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April 29, 1949 - Image 2

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Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1949-04-29

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Page Two

Friday, April 29, 1941

Thousands Pay Tribute to Dr. Wise at Rites

All Jewry
Pays Honor
at His Bier

than 2,000 persons, including gov-
ernment and Israeli representa-
tives and hundreds of others who
could not gain admission, paid
final tribute to Dr. Stephen S.
Wise at the funeral service at
Carnegie Hall.
Though admission was only by
tickets distributed by the Free
Synagogues, hundreds of persons,
Jews and Gentiles, white and
Negro, jammed the adjacent
streets in the hope of entering
the building which was the site
• • • ,
of some of Dr. Wise's most me-
them that he
morable addresses.
acquired "at birth" his "innate
Mingling in the crowd were
hatless men and bearded Jews love for Zion" and his "lifelong
career as a 'fighter."
with skullcaps under their hats,
He often told the story how
young women and elderly ker-
he had been told by Herzl that
chief-headed women, laymen of
he would live to see the estab-
all faiths and men of the cloth.
lishment of a Jewish State in
The sky was overcast and a gray
Palestine. Shortly after the war,
sadness pervaded the area.
and later, when the Palestine
picture was still dim, he averred
Passing people stopped, and with great faith that a Jewish
learning what was happening State would rise in his lifetime.
bowed their heads, many making FAMILY OF RABBIS
a sign of the cross in recognition
Dr. Wise came of a family
of the Jew who was beloved by of Rabbis. His father, grand-
all Americans.
father and his grandfather before
More than 8,000 persons passed were Rabbis. His father fought
by Dr. Wise's bier at the Free for Hungary's freedom alongside
his grandfather's side, and Dr.
The funeral services at Car- Wise often stated that he inherit-
negie Hall were simple, with ed his fighting spirit for just
Rabbi Edward E. Klein, assist- causes from his ancestors.
ed by J. X. Cohen, both of the
Dr. Wise came to the United
Free Synagogue, officiating,
States at the age of one. He
The eulogy was delivered by became a Rabbi in 1893 and his
Dr. David Petegorsky, executive first pulpit was the Madison Ave-
director of the American Jewish nue Synagogue in New York,
Congress. The Rev. John Haynes where he remained for seven
Holmes read verses from Milton's years.
"Samson Agonistes" and Matthew
In 1900, the year he married
Arnold's "Rugby Chapel."
Louise Waterman, he became
The Free Synagogue choir Rabbi of the Beth Israel Temple
chanted some of Dr. Wise's fav- at Portland, 'Ore.
orite hymns, including 'Hash-
It was at that time that one
kivenu," and the traditional "El of the most dramatic events in
Mole Ra•hamim."
his life occurred. Temple Emanu-
Dr. Wise was buried in the El offered him the Rabbinate, a
Westchester Hills Cemetery.
most coveted position. But he
was advised that the pulpit of the
Included among the mourners Temple was controlled by the
was Israeli Ambassador Eliahu board of directors.
Elath. • Dr. Chaim Weizmann,
In a move that was as dra-
who planned to attend the serv- matic as 'it was bold, he turned
ices, was unable to come because he the offer in a letter in which
of ill health.
s he said that "no self-respecting
Dr. Wise died within several minister of religion, in my opin-
weeks after the Jewish and non- ion, could consider a call to a
Jewish world celebrated his sev- pulpit" under those conditions.
-nty-fifth birthday. His death The support he received enabled
'nought a great shock to the him to establish the Free Syna-
'housands of people he counted gogue.
:mong his friends and to the tens CHAMPJON OF JUSTICE
if thousands everywhere who
Though Dr. Wise devoted his
vorshipped him as a preacher, energies to Zionism, to the Amer-
eacher and guide.
ican and World Jewish Con-
Dr. Wise was born in Budapest, gresses and the Jewish Institute
• Iungary, on March 17, 1874. On of Religion, which he founded
'e occasion of the celebration and which was later merged with
f his 75th birthday some six the Hebrew Union College, he
'eeks ago he declared he was was one of the outstanding cham-
o•n in the birthplace of Max pions of social justice in Amer-
ordau and Theodore Herzl and ica. Labor and all democratic
moirements found in him'a de-
fender and friend.
His views were not often


ndianapolis Body
Indorses Frisch


apolis Zionist District passed a
resolution unanimously indorsing
the candidacy of Daniel Frisch as
president of the ZOA.
The District also voted to co-
sponsor a city-wide celebration of
the anniversary of the Jewish
State in May.

Larry Eisenberg Gets
Spot on TV Program

Larry Eisenberg, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Max N. Eisenberg of
3224 Glendale avenue, appeared
over WWJ-TV recently. A 10-B
student at Central high school,
Larry was selected as one of four
high school students in the city
to appear on the "Point of View"

shai:ed by his friends and admir-
ers. But his honesty and convic-
tion were never questioned.
Among the highlights of his ca-
reer was his assertion once that
he had been an American for a
lifetime but a Jew for 4,000 years.
On another occasion he said
that the contribution of the Jews
to this country must be made by
the Jew as a Jew and not as an
American Jew, or Jewish Amer-
ican or American of Jewish faith.
Thus he challenged the assimila-
tionist and those who feared the.
taunt of dual loyalty if they as-
sociated themselves with Zionist
Surviving are his son James
Waterman Wise and his daugh-
ter Justice Justine Wise Polier.

Dr. Weizmann Hailed
by Truman in Capital

President Truman, at a luncheon
In New York, in his first of-
in honor of Israel's first presi- ficial address in the U. S. as
dent, called Dr. Weizmann "a president of Israel, Dr. Weis-
great leader and one of the mann declared that Israel will
world's greatest scientists."
agree to international control of
The luncheon, an official state the holy places in Jerusalem.
function tendered by the Presi-
He made the statement before
dent of the United States to the a record-breaking audience of
president of Israel, was held at 2,300 persons. including high na-
Blair House. Among the guests tional and international digni-
at the luncheon were Vice-Presi- taries, who attended the "Salute
dent Alben W. Barkley, Secre- to the President of Israel" con-
tary of State Dean Acheson, cert and dinner last Saturday
Speaker of the House Sam Ray- evening at the Waldorf-Astoria
burn, Israeli Ambassador Eliahu under the auspices of the Amer-
Elath and Rear Admiral Robert ican Committee for the Weiz-
L. Denison.
mann Institute of Science at Re-
• hovoth.
President Weizmann presented Declaring that it was the pri-
Nominations for offices in the a bronze plaque to President mary objective of his govern-
Truman, containing the full Eng- ment to achieve peace between
Jewish Community Council will
lish text of the Israeli Declara- Israel and the Arab states, Presi-
be announced at a meeting of
tion of Independence. Dr. Weiz- dent Weizmann assured the
Council delegates Wednesday,
mann said he presented the gathering that Israel was aware
May 11 at the Center, Aaron
plaque "as a token of the deep of the universal interest in the
Droock, president, announced.
and grateful appreciation of the safety of the holy places and the
Five officers and 12 members government and people of Isreal." right of free access to them but
of the executive council are to
At a press conference, Dr. that "no real incompatibility ex-
be elected at the June meeting. Weizmann suggested that the ists between the interests and.
Nominations will be permitted Arabs who fled their homes in concerns of Christianity, to which
from the floor at the May 11 Israel should be settled in fertile His Holiness the Pope has re-
Iraq, the site of the Biblical Gar- cently given eloquent expression,
den of Eden. He said that those and the aspirations of the people
who wish to return as individuals of Jerusalem to assure their gov-
81,149 Jews Enter
could do so provided they come ernment and security in con-
Israel Since Jan. 1
back free of aggressive intent and formity with their national al-
In the three months from Jan. willing to conform with the laws legiance."
1 through March 31, a total of of the nation.
81,149 Jews entered Israel. The
Dr. Weizmann disavowed for
"If there is a genuine desire
number included 4,000 Yemenite his government any intent to ex- to reconcile these two interests,"
Jews flown in under "Operation pand beyond their present bor- he added, "a harmonious solu-
Magic Carpet."
ders as charged by Arab leaders. Lion can swiftly be secured with
international consent." Israel,
w asserted. stands ready to en-
ourage and accept the fullest in-
ternational safeguards and con-
trol for the immunity and pro-
tection of the holy places.
The commencement services of , service in extra-curricular pro- t Dr. Weizmann paid tribute to
Temple Israel high school will bel grams will be given to Ellen s he "deeply human statesman-
held at 8:30 p.m. Friday, May 6,
hip" of President Truman,
in the lecture hall of the Detroit Grace Siegel, Eleanor Goldberg, whom he characterized as the
Jo Ann Mendlow, Bertram Fink, l" pioneer in the recognition of
Institute of Arts.
Nineteen young men and worn- Dan Reifler, Bruce Wayne and I o or State."
en who continued their Jewish David Zatkin. Stanley Millman
studies after Confirmation will was chosen by his class to deliver
graduate. the valedictory address.
Presentation of diplomas will be
Rabbi Leon Frain has invited
made by the president of Temple Rabbi Milton Rosenbaum of Con-
Israel, George M. Stutz. Scholar- gregation Beth Jacob of Pontiac
featuring Chinese Native
ship, and activity awards will be to deliver the commencement
presented by Mrs. George Blum- sermon. lijs subject will be
Foods and Family Dinners
enstock, chairman of the religious "Judaism in America—Is It on

Roll .Won-Ton
schOol board.
the Decline or on the Upswing?"
The Morris Garvett leadership
The graduating class consists
medal has been awarded to El- of Morton Alger, Barbara Sue

Chow Mein
len Grace Siegel. Winners of the Applebaum, B ertram Charles
Cantonese Style
scholarship medal are Stanley Fink, Eleanor Jean Goldberg,
Millman and Fred Stoller. Phyllis Lipsitz, Joanne Mendlow,
Activity pins for distinguished Stanley M. Millman, Patricia
Just North a Outer Dr.
Joyce Oppenheim Lawrence
Ralph Pernick, Donald A. Reifler, •
Serving Food from
The rousing and exciting saga Kenneth Robinson, Ellen Grace
11 a.m. to 3 a.m.
of the forging of the lifeline of a Siegel, Susan Joan Simon, Merle •
great nation against overwhelm- Ronald Stocker, Fredric Stoller,
ing odds is brought to the screen Aileen Shirley Sutkin, Bruce Keil
in "Canadian Pacific," opening at Wayne, Lila May Weiss and David • Phone UN. 4-9310
the Fox Theater this Friday.
A. Zatkin.

Council to Hear
List of Nominees

Pontiac Rabbi Will Address' c
Temple Israel's Graduates

• • • • • •

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