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March 19, 1949 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1949-03-19

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BPs Greet Einstein on. Birthday

—International Photo


group of DP children, recently arrived in the U. S., greet Dr,
Albert Einstein at his Princeton, N. J., home as the "father of relativ-
ity" celebrated his 70th birthday. On his lap is Leonora Aragonas, 5.
Second from left is a cousin, Elizabeth Kerzek, I I, who was meeting
him for the first time. Seated beside the professor is William Rosen-
wald, national co-chairman of the Jewish Appeal. The children are
from the Reception Shelter of the United Service for New Americans
in N. Y.

Habonim. Holds
Special Program
For Youth Month

March 15 to April 15 has been
designated by the Labor Zionist-
Organization of Detroit as Hab-
onim Youth Month according to
Morris Leieberman, chairman of
the Detroit Central Committee,
representing the Labor Zionists,
Pioneer Women's Organization,
Jewish Workers Alliance (Far-
band) and Habonim.
"More than ever before, Israel
needs the financial support of
American Jewry to increase the
absortive capacity of the coun-
try and reconstruct the broken
lives of the DP's now entering
Israel, but even moreso, Israel
needs the -healthy hands and the
self-reliant pioneering spirit of
the best of American Jewish
Youth to take a personal part in
the building of a State which
will be based on the principles
of Labor Zionism and a coopera-
tive society," Lieberman de-
clared, in calling upon the mem-
bers of the Labor Zionist move-
ment to arrange special meetings
dealing with the problems of
American Jewish youth and the
necessity of strengthening the
Habonim Youth Organization.
A special Oneg Shabbat will
be held this Friday, March 18, at
Labor Zionist Institute,
13722 Linwood, arranged 4 by the
Youth Commission of the Labor
Zionist Organization of _Detroit.
The Habonim will present a pro-
gram of Israeli dances and songs.
David Raan, special Habonim
delegate from Israel will be the
main speaker.
Habonim will hold its an-
nual third Seder Saturday night,
April 16, at the Jewish Center.
Habonim will furnish speakers
to organizations and youth groups
interested in getting more in-
formation about their activities
and program. Call Al Goodman,
TE. 3-9050, for speakers and ad-
ditional information.

Buenos Aires Jews Fete
President, Mme. Peron

President and Mme. Juan Peron
attended a banquet arranged in
their honor by the pro-Peron
Jewish group. Organizacion Is-
raelita Argentina, in cooperation
with other Jewish organizations.
Speakers thanked President
Peron for Argentina's recognition
of Israel and for the decision
taken over the week-end by the
Constituent Assembly not to
recognize any racial differences.
Peron, whose remarks were fre-
quently interrupted by thunder-
our ovations, lauded the "noble
and glorious Israeli nation" and
asserted that the Jews exemplify
moral fortitude.
All the Jews in Argentina, the
President said, "are our brothers."
Peron voiced the hope for peace
in the Middle East for both the
Jews and Arabs and asked that
"God send prosperity to Israel."
Mme. Eva Peron wished happi-
ness to Israel and the world
Argentine Chief Rabbi S.
Schlesinger presented the Presi-
dent and his wife with a Scroll
of the Law. The names of Presi-
dent and Mme. Peron were also
inscribed in the Jewish National
Fund's Golden Book.

Collaborator to Die
PARIS. (JTA)—A sentence of
death was imposed by a French
war crimes court on Jean Bon-
houre who was convicted of ex-
torting money and valuables from
Jewish civilians during the Ger-
man occupation.,

Our Letter Box

Charlie Wolok Attacks
Our Stand on UJA, UPA
Editor, The Jewish News:
I was astounded at the errors
and unwise conclusions of your
last two editorials on the recent
Morgenthau - Silver controversy
within the United Jewish Appeal.
Your editorial leaves the impli-
cation that it was Dr. Silver and
Dr. Neumann who defied the rul-
ings of what you incorrectly call
"the supreme authority in the
Zionist movement," namely, the
Jewish Agency.
It was rather Mr. Morgenthau
who scorned the proposal of the
Jewish Agency when it attempted
to compromise the quarrel by a
decision that both Mr. Morgen-
thau and Mr. Montor should re-
sume the leadership of the UJA,
but with certain limitations.
Mr. Morgenthau rejected the
decision of the Agency reached
by unanimous vote and demanded
absolute control; Mr. Morgenthau
wired Dr. Silver, who was sin-
cerely seeking to end the dispute
with a compromise solution, that
he need not bother flying to Flor-
ida to discuss the matter with
him since discussion would be
You plead for Jewish leader-
ship "to abandon strife and to
yield to the will of the majority";
yet, you did not take Mr. Mor-
genthau to task for scorning the
unanimous, not just the majority,
vote of the body you label the
supreme authority in Zionism.
Reading your columns, one
would hardly be aware of, the
fact that the conflict in the UJA
was precipitated by Henry Mon-
tor, a paid administrator, when
he resigned from the UPA after
a series of wild charges which
were deplored by the Agency and
which Mr. Montor abjectly admit-
ted in a subsequent statement
were unwarranted.
You failed to point out that the
Agency, after being slapped in
the face by Mr. Morgenthau,
turned the other cheek and called
a meeting of the UPA board with-
out any authority; nor did you
point out that undue pressure was
exerted on this board, faced with
a threat of complete collapse of
the UJA, to accept Mr. Morgen-
thau and Mr. Montor.
You led your readers to believe
that Dr. Silver and Dr. Neumann
are .men who rule the Zionist
Organization arbitrarily and with
no recourse to democratic pro-
cesses when the direct opposite
is true. Both leaders, as you well
know, are men elected to their
positions by democratic vote.
Moreover, Dr. Neumann, as re-
cently as Feb. 13, received the
overwhelming vote of confidence
of over 500 local Zionist leaders
from every section of the country.
Sincerely yours,
Charlie Wolok,
7338 Woodward.

2,000 Turkish Immigrants
Arrive in Israel
HAIFA (JTA)—Two thousand
Jewish immigrants from Turkey,
the largest group from that coun-
try to arrive in Israel, disem-
barked here.

UJA Receives $250,000
Front Garment Union


Friday, March 18, 1949

NEW YORK, (JTA)--A check
for $250,000 was presented to the
United Jewish Appeal by David
Dubinsky, president of the Inter-
national Ladies Garment Work-
ers' Union, on behalf of his organ-
ization. The contribution exceeds
the union's 1948 gift to the UJA
by $100,000. Dubinsky also an-
nounced that his union had lent
$500,000 to the Jewish Agency.
The $250,000 check was 'turned
over by Dubinsky to Henry Mor-
genthau, Jr., general chairman of
the national UJA campaign, and
to Monroe Goldwater, president
of the UJA of Greater New York,
at a ceremony in the union's hall.
Accepting the contribution, Mor-
genthau and Goldwater empha-
sized that it represented the larg-
est individual gift ever made by
a union to a philanthropic organ-





and all other






Kosher Gel Dessert

Seeks Relatives

Horowitz Margareten

Information concerning t h e
whereabouts of Sam Kramer and
his two. sisters, Rosa and Blanka
Kramer, formerly of Luzon, Ba-
caurina, is sought by Henna
Greenfeld (maiden name Schech-
ter) also from Luzon. Anyone
having such information is asked
to contact Mrs. M. Michlin, 3266
Glendale, TO. 8-1239.


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Is Your Name On This List?

Arrangements can still be made for you to join a group

The United Hebrew
Schools of Detroit

of Defroiters now planning a tour to Israel for Passover.

Group will leave the United States on March

Gratefully Acknowledge

24—spend 3 weeks in ISRAEL—including Pass-

the Receipt of
Aaron Droock to Speak
a generous contribution to the
For New Bnai Brith Lodge Scholarship Fund of the Schools,

honoring Mr. Louis Robinson on
Aaron Droock, president of the the occasion of his 60th birthday,
Detroit Jewish Community Coun- from Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Lan-
cil and former president of Dis- dau of Outer Drive.
trict Six of Bnai Brith will ad
idress a meeting Wednesday eve-
rting, March 23, at Jericho Tem-
ple, 11331 Linwood, called for the
purpose of organizing a new
!lodge of Bnai Brith.
Collins Ave. at 37th Street
• Max Sosin and company will
• Facing the Ocean
entertain the group. Refreshments
• An intimate hotel featur-
ing personalized service
iare planned.
• Write for Rates &
For f Lirther information, call
gtilius Hirschman, TO. 9-7777 o&.
Bob Katz, UN. 4-1587.

- over—and will return home on April 24 via Paris

on Air France Luxurious Constellation Planes.




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