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September 04, 1942 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1942-09-04

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Friday, September 4, 1942


Page Three

Dr. Bloch Castigates Jews
Terrors of Nazi Persecutions For
Own `Cheap Propaganda'
Increase Throughout Europe

' eports of Mims Executions, Deportations, Adoption of New
Anti-Jewish Regulations, Pour In from All Directions;
Kelly's Bombardier
300 Jews Commit Suicide
Rests in Australia

Horror is piling up for the Jews of Europe as the
• ar enters new stages of conflict, with the United Nations
: king the offensive on several fronts.
One of the most tragic news stories comes by cable,
hrough the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, from Lisbon, re-
• orting that 300 Jews had committed suicide this week

n occupied France. The report
0 based on information coming
•rom Vichy. Mass arrests of Jews
e said to be responsible for the
i'ncreased number of suicides.
erman soldiers are being used
o round up Jews, 30,000 of whom
ave been arrested for deporta-
'on to Polish ghettos in Paris

Condemned by Catholic Paper

The persecution of Jews in
ranee was scored in Sehweize-
ische Kirchen Zeitung, official
.rgan of the Catholic church in
From Jerusalem comes the re-
.rt that 20 leading Jews in the
"arsaw ghetto were executed re-
-ntly by the Nazis in reprisal
or hunger riots. The information
•-as received by Theodore Mei-
. -ls whose 60-year-old father, Dr.
acob Meisels, was among those

Proud l'alestme

Father Has 4 Sons
In Biti
r sh Army

TEL AVIV (JPS-Palcor)—One
of the proudest men in Palestine
is Michael Weisman of Shehunat
Borochow, just outside Tel Aviv.
Now that his youngest son has
joined up, all four of his sons are
in the British Army. .

Eliezer Margows, a member
of the permanent taff of the
Hebrew dramatic group on the
Palestine Broadcasting Service, is
the youngest of three brothers
who have joined the Army. One
of sergeant-major in the South
African army and the second is
a lieutenant in the British Army,
Forced To Clear Debris
having enlisted in Palestine. All
Nazis forced 3,000 Jews in War- three brothers were born in Je-
- w to clear the debris resulting rusalem.
om the destruction of buildings
.y Soviet bombers.
In Bulgaria, the Nazi-controlled Anti-Zionist Is Given
overnrnent introduced a new Post in Middle East
of anti-Jewish regulations
-:*med at eliminating Jews from
LONDON (JPS)—Former Co-
• hatever occupations they may
lonial Secretary Lord Moyne,
- •11 hold.
A Moscow report states that known for the expression of anti-
e Belorussian cities of Minsk Zionist views, has been named
d Vitebsk are now completely Deputy Minister of State in the
Middle East, having cabinet rank.
But normal activities go on
• • g the Jewish population of
*ussia, and it is repcirted that
- vacuate-d Russian Jews are
••orking on collective farms in
e Bashkir Republic.
Samuel Chobrutsky, president
•f the Moscow Jewish Commun-
ty, has announced the removal
•f the community to larger guar-
Plan to
-rs in Tashkent.

Donate To Soviet Funds

The Jewish autonomous region
in Biro-Bidjan has underwritten
e sum of 20,000,000 roubles of
e Soviet State Loan of 1942
: .d contributed 7,000,000 roubles
. cash to the Soviet Defense
From Zurich comes the tragic
-port of the capture of 200 Slo-
ak Jews who had been hiding
. caves in the Tatra Mountains
ear Lomnitza. They were de-
•rted to Poland by the Nazis.
The Nazi radio revealed that
lewish women are fighting with
• Serbian guerrillas. A number
•f them, wearing army uniforms,
-ere captured by the Germans.
In Norway, the Quisling gov-
ent is speeding the introduc-
'on of anti-Semitic laws.
An interesting report from
serusalem states that legal status
•'11 be given Jewish immigrants
ho have enlisted in the British
.orces and acquisition of citizen-
'p will be made-easier for them.

• r.WiseisNamed
To Council of New
nti-Fascist Body

then S. Wise has been named a
member of the governing council
If the newly-formed American
ection of the Free World Asso-
iation. which includes Paul V.
&Nutt, Federal Security Admin.
strator; James G. Patton, presi-
lent of the National Farmer's
Jnion, and Mrs. J. Borden Har-
•man as chairman. The aim of
.e Association is to combat Fas-
ist propaganda and principles
.ughout the United States; to
eek - the establishment of equal
tuman rights without regard to
ace, creed or color, and protec-
ion of peace through a democrat-.
c world organization.

Chief of N. Y. Library Semitics Division Urges Accurate
Study of Jewish History to Meet Lavishly
Financed Nazi Challenge

NEW YORK (JPS)—While the Nazis are "lavishly
generous in financing the study of Jewish history and
literature" in order "to defame the Jews," the Jews them-
selves are meeting the challenge to provide an accurate
record of their own by substituting "propaganda" for his-
tory, it is asserted by Dr. Joshua Bloch, chief of the

LIA, (JTA).—Sergt. Meyer Levin
of Brooklyn, who has been fight-
ing the Japs daily since he drop- Semitics Division of the New
ped the stick of bombs from Capt. York Public Library, in an edi- mation, no matter how mislead-
torial in the current issue of the ing both to the Jew and the non-
"Journal of Jewish Bibliography." Jew," Dr. Bloch declared that it
Misleads Jew, Non-Jew
was "unfortunate that the admin-
Sharply castigating Jewish or- istration of several of such or-
ganizations which "seem to be ganizations has fallen into the
satisfied to accept cheap and gen- hands of men whose lack of Jew-
erally unreliable publicity about ish feeling and superficial knowl-
(Continued on Page 14)
themselves as authoritative infor-

Distinguished Flying Cross

Colin Kelley's plane and sank
the 30,000-ton battleship Haruna,
arrived in an Australian city this
week for his first leave since
Levine, whose family lives at
1504 E. =33d St., Brooklyn, is re-
garded as one of the best bom-
bardiers in the Army Air Corps.
Ruddy, stocky and powerfully
built, 26-year old Levin has twice
bailed out from planes doomed
to destruction, taken part in more
than 50 missions in which he re-
leased wholesale death on the
Japanese and now is one of two
members of Kelly's eight-man
crew who have reached the safe-
of Australia without a scratch.
The other man is Lieut. Joe Bean,
Kelly's navigator, who has been
reattached to an American
bomber group.





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