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September 11, 1942 - Image 31

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1942-09-11

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The Master Builder

Albert Kahn, World Famous Industrial

Architect, is Builder of Thousands of
Plants in IL S. and Abroad

"Master of concrete and steel, master of space and
of time, he stands today at the forefront of our profession
in meeting the colossal demands of a Government in its
hour of need."
Albert Kahn, one of the world's most noted industrial
architects, is the artist who was referred to in this citation

lessons were received in the
school that was conducted by
Julius Melchers, father of the
noted artist Gari Melchers. Later
he was associated with George
D. Mason, the Detroit architect.
But the designer of the Engin-
eering Building of the Univer-
sity of Michigan and of thous-
NEW YORK (JPS) — James
ands of industrial structures— W. Gerard, former Ambassador
several hundred of them for to Germany, resigned as honor-
Henry Ford—had no time for ary chairman of the Non-Sec-
schooling. From his first read- tarian Anti-Nazi League because
ing and writing lessons at the it launched a boycott against the
age of 10 he abandoned ordinary New York Daily News, which
school work, was compelled by has been charged with pro-Axis
circumstances to help support expressions in its editorial col-
the family, and it was not until
he was awarded the honorary
degree of Doctor of Laws by the tion and their products start to
University of Michigan eight rain destruction upon the Axis,
years ago that he had anything the Nazi-Fascist menace will
to show for professional scho- know that retribution came at
the hands of a great Jewish Mas-
lastic standing.
Four of the Kahn brothers are ter Builder. His aspirations
living. Julius, seven years young- are to create university build-
er than Albert is a graduate en- ings in days of peace and whose
gineer of the University of patriotism have made him a
Michigan. Felix, a member of dynamic director of a great
the Six Companies, Inc., headed architectural organization which
by Henry J. Kaiser, lives in San works day and night to speed
Francisco and is also a graduate construction of enough material
of the University of Michigan. to put an end to the most
Louis is the youngest member menacing enemies of mankind
and to restore the kind of peace
of the family.
which will give humanity the
Albert Kahn was married in
Four Freedoms described by our
1896 to Ernestine Krolik of De-
great President.
troit. There are four children:
Lydia, wife of Harry Winston,
an attorney of Detroit; Edgar A.,
associate professor of neuro-
surgery at the University of
Michigan, and now with the
University's Base Unit; Ruth,
wife of Edward Rothman, an
advertising man now in the U. S. I
Service; Rosalie, wife of Mar-
tin Butzel, Detroit attorney,
also in the service. There are
eight grandchildren.

J.W . Gerard Quits

Anti-Nazi League
For News Boycott

given him recently by the Amer- ,
ican Institute of Architects.
sion to the New York Times
To the country at large, this Building and many more world
citation need not have been famous structures are the re-
sults of the genius of the Kahns
limited to the engineering pro-
under the guidance of the elder
fession, because today the emin- brother, Albert. The other mem-
ent Detroit architect is the bers of this famous set of bro-
"Master Builder" in the great thers, besides the late Moritz
war production effort. He is the Kahn, are Louis, who is chief
executive of the Albert Kahn
designer of the great Ford
Bomber Plant; he is the creator
of the Chrysler airplane engine
plant, costing many millions; he
is responsible for the great mid-
west factory of the Wright
Aeronautical Corporation.
Gained National Fame
This Master Builder, now 73
years old, is the oldest of eight
children—six boys and two girls
—of a Luxemburg rabbi who
came here penniless in 1881,
but managed by dint of hard
work to give his sons an excel-
lent upbringing. The elder Kahn
peddled fruit, Mrs. Kahn con-
ducted a lunch counter near the
Michigan Central Station, but
the elder son was given the op-
portunity to follow his inclina-
tions—drawing. Albert's first job
Hitler's Nemesis
was in an architect's office at a
Albert Kahn, the Master
small salary, and to make things
—Continental Photo Builder who skipped from gram-
easier for his family he earned
mar school all the way to an
additional money by working
honorary Doctorate, is the man
evenings as a waiter.
Associated Architects and En- who may well be called the Ne-
When he was 20, Albert Kahn gineers, Inc., with offices in the mesis of Hitler. When the plants
had advanced sufficiently in his New Center Building, and Julius he has designed begin to func-
chosen profession to earn a prize and Felix Kahn. Approximately
of $500 in an architectural con- 600 engineers and architects are
test. He used the money to go associated with this great con-
to Europe for additional study. cern.
Upon his return he designed.
Albert's brother, J ulius. was
houses, and with his brother
associated with him for a brief
Julius perfected a method of us-
time and later formed and
ing reinforced concrete so safely
that he became nationally rec- headed .the Truscon Steel Com-
ognized. From that time on his pany which was eventually sold
to Republic Steel. He invented '
fame increased, with the desalt
a new method of reinforcing
that he has established the fol-
lowing record: Architect for bars for concrete and in turn ;
acquired a position of leader-
Packard's for 39 years, for Ford's,
34 years, for Chrysler, 17 years. ship in his profession.
From Grammar School to an ,
Designer of Russian Plants
Honorary Doctorate
This is not all. Albert Kahn
was the designer of 150 plants
Albert Kahn's first drawing
for General Motors Corporation.
In 1928, he sent a group of his
engineers to Russia, under the
leadership of his brother, the
late Moritz Kahn, to build some
of the mammoth Soviet plants.
Albert Kahn personally visited
Russia and saw at first hand the
vast possibilities for expansion
in the Soviet Socialist Republics.
The more than 500 factories in
Russia, the General Motors
Building in Detroit, the exten-

Lederman Elevator

Detroit, Mich.
Night and Day Phones
All Departments.
R.a. 1387

umns. Mr. Gerard protested that
the boycott movement was "un-
American." In the meantime, the
News, subject together with the
Washington Times-Herald and
the Chicago Tribune to another
blast from Congressman Hol-
land, announced that it had
reached an all-time high in cir-
culation, over 2,000,000 daily and
3,800,000 Sunday, the largest cir-
culation in the world.
The Anti-Nazi League has
been trying to mobilize a num-
ber of organizations in New
York, Chicago and Washington
to boycott the Patterson-McCor-
mick newspapers.

"Life is not so short but there
is always time enough for cour-


• •


• •



Abraham Cooper, Pres.

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tons. Sizes 7 to 1,

Values to 2.59 ..


• •

.7 9


November 6-15, 1942
Banquet, Sunday Evening, November 15



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