20 minutes.
Combine both for Boiled
Chicken and Matzoh. Balls.

Men's Clubs

Leo Guenebaum, chairman of
the social committee of the
that the annual picnic will take
Sunday, Aug. 6, in Kensington
Park. Members and friends are
invited and should bring their
own food. For transportation,
call. Al Schuler, TY..7-6455.


The marriage of Ester Pelavin,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Pelavin of Broadstreet Blvd.,
and David B. Rosenthal, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rosenthal
of Chicago, took place June 25
at the Wilshire Hotel.
Rabbi Jacob Segal solemnized
the double-ring ceremony.
A gown of white,slipper satin
with lace bodice and peplum
was the bride's choice for her
wedding. Her fingertip veil of
illusion fell from a Juliet cap
of satin embroidered with pearls
She carried white orchids and
stephanotis on an ivory Bible.
Mrs. Celia Goodman . was her
sister's matron-of-honor, and
Joseph Tannenbaum served his
brother as best man.
Guests from Chicago, Cleve-
land, Flint, California, Cuba and
New Jersey attended the wed-

Hillel, Affiliates Give
$120,000 to Drives

Friday, August 4, 1950

Wedding, Held at Statler

At an all-white wedding in an
improvised chapel at the Hotel
Statler July 29, Suzanne Salas-
nek and Sherman Alan Men-


delsohn were united in marriage
by Rabbi Morris Adler.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Max Gilbert Salas-
nek of Fullerton Ave., and Mr.
and Mrs. Harry K. Mendelsohn
of LaSalle Blvd. are the parents
of the bridegroom.
Lace and irridescent seed
pearls from her mother's wed-
ding gown trimmed young Mrs.
Mendelsohn's bridal , gown of
white imported French organdy.
Huge rundle _ sleeves and full
skirt . with modified cathedral
train were features of the gown.
Her veil of silk illusion was
caught to her head by a cap of
lace, and she carried two white'
orchids and phaelanopsis on a
prayer book.
Iris Kovinsky was maid-of-
honor, and Audrey Raphel, .Lor-
raine Markey and Judie Meret-
sky of Windsor were brides-
maids. The bridegroom's father
attended him as best man, and
the ushers were his brother,
Richard Mendelsohn; the bride's
brother and uncle, Lowell and
Arthur Salasnek, Maxwell Gold-
man, Jerome Pepper, Dr. Don-
ald Polk, Bernard Levin of Cam-
den, N. J. and Melvin Barkov
of Philadelphia.
Following the wedding recep-
tion and supper, the young
couple left for a month's honey-
moon in Florida. They will re-
side in Philadelphia for a year,
while Mr. Mendelsohn completes
his studies. Their permanent
home will be in Detroit.

Organize Scout Troop

Boy Scout Troop 469, for Jew-
ish Community Center members
and children of members, is now
being organized. It will begin
regular meetings at the Dexter-
Davison Branch in the fall,
with Harold Rosenthal as scout-
master. Applications for troop
membership are accepted at
4059 W. Davison.

Farband Chaverim
Have Day at Camp


Weiss of Detroit announces the
marriage of his sister, Rhoda
Weiss, to Harry Minkin, son of
Mr. aand Mrs. Louis Minkin of
Columbus, 0. The wedding took
place July 10.
The newly - married couple
will reside at 3820 Merrimac
Ave., Dayton, 0.
* * *
Celia. Frank of Monticello, N. Y.
announces the marriage of her
granddaughter, Muriel Frank,
to Allen A. Buchalter, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Buchalter
of 2371 Sturtevant.
The wedding took place in
New York July 28. The bride is
the daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Abraham Frank. Her
husband. is a member of Alpha
Epsilon Pi fraternity, and is at-
tending the RCA Institute in
New York. -
The couple will honeymoon in

The City Committee of the
Jewish National Worker's Al-
liance—Farband—is arranging
the traditional Farband Day at
Farband Camp, Chelsea, Mich.,
for Sunday. Aug. 6.
Chaverim will follow dinner,
prepared by the camp manage!.
ment, with a cultural program
and entertainment.
Anyone needing transporta-
tion may call the Farband office.
For reservations, call TU. a-3545.

World Baptists Resolve
To Fight Racial Bias

intim urging all members of the
Baptist Church to fight racial
discrimination and safeguard
the rights of minority groups,
including Jews, was adopted at
the concluding session here of
the Baptist World Congress.
About 20.000 delegates from 52
countries attended the Congress:
Another resolution noted that
only six more governments need
ratify the UN Convention Out-
lawing the Crime of Genocide,
Jewish Students
and expressed the hope that the
Convene in Haifa
pact will become a part of inter-;
national law through speedy
Direct JTA Teletype Wire
. to The Jewish News
ratification by t h e necessary
HAIFA—A group of 130 stu- number of governments.
dents from all parts of the
world arrived here 'Monday
night aboard the liner "Anne
Marie" to participate in the
tenth world conference of the -
World Federation of Jeimish Stu-



We Specialize In
• Weddings • Showers
Expert Flora) Arrangements
For All Occasions


Alex Sinclair


8 Mi. Rd. W. of Lahser
Formerly 6 Mi. nr. Greenfield
KE. 2-3820

P.G.A. Pros in Attendance
Alex Sinclair — Bill Lock

FREE ' Estimates At Your Home
Bill Caplan
Larry Morris
Charge Accounts Welcomed


Linwo'od at Ay TY. 4-7784

Now Catering

Weddings, Bar
Mitzvahs, Showers
Donor Luncheons

At Our Hall,
Your Synagogue
or Home
Supervision of
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. Kosher Catering Co.

5028 Joy Road

Parking Facilities

WM. KOZIN, Manager

For Information Call WE. 5-9383 or TO. 8-5316

Carmel Hebrew School Congregation


Wish to announce that High Holiday Services will be con-
ducted by the well-known Cantor A. A. Rosenfeld, who was
cantor of Cong. Bnai Moshe for 20 years. And that enroll-
ments are now being accepted for Hebrew School classes
beginning September 1, for beginners and advanced students.
Transportation to and from the school is provided.

TO. 7-5577
Hall Available for API Occasions

A Vacation at Lesser's Adds to Your Health



Bli: ntzkrieg Hits Detroit !


For the past year, blintzes
have been infiltrating into the
Detroit - area with . the express
purpose of capturing jaded ap-
petites, and releasing the house-
wife from kitchen drudgery. At
first a. 'battle against antiquated
ideas and methods — they can
now proudly say "we have con-
As one housewife put it "of
course I can make them, but
who wants to bother making a
few blintzes, when you can buy
them so reasonably; and they're
SO good."
Another housewife said 'we
always buy a few packages, both
for the family and unexpected
guests; and now that we are at
the cottage for the summer, I
appreciate it so much when.
friends drop in and bring some
blintzes with them."
Cheese Blintzes Shtrudel Blintzes
Cherry Blintzes Kashe Blintzes
Blueberry Blintzes
Potato Blintzes

With only 62 of the 199 units
of the Bnai Brith Foundations
reporting completion of their
spring Welfare Fund Drives,
$120,705 was contributed to the
United Jewish Appeal and other
Jewish organizations by the stu-
dent communities within the
, Hillel program, it was announced
by Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld,
national director of the Foun-
- The' highest amount; as in
previous years, was collected by
the Hillel units in the Los An-
geles area. Jewish students at
the University of California in
Los Angeles raised $14,047.
Among other student groups
which collected significant sums Kosher
Fast. Frozen
was the University of Micigan, "A Pleasure To Eat—
where $8,500 was raised.
A Pleasure To Serve"



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• Modern

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Your children guarded by experienced counselors


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Dancing Every Night

For Information & Reservation—Call UN. 3-8650 - TY. 5-3869

Daily 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.; 6:30 - 9 p.m.

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