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January 16, 1948 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1948-01-16

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Procession to Begin
Torah Dedication at
Beth Yehudah Jan. 25

Impressive ceremonies w i 11
mark the dedication of the Sefer
TOrah which the ladies of Yeshi-
vath Beth Yehudah will present
to the Yeshivah Jan. 25. 401,
Written expressly for the Beth
Yehudah Auxiliary, the Torah is
a memorial to the six million
martyred Jews of Europe, ac-
cording to Mrs. Pearl Rottenberg,
auxiliary president.
The dedication ceremonies will
begin at 2:30 p. m. with a pro-
cession from Mrs. Rottenberg's
home, at 2468 Highland. Students
will carry the Torah, under the
traditional canopy, or "Chuppah"
to the Yeshivah, at Dexter and
Cortland. There, members of the
community will have an oppor-
tunity to purchase inscriptions of
letters honoring a loved one. The
Auxiliary's gift includes all orna-
ments for the Torah, Mrs: Rotten-
berg said.
The memorial scroll will be
used by the older students in the
Yeshivah's Beth Midrash.

Torah Fund Reports
To Be Heard Jan. 22

Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood's
Torah Fund committee will have
the last in a series of meetings
at the home of Mrs. Joe Horwitz,
18687 Warrington, Thursday, Jan.
22, to hear reports of workers
and to compile names of con-
tributors for the program to be
issued to guests at the Torah
Fund luncheon at the Shaarey
Zedek on Feb. 3.
It is expected that 600 women
will attend the Feb. 3 luncheon
in honor of Dr. A. M. Hershrrian
and Rabbi • Morris Adler. ' The
aim of the drive is to raise the
balance of $9,000 towards the
Sisterhood's gift of $21,500 to the
Jewish Theological Seminary.
The social committee for • the
luncheon is headed by Mesdames
Sam Heller, MOrris Halperin and
Morris Rusking. Mrs. A. J.
Blumenau heads the hospitality
The Cantata, "The- Sabbath,"
written by. Rabbi Adler, is being
directed for presentation at .
luncheon by Mrs. Adler, Cantor
J. H. Sonenklar and Lillian Rob-
bins, pianist.
Daily rep-Orts for the Tbrah
Fund are being accepted by Mrs.
Carl Schiller, general chairman,
UN. 1-6004; Mrs. Louis J. Tobin,
special gifts, TO. 8-3254; Mrs.
Meyer Shugerman, TO. 8-8754.

AZA, Coaches Protest
Ineligibility Rule Against
Central Basketball- Stars

Emphatic protests from AZA
greeted the Metropolitan High
School League's recent ineligi-
bility ruling for Central High
basketball -stars Sam Taub and
Aaron Rosenstein. The cagers
were declared ineligible for
League play when they played
on the school courts during vaca-
tion with an AZA team.
Central athletic coaches as-
serted that -neither player knew
of the existence of the League
ruling, and Charles Levy, BBYO
director, protested on behalf of
Bnai Brith.
At the time the ineligibility
was ruled, Taub, the team's lead-
ing scorer, and Rosenstein had
only four more games to play be-
fore graduating. The team _was
in first place in-the League.

Page Nine


Friday, January 16, 1948

Dedicates HUC Window

Temple Sisterhoods
Observe 35th Year

Explosives Secured
Legally by Agency

UN he had informed FBI officials
of his participation in the deal
to assure protection for the Jew-
ish population of Palestine.
Samuel . Nattis, an employee of
Weisman's Materials Redistribu-
tion Corporation, announced that
he negotiated the purchase open-
ly with the WAA and said that
"the FBI must have known my
deal was going through and the
stuff was going to be shipped."
At the same time Weisman and
the Jewish Agency asserted that
they had nothing 'to ' do with the
shipment of 77 crates of ex-
plosives which was found as it
was being loaded on a ship in
Jersey City on Jan. 3.
Several Congressmen were re-
ported .preparing to ask for a
Congressional investigation of
the sale by the War Assets Ad-
ministration of explosives des-
tined for Palestine, following the
disclosure that the explosives
— International Photo
seized during the past few days
in New York and Jersey were
Leonard M. Weisman of Mount purchased legally by the Jewish
Vernon, N. Y., has admitted that Agency.
he bought 200 tons of explosives
Maj. Gen. Clifton B, Gates,
M-3 from the War Assets Ad-
ministration for t h e Jewish Commandant of the U. S. Marine
Corps, speaking in Philadelphia,
Agency for Palestine.
The Jewish Agency meanwhile denied that any marines were be-
has assumed full responsibility ing sent to Palestine. He . said that
for the "legally procured" mate- the recent dispatch of 1,000 mar-
ines to the Mediterranean was
Mr. Weisman said he disap- merely a "routine" • operation.
In Prague, the Foreign Minis-
proved of Irgun and the Sternists
and was proud to help the Jewish try announced that it has estab-
Agency secure weapons for Hag- lished that the Skoda munitions
anah. He revealed that even be- works has delivered no arms to
fore the partition decision by the Syria or other Arab states.

The National Federation of
Temple Sisterhoods will celebrate
its 35th year of progress on Jan.
21. The day has been designated
as National Uniongram Day. and
each member of the National
Federation has been asked by
Mrs. Harold M. Baum of Milwau-
kee, Uniongram national Chair-
man to join in a world-wide
birthday celebration by sending a
Uniongram, to someone, some-
where. The Uniongram- is a dis-
tinctly Jewish message-bearer
with a format similar to.a tele-
DR. JULIUS MARK, rabbi of graphic blank, but which goes
through regular mail channels.
Vine Street Temple, Nashville,
Tenn., since 1926, dedicated a new
stained-glass window in the
Chapel of Hebrew Union College, Bnai Moshe Women
Cincinnati, in honor of HUC alum-
ni and students with) served as
Mrs. Meyer Weisenfeld, head
chaplains in World Wars I and II. dietician at Herman Kiefer hos-
Dr. Mark is the brother of Mrs. pital, will discuss "Normal Nu-
trition" for the Bnai MoShe Sis-.
Harry Buchman of Detroit.
terbood at a meeting Thursday,
Jan. 22. The meeting will be spon-
sored by the discussion group of
Rabbi Kalman Friedman
the sisterhood, headed by Mrs.
Represents Conservative Alex Fisch.
U. S. Jewry in Europe
Mrs. Sol Grand reports that a
series of child guidance lectures
Rabbi Kalman Friedman arriv- will be presented, • beginning
ed in Paris Jan. 7 to represent Tuesday evening, Jan. 27.
the Rabbinical Assembly of Amer-
Sisterhood president Mrs. Mor-
ica and the United Synagogue of ris Klarman invites members and
America in the task of reestab- friends to attend an evening of
lishing and strengthening Jewish games Wednesday evening, Jan,
religious life in Europe, accord- 28, in the social hall. Arrange-
ing to an announcement by Dr. ments are being made by Mrs.
Israel M. Goldman, president of William New and Mrs. I. Brad-
the Assembly.

Dr. Goldna4n pointed out that
Rabbi --Friedman's mission was
undertaken at the request of Jew-
ish communities in Europe which
had asked the United Synagogue Former Detroiter
and. the Rabbinical Assembly for
guidance in rehabilitating con-
Of interest to many. Detroiters
tinental religious institutions is the marriage of 'Judy Holliday
which had been destroyed and and David J. Oppenheim which
was solemnized on Jan. - 4 in the
bride's home in New York City.
Rabbi Abraham Burstein, chap-
UHS Jr. Congregation
lain of the Jewish . Theatrical
-Elects New Officers
Guild, officiated. •
Miss Holliday, who is the star
The Junior Congregation of
Philadelphia-Byron School elect- of • "Born Yesterday;" is the
ed the following officers: Presi- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe
dent, Shirley Schechter; vice- Tuvim of New York. Her father,
president, Morley Katz; treasurer, who is well known in Zionistic
Herbert Bildofsky; secretary, circles, is acting director of the
Gloria Mathis; chazon, Sidney American Zionist Emergency,
Forman; trustee, Vivian Som- Council.
Oppenheim, a former Detroiter,
" The Junior Congregation serv- is the son of Mrs. Stanley I.
ices are conducted every Satur- Glazer of Chicago and the late
day morning at 9:45 by the chil- Louis Oppenheirn. He is first
dren under the supervision of clarinetist Of Leonard Bernstein's
David Rappoport and the princ- NeW York Symphony Orchestra I
ipal of the Philadelphia - Byron and also of Metropolitan Audi- I
School, Morris Lachover. After tions of the Air.
services, the children recite the
Among the out-of-town guests
Sabbath morning Kiddush and
at the wedding were the bride-
partake of refreshments.
groom's uncle and aunt, Dr. and
Mrs. Maurice B. Benyas of this
Yeshiva University •Opens










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New School of Education

With part of Yeshiva Univer-
sity's physical expansion program
already underway Dr. Samuel
Belkin, President of Yeshiva Uni-
versity, announced that the first
school of the University's aca-
demic expansion program — a
School of Education and Commu-
nity Administration will open in
Dr. Belkin said that applica-
tions for admission to the new
school are now deing accepted.
He. added that this school is de-
signed primarily for service to
the community in such areas
where no similar work is being
done at present.
Dr. Silver Honored
The school will be located on
At Paris Reception
Amsterdam Ave: and 185th St.,
PARIS, (JTA) — Jewish and in buildings now being erected,
non-Jewish leaders here paid
adjoining the main building of
tribute to Dr. Abba Hillel Silver
the University.
as a "Zionist, religious leader and
prominent American" at a fare-
well reception in his honor. Israel Rosoff Died; His
Among those present were Cath- Letter Quoted in Editorial
olic leader March Sangnier,
Israel Rosoff, pioneer Zionist
Leopold Fedor Senghor, Negro whose letter to the Palestine Post
representatWe of Senegal in the on the questoin of the Arab-Jew-
French National Assembly, and a ish Entente was quoted in an.
representative of the U. S. Em- editorial in last week's Jewish
bassy. Silver reviewed the mu- News; died Jan. 8 at the age of
tual influence of the French and 78. He was a personal friend of
American spirits in bringing Louis D. Brandeis and Louis
about a "jut solution of the Marshall and attended the Peace
Conference. after Warld War I.
Jewish problem."
'''' ' • :.
s • •
• ' .1


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(Former Director of Jewish Child Placement Bureau)

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