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January 06, 1950 - Image 18

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1950-01-06

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fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
13. Park of 2713 Calvert, died Dec.
28. Rabbi Joshua Sperka con-
ducted funeral services at Lewis
Bros. Burial, Yiddish Folks Cem-
etery. In addition to his parents,
the child is. survived by a bro-
ther, Larry.
* * *
ABRAHAM COHEN, 72 of 18231
Indiana, died Dec. 27. Rabbi Ja-
cob Segal conducted funeral
services at Lewis. Bros. Burial,
Clover Hill Memorial Park. He
leaves his wife, Sadie; a daugh-
ter, Mrs. Max Rothman; sons,
George, Louis and Harry Cohen,
and four grandchildren.
* * *
of 2651 Pasadena, a founder of
Chesed shel Emes and a member
of Cong. Bnai David, died Fri-
day. Services were held Sunday
at Hebrew Benevolent Society.
Burial, Bnai David Cemetery.
Surviving are two sons, Dave
and Jack Abram; three daugh-
ters, Mrs. Lloyd Weingarden,
Mrs. Ben Bircoll and Mrs. Wil-
liam Willner.
* * *
MRS. ROSE LEW, 70, of 3778
Longfellow, died Dec. 29. Funeral
services were held at Hebrew
Benevolent Society; interment,
Cemetery of Cong. Beth Yehu-
da.h. Rabbis Isaac Stollman, Jo-
seph Rothenberg, Mendel Lip-
schitz and Joseph Rabinowitz of-
ficiated. Survivors are sons, Gus,
and Herschel; daughters,' Mrs.
Molly Steel and Mrs. Gertrude
Wainer and six grandchildren.
* * *
of 2519 Gladstone, died Dec. 23.
Funeral services were held at
Hebrew Benevolent Society; in-
terment, Cemetery of Con g.
Nusach Harie. Rabbi Joseph
Rabinowitz officiated. Survivors
are her husband, 'Hyman, son,
Abe, daughter, Mrs. Sally Abel;
four grandchildren.


* *

PEARL DORN, 3710 Burlin-
game, died Dec. 29. Services were
held at Kaufman Chapel, Rabbi
Levin, Rabbi Wohlgelernter and
Cantor Schulsinger officiating.
She leaves her husband, Louis;
son, Morris. Interment, Beth
Tefilo Emanuel Cemetery.
* * • *
2205 Euclid, died Jan. 1. Services
were held at Lewis Bros., Rabbi
Herman Rosenwasser officiating.
Survived by his wife, Eva; sons,
Jack, L o u i e, a n d Lawrence,
daughters, Mrs. Louis Cohen,
Mrs. Max Levine, Mrs. Nat Pol-
ansky and Mrs. David Citron;
17 grandchildren and seven
great grandchildren. Interment,
Clover Hill Park Cemetery.
• * *
Linwood, died Dec. 31. Services
were held at Kaufman • Chapel,
Rabbi Adler and Cantor Sonen-
klar officiating. He leaves his
wife, Jennie and a son, Dr. Al-
bert Besterman. Interment,
Westwood Cemetery.
* * *
toria, Windsor, died Dec. 29. Ser-
vices were held at Kaufman
Chapel, Rabbi S. Stollman and
Cantor N. Adler officiating. She
leaves a son, Harry; daughters,
Mrs. Dora Glanz and Ida Rubin;
six grandchildren and five great
grandchildren. Interment, Mach-
* * *
MAURICE JOSEPH, 51, of 3812
Clements, died Dec. 23. Funeral
Services were held al Hebrew
Benevolent Society. Rabbi Leo
Goldman officiated. Survivors
are his wife, Celia, sons, Sanford,
Seymour and Jerry; daughter,
Mrs. Sally Saginaw; one grand-
child; three brothers, and four
* * *

MRS. ROSE FELD, 56, of 4253
Pasadena died Dec. 27. Funeral
services were held at Hebrew
Benevolent Society. Rabbi. Isaac
Stollman officated. Survivors
are her husband, Harry; sons,
Bernie, Leo and David A.;
daughter, Mrs. Stella Siegel, six
grandchildren, and three sisters.

Hattie Stocker, Outstanding Worker
In Detroit Community, Dies at 74

Friday, January 6, 1950


Kaufman Chapel, Rabbi Sperka
and Cantor Adler officiating. He
leaves his wife, Tillie; two sons,
William and Philip; a daughter,
Mrs. Carl Ross. Interment, Mach-
* * *
Broadstreet, died Dec. 25. Ser-
vices were held at Kaufman
Chapel, with Rabbi Levin offici-
ating. He leaves four sons, Sid-
ney, Joseph, Morris and Louis;
three daughters, Hannah, Ann
and Mrs. Edward Gold; two sis-
ters, Mrs. Eva Schane and Mrs.
Esther Goldenberg; and three
grandchildren. Interment, Beth
Abraham Cemetery.
* * *
Buena 'Vista, died Dec. 27. Ser-
vices were held at Kaufman
Chapel, Rabbi Wohlgelernter,
Rabbi Rothenberg and Cantor
Boyarsky officiating. He leaves
his wife, Sadie; a daughter, An-
nette; two brothers, Joseph and
Abraham. Interment, Beth Tefilo


* *

MARY LEVITT, 2701 Blaine,
died Dec. 26. Services were held
at Kaufman Chapel, Rabbi Stoll-
man and Cantor Sonenklar of-
ficiating. She leaves her hus-
band, Julius; sons, Samuel, Her-
man and Abraham; daughter,
Mrs. Benjamin Leamen; broth-
ers, Isadore and Morris Wein-
stein of N.Y.; and sister, Mrs.
Ben Krafchick. Interment, Mach-
* * *
Tuxedo, died Dec. 31. Services
were held at Kaufman Chapel,
Rabbi Sperka and Cantor Adler
officiating. She leaves sons, Aleck,
David, Archie, and Jack of L.A.;
daughters, Mrs. Jacob Green-
berg and Mrs. Dan Otis; 16
grandchildren and 12 great
grandchildren. Interment, Beth
Abraham Cemetery.
* * *
HYMAN SNYDER, died Dec. 30
at Miami. Services were held at
Kaufman Chapel, Rabbi Fram
officiating. He leaves. his wife,
Mary; daughters, Mrs. Irving' A.
Levy, Mrs. Marry E. Feinstein,
and Mrs. Anthony Wohl of L.A.;
sisters, Mrs. Mary Raskin, Mrs.
Harry Levy, and Mrs. Sarah
Hammer of L.A.; and four grand-
children. Interment, Machpelah.
* * *
Grand, died Jan. 1. Services were
held at Kaufman Chapel, Rabbi
Isaac Stollman and Cantor Nath-
anr officiating. She is survived by
a son, Adolph; daughters, Mrs.
Louis Krass, Mrs. Emanuel
Greenlick, Mrs. David Grossman,
Mrs. Albert Stahl, Mrs. David
Cohen; a sister, Mrs. Herman
Segal. Interment, dachpelah_

Romanian Liner Carries
863 Jews to Israel

manian liner Transylvania left
Constanza on the Black Sea
carrying 863 Jewish emigrants.
This fourth transport of close
relatives of Romanian Jews al-
ready in Israel brings the total
departures since early November
to 3,250, of whom 75 percent are
past 50 years of age.
Also on board were Israel Min-
ister Reuven Rubin and his
family who are returning home
afte a year 'in Bucharest.
Continuing its anti - Zionist
campaign, "Unirea," official or
gan of the Jewish Democratic
Committee of Romania, pub-
lished an appeal to all bran-
ches of the Committee to emu-
late the example of Committee
units in Lugoj and Mediash, in
Transylvania, which recently
"unmasked" several Zionists at
public gatherings.

Name Jewish Professor
Life Senator for Italy

ROME (JTA)—Prof. Guido
Castelnuovo, member of one of
the oldest Jewish families in
Italy, was named one of the first
life senators of the new Italian
Republic by President Luigi Ein-
* * *
andi. He is a renowned mathe-
HARRY HACKELMAN, 2674 matician and the founder of the
Burlingame, died Dec. 23 at Mi- School of Statistics of the Uni-
ami Ecach. Services were held at versity of Rome.


"JEWISH DANCES," a unique
book of Jewish folk dances
which will be published in Jan-
uary, will include a compilation
of familiar tunes, folk lore, and
illustrations based on Jewish
European life. Original dances
have been created by Ruth Za-
hava to the nostalgic songs of
the old world; "Achtzik Er, Un
Zibtzik Zee" "Gey Ich Mir Shpat-
zirn," are a few of the many
songs which will inspire new in-
terests in Jewish cultural and
traditional life. The illustrations
have been designed by Edith
Miller, and dramatic narration
has been written by David Bri-
dger of the Los Angeles Bureau
of Jewish Education.
* * *
completed an artificial-ice skat-
ing ring that will guarantee
skating for at least six months
of the year; Former Olympic
champion Irving Jaffee, director
of winter sports, revealed that
as long as the temperature re-
mains 50 degrees or below, the
refrigeration plant will be able
to provide ice for skating enthu-
siasts. The new rink is 180 by 80
feet, standard hockey size.
* * _ *
Carleton Smith, music critic
and cosmopolite, discusses "Arts
Censored and Uncensored," at
a.m., Wednesday, Jan. 11, in the
Fisher Theatre.
• * * *
Dan Frohman will direct the
cantors of Detroit at the second
annual concert of the CANTORS'
Association Tuesday evening,
Jan. 31, at Bnai David synagogue,
14th and Elmhurst.
* * *
meet Sunday, Jan. 8, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Apbrey
Gordon, 12170 Santa Rosa. Mr.
and Mrs. Israel Center will be
host and hostess.
* * *
HAZEL SCOTT, striking per-
sonality and famous pianist,
brings her talents , to Music Hall,
Jan. la, under the auspices of
Irving Teicher.

Benjamin Schlussel Dies

Mrs. Hattie Stocker, promin-
ent former Detroiter who was
one of the founders of the local
chapter of Hadassah and for
years was active in local com-
munity affairs, died in Chicago
on Dec. 27, at the age of 74.
.Surviving her are her hus-
band, David R. Stocker, who
was a trustee of Congregation
Shaarey Zedek; three daugh-
ters, Mesdames R. Cohen, S.
Shoresman and'R. Aaron; a son,
Jules, and eight grandchildren.
In a moving letter to her hus-
band, Detroiter Maurice Zack-
heim a cousin, said of - Mrs.
"She was a. "God-loving, sin-
cerely religious woman who
loved her Judaism and observed
its precepts. (She had) a ster-
ling character and a sympathetic
heart which prompted her to do
pioneering work in our commu-
nity, which also prompted others
to follow her example and to
continue her work."
A former teacher in both De-
troit and Chicago schools, Mrs.
Stocker is remembered in 'De-
troit for her work in introduc-

ing penny luncheons at Bishop
public school, a practice later
copied by the Board of Educa-
ion for .all schools. She was
chairman of the Hadassah Ba-
zaar which netted $10;000, was
active in the Shaarey Zedek Sis-
terhood and took a personal in-
terest in the Jewish Old Folks'
Home, where she organized a
group of volunteers to take the
inmates for pleasure rides on
Sunday mornings.„
Her housing of visiting rabbis
and her charitable work among
poor families was not generally
known to the public. •
Mrs. Stocker's relatives in De-
troit plan to inscribe her name
in the Golden. Book of the Jew-
ish National Fund.



Weizmann Commutes
Arab Death Sententes

TEL AVIV (JTA) — Israel
President Chaim Weizmann
commuted the capital sentences
imposed on two Arabs, recently
convicted of murder, to life im-
Shulamith Engelsberg, 21, was
killed by Arab infiltree ma-
rauders who attacked Beni (As-
luj) in the Negev.
A private car - bound for Nirim
was blown up on an Arab-
Mined Negev road. All passen-
gers were wounded and one set-
tler, from Neveh Y a i r, was
killed. A Beersheba police car
traveling to a meeting wfth
Arab Legion officers also struck
a mine and four police officers
were slightly injured.

Burgundy Room Begins
Rumba Night on Sundays

Rumba every Sunday night -
has been successfully inaugu-
rated at the Burgundy Room of
Hotel Ft. Wayne, Cass at Tern-
ple Ayes. Tonita and her men
of Latin-American rhythms are
Rosemary Clooney, recording
and television star, is appearing
nightly. The Iry Lewis Quartet
aLso is featured for dance melo-
There is no cover or minimum
charge at the Burgundy Room.
For reservations and further in-
formation, call TE. 1-8600.

The United Hebrew
Schools of Detroit

Gratefully Acknowledge
the Receipt of

one-half Scholarship to the

Weizmann Condolences on
Scholarship Fund of the Sch6ols
Death of Mrs. Jabotinsky
from Mr. and Mrs. Irving I. Mil-
NEW YORK, - (JTA) -- Israel ler, honoring their son, Gordon

President and Mrs. Chaim Weiz-
mann have sent a message of
condolence on the death of Mrs.
Vladimir Jabotinsky, to Eri Ja-
botinsky, son of the late founder
of- the Zionist Revisionist move-
ment and Mrs. Jabotinsky. The
message said: "Our sincerest
condolences on the death of
your mother, our friend."

Benjamin (Ben-Zion) Schlus-
sel, 66, father of Irving W. 'Sch-
lussel, president of the Jewish
National Fund Council and of
Detroit Mizrachi, died Dec. 29.
Funeral services were held that
day at Kaufman's Chapel, Rabbis
When England's first Queen
Stollman, Wohlgelernter, Prero, Elizabeth died, she had more
Thumin and Halpern officiating. than 3,000 dresses in her ward-
Mr. Schlussel was a member of robe.
Mizrachi and Congregation Beth
Abraham. His residence was at
2634 Leslie.
Other survivors include his
wife, Esther; two other sons, Dr.
Lowest Prices for Highest Quality
Morris and Albert ; and three
Granite and Outstanding Designs
grandchildren and a brother,

Ralph, on the occasion of his
Bar Mitzvah.


The family of the late Maurice
Joseph wishes to thank their
many friends and relatives for
the kindneszes shown during
recent bereavement.

Cemetery Memorials



2744 W. Davison. cor. Lawton

From Mizrachi

TO. 8-6923

TO. 8-7523


TY. 6-7192

The Mizrachi Organiza-
tion of Detroit offers and
exp r e s s e s condolences
and deep sympathy to our
worthy a n d honorable
president: Irving W.
Schlussel and the whole
family — at the, sudden
passing of his dear father
—Ben Zion Schlussel.

May your devotion and
love for Torah and Israel
give you strength to find
a source of consolation in
your sorrow.

Expanded Facilities


We Pray Almighty God
to Console you in Zion
and Jerusalem.

A distinct departure from

the usual conception of a

funeral home, the new ad-

dition to our Chapel is ap-

Rabbi Isaac Stollman
Daniel Temchin
Sol B. Edelman
Isidore Sosnick
Rev, Saul Chinitz
M. Yolles
Philip Stollman.
Abe Nussbaum
Louis -Rose
Aaron Tilchin
Rabbi David Bakst
Zyi Tomkevich

pointed and furnished with

exquisite taste, presenting

an atmosphere of dignity

and refinement that is rest-

ful and comforting.


Tyler 7-4520

■■•■ •

"Neve 11111•101P

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