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January 05, 1950 - Image 1

Resource type:
Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1950-01-05

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You Are As Old

As You Feel

C i ptl a

w-Lt J'aurah,


See Pane 16

Old Days Relived

on Page 4

Vol. 52 — No. 1

64E%). 27

Pledge Z-Day


N 0

5, 1950

10c a Copy —$3 Per Year


Sharett Hits
• In UN


JERUSALEM—(SPECIAL)—"A front resting on two
main formations—the Roman Catholic and Soviet blocs" is
responsible for the UN decision to internationalize Jeru-
salem, Moshe Sharett, Israeli foreign minister, told the Knes-
set upon his return from Lake Success.

Shown above are past presidents of the Zionist Organization of Detroit who are participating in
the membership drive on "Z-Day." They are, seated, left to right, Maurice H. Zackheim, Leon
say, present president; Benjamin Weiss, and D r. A. M. Ilershman. Standing, left to right, Philip
Slomovitz, Abraham Cooper, Rabbi Morris Adler, Lawrence W. Crohn, Rabbi Leon Fran, Morris
M. Jacobs and Units I. Ellman. Unable to attend were Dr. Noah Aroustant, Dr. Harry E. August,
William B. Isenberg and Robert Marwil. Dr. Hershman, speaking for the group stated, 'The Zion-
ist Organisation of Detroit may count upon the active participation and 100 per cent support of
all past presidents is "Operation Z-Day" to be held all day Sunday."

`Wisdom of the Rabbis'
Slated on Chronicle Hour

The "Wisdom of the Rabbis"
will highlight the Detroit-Jewish
Chronicle Hour at 10:45 am.
Sunday over WKMH, 1310 on
your dial.
It will take the form of a
aeries of brief dramatic skits on
the teachings of the Talmud and
the Bible. They will be enacted
by the Chronicle Players.
The calendar of local events

School Accepts
Gift Barring
Aid to Jews

Lafayette College will accept
1713,506, the first installment on
41 .t bequest left the college by
Frederick F. Dumont, with the
stipulation that no Jews or
Catholics receive aid from the
Orphans Court, to which the
will was brought, approved the
eonditions surrounding the $110,-
000 estate.
A spokesman for the school
declared that "the money will be
appreciated although we don't
Mike the strings attached that
smack of religious discrimina-
tion." However, he continued,
such discriminations on scholar-
ships were "not uncommon,"
and the college will not refuse
the money which would only de-
prive "other boys of the bene-
fits "

TEL AVIV—(ISD—Three new
Settlements have been founded in
the past month by the Peale
Hamizrachi. They are Birya in
Upper Galilee, Nir Vagal, near
Mar Darom in the South, and
Hamoledeth, near Beer-

JDC Settles

240,000 DPs

and the world news will com-
plete the program.
Last week's program featured
creased immigration opportuni-
the "Shlomo Symphony" by the
American composer Ernest Bloch. ties for Jewish survivors during
1949 resulted in the greatest re-
settlement program in the 35
year history of the Joint Distri-
bution Committee, it was an-
nounced here by Edward M. M.
Warburg, JDC chairman.
In a year-end review of the
The United Jewish Appeal has agency's activities, which showed
set up a national campaign cob- total JDC expenditures during
inet of 14 leaders, it was an- the year of $61,754,050, Warburg
nounced by Henry Morgenthau revealed that the agency had
helped to resettle 240,000 persons
Tr., chairman.
in various lands during the past
This cabinet, he said, will "give 12 months.
us a campaign high command of
"The year 1949 gave increas-
communal leadership which will ing evidence," Warburg de-
be most important for the suc- clared, "that Europe's Jews,
cess of our effort."
helpless and destitute on VE
Among the 14 cabinet mem- Day, are at last on the road to
bers is Louis Berry of Detroit.
permanent recovery."

UJA Sets Up
14-Men Cabinet

Scholars Divided Over Age
of Recovered Bible Works

meeting of the Society of Biblical
Literature and Exegesis, held at
the Hebrew Union College here,
question was raised among the
Bible scholars concerning the
age of the manuscripts of the
Old Testament found in the
Dead Sea area in 1947.
Dr. Solomon Zeitlin of Dropsie
College called the manuscripts
a "hoax" when someone de-
clared the scrolls to be of the
pre-Christian era.
At the same time Dr. E. R.
Lacheman of Wellesley College
said the books were between the
fourth and eighth centuries,
while Dr. Harry M. Orlinski of
the Hebrew Union College dated
the scrolls between the fourth
and ninth centuries.

Disagreement between the
scholars has been going on for
more than a year. The dis-
puted scrolls include the Book
of Isaiah, a manual of discipline
for a Judaic sect, commentary
on the Book of Habbakuk and
the "lost" Book of Lamech,
which has not yet been opened.

Sen. Herbert Lehman
Purchases a Shekel

NEW YORK—(Special)—Sen.
Herbert H. Lehman showed his
sympathy with the Zionist move-
ment through the purchase of the
first Shekel from the Zionist Or-
ganization of America it was an-
nounced by Benjamin G. Browdy,
acting president

"Is there any need to empha-
size," he continued, "that the ba- investors would get special tax
sic motives of these blocs were and customs reductions.
totally different?"
Kaplan reported that Israel
Sharett said the Soviet bloc will need about $280,000,000 in
had attempted to justify its stand foreign exchange, mostly for im-
by saying this was an isolated ports in the development plan.
case and that it was committed
While there was optimism over
to internationalization because of
its original attitude on a partition the reported progress in the
Israel-Transjordan peace negotia-
resolution of Nov .29, 1947.
tions, there was also a note of
The Soviet Union is apparently uneasiness over the reported in-
blind to all events since that tention of Transjordan and Iraq
time. including the salvation of to invade Syria.
the city by its inhabitants and de-
fense army, he said.
CAIRO—(Special)—King Ab-
dullah of Transjordan has for-
"The fact that despite all this mally incorporated the part of
the Soviet Union supported the Palestine occupied by his troops
proposal for a settlement de- into his kingdom.
signed to tear Jerusalem from the
Abdullah's forces occupy al-
body state, subject it to an ex- most
all of Arab Palestine, in-
ternally imposed authority and
chiding the old city of Jerusalem.
endanger its security by demili- Egypt holds the
tarization continues to cause us the Mediterranean. Gaza strip on
deep disappointment," he said.
The incorporation, among other
"However, as we did •before things, will give Palestine Arab
and during the session, so we refugees the same rights and
shall in the future strive to prove
privileges as other citizens. Cus-
that the road we are following is
the only one likely to insure the toms, taxes and public services
Will be unified.
life of Jerusalem and to fulfill the
just demands of the state of Is-
rael and of the Whole Jewish peo-
Sharett said he felt justified in
saying that even among the Cath-
olic hierarchy there was no great
Unusual opportunities are
confidence that internationaliza- offered to the Detroit Jewish
tion was essential. He declared Chronicle teenage readers
that important church circles ap-
through the Teenage Sophisti-
preciated the good will shown by cates column.
the Israeli Government to insure
Parents are urged to tell
Christian rights as a whole and
their children to contact Helen
those of the Catholic Church in Tennenbaum, TO. 7-6128
particular in efforts to protect the 3300 Tyler avenue, for infor-
holy places and to enable the
mation concerning special
free functioning of religious in- subscription squads which of-
fer some quick profits to the
The draft of a reply to the UN
Talented amateurs in the
Trusteeship Council demanding musical or acting fields al e
that Israel retransfer to Tel Aviv
also asked to contact Helen
the government offices it moved
who is planning an all-teen-
to Jerusalem has reportedly been age Jewish Chronicle Hour
approved by the Israeli cabinet.
for March.
Sources close to the govern-
ment believe the reply will both
question the authority of the
Council to make such a demand
as well as point out that the peo-
ple in Israel will resist any effort
to wrest Jerusalem from them.
Meanwhile the eyes of the Is- national Jewish social fraternity
raelis were centered on the Knes- has voted to admit Negroes as
set. The first session opened with members.
the statement by Speaker Joseph
At its 40th national convention
Sprinzak that he takes "pleasure
in reopening the Knesset sessions Phi Sigma Delta delegates also
in Jerusalem, where Israel's voted -approval of the pledging
house of legislation held its first by the University of Wisconsin
inaugural meeting and where the chapter last spring of a Negro
first president of Israel was elect- senior, Weathers Sykes, 23.
The fraternity has, nearly 6,000
members in 24 college chapters.
The first item on the agenda
was a bill approving the UN
TEL AVIV — (ISI) — The first
genocide treaty. The , genocide large consignment of locally
convention was supported by all manufactured cloth was exported
from Israel recently when $100,-
Finance Minister Eliezer Kap- 000 worth of flannel cloth was
lan introduced a bill encourag- sent to Finland as part of a bar-
ing private investment in Israel. ter agreement between the two
Under the bill foreign and local countries.


Now Look Here,
Teenage Readers

Jewish Fraternity
Lifts Color Bars


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