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June 07, 1946 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1946-06-07

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Friday, June 7, 1946

Truman Assures Senators
Of Expediting DP Transfer

President Taking Every Step Possible to Speed Immigration
of 100,000 to Palestine, N. J. Congressmen Report;
Arab Kings Protest Further Influx of Jews

WASHINGTON (JTA)—President Truman gave definite
assurance to SenatOrs Albert W. Hawkes and H. Alexander
Smith, Republicans of New Jersey, that he is taking every
step possible under present conditions to accelerate transfer
to Palestine • of the 100,000 displaced Jewish persons in
Germany, the Senators said after meeting with the President.

The President is very hope ful,7
Hawkes said, that some steps jumping-off ground to re-enter
will be taken very shortly to ! Egypt and defend the Suez Ca-
expedite the matter.
l nal" the hope of gaining U. S.
aid in Palestine would be les-
Arab Kings Protest Jewish
Immigration into Palestine
CAIRO (JTA)—Further Jew-
ish immigration into Palestine London Press Omits Churchill
was opposed in a communique Plea for Jewish Home
issued by the conference of
LONDON (Palcor)—Surprise
Arab rulers. The communique has been expressed in many
said that Britain should be com- quarters here that the Times
pelled to carry out the terms of omitted- from its account of Wins-
ton Churchill's speech in Com-
the White Paper;
The Arab statement added that mons, during the debate on
Palestine was an Arab country Egypt, his statement: "I stand
and urged all Arab -countries to for a Jewish National Home in
join in the struggle to defend Palestine and with immigration
its interests. In t thinly veiled up to the fullest absorptive ca-
threat, it expressed the hope that pacity."
Britain and he U. S. would take
The Times report mentioned
no action on Palestine which only the former Prime Minister's
would compel the Arabs to carry statement that he agrees with the
out measures which would "im- government's policy of enlisting
peril world peace."
American aid in solving the Jew-

Arabs Split; Organize Rival
Body to Arab Higher Committee
ences among Palestine Arab lead-
ers has resulted in the estab-
lishment of a new organization,
the Arab Higher Front, as a
rival body to the Arab Higher
The new organization will be
composed of representatives of
five of the six leading Arab
parties in the country. The first
plenary meeting of the Higher
Front was held on June 2. It is
reliably stated that its policy will
favor submission of the Palestine
case to the United Nations,
whereas Jamal Husseini, chair-
man of the Arab Higher Com-
mittee, has repeatedly insisted
that such a move would not
serve any useful purpose.

Immigration of 100,000
Will Cost $120,000,000
The Jewish Agency is drafting
plans for the absorption of
100,000 Jewish immigrants, as
recommended by the Anglo-
American Inquiry Committee
and estimates that it will cost
approximately $120,000m0,
Bernard Joseph, legal advisor to
the Agency's Political Depart-
ment, declared at his regular
press conference here.
It is assumed that one-fourth
of the 100,000 immigrants will be
children who will be cared for
Aliyath Hanoar, and the re-
mainder will be adults who will
settle in agricultural settlements
and cities, Dr. Joseph said.
The Jewish Agency spent $27,-
720,000 during the past 18 months,
particularly for immigration, res-
cue and relief, Eliezer Kaplan,
treasurer of the Jewish Agency,
announced in a report before the
Smaller Actions Committee here.
Housing and absorption of veter-
ans in new settlements also were
included in the disbursements.
Mr. Kaplan disclosed that the
income of Keron Hayesod par-
ticularly from the U. S., has in-
creased substantially during the
past year.

Churchill Opposes Making
Palestine a Military Base
LONDON (,4ITA)—Transfer of
the British military base in the
Middle East from Egypt to Pal-
estine, as a result of the present
Anglo-Egyptian treaty negotia-
tions,, would endanger 'the pos-
sibility of securing American co-
operation in solving the problem
of the Jews and Arabs in Pal-
estine, former Prime Minister
Churchill declared in Commons
last week.
Churchill said that he was
hopeful the Anglo-American in-
quiry committee report would
lead to cooperation between the
two countries, but added that
"from the moment. that Britain
is going to use Palestine as a

ish-Arab problem. Several other
papers and the British Broadcast-
ing Company also failed to re-
port Churchill's avowed support
of a Jewish National Home.

Polish OSE Leader
Slain; Murderer
Leaves Identification

WARSAW (JTA)—Dr. Michael
Szczglowski-Mehrer, a leader of
the OSE, the Jewish Health So-
ciety, in Poland, was murdered
by a member of an anti-Semitic
underground group at his home
in Katowice, which was located
on the busiest street of the city.

The murderer left behind a
card indicating that he was a
member of the Polish Home
Army, which is terrorizing the
Jews and campaigning against
the present Polish government.
At his funeral Sunday, which
was4 attended - by thousands, rep-
resentatives of the government,
of the Polish Medical Association
and of other groups, expressed
their indignation at the terrorism.

Death Camp Commanders
Face Warsaw Trials
Hans Bubow, commander of the
Lodz ghetto, where 200,000 Jews
were murdered, and Rudolph
Hoess, commandant of the infa-
mous Oswiecim death 'camp, have
been taken to Warsaw from the
U. S. zone of Germany by a Po-
lish military commission to stand
trial as war criminals.

Page Rye

Gellman Heads Young
Israel for 5th Term

Charles T. Gellman was re-
elected president of Young Israel
for a fifth term at the annual
meeting on May 29. Samuel W.
Platt was re-
elected to a
fourth term as
; chairman of the
board. Ruth
Bodzin was
elected s e c r e-
tary and Solo-
mon B. Cohen,
treasurer. -
Mr. Gellman's
report told of
C. T. Gellman the
growth of Young Israel's youth
program which now includes 15
groups. More than 300 children
participate in Young Israel acti-
The following were elected to
serve on the board:
Harry Blitz, Dave Berris, Isa-
dore Cohen, Dr. H. Mandelbaum,
Arthur Gellman, Rabbi Zentman,
Joe Grossman; Solomon N. Coh-
en, Hyman R. Cohen, Hillel
Abrams, Morris Berris, Irving
Schlussel, Jerome Kelman, Alter
Greenbaum, Daniel Schwartz, Dr.
Wiser, Sam Novetsky, David No-
vetsky, Morris Subar, Harold
Platt, Abbe Levi, Seymour Wol-_
fish and Rabbi Max J. Wohlgel-
Jerome Kelnian and 'Alter
Greenbaum are vice-presidents
ex-officio, as presidents of the
Northwestern and Joy Rd. branch

Goldie Myerson, Palestine Labor
Leader, to Speak Here on June 12

Will Address Labor Zionist and Progressive Bloc in Behalf
of World Zionist Congress Elections; Was Witness
Before Anglo-American Inquiry Committee

The Labor Zionist and Progres-
sive Bloc of Detroit, serving as
the local arm for the national
movement which aims to mobil-
ize voters in the forthcoming
elections to the World Zionist
Congress. in behalf of the labor
candidates, has arranged for a
public meeting to be held
Wednesday evening, June 12, at
8:30 o'clock, at the Shaarey
Zedek social hall, for the pres-
entation of its viewpoint on the
Goldie Myerson, one of the
outstanding Palestine labor lead-
ers, will be the principal speak-
er at this meeting to which the
entire community is invited.
Miss Myerson, a former Mil-
waukee school teacher who set-
tled in Palestine and became one
of the most prominent leaders in
the Histadrut and the Working
Women's Council, was a witness
before the Anglo-American In-
quiry Committee at its hearings
in Palestine. Her testimony at-
tracted worldwide attention for
its courageous declarations 'in
support of Jewish claims in Pal-
Miss Myerson was one of the
group of Jewish leaders in Pal-
estine who went on a hunger
strike in protest against the re-
fusal of the British government
to admit the 1044 Jewish survi-

Joan Wilk on Staff
Of Michigan Daily

Miss Joan Wilk, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilk of 20125
Canterbury, has been appointed
women's editor of the University
of Michigan Daily.

Miss Wilk, now completing
her junior year, is a graduate
of Central high school, where she
was a member of the staff • of
the school paper.

Other honors given Miss Wilk
include election to membership
in Scroll, honorary sorority and
as secretary of the Women's Ath-
letic Association. She is a mem-
ber of Alpha Epsilon Phi soror-

Robert Goldman ' was named
managing editor of the Daily.

If You Have Not Yet Contributed

To the Allied Jewish Campaign .. .


Maybe you are a newcomer, or for some other rea-

son have not been solicited during the drive.

Please do not wait to be asked to give to


great mercy cause.


The Jewish Welfare Federation Year Book

Zion. Essay Contest
Won by H. L. Mandel

Herbert Lee Mandel, 16-year-
old son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Mandel of 2301 W. Philadelphia,
Won one of the third prizes in the
national essay contest for youth
conducted by the American Zion :-
ist Emergency Council. He re-
ceived as his prize $10 worth of
government savings stamps.
The topic of his essay was
"Why Should Americans Be Con-
cerned About a Jewish National
A student at Central High
School, he is taking a course in
journalism under S. S. Fishbaine.
He belongs to Habonim, labor
Zionist youth 'Organization, and
is interested in Esperanto, which
he speaks and writes. He is a
graduate of the United Hebrew
Schools. Previously he was
awarded a $25 war bond in the
Hearst Oratorical Contest at
Hutchins Intermediate, in 1943.
Excerpts from Herbert's prize-
winning essay appear in the col-
umn "For Our Young People" on
the editorial page of this issue of
The Jewish News.

vors from Nazism who were
aboard the S. S. Fede and who
were stopped from proceeding
to Palestine at La Spezia, Italy.
In her address here, Miss
Myerson, who has just arrived
from Palestine, will give a com-
prehensive report on latest oc-
currences in Palestine and will
describe her • experiences as a
witness before the inquiry com-

containing the names of all contributors

will go to press as soon as all

gifts are compiled.


Send your pledge or chock to



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