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January 06, 1950 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1950-01-06

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Friday, January 6, 1950


ActivitieJ in Society'

Mrs. Irving Hirschman, Mrs. Nathan Sloss, Mrs. Margery Gross
and her daughter, Patty, left on Monday by motor for a stay in
Miami Beach.
Miss Marcia Ermann and her mother Mrs. A. M. Ermann of
Merton Rd., have returned from Cincinnati where they were the
guests of Mrs. Ermann's other daughter, Mrs. Joseph Ullman.
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Feerer have moved from the Belcrest
and are now residing at 3205 Woodstock Rd.
Lawrence W. Crohn of Wildemere Ave., has returned from New
York where he spent a few days .visiting with members of his
Mrs. Joseph Alexander of Fairfield Ave., has left for Miami
Beach where she will spend the winter months.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sloss of Highland Ave., spent the last
weekend visiting with friends in Cleveland.
Mrs. Joseph Ehrlich of the Lee Crest has returned from CM-
cinati where she spent a few days visiting with her son-in-law
and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Gingold.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Blier of Muirland Ave., are spending a
few weeks in Miami Beach where they are guests at the Robert
Richter Hotel.
Mrs. Sidney Reibel of Huntington Woods was hostess at a
luncheon at her home on Dec. 28, complimenting her niece Su-
zanne Kling of Louisville, Ky.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lawson of Wildemere Ave., have returned
from a few weeks' visit in New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Shwayder have returned to their home
in Denver after a visit with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Sims of Huntington Woods.
Anne Rosenfield has returned to her classes at Ohio State
University after spending the vacation period with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Robinson of the Lee Plaza Apt.
Miss Etta Hoffman returned to her home in Boston on Mon-
day after a visit with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Nathan Spevakow.
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Perlis have returned to their classes at
the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor after • spending the va-
cation period as the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Goldberger of Woodmere, L. I.
Miss Clara Rabinowitz returned to New York on Monday after
a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lewis of Monica Ave.
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Birndorf of Muirland Ave., have returned
from New York where they visited with members of .their family
and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Roth and their daughter, Ruth, of
Knottingham Ave., spent the last week-end visiting in Pittsburgh.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cooper and their small daughter, Kathy,
of Ewald Circle spent the last week-end in Flint as the guests of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Goldfarb.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Klivans of Youngstown were the guests
last week-end of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Michelson of Warrington Dr.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fish and their son and daughter of High-
land Park, Ill., were the guests last week-end of her brother-in-
law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Michelson of Warrington
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fish and their son and daughter of High-
land Park, Ill., were the guests last week-end of her brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Ziv of Wildemere Ave.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Fierberg oS Glynn Ct. have left for a
visit in New York.
- Mr.' and Mrs. Joseph Sake of Shrewsbury Rd., had as their
guest last week her nephew, Gordon Atlin of Toronto.

Leaders in Flint Community Mark
50th Anniversary with Israel Trip


After a small family dinner
New 'Year's Eve, Rev. and Mrs.
George Dickstein of Flint left
for a 64-day trip to Israel, in
celebration of their 50th wed-
ding anniversary.
Married Jan. 1, 1900, in Paritz,
Minsk, Russia, the Dicksteins
came to this country in 1910.
From then until 1917 they lived
in Grand Rapids, then moved
to Flint, where Rev. Dickstein
took over the leadership of the
Orthodox Jewish community.
He conducted religious serv-
ices, performed marriages, con-
ducted funeral services, per-
formed circumcisions, and super-
vised Kashruth in the commun-
ity for many years, until the rise
of present congregations in the
The Dicksteins were leaders in
stimulating the building of the
Jewish Community Center, as
well as in all religious activi-
ties in the city. Their home was
open to travelers and the needy
at all times.
They have five children, Mrs.
Goldye Matlick of Hewlett Bay
Park, Long Island, N. Y.; Her-
man Dickstein, of Pontiac; Jo-
seph Dickstein of Lansing, and
Dr. Bernard Dickstein and Mrs.
Bess Syde of Flint, and 12
The children and grandchil-
dren have inscribed the Dick-

steins' names in the Golden
Book of the Jewish National
Fund. Out-of-town guests at the
anniversary celebration included
the children and grandchildren,
and Mr. and Mrs. I. Steinman,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Ben-
son of Pontiac; Mr. and Mrs.
David Benson, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Benson. of Jackson, and
Mrs. A. Himelstein and son,
Samuel H. Himelstein, of Grand

Israel Women Offer
Fashions In Fiction'

Helene Ann Sklar Wed
To Daniel David Lublin

At a candlelight ceremony Dec.
28 in the Crystal Ballroom of
the Book-Cadillac Hotel, Helene
Ann Sklar, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Sklar of Wildemere


Ave. became the bride of Daniel
David Lublin, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Max Lublin of Parkside
The bride wore a gown of
white satin trimmed with im-
ported lace. A Juliet cap of the
same lace held her veil, and she
carried white orchids and lilies
of the valley on a Bible.
The bridal attendants were
Mrs. Lawrence Raskin, the
bride's sister, matron-of-honor;
Dolly Lublin, maid-of-honor;
and Lenore Freedman, Vivian
Jacobs and Betty Zeckman,
bridesmaids. Sheldon Lublin
served his brother as best man,
and the ushers were Lawrence
Raskin, Daniel Dunitz, Paul
Mandel and Martin Eskin.
After an extended honeymoon,-
the young couple will reside at
the Highland Towers.

Council Leaders

Confer With Cobo

Dr. Shmarya Kleinman, presi-
dent, Aaron Droock, past presi-
dent, and B. M. Joffe, executive
director of the Jewish Commun
ity. Council, met with Mayor-
Elect Albert E. Cobo, to acquaint
him with the functions and pur-
poses of the Council.
Dr. Kleinman reviewed t h e
structure of the representative
body of 250 Jewish organizations,
emphasizing the community re-
lations part of the Council's
work. Droock described the ex
periences of the Jewish Com-
munity Council in connection
with its relations with various
city departments.
Cobo expressed his apprecia-
tion for the visit of the leaders
of the Jewish Community Coun-
cil, and promised his .imstinted
cooperation in preventing t h e
spread of racial hatred in De-
He also took under considera-
tion the Community Council's
recommendations to convert the
Mayor's Interracial Committee
into a statutory permanent
agency of the City Government,
and the increase of its mem-
bership from 11 to ,13.

Bnai Moshe Lecture

The Adult School of Jewish
Studies of Cong. Bnai Moshe will
hold regular sessions Jan. 10. A
lecture on "A Jewish View pn
"Fashions in Fiction" will be Marriage," will be given at 9
the theme of the meeting of p.m., by Rabbi Moses Lehrman.
Temple Israel Sisterhood, on The public is welcome.
Monday, Jan. 9, in the Lecture
Hall of the Detroit Institute of
Dessert luncheon will be serv-
ed in the Romanesque Hall at
12:30 p.m., preceding the meet-
Rabbi Leon Fram has chosen
Phone, Day or Night
for his annual book review "The
Egyptian" by Mika Waltari.
TR. 3-0412
Mrs. William Greenberg, presi-
dent urges all members to at-
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The bean used in chop suey
is the mung bean, grown pri-
manly in China and Japan.

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Troth Revealed


At a recent dinner party at
their home, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Berg of Leslie Ave. announced
the engagement of their daugh-
ter, Marion Elaine, to Sol Stein,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stein
of Tuxedo Ave. The bridegroom-
elect attends the Detroit thlege
of Law. A March 23 wedding is
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Deitch, 3282
Sturtevant, announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Le-
nore Gail, to Irving Sobel, son of
Mr. and lVfis. Sam Sobel, 3250
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Max White of
2329 Monterey announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Lois
Marilyn, to Jack Anstandig, son
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Traub of
of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Anstandig Appoline Ave. announce the en-
of 11603 Otsego. The couple plan gagement of their daughter,
Barbara, to Irving Ritter, son of
to marry next fall.
Mrs. Rose Ritter of Cortland
Ave. and the late Simon Ritter.
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Herbach
The bride-elect is a junior at
of Monterey Ave.,' announce the the University of Michigan. Her
engagement of their daughter, fiance obtained his B.S. and M.
Phyllis, to Richard H. Breuer, son of Ed. degrees from Wayne Uni-
of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Breuer of versity.
Seebaldt Ave. The bride-elect
attends Wayne University. Mr. Music Study Club Group
Breuer is a graduate of Wayne
University where he was affili- Discusses Russian Works
The student group of the
ated with Mu Beta Chi frater-
nity. A September wedding is Music and Study Club will meet
at 8:30 p.m., Friday, Jan. 6, at
the home of Rosalie Mandell,
* * *
2716 Grand. A discussion of
The engagement of Selma modern Russian composers, led
Sheryl Neiman, daughter of Mr. by James Keene, will be fea-
and Mrs. Manuel Neiman of tured. Music students of De-
Penningon Dr., to Albert H. troit are invited to attend.
Schrut, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Schrut of Monterey, was an-
nounced at a recent dinner par-
ty at the home of the bride-
elects parents. The -couple are
both attending Wayne Univer-
Whose Brilliant Music was the


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