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April 29, 1949 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1949-04-29

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Friday, April 29, 1949

Recent Bride


Guests from Detroit at the dinner in honor of Dr. Chaim
Weizmann, President of Israel, at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New
York, included Nate S. Shapero, who was the first national presi-
dent of the Sieff Institute; now the Weizmann Institute of Science;
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Field, Mr.1 and Mrs. Fred Ginsburg, Mrs.
Ralph Davidson, Mrs. Morse Sautson, Mrs_ Joseph M. Welt, Mrs.
Abraham Srere, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Slomovitz and Sally Fields.
Other Michigan representatives at the -dinner were Paul. Wiener
and Rabbi Samuel Umen of MUskegon.
Pearl Cohen, Dorothy Rifler and Gertrude Nusbaum are leav-
ing for Miami Beach for a few weeks.
Dr. Aabrey Gorbma]a of New York, and his wife and three
daughters, spent the Passover holiday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. David A. G-orbman of 2931 Glendale, and presented papers
at the meeting of the American Association fof Cancer. Research
in Detroit.
Mrs. Isaac Zivian is representing the Detroit branch of the
American Association of University Women at the state conven-
tion April 29 and 30 in Flint.
Mrs. Harry Weinberg of Washburn Ave. entertained .16 guests
at a rsurprise party for her husband.
Anne Schare of Beverly Hills, Calif., formerly of Detroit, is
Visiting her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.. Jack Fisher
of Glynn Court. (.((
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gertenblith and son, Gary Michael, • of
New York are guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs Samuel Roth-
stein of San Juan Dr.
Complimenting Miss Enid Berkovitz, a June bride-elect, a
miscellaneous shower ,was given April 9, at Huyler's. The joint
hostesses were Mrs. Murray Tait, Mrs. Allen Viedrah. and Miss
Betty Barron. Covers were laid for 80 guests.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Armstrong and daughters, Sandra Jane
and Pamela Fae, of 19165 Santa Barbara, spent the Passover and
attended the Sedorim at the home of Mrs. Armstrong's parents,
Mr.. and Mrs. Louis.. Friedman, in Ironwood, Mich.
Rabbi and Mrs. Herbert Parzen (Sylvia Goldsmith) of Jersey
City. N. • J., former Detroiters, were the guests far the entire Pass-
over holidays of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Parzen, and their
sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Friedman, of 3225
Calvert. Last Sabbath morning, Rabbi Parzen delivered the ser-
mon at Congregation Shaarey Zedek.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Fishman of 18077 Cherrylawn, are home after
a long vacation in Miami, Fla.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Weingarden of 19151 Monica, returned from
a trip to Miami, Fla.:
Mrs. William Rossen of Canterbury Rd. and Mrs. Jack Lipson
of Cortland Ave. have been vacationing in Los Angeles, where they
attended the weddings of their nieces, Doreen and Leona Leven-
son. Enroute home they will stop in San Francisco.•
Mrs. Samuel Schafflander of Inkster Road, accompanied by
her mother, Mrs. Sonia Epstein, have left to spend some time in
the East to visit with relatives and friends.
and Mrs. Harry H. Landy of Whitmore Road sailed Tues-
day on the S. S. America for a two-and-a-half-month tour of
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Segar of Birchcrest Dr., Dr. and Mrs.
Sidney Biegler of Huntington Woods and Mr. and Mrs. Albert L.
Fuchs have returned from a. few weeks' stay in Miami Beach, Fla.
Mr.. and Mrs. David Wilkus of Boston Blvd., left on Monday
for New York from where they sailed for a few months' tour of
Mrs. Joseph . Burak of Longfellow Ave. left on Wednesday for
Boston where she will visit with her daughter, Betty Loewenstein.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred I. Dreifus of Birchcrest Dr. have re-
turned from a few weeks' stay in the Southwest. While in Al-
lauquerque, N. M., they visited with their daughter, Suzanne, who
is attending the University of New Mexico,
Mil. and. Mrs. Harold Ziv of. Wirdemere Ave., have returned
- • - •
from a few weeks' visit in Miami Beach, Fla.

Discuss Women s Division Total

`At the door of
B, I senberg's
home prior to a
report meeting
o n April 1 1 ,
.;)- LIAM G E L B,
left, and MRS.
BINER discuss
the totals of
pledges made
by captains and
. workers in the


Mrs. Ruth Schreiber wi l See
as chairman of the second an-
nual Jewish War Veterans' . Lad-
les Auxiliary goodwill luncheon,
It was announced by depart-
anent PreSident Arlene Rhodes. •
Open to the entire member-;
4hip of all the 25 allied veter-
ans organizatiOns and to friends
of JWV, the affair will be held
tat 1 p. m. Wednesday,,. May 18;
lat Kern's.
Mrs. Schreibe.r will have a
committee of 96 women to assist .
' . her. Although there will be no
cost for the luncheon, reser-
ivations must be in by May 5 to
the respective auxiliary chair-
=an, Mrs. Schreiber added.

Dr. and Mrs. David Kliger an-
nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their
son, Seymour Edgar, on Satur-
day morning, May 7, at Congre-
gation Bnai David, Elmhurst at
Fourteenth. Kiddush for rela-
tives and friends will be served
in their home, 2211 Calvert Ave.,
immediately after the.seriices.
Dr. and Mrs, Kliger wil/b
at a dinner party in Seymour's
* * , *
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wein-
garden announce the Bar Mita::
vat' of their son, Michael Allan,
on Saturday at Congregation
Shaarey Zedek.. The Weingard-
ens will be. hosts at a buffet

supper in his honor Saturday at
their hOme.
• * *
Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Aston
announce the Bar Mitzvah of
their son, Alan, Saturday morn-
ing, May 7, at Bnai David Syna-
gogue. A reception in his honor
May 8, at their home on Wild-
emere Ave.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wein-
garden announce the Bar Mitz-
vah of their son, Michael Allen,
Saturday, April 30, at Shaarey
Zedek Synagogue. The Wein-
gardens will be hosts at a buf-
fet supper in his honor Satur-
day at 7 p. m. at their home.

Jones Post, JWV, Has
Annual Dinner Dance

Dr. and Mrs. Samuel G. Ep-
stein of Woodingham Dr. an-
their son, Burton, Saturday
morning, April 30, at the North-
west Synagogue. The Epsteins
will be hosts at a dinner in Bur-
ton's honor Sunday evening,
May 1, at the Fort Wayne Hotel.


Lawrence R. Jones Post and
Auxiliary of the Jewish War
Veterans will hold their annual
past auxiliary . president - past
commanders' dinner dance Sun-
day evening, May 22, at North-
wood Inn.
Tickets and further informa-
tion may be obtained from the
post adjutant, Herman C. Gach,
TY. 7-4438, or post quartermas-
Prairie Ave. The bridegroom is ter, R. Kellar, UN. 3-1741.
the son of Dr. and Mrs. Clarence
Bayles of Dexter Blvd.
The Incomparable Music of
The bride's gown was of heavy
ivory satin with a beaded em-

anci . his
broidered neckline, leg of mut-
Radio-Recording Orchestra
ton sleeves coming to a point
over the wrist, a bustle, and a
Book Bldg.
.CA. 4710
two-yard train. The fingertip
veil was held in place by a bead-
ed crown on ivory satin. The
For Your. Dancing Pleasure
bride carried a cascade arrange-
ment of white camelias with a
and his orchestra
C-EM04.15 •
white ocrhid removable corsage.
Famous Strictly Kosher Cuisine
The maid-of-honor was Raun-
die Weingarden. The bridesmaid
TO. 5-4720 before I P. M.
Phone Mount Clemens 2563
after • 1 P. M.
was Leah Bayles.
The bridegroom's cousin, Len-
ore liosen of London, Ontario,
sang "Because" during the pro-
The best man was Harvey
Tannenbaum and the usher was
Irving Cosmer of Chicago.
that one of the most outstanding health and vacation re-
Out-of-town gilests came from
sorts is located within a feu; hours of your home?
Gary, Ind., Wilkes-Barre, Pa.,
Flint, Mich., Chicago, III., and
London Ontario.
Your friends will say "how good you look," after you enjoy
The newlyweds are honey-
vacation at Gassel Lodge.
moon in Washington, D. C.,
and will reside- in Detroit at 3036
Located on East Twin Lake near Lewiston, Michiga,n, iii
the midst of the Pine country, Gassel Lodge is one of the
Look, Lox Lovers!
Nation's beauty spots ... . A place where the guest is "King,"
and does.as he pleases, and enjoys-food fit for a king. Where
you swim, boat, fish, hike, play tennis, ride horgeback or do
anything the "Queen" desires. Where sanitation is our first
Spe cializes in
consideration. For a vacation - this year which will make you
Lox and Smoked Fish
start wishing you were doing it all over again, write now
on sale each Saturday from
2 :30 p.m. to 4 a.m. Sunday
for reservations..




Our fish is smoked especially for
Saturday night trade

Just 2 doors so. of the famous
New York Bagel Baking Co.

Gassel Lodge

Lewiston, Michigan

Bet. Claianyount & Taylor

Women's Divi-
sion of th .e
;11949 Allied
Jewish C a In -

PNV Prepares 2nd
Goodwill Luncheon

On Sunday, April 10, Rabbi
Jacob E. Segal officiated at the
marriage of Helen Frances Bloch
to Richard Jerome Bayles.
The bride is the daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. Abraham Bloch of

Bar Mitzvahs

etter Cleaning

Red Mogen Dovid Unit
To Elect New Officers

The Detroit League for Red
Mogen Devid•for Israel 'is --hav-
ing a general meeting at 8:30
p.m. Tuesday, M a y 3, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. bevel,
2432 Pingree.
Mrs. Herman Kazdan, program
chairman, announces there will
be a. round table discusSion on
the aims and work of the Red
Mogen David.
Harry Horwitz will report on
contributions received to date
from organizations and Indi-
vidual& Election of officers
for the coming term also will be
held at this meeting.

SOCIETY will hold an evening
of games Tuesday, May 3, at the
Jewish. Cultural Center, 2705
Joy Rd. The public is invited.

. And you get. BETTER CLEANING when
You call on LEADER!- No fuss!' No muss! Fast
drying Only the BEST is good enough . .
protect your home with LEADER'S double-
:lean process. •

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