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September 04, 1942 - Image 4

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1942-09-04

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Page Four


Member of Independent Jewish Press Service, Jewish Tele-
graphic Agency, Seven Arts Feature Syndicate, Religious News
Service, Pa lcor News Agency, Bressler Cartoon Service, Wide World
Photo Service.

Published every Friday by the Jewish News Publishing Co.,
Inc., 2114 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Telephone RAndolph 7956.
Subscription rates, $3 a year; foreign, $4 a year. 14 issue Federa-
tion subscription, 50c.

Application for Second Class matter pending at Detroit, Mich.


The Weekly

Friday. Upfernbor 4, 1942

Cheating the Despoiler


Brotherhood in a World
of Struggle

Rabbi of Temple Beth El

On this Sabbath, the twenty-third day of Elul, the following
I feel confident that my fellow
Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuctial
Americans will do everything in
portion, Deut. 29:9-31:30; Prophetical portion, Is. 61:10-63:9.
their power to give expression to
the best in their natures as they
MAURICE H. SCHWARTZ and PHILIP SLOMOVITZ, Publishers meet the challenging issues of
this hour. And yet, so many of
us are overwhelmed by feelings
of hopelessness when confronted
with the larger human problems
that trouble all mankind. It is not
difficult to feel impotent when
we comprehend the vast range of
prejudices and hatreds which ex-
exists in the world.
VOL. 1—NO. 24
The best and most effective way
to overcome this kind of emo-
tional paralysis is to treat a prob-
lem in terms of one's own im-
The country at large failed to reach the quota set for mediate environment. Thus, we"
the sale of Bonds during August, and the state of Michi- may not be able to establish
gan also fell behind its quota for the first time during brotherhood on a universal scale,
the last month.
but we certainly can make some
contribution to its mean-
Added responsibility rests upon all of us to make up personal
ing and effect-
the shortage by boosting the sales during the current iveness in our
neighbor hood
Let us all do it cheerfully, in order that we may pave and in our own
community. The
the way for a more decisive victory over the Axis.
For Jews the month during which occur the High personal influ-
Holidays is an especially appropriate time to increase our ence of a social-
Detroit Zionists were given a most encouraging repo
ly-minded indi-
efforts in behalf of national defense. We are confident vidual
on activities of the movement in America during the vis
is not in-
that the people of Michigan will again set high records considerable,
in this city last week of the national executive director o
in the purchase of War Bonds and that Jews will play particularly
the Zionist Organization of America, Mr. Simon Shetze
an important role in advancing our state's position among when h e a s-
The organization has broken all records in membe
those oversubscribing their goals.
sociates himself
ship, reaching a total of nearly 50,000, Mr. Shetze
Dr. Glazer
with others/ who
reported. This number, of course, applies only to th
have a similar approach to the
parent organization and does not include a much large
responsibilies of life..
membership in Hadassah and at least as many more i
The Art of Self-Discipline
Rosh Hashanah marks the opening of another Educa-
the other movements—Mizrachi, Poale Zion, etc.
I therefore ask this question
tion Month in the United Hebrew Schools of Detroit.
Mr. Shetzer may well feel proud of this record,
"What can you and I do to make
A perplexing question is raised on this occasion. the ideal of brotherhood a mean- the establishment of which he has made a great con
Leaders in the local educational movement, recognizing ingful
and workable program in tribution as the guiding spirit of the movement. H'
that times have changed and that a new generation is our daily life?" I emphasize the . satisfaction at seeing the Zionist movement embrac
assuming a dominating position in the community, are concept of workability advisedly. the largest possible number of Jews in this country
anxious to find a way to the hearts of the parents who are It is not enough for men to talk strengthened by a statement issued a few days ago by
more distantly removed from the days of the traditional about brotherhood or hear it Stephen S. Wise, president of the American Jewis
Cheder. There are some who believe that too many limit praised at public gatherings. Congress and former president of the-. 'Zionist Organi
their devotions to the Bar Mitzvah ceremony or to the Speeches about ideals may pro_ tion of America, in which he discussed the major issue
Kaddish, and they are anxious to correct such a sad state vide inspiration, but they do not that will face the forthcoming 45th annual convention o
change the fixed habit-patterns
of affairs.
of thought and behavior which the Zionist Organization of America, to be held in Ne
It is interesting in this connection to note that the we
have developed over the York City in October, and stated in part:
Jewish Education Committee of New York, of which years. Indeed, the acceptance or
"We must strive as never before to urbi all American
Judge Samuel J. Rosenman is chairman, has addressed the practice of the external forms
Jews, who alone among Americans require to be enlisted in
an appeal to parents throughout the land urging them to of human fellowship represents a
the cause of Jewish self-reverence and self-control! But,—
enroll their children in Hebrew schools. This committee's very small contribution to the
and the reservation is not less important than the aim.—,
realization of the brotherhood
appeal states:
it will little if aught avail to win Jewish support, which
"Give your child a well-rounded Jewiih education—an edu- ideal. If we sincerely desire to
demands an inhibitive and self-vitiating price. By price I
cation which begins in early childhood and continuous through be helpful, we must first of all
the high school years. A smattering of knowledge is not enough. identify the origins and causes
mean the surrender of values no less central, to the Jadaic
Do not be satisfied with a few months of preparation for Bar o f dislikes, prejudices a n d
totality than the Land, namely the recognition of Jewish
Mitzvah or a year or two of study for confirmation. We urge upon hatreds.
peoplehood, to use the term of Emil G. Hirsch, marching as
every Jewish parent: select a suitable Jewish school for your son
Unless the irrational, the unin-
of right to Statehood. Verbal reservations and qualifications
or daughter. Make certain that the school has good standing in formed and the egotistical ele-
hereof may be tolerable, but its essence is unalterable and
the community. Register your child at once. Give your child a
Jewish education today, to insure his happiness in future days." ments of man's nature are
inviolable, whether by misguided Jews or a blind world.
brought under control and then
"Alteration, save possibly for pure verbalisms, is un-
The Sixteenth Annual Education Month of the United replaced by higher types of moti-
thinkable -and would mean attenuation. An individual may
Hebrew Schools of Detroit echoes this appeal. Having vation, we shall continue to per-
be satisfied to remain half-alive; a people must choose either
pioneered in efforts in behalf of Jewish educational cam- petuate social and religious prej-
paigns in this country, the Detroit schools seek to perpetu- udices, race hatreds, class strug-
life or death. There can be no possibility of half-aliveness
for a people. Half-aliveness has been elected by certain
ate traditional ideals and they come to the new generation gles and international war. Ulti-
of American Jews with calls which emphasize the impor- mately, we must face the incon-
segments of the Jewish people in the past, and they have
tance of continuing the spiritual forces that have con- trovertible fact that permanent
perished. The remnant of Israel has survived because it has
peace in every area of world soc-
tributed towards the building of America.
willed to live,—not survive. Survival is a compromise. Life
iety will never be achieved by
The job ahead is not an easy one. It is made more conventional formulas, treaties
alone is an uncompromising choice for a people, ready to
difficult by the disturbances created by the war. What and agreements. Men must pre-
translate memories and hopes into reality and fulfillment"
must be made clear to the people at large is that if we pare themselves to live in a
Israel's "will to live" is masterfully interpreted in
are to have a sound and normal post-war generation, we better world by first learning the
these lines. It is a repudiation of "half-aliveness" and a
must provide our boys and girls with the spiritual values art of self-discipline.
reaffirmation of the principle of faith in our people's
which in the past have given our people strength to carry
Two Educational Sources
idealism. It shows the road to life and denies the right to
on amidst difficulties.
There are two sources of edu- surrender, even under fire, as in our present position
Annual Education Month assumes greater signifi- cation available to every Ameri-
cance in time of war, and those who refuse to accept its can which can improve his think- the world. With such faith, we can not lose the war and
message out of indifference make the task of the educators ing on inter-group or inter-faith, we shall win the peace and all that is inherent in a people's
more difficult but not impossible. They make the challenge relationships in this land. The aspirations to peace and to an end of homelessness
of the educational appeal more pressing and the work of first of these is the religion which suffered by millions of its members.
those engaged in advancing the cause of Jewish educa- he professes and aspires to prac-
tice. Most of us are affiliated Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Grov- for elections, for politics and
tion more necessary.
with churches or synagogues. er Cleveland, and Woodrow Wil- a party name? I
say democracy is
These religious institutions, son.
only of use there, that it may
Protestant, Catholic and Jewish
The Call To Brotherhood
pass on and come to its flower
are predicated upon a belief in
Unity in diversity is a pecu- and fruits in manners, in the
From Geneva comes the report, based on information the unity of God and a love of liarly American contribution and highest forms of interaction be-
our fellowmen. The Old Testa- a glorious expression of morality
from reliable diplomatic and religious sources, that Pope ment,
tween men and their beliefs, in
as well as the New Testa- and religion. He who knows his
Pius II has threatened to recall the Nuncio from Berlin
religion, literature, colleges and
ment, gives expression to these American sources must be con- schools—democracy in all public
unless there is an end to the mass murders of Jews in fundamental precepts of religion
vinced that the American dream and private life."
occupied Europe, especially in Russia and Poland.
in many magnificent ways.
of a united and happy nation will
In spite of German denials of Vatican intercession
In the words of a famous Am-
The second source of education never be realized unless an at-
in behalf of persecuted Jews in France and in contradic- for a moral approach to the prob_ mosphere of justice, righteous- erican educator, "In perilous
tion of Nazi defiance of the Pope's demands, all reports lems of human relationship is to ness and goodwill is generated times, the prejudiced mind is a
social menace." Let the call of
point to a firm stand taken by the Catholic church against be found in the historical back- among the various and sometmes Brotherhood
stimulate us
the atrocities perpetrated by the Hitlerites.
ground of our American demo- divergent interests that make up purge our own
souls from the
There is a limit to human endurance, as the Nazis cracy. No one should feel that American life. It Was Walt Whit- sins of ill-wilL Let it awaken us
are beginning to learn. The stand taken by the Cath- his training for participation in man who grasped the full im- to the needs of a united front,
olic church is a significant factor in the refusal to • accept American life is complete unless plications of democracy when he physically and spiritually, to
has read the original writings said in his `Essay on Democratic
unlimited indignities at the hands of the gangster govern- he
of such men as John Adams, Vistas," "Did you too, 0 Friend, combat the evils that would des-
ment of Germany.
troy the hope of brotherhood
Benjamin Franklin, An d r e w
suppose that democracy was onlyforever.

More Bonds in September

Israel's Will to Live

Annual Education Month


The Vatican's Firm Stand

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