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March 19, 1949 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1949-03-19

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Congregational News

Moishe Oysher Headlines Program
TI Men's Club .
At Northwest Cong Dedication Dinner To Be Hosts at
Moishe Oysher
headline ' The classrooms will be occupied Annual Dinner
the prograiri of the, Northwest . by the United Hebrew Schools

Hebrew ,Congregation . dedication
dinner; Sunday evening, March
20. The. famouS cantor, film. and
stage luminary will present 'a
program of cantor al melodies and
Yiddish and English monologueS.
Zinovi Bistritzky, Detroit Sym-
phony Orchestra violinist also
will appear on the program. He
will be accompanied by Rebecca
The dedication dinner will be
staged by the congregation in cele-
bration of the completion of the
-school section of the building.

weekdays and 'Sunday mornings
NorthWest. Sunday School
classes. Guests. will include the
presidents of the various congre-
gations of The -,Oity and Abe Kasle,
president. of. :the United HebreW
On the afternoon of March 20,
the synagogue . and the United
Hebrew Schools will conduct in-
formal tours of the newly-com-
pleted structure.. The_ -choir of
the Hebrew Schools will enter-
tain and refreshments will be

The Men's Club of Temple
Israel will be host club at this
year's intercongregational din-
ner to -be held at Bel Aire,. 8231
Woodward, at 6:30'p.. m. Tuesday,
March 22. •
The guest of honor at this an-
nual rally of the Men's. Clubs -?f
the , temples and -synagogues of
Detroit will be Dr. Abram 'Leon
Sachar, preSident of Brandeis
University. He will speak on "The
Jewish Fate and Future".
Dinner tickets can be.purchased
et the office of Temple Israel, 900
Park Avenue Bldg., or at any par-
ticipating temple or synagogue. •
Northwest Expands
Airiong the Men's Clubs to be
represented at the dinner, in ad-
School Arts Section
dition to the host club, will be
Shaarey Zedek, Northwest He-
Mauri Lax has joined the arts brew, Bnai Moshe, Bnai David,
Preparations are now complete department of the Northwest Temple Beth El, Beth Aaron and
for the visit of Dr. Stephen S.
Hebrew Congregation Religious the Downtown Synagogue.
Wise, who will address the Men's
Club of Cong. Shaarey Zedek . at School. He will serve as senior
the synagogue at 8:30 p.m. March music instructor and orchestra Bnai David Assured
. 30. This meeting will honor Dr. leader.
Other members of the arts de- Spot in Cage Playoffs
Wise upon the occasion of _his
partment are Maxwell Nadis,
75th 'birthday.
Final games of the- regular' sea-
Abe Satovsky, president of the who is in charge of the Children's 'son for the Intersynagogue Bas-
Men's Club, announced the fol- Theater, and -Vivian Kozenn ketball League were played last
lowing committee in charge: junior music instructor and lead- week, resulting in Bnai David
Harry M. Shulman, president of er of the dance group.
trouncing Temple -Beth El 60 to
the congregation, chairman, as-
The School Council this year is 32, and Northwest taking a close
sisted by Abe Sandelman, Ben M. • composed of Joseph Aller and game from Shaarey Zedek, 30 to
Lewis, Henry Carnick, Ira Kauf- Dr. S. G. Epstein, co-chairmen, 27.
man, Matthew Shufro, Dr. Albert Sam Simmer, Harry Littky,
Playoff games are now being
J. Altman, Carl Schiller and Hy Phyllis Harris, Harry . Goldberg held, and the second-place win-
and Ira Kaufman. . Rabbi Jacob ner will meet first place Bnai Da-
Segal has general superviSion of vid in the championship . game at
the school and Allen A. Warsen 8 p.m., Monday, March 28, at
Temple Beth El.
is school director.
Final standings for regular
On Sunday, March 20, the Chil- games
dren's Theater will present
11 1
The annual Men's Club service "Shushan Thrie," a musical farce - Bnai David
Temple Israel
of the Northwest Hebrew Con- in. two acts. The participants
Shaarey Zedek
5 7
gregation will be held Friday are: 'Sheldon Beck
Northwest Hebrew
3 9
evening, March 18. -
Barbara Klein, Richard Lazar,
Kax. H. Goldstnith will chant Louise Helfgott, Morton Golditch,
the service and Herbert Harris Elaine' Rothman, Gerry Glass,
Friday, March 18, 1949
Will officiate as rabbi.
Sylvia Helfgott, Janice Lazar,
In place of the usual sermon, Marcia Henden, Janet Wexler,
Malcolm Rivkin, Dave Aaron and Dolores Sloan, Linda Freeden-
Hy Avrin, Men's Club president, berg, Mingan Cohen, Audrey
will participate in a symposium Katz, Marian Gunsberg, Sharon
on "The Great Hatred: Diagnosis Befger, Arlene Kollenberg, Ken
and Cure."
Shulak, Joe Levy and Deena

Leading in' special responsiVe Kraus, ballet dancer.
readings will be Dave Miller, Dr.
Jack Jackman and Arthur
Rev. Greenwood Preaches
Schultz. .
Sabbath morning services at At Temple Israel March 25;
Northwest Synagogue will be at Purim Service This Friday
9 a.m. Rabbi Jacob E. Segal will
preach on "Making Judaism
The second in a series of three
Count." Mincha services at 5:45 pulpit exchanges betwetn Chris-
p.m., followed by Sholoss Seudess. tian ministers and Rabbi Leon
Frain will take place at the Sab-
eve services of Temple
Mrs.. Wasserman Heads bath
Israel at 8:30 p. m., Friday, March
Arrangements for Games 25, in the lecture hall of the De-
troit Institute of Arts.
Party at Beth Aaron
Rev. John Wilfred Greenwood
Mrs. Ben Wasserman has been of Calvary Methodist Church will
chosen chairman for the annual
games party to be given by Beth speak on the subject "Dreamers
Aaron Sisterhood at 8:30 p.m. of Dreams."
Robert Harris Zelden, son of
Wednesday, March 30, at the
synagogue, Wyothing and Thatch- Mr. and Mrs, Abram Zelden, will
celebr'ate his Bar Mitzvah. Rabbi
Mrs. Sidney Weinberg, ticket Frain occupied Rev Greenwood's
chairman, announced that tickets pulpit Sunday morning.
are going rapidly. Mrs. Philip
Friday night, March 18, Rabbi
Bladen is prize chairman. Host- Frain will preach on "Purim
esses for the evening are Mes- Lore". In addition to the Temple
dames Meyer Cohen, Fred Green- Israel choir, a children's choir will
stein, Martin Haas, Joseph Haas, render Purim songs. The congre-
James Kraft, *Charles Kaufman, gation will partake of Purim re-
Sam Freedman, Ben Issen and freshments at a reception given
•by Dr. and Mrs. Leo Orecklin in
George Poplack.
The next meeting will be held honol. of the Bar Mitzvah of their
at the synagogue Monday, March son, Carl.
21. Mrs. Jack Raisin, program
chairman, will present the speak -


- by

Dr. Wise to Speak I
At Shaarey Zedek

Laymen Conduct
Northwest Service

Young Israel Plays Host. to Dr. Jung;
Women, Youths Celebrate Purim ,

Young Israel - of Detroit will be host to Dr. Leo Jung, rabbi
of The Jewish Center in New York, on his visit to Detroit, Monday,
March 28.
Dr. Jung has been professor of ethics at Yeshiva University since
1930 and is chairman of the advisory board of kashrut enforce-
A member of the cultural commission of the JDC, Dr: Jung was
vice president' of .the 'Union of
Orthodox Jewish Congregations
and is a past
president of the
R a bbinical
Council of Amer-
ica, association of
orthodox rabbis.
Dr. Jung is an
ardent advocate
of the establish-
ment of tradi-
tionally - pro-
grammed youth
centers through- Dr. Jung
out the United States, and is es-
pecially interested in the Young
Israel Youth Center being erect-_
ed in Detroit on Dexter Boule-
vard and Fullerton.
A reception is being arranged
in his honor.
The Women's League of Young
Israel and the young adult group
are jointly sponsoring the second
annual Purim carnival Saturday
evening, March 19, • at theBarium
Hotel. Proceeds will go to the
building fund of the Young
Israel Youth Center.
Saturday, March 12, three cif
the organization's affiliated youth
groups presented Purim skits.
The Bnei Yehudah.boys, ages 10
to 14, presented a Mr. Hush,
Truth or Consequences program.
This was followed by "Purim
Streamlined" given by the Yoch-
eyed Girls, sponsored by Sarah
Rabinowitz. Rayos Girls enacted
the "Purim Mikado" under the
$10.00 to $40.00
co-leadership of Mrs. Kurt Wein-
-berg and Esther Marx.

to look at
easy. ..
to wear
Hats by


Mr. Disney


Beth El Sermons Discuss
Libels Against the Jews

Dr. B. Benedict Glazer has an-
nounced a series of sermons on
the subject t "Historic Libels
Against the Jews" at the Sabbath
eve services of Temple Beth El.
The first sermon, at 8:15 p.m. Fri:-
day, March 18, will deal with "The
History of the Crucifixion".

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Sunday 11 - 5

You AreCordially Invited

To Attend The
Showing Of



Open Until 9 P.M.



• ",,,?;;;;

q ..A•••••.•

Concert at Bnai David

To Aid Refugee Cantors

Aid to refugee cantors will be
the purpose of the concert Tues-
day, March. 29, at Bnai David
Synagogue, sponsored . by the
CantorS' Association of Detroit. .
All Detroit cantors will partici-
pate in the program, to •which
the public is invited. - .
Cantor J. H. Sonenklar is
president of the Association and
Cantor H. Blank is secretary. Dan

Frohman is musical director.


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