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September 01, 1944 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1944-09-01

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Friday, Sepfemiier 1, r944




Morris Lander of Clayton, Mo., will arrive this Friday Morning
for a stay in Mt. Clemens before visiting with his daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Packman of Cortland Ave.
Pvt. G. Vernon Leopold spent his 12-day furlough with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Leopold of 3029 Elmhurst Ave. Pvt.
Leopold is stationed at Camp Maxey, Texas.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher and daughter, Janice, formerly of
Buena Vista Ave., are now residing at 18201 Santa Rosa Drive.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Arkin and children of Glendale Ave. have
returned from a stay at Frankfort.
Mrs. Jack Sandground and son, Mark, of Indianapolis and Mrs.
Al Zitsman and son, William, of Springfield, 0., are the guests of
Miss Amelia Plotkin:
en i
Mrs. Harry Michelson of Chattanooga is visiting with relatives
in Detroit.
Miss Marjorie Kanter of Atkinson Ave. is spending a week in
Chicago. Erom there she will go to Bowen Country Club, Waukegan, bodice, the heart-shaped yoke of
where she will represent the Temple Israel Juniors at the meeting yvhich was made of net, long
of the National Federation of Temple Youth.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor- Packman and sons, Howard and Allen, of
Cortland Ave. spent the past week-end in Buffalo and Niagara Falls.
Mr. and -Mrs. Sam Asherson and Son, Joseph ; of Sturtevant Ave.
returned to their home from a vacation in Frankfort.
carried a white Bible and a
Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Kahn will spend the Labor Day week-end of orchids.
in Chicago and will visit their son, A/S Richard Kahn.
Miss Barbara Brown, who
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Schiller have returned from a vacation her sister's maid of honor,
in Columbus, 0.
a gown of pink tulle- fashioned
- Matilda Rosenberg of Seward Ave. has returned from an ex- in a style similar to the bride' s
tensive trip through the East.
Mrs. Benjamin Lambert and Mrs. Monroe Rosenfield of the
Miss Sandra Brown, an other
Belcrest Hotel returned last Monday from a few weeks'• stay at the ;sister, who was the junior,
Grand Hotel in Mackinac Island.
maid, and the bridesmaids, the
. Mr. and Mrs.' Charles E. Brown and their sons, Roger and Misses - Beverly Prentis,
Charles Jr., of Warrington Dr. are spending 10 days in Goderich, Ont.
Rothbart of Chicago, Kathryn
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hopp. their daughter, Lois, and their Livingstone of Canton, 0., and
son, John, of Edison Ave., have returned from a .few weeks' stay in
Caroline Buhai, the groom's sis -
ter, of Winnetka, were at tired
Miss Sally Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas I. Brown
of Lucern Dr., Miss Joan Freeman, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. alike in blue tulle with bou ffant
Michael Freeman of Boston Blvd., and Miss Marie Gordon, daugh- skirts • and sweetheart necklines.
ter of Col. and Mrs. William H. Gordon, left on Wednesday for All the attendants carried fans
made of fall flowers.
Poughkeepsie, N. Y., where they will attend Vassar College.
Lt. Richard John Cowa n of
Mi's. Louis Baum -and her daughter, Jane, of Greenlawn Ave.,
have returned from a fortnight's stay at Camp NebagabOn, Wiscon- Glencoe, Ill., served as beSt man .
sin. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Baum's son, Richard, - After the reception, which was
who spent the summer there.
held for their friends at 8:30, the
Miss Frances Marx of Glynn Ct. has returned from a fort- young couple left on a brief hon-
night's visit in Atlantic City.
eymon trip following which
Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Baskin and their daughters, Iryee and will, for the present, make their
Saundra, of Cherrylawn Ave. are expected home this week-end home in Arlington, Va.
from a few weeks' visit in Chicago.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Lieberman and their daughter, Amalie,
of Dallas, Tex., are the guests of Mr. Lieberman's sister, Mrs. Himon. Makil announces the marria
marriage of
Kaplan of Roslyn Rd.
her daughter, Mrs. Pauline Pep-
Aaron Klein and his daughter, Julia, of Boston Blvd., returned per, to Louis Sipkins, on Au gust
on Wednesday from a weeks' visit in Cleveland and Lorain, 0., 27, at the Downtown Synago
where they visited with members of their family.
Rabbi Herman Rosenwasser of-
Mr. and Mrs. Clement Hopp of Longfellow Ave. are expected ficiated.
home this week-end from a stay at Camp Nebagabon, Wis.
Mr. and Mrs. Sipkins left for
Capt. Robert Morrison has left to spend a few days with his fam- an extended trip
p and will be
ily in Clevelan.d.before returning to Belvoir, Va. Mrs. Morrison and
to their friends and rela-
their small daughter, Rosalie, who arrived with Capt. Morrison on home
tives Sept. 15, at
Aug. 22, will remain a few weeks longer_ with her parents, Mr. and tives
Mrs. Robert Marwill of LaSalle Blvd.
Mr. and Mrs. Mayer Sulzburger of Puritan Ave. are' visiting
in Mackinac Island.
Mrs. Louis Fred of Waco, Tex., spent a week with her son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lieberman of Birchcrest
Dr., enroute home from Old Orchard, Me., where she spent the
summer. Mrs. Lieberman accompanied her mother to Waco where-
she will remain until Sept. 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Baron of -Tyler Ave left on Aug. 25 on
a cruise to Duluth.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin H. Baer and their son, Robert, of. Fairfield
Ave. have returned from a fortnight in Cedar Lake, Wis.
Lee Waldbott of Burlingame Ave is expected home this week-
end from a 10-day stay in Mackinac Island.
Dr. Max Wershow of the Polk Manor Apt. will return this Fri-
day from Los Angeles where he spent the last month visiting with
relatives and friends. •
Mrs. Arthur L. Robbins and her daughters,. Alice and Martha
Jane, of Buena Vista - Ave. are expected home this week-end from
Charlevoix where they spent the summer.
Jack and Fred Winkelman of Fairfield Ave are returning this
week-end from Gladstone, Mich., where they spent the last few
weeks visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Henry Rosenblum.
Miss Mildred Goldman of the Wilshire Hotel will return this
week,-end from Boulder, Colo., where she attended the summer ses-
sion at the University of Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoffman and their daughter, Eva, of
Burlingame Ave. have returned from a stay at White Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hahn 'of Blaine Ave. will return Sept. 4
from -a three weeks' stay in the Adirondack Mts.
Miss Florence Blake has returned from Madison, Wisc., where
she attended the summer sessions of the University of Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. David I. Berris of Leslie Ave. left by plane to
spend a fortnight in New York. En route they plan to visit with
their children at Camp Hachshara, Mt. Tremper, New York.
T/Sgt. Charles B. Israel returned to Great Bend, Kansas Air
Field, where he is. stationed in the Inspector General's office. He
spent his 18 day furlough with his wife, Bernice, and son, Dennis
Robert, of 2480 Buena Vista.
A/S Morris Brown and Sl/c John Mayer, who are in training at
Great Lakes Naval Training Station, are visiting their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Z. Brown of W. Boston Blvd. and Mr. and Mrs.
Julian Krolik of Chicago Blvd.

Page Nine —

brother of the bride, was best
After the . ceremony, a wedding
dinner was served to 160 out-
of-town guests. A reception and
dance was held in the evening
for more than 400 friends and
visiting relatives:
Sgt. and Mrs. Helfman left for
a Great Lakes cruise. They will
make their home in Highland
Park, Ill.
The bride is a graduate of
University of- Michigan, where
she was active in the Hillel
Foundation and Interfaith Coun-
cil, 'and completed post-graduate
work at Clarion State Teachers'
College in -'ennsylvania.
Sgt. Helfman was graduated
with honors from Wayne Uni-
-, ersity and obtained his M. A.
degree at the University of
Michigan. He is a member of
the Scholastic Honor Society and
has the Phi Kappa Phi graduate
award. He served as a graduate
assistant in the U. of M. history
department while preparing for
his Ph. D. before his induction.
He is affiliated with Perfection
Lodge F. & A. M. He is now
stationed at Fort Sheridan, Ill.

Fred Butzel to Speak
at Berditchever Fete

Fred M. Butzel will be guest
speaker Sunday, Sept. 10, at '7
p. m., at Congregation Beth Tefilo
Emanuel, at a banquet in cele-
bration of the 18th anniversary
of the Berditchever Verein.
Joseph Dresser is chairman of
t h e arrangements committee.
There will be no admission
charge and no solicitation of
funds. All members are invited.


Jack Lipschitz of Philadelphia
Ave. announces the engagement
of his daughter, Bertha, to Louis'
Sonshine, son of Mr. and Mrs.'
Joseph Sonshine of Elmhurst
Ave. The wedding date is to be
announced in the near future. -
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kahn of .
New York announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Ingrid,
to Howard Wolfe, son of Mr. and-
Mrs. Louis Wolfe of River -Rouge,


Boys' and Girls'


Legging Sets

Are In!

Boys' Sizes
2 to 8
Girls' Sizes
1 to 6

7 to 14


11744 DEXTER cor. TUXEDO
TO. 8-4128


Have Just Arrived for
Holiday Shoppers

They are so very lovely, no
wonder the season ahead is
going to be the most impor-
tant suit season in years . . .
and of course you'll want one
for the Holidays.

And a Brilliant Collection of Dresses

The Store of
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The Opening - of

. ()biz Kid !

Too young to talk; but if he could
he'd tell you how much happier he
is since his mother has been able to
get our services • .
we will wash a n d
sterilize infant's wear-
ables and return them
fresh and clean. We
can do it NOW!

Just Phone—

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Gowns of Distinction

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Dresses - Coats - Suits

In a

New Fall Selection for Juniors - Misses - Women '

We Invite You to Inspect These New Fashions

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