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January 16, 1948 - Image 5

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Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1948-01-16

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Page Five


Friday, January 16, 1948

The Voice of the Hadassah B and P Awaits
Man in the Street Honor Roll Event Monday


Aids Sisterhood

Men Bid to View
`The New Look'

Invited to Institute


Weeks of preparation by the social service and out-patient
of Women's Division
Business and Professional Divi- follow-up."
TIME: Sunday morning.
Further information may be
sion of Hadassah will culminate
PLACE; Twelfth and Gladstone. in the annual Honor Roll event secured by calling Miss Slakter,
Announcements were sent this
QUESTION: Who would be your
week to all members of the •
at 8:30 p.m., Monday, in the TY. 5-1124, or the Honor Roll
candidate for president of the
chairmen, Yetta Benjamin, UN.
Wardell-Sheraton Hotel.
Women's Division of the Jewish
new Jewish State?
Rabbi Morris Adler will be 2-7967, and Betty Utley, CA.
Welfare Federation inviting their
guest speaker and Shoshannah 6904.
participation in the institute on
IRVING E. GLAZER, 15794 Ohio Brooks, vocalist, and Lillian
avenue, fish salesman.
"The New Look in Community
Robbins, pianist, will be featur-
My candidate for president of ed on a musical program.
Affairs" to be presented Thurs-
the new Jewish State would be
In urging intensified • activity
day, Jan. 29, at the Hotel Stat-
Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver.
for a 100 per cent enrollment of
Rabbi Silver, in my opinion, is members as Honor Roll pledges
the outstanding to meet its quota for medical
Since the program will also
Jewish leader aid in Palestine, Goldie A. Slat
the 21st anniversary of
of today. He is ter, chairman of the division,
invitations were also
Deploring the "utter stupidity"
also an Ameri- stressed the "vital role of Ila-
extended to the men of the com- •
can, and since dassah as the health arm of the of racial and religious hatred,
American Jew- immigrant medical services.
• • •
Cornelia Otis Skinner, Broad-
"Just as in other phases of our
ry is the strong-
"This service reaches the new- way actress, told the 1,000 guests
daily life, there is a 'New Look'
est in the corner the moment he sets foot
in our community social serv-
world, it would in the Holy Land; provides cbm- at a luncheon in her honor that
ices," Mrs. Abraham Cooper,
be smart to se- plete medical examination, hos- everyone must live by the Gol-
chairman of the Division's pro-
lect him as pitalization, convalescent care, den Rule if bigotry is to be
grain committee, said. "The Jan.
eliminated. Many teen-agers at-
29 program will give Detroit
He would be
Jewish women an opportunity
a better choice than Dr. Chaim
Mrs. Avis Shulman
The banquet, held at Masonic
to discuss some of these changes
Weizmann because he is much
Luncheon Speaker
Temple, was sponsored by the
with five nationally-known au-
younger and in better ,health.
thorities—in a national confer-
Detroit Round Table of Cath-
Mrs. Avis Shulman, wife of ence right here on our door-
• olics, Jews and Protestants and
Philadelphia avenue west,
was the occasion for the pre- Rabbi Charles Shulman of New
The program will include four
Tel Aviv's Mayor
sentation to Bnai Brith of an York, will be guest speaker morning panel sessions, "The
I 'think Dr. Stephen Wise
Guest of Auxiliary
Award of Merit for its work in at the annual donor luncheon New Look in Problems of the
would make the best president
for the new Jewish State.
aiding the Round Table's youth of the Sisterhood of the North- Aged" and The New Look in
The final donor rally of the
I have followed Dr. Wise's ac-
west Hebrew Congregation to Campaign," at 10 a.m. and. "The
New Look at Misconceptions
Ladies Auxiliary of the Jewish project.
tivities ver y
be held Feb. 11 in the Syna- Concerning Emotional Disturb-
National Fund will be held at a
closely and am
dessert lundieon at 12:30 p.m. chairman, delivered the welcom- gogue, Mrs. Alex 'Brooks, chair- ances" and "The New Look in
very impressed
Tuesday in the Rose Sittig Co- ing address and Mesdames Al- man, announced.
Education for Jewish Living" at
by his great
fred May, Dan Krause, Samuel
hen Bldg.
The program will also feature 11 a. m., as well as a luncheon
abilities as a
Marilyn Kaplan, violinist, will Danto and Harvey Steadman of a pageant entitled "Jewish Wo- meeting at 12 noon at which
leader. He also
play. "The Life of Theodore Landing, head of the Michigan men Through the Ages" and Harry L. Lurie, executive di-
played a very
rector of the Council of Jewish
important part
Iferzl" will be presented by the Federation of Temple Sister-
in influencing
"Eternal Light" cast in a tran- hoods, assisted with arrange- presentations by the sister- Federations and Welfare Funds,
will discuss "What's All This to
hood's choral group.
the UN to vote
Mrs. Saul Bloom accepted the
Over 50 members attended a Me?—Social Problems and Their
for the State.
Mayor Israel Rokach of Tel
award on behalf of Bnai Brith. tea given by Mrs. Sol Slomo- Personal Application."
It is true that
Aviv and Mendel N. Fisher, na-
Reservations for the institute
vitz in her home on Wooding-
he has not been
tional executive director of the
ham drive to hear reports of are being taken at the Women's
mentioned among the top candi- JNF, will be the principal speak-
the luncheon committee. On Division office, Room 309, 51 W.
dates, but I think this is because ers at the donor dinner of the
Monday, Mrs. Lenorii Dunsky, Warren, TEmple 1-1600, Ext. 272.
of his age. Still, he would be my auxiliary, Tuesday, Jan. 27, at
program book chairman, will Mrs. Arthur Bloom, Mrs. Samuel
the Masonic Temple. Proceeds
of the auxiliary's campaign will
Sam Brown of Chicago, Amer- be hostess to captains of her B. Danto and Miss Pearl Deve-
MAX SCIILANGE, 1975 Pingree be used for the purchase of land ican Jewish Congress leader, will committee at a luncheon in her now, chairmen of the committee
of the day, have announced that
avenue, tool designer.
in the Jewish State.
be guest speaker at an open home on Roselawn avenue.
Reservations for the donor Monday, Jan. 26 is the deadline
My choice would be Dr. Chaim
Hannah Kipnis, mezzo-sopra- party of the Detroit Section of
Weizmann. lie is an eminent sci- no, a native of Tel Aviv, will AJC Saturday in the home of affair are being taken by Mrs. for reservations.
entist and statesman, and his sing Palestinian songs at the din- President flar7y Nathan, 8731 Charles Charlip, UN. 2-2485, and
Mrs. Mitchell Schram, UN. 2-
prestige, I think, is greater than ner. She will be accompanied LaSalle boulevard.
that of any oth- by Mrs. Samuel Barr.
The affair will also serve to 5063.
A board meeting will take
er living Jew.
spur the organization's member-
Bookkeeping and
Ile is thor-
ship drive, which ends next place Wednesday evening in the
Tax Service
oughly familiar
month. The membership commit-
with Palestine Installs Joseph Rosson
tee said it has hopes of doubling kel, president, announced.
Let our improved methods
and the Jewish
Joseph Rosson was installed as its ranks before the campaign
relieve you of uncertainty
problem and is
president of the Goodfellowship
and drudgery.
certainly quali-
Brown will speak on Palestine
meeting last week.
Low charges surprise our
icket Sales for Dance
fied to lead the Club at a
Others who took office were
State through
Harry Pomerantz, vice-president; AJC program.
any member of Haifa Chapter,
its early years.
Joseph Schuster, secretary; Jack
Zionist Organization of •Detroit.
It was Dr.
Kunick, treasurer; Louis Nathan,
9124 Linwood at Clairmount
Weizmann who
The Mark Chagall exhibit of for the club's fund-raising din-
sergeant-at-arms; and Ben Mil-
ner-dance Feb. 7 at the Elm-
TY. 8-5322 or TO. 9-7681
influenced the Balfour Declara-
Schechter and Jack prints is now on at the Com- wood Hotel, Windsor.
tion. Much of our claim for a stein, Jack
State was based on this declara- Ginns,
tion. We could do no better than
to elect Weizmann as president.

Cornelia Skinner
Assails Prejudice
as 'Utter Stupidity

NW Group Host
to New Yorker

Rokach to Speak
at JNF Dinner

Chicagoan to 'Falk
at Party of AJC


BEATRICE ROSE, 1910 Hazel-
wood avenue, cashier, Astor
From what I have read, Dr.
Chaim Weizmann is the leading
candidate for president of the
new Jewish State. I think he
would be a wise
Ile is beloved
by Jews and
non-Jews alike.
Having him as
head of the
State would
give the Yishuv
much prestige
among the oth-
er nations of
the world.
There wouldn't be a Jewish
State today if it weren't for Dr.

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Harold Dworkin Gets
Fellowship at MSC

Harold Dworkin, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Abe Dworkin of
has been
Grand avenue,
awarded a fellowship in music
by Michigan State College.
A sophomore, Dworkin is a
graduate of Central High
School. lie also attended Wayne

Shown: Representative group of Chinese imports.


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