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February 02, 1945 - Image 12

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1945-02-02

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Friday, February 2, 1945


Page TvieIve

Roosevelt GetsMemorandum
On Palestine from Dr. Wise

New Keidan Lodge
To Hear Rabbi Cohen

Detroiters Begin to Receive
ail from SurvivingKinsmen

Horrible Stories Related in Message Received From Victim
Of Nazism; Vilna Relative Writes Abc3ut Handful
Who Survived Terrorism

Zionist Emergency Council Chairman Discloses 'Heartening
Talk' With President; Professors Petition FDR To
Use Influence to Open Doors of Zion to Jews

Scores of letters have reached Only then will the world be
Detroiters during the past few cleansed of this human filth. Do
days from relatives in Eastern not think that there are those
Europe from whom they had not among them who are not guilty
heard in the years since the be- of sin. They • are all a band of
criminals and we must not per-
ginning of the war.
These letters have begun to mit ourselves to pity them.
arrive since the Russian invasion
"May the avenging of our blood
of Polish and German territories. be the aim of your lives!
I. Goodman of Buena Vista
One of the victims—
Hirsch Zedek
Ave. heard from surviving rela-
Professors Appeal to Roosevelt for Jewish Commonwealth
July 15, 1944."
tives in Vilna that only a few
WASHINGTON—On the eve of President Roosevelt's departure
hundred Jews had survived the
for his historic conference with leaders of the United Nations, a
Nazi terror, from a population of D. W. Simons School
petition by 2,000 American university professors was submitted to

him urging the Chief Executive to use the influence and power of
Letters from relatives in Russia Opens Milk Station
his high office "to the end that the doors of Palestine shall be Keidan Lodge of Bnai Brith will
opened for free entry of Jews, and that there shall be full oppor- be addressed by Rabbi Jehudah were also received by the Nathan
Another branch of United He-
tunity for colonization, so that the Jewish people may ultimately M. Cohen, director of the Bnai Lindens, the Manuel Rices and
brew Schools, the David W. Si--
reconstitute Palestine as a free and democratic Jewish • Common- Brith Hillel Foundation of the others.
Rose Lewis of 3203 Calvert has mons School, opened a milk
- wealth."
University of Michigan, at its
Professors from more than 250 colleges in 45 states, including
Made public a heartbreaking station for children who come
more than 150 university presidents, are among the signers of the
the Jade Room of Detroit Leland letter, received through Kalvarier directly from public school to
appeal to Mr. Roosevelt.
Aid. Society. This letter was re- the Hebrew school. This makes
three schools which serve milk
Palestine Settlement Will "Have To Be Imposed"
SanfOrd Wallace, of Detroit, ceived from a soldier in the Red to the children. The other two
NEW . YORK (JPS)—Any "decisive settlement of the Palestine president of the U. M. Hillel Army, Baruch Zedek, of Kovno,
problem . . will have to be imposed" on Arabs and Jews by the Student Council, also will de- by his uncle, Yaakov Zedek. It are the Philadelphia-Byron and
great powers, Ann O'Hare McCormick, New York • Times corres-
is dated Sept. 15, 1944. The letter the Rose Sittig Cohen.
Pupils of the pre-kindergarten
pondent, declares in a dispatch from the Near East. "The Arabs liver an address. The meeting reveals how entire families were
are sincerely frightened by Zionist dynamism and expansionism," will be featured by initiation of slaughtered. Children and adults class of David W. Simons School,
she writes. "The Zionists on their side show surprisingly little com- new members, under the direc-
which meets at 10 a. in. to 12
prehension of or sympathy for the feelings of their neighbors." She tion of Pisgah Lodge Degree were subjected to untold tor- p. m. Monday through Friday,
says that Professor Frankel, an economist and Zionist from Jo- Team consisting of Elias Gold- tures.- He relates having found a are served on Friday . with a
hannesburg, visiting Palestine, told Zionists that their "failure" was berg, Samuel W. Leib, Aaron letter that was written by his luncheon at which they are
"in human relations."
.Rosenberg, Joseph L. Staub and brother in a cellar where he was
Compromise proposals for the administration of Palestine, Clement J. Weitzman. Refresh- hidden. The letter which was trained for the Sabbath meal
"such as binational, or trinational regime, the latest plan recogniz-
written on the pages torn from services.
- Last Sunday, before Hamisha
ing Britain as a third partner in government, find few supporters" ments will be served during the a book of poems by Lermontov,
in either the Zionist or Arab camp. The partition plans currently social hour.
Asar b'Shevat, the Girls' • Glee
discussed are substantially the same as those proposed by the Peel
"Human Beings' We were pur- Club of the David W. Simons
report several years ago.
as one would wild beasts. School presented a skit, under
"Paradoxically, Russia also manifests an interest in this aspect
the direction of Mrs. Samuel
of the problem. Russia is renewing ties with Eastern churches."
For seven days we hid in attics
Lehrman, and sang Palestinian
Enroute to Moscow now, are the "Patriarchs of the Greek Ortho-
without water to drink. After-
dox Church in Palestine, Syria and Lebanon."
wards they threw flares at us songs. Hamisha Asar b'Shevat
and set fire to the building on refreshments were served.
S. Within . TWo Months
Weizmann Leaving Palestine For
Arrangements are being made
every side. Many were the vic-
JERUSALEM, (JTA)—Dr. Chaim Weizmann announced this
tims. People innocent of all sin in all branches • of the United
week that he will leave for the U.. S. within two 'months to confer
Hebrew Schools to organize
with Zionist leaders. The disclosure. was made during a brief - ad-
Dr. Alfred Jospe, director of their only crime that the race of
dress at the settlement of Raanana which was founded about 20 Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at their origin did not find favor in classes for . beginners and ad-
__years ago with funds, contributed by American Jews. Dr. Weizmann Indiana University, will speak on the eyes of this racial beast in the vanced students. Children of 31/2
are admitted to the pre-kinder-
was warmly greeted by Baruch Ostrowsky, mayor of Raanana, a
"A Program for American Jews" image of the devil .. .
former resident of New York.
"Comrades avenge our deaths. garten classes • in the Rose Sittig
at 8 p.m. Sunday, at the ,Hillel
Cohen and the David W. - Si-
Foundation of University of We were 50,000 and 'we remain mons Schools.
`Weizmann Receives Testimonial From Refugees
JERUSALEM (JPS-Palcor)—In a touching scene, 150 refugee Michigan, under joint auspices of
children from Belgium, France, Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Bes- Avukah and Ann Arbor chapter these executioners most cer-
tainly will exterminate, perhaps
sarabia, Poland, Hungary, Greece and Italy, who only recently had of Hadassah.
been rescued from extermination in these Nazi-dominated countries,
yet today. Cohrades, pursue COLD CLOGGED NOSE
Dr. Jospe, who was born in them and uproot them so that
presented Dr• Chaim Weizmann with certificates - commemorating
the planting of trees, in his honor, in Karen Kayemeth (Jewish Berlin, received his Ph.D. at the no remembrance of them will re- Open up stuffy, cold-clogged 'nose with
2 drops Penetro Nose .Drops in each
University of Breslau in. 1932
National Fund) 'forests.
The presentation was made Jan. •22, during Dr. Weizmann's and attended the Jewish Theo- main. Do not have pity on them nostril. Breathe freer, almost instant-
visit at the Girls Agricultural Training Farm at Ayanoth.
logical Seminary in Breslau. In Show them the account and re- ly. Caution: Use only as directed. Get
1936, at 26, he was called to Ber- pay the debt a hundred fold. PENETRO NOSE DROPS
Palestine Soldiers Won Tournaments in Prison Camp
TEL AVIV (JPS-Palcor)—Palestine Jewish soldiers in a Ger- lin to occupy the pulpit of the
man prison camp in Upper. Silesia led in dramatics, chesS and foot- Neue Synagogue. He was one of
ball contests among the War prisoners and won the admiration not five members of a committee in
alone of their allies, but also of their captors, it was revealed here charge of selecting German-
their. ben Zvi, former member of Davar, Hebrew Jewish children for immigration
by Corporal
Labor daily and member of a recent group of repatriates.
into European countries, to the
"There were 1,200 Palestinians in Stalag 443, in Upper Silesia,"
S. and Palestine.
he reported, "It is a fact that 99 per cent of them became fervent U. -
In November 1938, he was ar-
Zionists. after their capture."
The camp contained 12,000 prisoners of all Allied Armies. A rested and held in a concentra-
carnival was arranged as a diversion, and the Palestinians won tion camp, and upon release was
ordered to leave Germany. He
first place for -their ingenuity.
left for London upon the invita-
Palestine Only Solution, Says Sen. Mead
tion of Dr. J. Hertz, Chief Rabbi
NEW YORK (JPS)—Deferment of the resolutions does not
of the British Empire, and to-
mean a change in U. S. policy on Palestine, for a Jewish Common-
mealth is the only remedy and preventative for Jewish sufferings, gether they were instrumental in
U. S. Senator James M.. Mead told the National Labor Committee organizing religious and educa-
for Palestine (Gewerkschaften Campaign for the Histadrtt), at a tional activities for German and
banquet marking the seventieth birthday of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, Austrian Jews in London.
president of- the Jewish Agency for Palestine,
From 1959 to 1944, Dr. Jospe
served as the Rabbi at the Tree
of Life Congregation, in Mor-
JNF Hamisha Asar
gantown, W. Va., and as ,Hillel
Draws 700
Director at West Virginia- thal-
versity. He visited Palestine in
A large number of trees were
1938 and has been active in
NEW YORK (JPS) — Support ordered planted in Palestine as Zionism 'since 1925._
for a project to settle Jews in the a result of the Hamisha Asar
In charge of• the lecture is
Kimberley area of Australia was b'Shevat celebrations in all Sylvia Savin of Detroit, chair-
pledged by Sir Norman Angel, branches of the United Hebrew man of Avukah.

WASHINGTON, (JTA)—President Roosevelt "remains an un-
derstanding and sympathetic friend of Zionism," Dr. Stephen S.
Wise, chairman of the American Zionist Emergency Council, said
this week after meeting with the President for 15 minutes. Dr. Wise
said he "had a most heartening talk with the President."
President Roosevelt is scheduled to leave soon for a meeting
with Stalin and Churchill and it is assumed here that Dr. Wise .dis-
cussed with the President the part which the Palestine issue will
play during the forthcoming conferences. It is understood that Dr.
Wise left with the President a memorandum on the Palestine

Dr. Jospe to Speak
Before 'M' Hillel
Sunday Evening

Scouting Helps Insure Peace

Sir Norman Angell
EndorseS Kimberley

recipient of the Nobel Prize for
Peace, at a meeting here under
the auspices of the Freeland
League, which authored the Kim-
berley plan.
Although "I have been and re-
main a Zionist, I hope that the
Freeland League project ma-
terializes; it is not hostile to
Zionism, it will only help Zion-
ism," he said.

Name Palestine Forest
For the Pioneer Women •

NEW YORK (JPS)—A forest
of 10,000 trees, planted in Pal-
estine by the Working Mothers'
Association and the Working
Women's Organization of Ameri-
ca, was named for the Pioneer
Women's Organization of Ameri-
ca, according to a cable from

Schools, Shaarey Zedek, I. A.
Lawton's School and other
schools in Detroit.
More than 700 people attend-
ed the Jewish National Fund's
Hamisha Asar celebratiop. Mon-
day evening at the Center. The
NEW YORK—(Religious News
movie, "Palestine on the March"
was shown and the address of Service) A handbook of Yiddish
the evening was delivered by and Hebrew words and phrases
"as an aid in the promotion aim
Mrs. Esther Etkin Mossman.
establishment of true neighlact
liness between Christian and
Jones JWB Post Plans
Jew" has been prepared by the
Memorial Service March 6
Presbyterian Board of National
Lawrence Jones Post 190 of Missions.
•Containing 51 , terms with their
Jewish War Veterans of the U.
S. Will Sponsor a patriotic rally pronunciations, the handbook in-
and memorial service on March cludes greetings and good wish-
es, names and descriptions of
6 at the Shaarey Zedek.
The service will be held in Jewish feasts and fasts, the Jew-
honor of those who have made ish calendar, and a description of
the supreme sacrifice in this war. Synagogue services..
The handbook will be distri-
Rabbi A. M. Hershman and
Judge, John V. Brennan will be buted . principally through
the speakers. The public is in- churches located in Jewish resi-
dential areas.
vited,- •

Handbook on Jewish
Terms Prepared by
U. S. Presbyterians


"Be Prepared"


8TH-14TH 1945



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