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March 02, 1945 - Image 2

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1945-03-02

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Friday, March 2, 1945


Page Two..


Many of us who had occasion to be-
come confronted with the issue of anti-
. Semitism have found it difficult to give
the reply as to how to handle the issue
in preparing youngsters below the teen
age to face prejudice.
Very often we have, ostrich-like, seen
fit to declare that we will confront the
issue when it arises.
But more often than not, we do not
have to wait for the issue to come up
since it frequently. strikes the youth so
bluntly that we are caught speechless by
the tragedy of some situations.
Proof was provided a few days ago in
Cleveland. The youngster whom we
wotild not burden with the seriousness of
existing anti-Semitic gangsterism, and
for whom we desired to limit a knowl- -
edge of Jewish life -to an understand-
ing of past history which he was him-
self to apply to his future life, was given
the complete details .on. a visit to Cleve-
land by those who were under the heel
of American Nazis.

Here are the Cleveland incidents:

It is amazing that in a world so small
that a shot in Cairo reverberates in Wash-
ington, gangsterism occuring in Cleve-
land, 0., should have been kept from
the knowledge of the country at large.

For several weeks Cleveland Jewish
boys have been beaten mercilessly, their
,teeth have been knockd out, faceS slashed,
some nearly have been blinded and their
tongues cut.
Since every slashing was preceded by
the question directed .at the victim, "Are
you a Jew?", it is clear that the slashers
are more than delinquent . youths, and
that their acts bordered on heartless
gangsterism inspired by bigotry.

It took weeks for the press of Cleve-
land to become incensed over the indif-
ferences of a judge who made a farce of
the whole business in handling the case
against some of the gangsters, without
recognizing that the gangsterism of Ber-
lin Nazis, was in.full play on free Amer-.

ican soil.
Clevelanders are not fully justified in -

criticizing their Jewish Council for in-
activity. We were told by Clevelanders
that they were outraged because their
•Council devoted itself to sponsoring con:-
certs and musical events at a time when
they should be engaged entirely in of
forts to . meet emergencies on the. civic :
protective front.
There is just a grain • of justification
for such Criticism since it is indeed to be
expected that there ought to be a division
of effort and those who are expected to
work on the defense front ought to stick
to that front, and those who, like the
Centers,. are engaged in cultural efforts,
should be held responsible for such tasks.

But, in justice to the Cleveland Coun-
cil, it should be said that it is on the job
in the present outrageous occurrences:
and that its leaders are determined to
carry on the fight for decency.
It is questionable, however, -whether
we have all recognized the seriousness of
a situation -which began in Boston and
which has -spread to Cleveland by way
of very many communities whose Jewish
youth have found it dangerous to go out-
doors after, dark because .gangsters have
run loose.
What about the reaction of the very
young children' when theyhear these
Listening in on a- discussion of "what
to do", the Detroit jUnior who heard of
the Cleveland outrage piped in—"slug
'em back!" .
This may 'or May not be the solution.
It is clear though that if the adults .aora
decide on a Plan -of action the youth .
WILL, _'out _of the necessity. of finding
positive approaches to self-defense..'
. We naturally Prefer Prophetic Judaism
to the Muscular Judaism that was advo-
• cated by Dr. Max Nordau. But in a
World whose major fight today is to
prevent people from pushing their neigh-
bors around unjustly, we are whole-
heartedly for the type of Muscular Judd-
ism that "slugs back" when injustice is
Will the responsible agencies in Jewish
life rise to the situation and find a way
of fully preparing our youth to meet the
challenges directed at them by anti-
The challenge is here, but the answer
to it is yet to come.

The Lost Je*ish Children of Paris



(Jewish Telegraphic Agency Correspondent in Paris)


Copyright 1945, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.

Heard in
The Lobbies

There is hardly a Jewish family in France that has not suffered the loss
of at least one -member. Between eight and ten thousand of the surviving
15,000 Jewish children are orphans or are separated from their families.
The most tragic aspect of the situation is that of the children. Hundreds
'were- placed with religious institutions or non-Jewish families by their par-
ents in the early days , of the anti-Jewish drive. The children were given
false names and many were too young then to remember their real names
or their parents. In some cases, the parents were deported and thus all
trace of the children lost. .
Others were lost when Jewish workers caring for them were captured
or killed. There are many parents in France today desperately following the
slimmest of clues, trying to find their children'. .
Then there are the malnourished and mistreated children who need
medical care, the children,.who were old enough to realize the horror of their
situation, to remember their parents and to want them.
The task of trying to reunite separated families and to trace the missing
already has begun. A central register is being established to seek the missing
For the children, the first task has been to trace them, to place them
temporarily in institutions or,7private homes where they can be looked after
under the supervision of agencies of the Jewish community, given medical
and other required attention. Some of the orphaned children may be sent to
Palestine. Others may emigrate to rejoin relatives abroad. Others may later
be adopted by kin here. This program is being handled through funds of the
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.

You and Me




(Copyright,. *1945, Jewish Telegraphic
Agency, Inc.)

A number of correspondents want an
answer' to this question: How come that,
at the AFL convention last November,
Palestinian Poale .Zionist leader Mere-
minsky, • who has been in this country
for some time, used his influence to
eliminate reference to the Palestine
resolution introduced in Congress from
the 'resolution adopted by the AFL con-
vention in favor of Palestine? . . The
Poale Zion party was at the time com-
mitted to support ,the Congress resolu- .
tion . . . We don't know the answer

Practically every important Jewish or-
ganization in the United - States is 1pusy
preparing memorandums for submission
to the conferenee • of the United Nations
which will open on April 25 . in San
Francisco . . And__Zionist leaders have
cabled Dr. Weizmann to be sure to arrive
in the United States in sufficient time to
conduct private talks with the delegates
of various countries who' will represent
their governments at the San Francisco
A tip to the postal authorities: R. W.
The formation. of a 'United Jewish
representation, authorized to speak on Byerley, Post Office Box 1344, Chatta-
behalf =of alr Jews, is now the question nooga, Tenn., is mailing out open post-
uppermost in the minds of . responsible cards asking white Christian American
Jewish leaders . . Most of them still citizens to join a secret society that stands
remember that at .the -Evian Conference for white supremacy in this country . . .
there were no less than 30 competing The card lists an anti-Negro and anti-
Jewish delegation§ . Although Jews Jewish program, and to insure a prompt
will not have a seat at the San Francisco reply it has a self-addressed return
sessions, it is realized that something postal attached. * * *
Must be done to prevent the sorry spec-
tacle of a multiplicity of Jewish "observ- WARSAW ECHOES
We hope that some organization will
ers" trying to buttonhole delegates of the
sponsor the great symphonic poem.on the
United Nations in the hotel lobbies..-.
Warsaw Ghetto just completed by Sam
The .Palestine.. question may be taken
Morgenstern, the composer, and Harry
up; that the conference, since the - ques- fiGranick, the writer . . . We heard it at
tion of an - international trusteeship over :Meyer Weisgal's home the other night,
.mandated . AerritorieS.:will...definitely be and were terrifically impressed . . . Be-
discussed_ there— also. ;expected
fore long you will be able to' get, in
that problems affecting *the reconstruC--
your favorite book store, "No Traveler
lion. of destroyed _Jewish - Conn-nullities
and the restitution - of • Jewish property Returns," by Henry Shoskes . . . This
volume tells the inside story of life in
1-nay come up -.for .. discussion.
the Warsaw Ghetto during the Nazi oc-
* * *
The talks which President 'Roosevelt YOU SHOULD KNOW
Herbert C. Pell, who was forced to quit
had in• Egypt 'With. the Arab kings en
. route home from the. Yalta Conference at U. S. representative on the United
came as no surpriSe to Zionist leaders Nations War Crimes Commission because
... In fact, they knew in advance that Congress refu4ed to provide the $30,000
Roosevelt Would meet with the Arab budget which his activities would have
rulers . .. Needless to say, American required, still may return to his post if
Zionist circles would have felt much public opinion will insist that he is the
happier if President Roosevelt had also man . . . Senator Kilgore of West Vir-
ginia told us the other evening that Pell
summoned Dr. Weizmann for a talk . .
Especially since it would have taken had committed a grave error—explain-
Weizmann only one hour by plane ing, with a smile, that if Pell had asked
to come from Palestine .. . But they are for $30,000,000 instead of $30,000 he might
not too . disappointed since F.D.R. is, any- have gotten it.
Saul Lokier, former secretary of the
way, well acquainted with. the Jewish
arguments regarding Palestine . _. As a Mexico City Bnai Brith Lodge, is now
matter of fact, one of the' books that the. a- - student at the Jewish Theological
President is now reading is "Palestine- Seminary of America, and upon hi3'
I4and of Promise" by the U. S. agricul- graduation will be the first American-
tural expert Walter C. Lowdermilk who trained rabbi to serve a congregation
advocates the development of Palestine in Mexico . . . The Bnai Brith is under-
so as to absorb millions of Jewish new- writing his training.
Congratulations to Harry D. Henshel,
corners. Whatever suggestions the Arab
rulers may have made to Roosevelt with member of the board of directors of the
regard to Palestine, it can be safely pre- New York YMHA, on attaining the rank
dicted that they will be' ready to accept of lieutenant-colonel' . . Henshel dis-
any decision made by the "Big Three" tinguished himself in the fighting on the
even though they may not be fully to Western front.
Claudy Nordau-Gruenblat, 14-year-old
their liking .. . 'Indications to this effect
were given by APab*,statesmen td im- granddaughter of Max Nordau, is be-.
portant leaders of the Jewish Agency cowing a favorite poetess of New York
who approached them with an offer to City's own radio station, WNYC, over
hold an Arab-Jewish round table meet- which her poems have been recited as a
ing in order to come to a rntitual under-' Sunday morning :message.
standing on the Palestine issue . . . The
Arab statesmen declined the' Jewish of- FINISHING TOUCH'
No doubt you recall that story of the
fer stating that the Palestine question is
now in the hands of forces stronger than, Christmas Eve mass held -On a Pacific
either the Jews or the Arabs, or both • • . island at which a Marine—we believe it
The Arab attitude at present can be was • Barney Ross—provided organ music
formulated. as follows: First let the by playing the: only song he knew, "Yid-
United' Nations decide what solution 'dishe Marna" . Now Winchell tells us
they can offer for the Palestine problem, that a fitting tag-line to that story has
then let them present their decision to been provided , by Monsignor Fulton J.
the Jews and the Arabs separately, and Sheen, who points out that since the
, only then will Arab leaders have some- mother of Jesus was a Jewess the song
was most appiopriate. .
thing to discuss with the Jews.




(Copyright, 1945 Independent Jewish
Press Service. Inc.)

The Yiddish press in the United State%
has reached its 75th, anniversary. It is a
momentous occasion, and one on which
your columnist .wants to take time out'
from current gossip, to engage in curiae
of the past ..
Did you know that the late Louis Mar-
shall was the "angel". of a Yiddish news-
paper, Die Yiddishe Welt, published in
1902? He studied Yiddish so as to be
able to read his own newspaper. Sub-
sequently he became interested in Yid-
dish literature, and acquired a consider-
able library. His children, it is reported,
disposed of his Yiddish books after their
father died . .. And did you know that
Horace Greely was the "dean" of the
Yiddish publishers? Editor Greely, seek-
ing the Presidential nomination of the
Liberal Republican ticket; backed- , the
first Yiddish newspaper in the United
States, a weekly launched on March 1,
1870, by J. K., Buchner, a Lithuanian Jew.
Hebrew type. was unavailable in this
country at the time,. so the first Yiddish
weekly was lithographed . .
. An uncle of Herman Bernstein, the -
late U. S. Minister to Albania, launched
another Yiddish weekly in 1871. Minister
Bernstein, as you know, founded The Day
in 1914, serving as its editor for a number
of years.
The Day's contributions to Jewish
journalism consisted in raising writing
standards and -purifying the langUage
which was, for too long, a jumble • of
Russian, German and English . . . The
Jewish Morning Journal's chief contribu-
tion is its own foreign service • . The
Jewish Daily Forward, largest circulatiOn.
Yiddish newspaper, has to. its credit the
introduction_ of fast-tempo journalism,
and American methods,- but its news
writing standards are lower than those
of the other dailies, its news writers
abiding . by the formula of "plain Yid-
dish," mixed with many English words
time, taught
. . . The Forward, at
untry the ways
the newcomers to this country
of the new land, instructing them in
everyday etiquette . . . The ; Yiddigh press
contributed toward unionization in Afrie1 4-
ica, but that does not mean that the press
was radical . . There were tremendous
conservative factors. Orthodoxy had its
champion, the. Tagbelatt, which later
merged with, the Jewish Morning Journal,
an orthodox organ to this day.




The Yiddish dailies are both alike and
unlike the general American press . .
They carry extensive American and over-
seas news, but a great deal of their
space is devoted to features, and serial-
ized novels, thus the Yiddish daily is
very' much like the general afternoon and
Siinday papers . . ;" It is unmatched
eXcept, perhaps, by a half dozen U. S.
dailies, in its all-around coverage ... .
There are four Yiddish dailies with na-
tional circulation, all of them published
in New York City . . . The Jewish Daily
Forward is Social Democratic, but carries
a great deal of Zionist and Orthodox re-
ligious feature articles . . The Day, like
•F.D.Te., is "left of center," . . . It has a
daily English column and an English
. The
section in its Sunday issue .
Jewish Mgrning Journal is the leading
newspaper modeled after the N. Y. Times,
it is orthodox-religious, Zionist, and does
not appear on Shabbos . . . The Com-
munistic daily, Morning Freiheit, at one
time at logger heads with the entire Yid-
dish press, especially during the Palestine
riots of 1929 and 1936 when its pro- :Arab
stand was universally renounced, 'has
changed its policy, and carries extensive
material on Palestine, prepared by
Abraham Regelson, Hebrew poet, now a
member . . . The Yiddish
dailies are
are all pro-New Deal.
*. * *

ZiVyon, an oldtime anti-Zionist, and
David Einhorn, 'a refugee poet, also ha-
bitually anti-Zionist, both of. the For-
ward staff, are the only anti-Zionist
voices in the Yiddish press.
The oldest 'continuous newspaper col-
umn in the American press is that of
Jacob Fishman, veteran editor, whoSe
daily column in the Jewish. Morning
Journal has. now been appearing for
almost a quarter.of a century • .. A com-
paratively recent column, only some 10
years old, is B. Z. Goldberg's column in
The Day . . Mr. Fishman_is a liberal,
conservative, middle-of-the-road, advised
in his judgment, Well-informed, and
esteemed for hiS consistency .. • In Zion-
ism, while maintaining sobriety,. he *fre-
quently turns, to inipassioned eloquen0.

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