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December 29, 1944 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1944-12-29

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!Way, December 29, 1944


Wiculties in Adopting a Child

JSSB Director Explains
Reason for Foster Homes

Majority of Children Under Care of Jewish Social Service
Bureau Have One or Both Parents Living Who Have
No Intention of Severing Parental Ties

Mizrachi Banquet
Will Induct Ten
Local Synagogues

Detroit Mizrachi will celebrate
its 33rd anniversary with a ban-


EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Silver is
executive director of the Jewish
Social Service Bureau whose merged
program includes family services as
well as child care activities of tife
Jewish Children's Bureau and Jewish
Children's Home.


"Why is it so difficult to adopt_
a child? There are scores of
families with lovely homes and
fine standing in the community
perfectly willing to adopt child-
ren and at the same time dozens
of children are being supported
at public expense in institutions
or in foster homes. This does not
make sense."
Not Available for Adoption
It is true that the Jewish Social
Service Bureau has about 85
children under its care who are
not living with their parents. But
these are children with one or
both parents living who have no
intention of permanently sever-
ing parental ties with them.
Without the consent of parent or
guardian it is not possible under
Michigan law to give a child out
for adoption. Practically the only
cases in which parental consent
is forthcoming are those of child-
ren born out of wedlock.
According to a study by the
Wayne County Agent of the State
Social Welfare Department, there
were 954 completed adoptions in
1943. Classified by the religion
of the child's mother, 24 of this
group were Jewish. (This con-
stitutes 21/2 per cent as against
the 5 per cent which the Jewish
population forms in the general
Few Adopted by Strangers
Many of these adoptions were
by relatives. We do not know
exactly how many in the Jewish
group, but for the total group
73 per cent were adopted by re-
latives, mostly stepfathers. If
this ratio applies to the 24 Jew-
ish children, then only 6 or 7
children were adopted by non-
The JSSB now has an accum-
ulated backlog of about 100 ap-
plications for adoption.
Another phase of this problem
concerns the safeguards which
social agencies put up around
the process of adoption. These
safeguards are sometimes mis-
understood and are regarded as
unreasonable and unnecessary
There are two ways in which
adoption may be legally con-
'summated in Michigan. One is
through a social agency, and the
other is directly between the two
sets of parents involved—the
natural and the adoptive. You
hear of an illegitimate baby
about to be born, and then com-
municate with the mother, gen-
erally through the intermedia-
tion of a third party—a lawyer
or the attending physician.
Sometimes a money payment is
!made to the mother. The consent
!papers are signed, the Probate
Court, after an investigation of
the prospective adoption home
from a moral and economic view-
point, approves, and the baby
is yours.
Hazards In Direct Adoptions
The most you can be sure of
under these circumstances is the
health condition of the mother
and child at birth. Usually
nothing is known of the father,
and nothing about the child's
potential development. He may
turn out in later years to be
feebleminded or crippled, or for
some reason quite unsuitable for
a Jewish family.
Since most babies are born
normal the chances are the
adopted baby also will be nor-
mal. But this statistical . prob-
ability is small consolation to
the family which happens to get
the exceptional child.
Social agencies, including the
JSSB, have devised methods of
protecting the adoptive parents
against these hazards. This is
accomplished by a thorough in-

Painting - Paperhanging

Want Your House Clean?

Qat). Green

110. 4020

vestigation of the child's par-
entage and the mother's back-
ground. Generally an adoption
is not complete until the child's
development has been observed
for about a year and it has been
carefully examined and tested
medically and psychologically.
Protection For Child
The child, too, receives protec-
tion in agency adoption pro-
ceedings. The prospective adop-
tion home is studied by the
agency to make sure that it can
offer the child the love and emo-
tional security he is entitled to
in addition to a suitable educa-
JSSB generally requires that
the child live in the prospective
adoptive home for about a year
under the agency's supervision
before the adoption becomes
There is a third party to whom
the bureau has a responsibility,
the child's mother, since an
adoption generally originates by
the mother coming for help in
arranging confinement • care and
making plans for the baby. -
In most cases the girl's final
plan is to give the baby up for
adoption, but the bureau makes
no attempt to force her decision.
Our role is to discuss with her a
variety of possible plans point-
ing out the advantages and dis-
adantages of each, offer her un-
derstanding and help in carry-
ing through whatever plan she
decides on, but to leave her free
to choose the plan—whether
adoption, marriage with the
father, keeping the baby with
her, placing the baby in a fos-
ter home, or whatever else may
be possible. The object is to
make sure that if the baby is
given up it will be without any
Demand Exceeds Supply
The demand for adoptable
babies far exceeds the supply,
and most applicants are bound to
be disappointed. Of the children
available for adoption, a small
percentage are placed in adop-
tion by social agencies (11 per
certt in Wayne County, according
to the study mentioned).
Social agencies, in fulfilling
their responsibility to the mother,
the child and the adoptive par-
ents, proceed carefully and offer
maximum help and protection to
the three parties inolved. Some
families are impatient with this
procedure and arrange adoptions
directly. This is legal, but con-
tains elements of grave risk.

Rev. Mayne Will Address
Detroit Bnai Brith Lodge

Rev. Joseph Q. Mayne, execu-
tive secretary of Detroit Round
Table of Christians and Jews,
will address the Detroit Men's
Lodge of Bnai Brith and its
women's auxiliary on Jan. 9, at
Workmen's Circle Bldg. on Lin-
wood. His topic will be "Intol-
erance—America's No. 1 Enemy."
A business session will be follow-
ed by a social hour.

Page Thirteen

Jewish Center Activities

Two Events Planned
By Intermediate Council
Kane, the Wonder Magician,
will be featured at the Intermedi-
ate Council Jive Junction which
will be held at the Jewish Com-
munity Center on Saturday
night, Jan. 6. Irv. Fields, his or-
chestra and a group of local
entertainers are included on the
Intermediates' first 1945 Night
Club program.
Irving Herkowitz is chairman
of the social committee.
The Council is also planning a
President's Birthday Ball for the
Infantile Paralysis Fund on Sat-
urday, Jan. 27, at ,the 12th St.
Council Center.

Center Aqua Ballet
Set for February
The Aqua Ballet of the Jewish
Community Center, to be given
in February, of 10 boys and 10
girls, has finally reached its com-
pletion as far as practice is con-
The pool will be flooded with
colored lights, the boys will wear
suits, and the girls blue.
Music will be played throughout
the performance.
* * *
"Target for Today" Film
At Center Next Wednesday,
"Target For Today," a one and
a half hour film feature, will be
shown at the Jewish Community
Center, Woodward at Holbrook,
next Wednesday. The film, pro-
duced by the Army Air Forces,
shows a bombing raid from the
planning stage, through briefing,
take-off, flight, bombs away, and
return home. Programs are held
in the Adult Lounge, and begin
at 8:45 p.m. All are welcome.
Mother's Clubs
"Receptivity to New Ideas,
Social, National, and 'Interna-
tional", will be discussed by the
following Mother's Clubs:
Young Women's Study Club,
Jan. 2, 1:30 p.m., at Rose Sittig
Cohen Bldg; Fenkell Mothers'
Club, Jan. 2, at 8:30 p.m., at 3138
Fenkell; Center Mothers' Club,
Jan. 3, 8:30 p.m., at the Center;
Twelfth Street Mothers' Club,
Jan. 4, 8:30 p.m., at Lachar's



Thursday night to explore vo-
cational and educational oppor-
tunities, the painting of posters
for the Intermediate Council and
the publication of the bi-weekly
Council mimeographed paper.

* * *

Swimming—Year Round Sport
.Joshua Borodkin, swimming
instructor of the Center states:
"During the wintertime, many
people stop their swimming acti-
vities. Popular opinion regards
swimming as a summer nicety,
but this has no basis considering
the modern city we live in.
Swimming should be engaged on
a year round basis. It is one of
the healthiest and most relaxing
sports known to man. Swimming
in winter does not cause colds
but actually prevents them."

French Jews Launch
Drive to Supplement
Relief From Abroad

quet on Sunday, Jan. 14, in the
PARIS, (JTA)—A 30-day cam-
social hall of Shaarey Zedek.
paign to raise funds among mem-
bers of the Jewish community to
Rabbi Max Kirshblum of New
supplement aid from abroad for
York, religious Zionist leader,
relief and rehabilitation of Jews
will be the guest speaker.
in France was proclaimed by the
Induction of entire member-
first national assembly of the
ships of the following synagogues
General Committee for the De-
into the Mizrachi movement will
fense of Jews which just con-.
take place: Beth Abraham, Mo-
eluded here. The organization
gen Abraham, Nusach Ari, Bnai
hopes to raise 50,000,000 francs.
Jacob, Bnai Israel, Beth Tikvah,
The assembly resolution con-
Aaron Moshe, Bnai Zion, Beth
taining a strong plea for strength-
Itzchok and Beth Aaron Veisrael.
ened unity points out that the
Daniel Temchin, regional vice
defeat of anti-Semitism, the re-
president of Mid-West Mizrachi,
habilitation of Jewish victims of
will be in charge of the induction
persecution and the reconsti uc-
ceremony. The memberships will
tion of the Jewish community
be represented by officers from
can be achieved only by the
each synagogue.
closest co-operation and unity.
Irving W. Schlussel, president
Senator Justin Godart, acting
of Detroit Mizrachi, stated that
mayor of Lyon, and a well-known
the campaign for the enrollment
friend of Jews, called for "a
of synagogues into the Mizrachi
simple act of justice," asking for
Movement is still in progress and
the immediate restoration to
those who have not already done
Jews of their property seized
so can join the night of the ban-
under the Vichy regime.
quet. Mr. Temchin or Sol B.
Writing in the weekly news-
Edelman, chairmen of the syna-
paper "Fraternite," the veteran
gogues committee, will supply de-
French statesman warned against
sired information.
"anti - Semitic lepers," declaring
that those spreading anti-Semi-
Meyer Beckman, chairman of
tism, whether consciously or not,
the executive board, and Max
are serving the Fifth Column.
Kaminsky, vice-president, are in Intermediate Hobby Night
charge of reservations for the Programs Begin Jan 11
Intermediate Hobby Night at
the Jewish Center begins on
Thursday, Jan. 11, with meetings
Temple Israel Men Plan
of Opportunity Club, •Happy
Painting, Paperhanging and
Tun Mania' Production Posters and the staff of "The Decorating — Free Estimates
Observer," Intermediate Council
TR. 2-5264
Saul J. Benyas, chairman of newspaper.
These groups will meet every
USO committee of the Men's Club
of Temple Israel, announces that
50 club members served refresh-
ments at the USO last Monday
night. Mr. Benjas was assisted by
Maurice Levin and Jerome Kan-
Restaurant and Dining Room



The cast for the production
"Fun Mania" has been selected.
The chairman, Charles Aller, has
set dates for rehearsals for the
performance to take place Jan.
23. The Sisterhood of the Temple
will be guests of the evening. Re-
freshments will be served.
Maurice Levin, chairman of the
Father and Son party and of the
Boy Scout Troop sponsored by
the Men's Club, announces that
the Father and Son party will be
held in February.

-- ' 1 1111111111111111111111IMMEMINIIIIIIIIMb


are cordially invited to attend a


given in honor of the great Jewish-Orthodox Scholar and Leader


promptly at 8:30 P. M.
at a
Rabbi Jofen came especially from New York at the head of a dele-
gation in the interests of the great Refugee Yeshiva, "The Navarodok
Central Yeshiva Beth Joseph" of Brooklyn, New York, which was
transplanted in this Country over three years ago. Prior to the present
world conflict, Rabbi Jofen was the Dean of over 70 Beth Joseph
Jeshivoth in Poland. At the present time only 6 Navarodok Beth Joseph
Yeshivoth and one in Gateshead. England (not including the great
Refugee Yeshiva of Brooklyn), remain in existence, while hundreds
of Beth Joseph Scholars are stranded hi the many refuge Countries
of Europe.
The Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Brooklyn
Yeshiva. Rabbi Hershel Stollman is in .Detroit for over a week. He
arranged appeals for the Yeshiva in most of Detroit Jewish Congre-
gations where he received the utmost cooperation of the officers and
• We appeal to the officers and members of the Congregations
where appeals have not yet been arranged, to dedicate this Saturday
to appeals for this Sacred Yeshiva, and to announce our invitation to
the M'lava Malka from the pulpit.

Council of Orthodox Rabbis of Detroit
Yaad Hayeshivoth
The M'lava Malka was arranged by the Ladles Auxiliary of Mishkan
Israel Congregation.

Private Dining Room for Parties


NOrthlawn 9786

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Yeshivath Chachmey Lublin Is happy to announce that its
Second Annual Banquet wilt be held at the Jewish Community
Center, Woodward and Holbrook, on January 7, 1945, 6:00 p. m.

Organizations and congregations are urged to participate in
this affair by reserving a special table for their representatives.

Most organizations will be approached by representatives of
our Yeshivah. We ask you to accept them favorably and help
them in their holy work for this sacred institution.




Some organizations which cannot be approached personally
because of lack of delegates will be approached with tickets sent
through mail. They are requested to respond favorably.

Individuals to whom Torah and Jewish education is dear, will
certainly use the opportunity to participate in this grand Torah
affair and help thereby the maintenance of our great institution,
Yeshivath Chachmey Lublin.



Help the Torah and the Torah will protect you and your


Yeshivah Chachmey Lublin

Board of Sponsors:

Banquet Committee:

Daniel Temchin

Judah Lachar

Temporary Chairman


Morris Fisher

Jacob Soberman



Harry Stolsky

Morris Kaner

Recording Secretary

Ticket Holder

For Reservations Phone TO. 8-5055 or TY. 4-9420

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