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December 04, 1942 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1942-12-04

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December 4, 1942


Bnai David Ladies Donor
Event Wednesday, Dec. 16

Dec. 20—Miss Sylvia Richman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
David Richman to Morris Wasserman, son of Mrs. Lena Wasserman,
at Congregation Beth Tikvah.




2 2


Mizrachi Young Women
To Hold Pep Rally Dec. 7





On Wednesday, Dec. 1G, at
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Weinberg of Fullerton Ave. announce the
p. m., in the Bnai David Social engagement of their daughter, Gertrude, to Eugene Irving Rosen,
Hall, Elmhurst and 14th, the an- of Columbus Ave. A reception will he held at 2971 Fullerton on
nual donor event of the Bnai Sunday. Dec. 13, from 2 to 5 p. m. No cards.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Grushky of Sturtevant Ave. announce the
engagement of their daughter, Mary, to Joseph Robert Young, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Young of Savery Ave.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Willis, of 1821 Oakman Blvd., announce the
engagement of their daughter, Lenore Nathlie, to Herbert Ressler,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ressler of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Epstein of 2527 Blaine Ave., announce the
engagement of their daughter Florence, to Jack Yagoda, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Yagoda, of Blaine Ave. Reception will be held
Sunday, Dec. 6, from 2 to 5, and from 7 to 10. No cards.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Davis, of Appoline Ave., announce the
engagement of their daughter, Bette Elaine, to Joseph J. Allender,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Allender, of Warrington Drive. Mr.
Allender is a graduate of University of Pennsylvania and is a
member of the Phi Sigma Delta fraternity. The wedding will take
place Dec. 26. Rabbi Adler will officiate.
Dec. 6—Miss Harriett Kaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
S. Kaine, of 3311 Chicago Blvd., to David Radner, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Radner of Fullerton Ave. at the Whittier Hotel.





David Ladies' Auxiliary will take
place. Mrs. B. Margolis is donor
chairman and Mrs. Eva Rosen is
chairman of reservations.
Mrs. Z. Needle, president, an-
nounces that under the chairman-
ship of Mrs. Joshua Sperka an
unusual program has been ar-
ranged which will be announced.
The entertainment will include
Mrs. Herman Bragman, pianist;
Miss Ilene Reznick, violinist, and
Mr. Josephson, vocal soloist.
Friends and members of the
synagogue are urged to call To.
6-5521 for reservations.


Miss Leona Wilder, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Wilder,
of Boston Blvd. was united in
marriage to Wilfred Gallow, son
of Mrs. Lillian Gallow, of Law-
ton Ave., on Thanksgiving Day
at 3 p. m. at the home of the
bride's sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice Wasserman, of Lawrence
Ave. Rabbi Adler officiating.
The bride was lovely in a
beige wool street dress and
matching hat with veil. Her
outfit was complemented by or-
The ceremony was performed
in front of the fireplace which
was decorated with orchid and
white mums with tapers burning
on either side.
Ben Flayer acted as best man.
A buffet dinner was then
served to thirty-five guests.
The bride's mother wore an
aquamarine c r e p e afternoon
dress with a corsage of gar-
The groom's mother chose an
afternoon dress of black crepe
trimmed in sequins. Her flowers
were gardenias.
The couple will make their
home in Flint.

Rabbi Zimmerman To
Address Young Israel

Rabbi Zimmerman will be the
guest lecturer at the Talmud
class for adults, sponsired by
Young Israel at Yeshivath Beth
Yehudah, Tuesday evening, Dec.
8, 9 :00 p. m. On Wednesday at
9 P. m. the distinguished young
scholar will address the Young
Israel open forum at the Dexter-
Cortland Yeshivah bldg. The sym-
posium, dedicated to the Chan-
ukah festival, will deal with his-
torical and present day experi-
ences of Jews engaged in warfare
and prticular emphasis on the
Macabees revolt. Professor Zim-
merman's lecture will discuss the
"Biblical and Talmudical Attitude
to Wr and Peace."

F lowers for all occasions-
D-xter-Jo y , Florist, Tyler 6-6622

TV. 1-1126


Nov. 15—To Mr. and Mrs. Milton B. Ressler (Esther Weno
kur), of Richton Ave., a daughter, Adrienne Irene
Nov. 16—To Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sloman, of Kansas City, a
daughter, Barbara Ann.
Nov. 17—To Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jones (Esther Kasle), of
18935 Wildemere Ave., a daughter, Linda Kasle.
Nov. 22—To Mr. and Mrs. Jason Tickton, a son, Stanley
Nov. 23—To Lieut. and Mrs. Lawrence George Bateman (Shir-
ley Keywell), 18215 Parkside Ave., a son, Lawrence George, Jr
Nov. 27—To Lieut. and Mrs. Sidney Kaplan (Pauline Breeker),
a son, Howard Martin, at Lebanon, Penn.
Nov. 28—To Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Fader (Shirley Leader),
19197 Murry Hill Ave., a son, Michael Ellis.
Nov. 29—To Mr. and Mrs. Irving L. Kramer, of 18281 Prairie
Ave., a daughter, Susan Ellen.
Dec. 2—To Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mazer (Beatrice Jaulus), of
A ppoline Ave., a daughter.

Zedakah Donor Luncheon
To Be Held Dec. 15

Plans for Zedakah's donor
luncheon are proceeding with
great enthusiasm. Mrs. Mar-
Plans are being completed for
vin Goldberg of 3017 Tuxedo
Ave., telephone TO. 8-7732 an- the Sholom Aleichem annual don-
nounces that she will have open or project, scheduled for Sun-
house to receive pledges from
Nov. 27 until the date of the
donor luncheon, which will be
held at the Masonic Temple on
Tuesday, Dec. 15.
Mrs. Louis Silverman, ways
and means committee asks that
all women who have war bond
raffle books please turn them in
as soon as possible. The winner
of war bond will be announced at
donor luncheon.
The next meeting of Zedakah
Club will be held at the home of
Mrs. Philip Cantor, 9237 Wilde-
mere Ave., on Monday evening,
Nov. 30, at 8:30 p. m. The en-
terta'nment committee is plan-
ning an interesting evening.

The Detroit Round Table of
Catholics, Jews and Protestants
announces the coming engage-
ments of two outstanding relig-
ious leaders of America.
Dr. Louis Finkelstein, president
of the Jewish Theological Sem-
inary of America, will be the
speaker at a luncheon to be held
at the Statler Hotel on Wednes-
day, Dec. 16 at 12:15 noon. The
subject of his address will be
"Religion and Re-Construction."
In the morning of Dec. 16 at
10:30 a. m. a conference for
ministers of all faiths will be
held. Dr. Finkelstein will speak
on the "World View of Jud-
In the evening of this same
date Dr. Finkelstein will speak
at Ann Arbor. On January 20,
Dr. Rienhold Niebuhr, former
pastor of Bethel Evangelical
Church in Detroit and now of
the faculty of Union Theological
Seminary in New York. He is
regarded as the leading theolo-
gian of American Protestantism.
He will speak at a Detroit Round
Table luncheon on the theme
"Harmony of Races and Relig-
ions in a Democracy." This will
be Dr. Niebuhr's only appear-
ance in Detroit this season.

Featuring Wedding Portraits and
Pictures of Children. In your
home or in our luxurious Studio.

Open daily till R.—Mondays till V p
SunJays 12 to 3


The Primrose Benevolent Club
will hold a Victory Card Party
on Dec. 21, at the Bnai Moshe
Synagogue, Dexter and Lawr-
ence. Admission to be 35 cents.
Refreshments will be served.

The governing body of the Jun-
ior Congregation of Congrega-
tion Shaarey Zedek, the Junior
Congregation Board, has enter-
ed a new year of services under
the sponsorship of Philip Rosen-
thal, and the supervision of the
Junior Congregation Committee
composed of Isaac Shetzer, Philip
Rosenthal, and the former spon-
sor, Abraham Gordon. Mr. Ros-
enthal stated in his declaration
of policy that he wished the
services of the Junior Congre-
gation to be conducted by the
members themselves as much as
The following officers
elected : Sanford Perlis, presi-
dent; Harold Berry, vice presi-
dent; Ethel Levine, secretary;
and Myron Rosenthal, treasurer.
The other electees were: Morton
Zieve, Robert Kasle, Miriam Le-
vin, Melvin Markowitz, Sheldon
Lutz, Joyce Pensler, Fayette Sin-
ger, Leah Crohn, Sander Bern-
The Membership Committee
has begun a new drive and hopes
that it will have the cooperation
of till members of the Junior
Congregation in making this
drive a success.

Mrs. Emanuel Leibschutz will
direct a pep rally for the Young
Women's Mizrachi, Monday, Dec.
7, at the Congregation Shaarey
Zedek in preparation of the zak ; Pledge Chairman, Mrs. Nat
club's donor luncheon, to be held N. Friedberg; Darlings, Mrs. Irv-
Jan. 12, 1943 at Congregation ing Balotnikoff; Memoriams, Mrs.
Shaarey Zedek. Preceding the Herman Kazdan; Banks, Mrs.
meeting on Monday, dessert Louis Bassell; Punch Boards,
luncheon will be served to mem- Mrs. Harry Appell and Mrs. M.
bers and their friends.
Kommell; Patriotic page, Mrs.
On the committees for the Rubien Dubrinsky ; Rummage
donor luncheon are: General chairman, Mrs. Joseph N. Bean.
Chairman, Mrs. Edward Chafitz ; Mrs. Morris Adler will be the
Ad Chairman, Mrs. Irving Pit-speaker of the afternoon.



For Her Holidays--


Minute-by-Minute Gift

Fob watch masterfully designed in exact

Dr. Louis Finkelstein
Interfaith Round
Table Speaker Dec. 16



Sholem Aleichem
Chanukah Dance and
Party Saturday, Dec. 12


Junior Shaarey Zedek
Elects Officers

reproduction of a very expensive one

. . . a gift to say "remember me"

every second you're away. Hand-set

rhinestones combined with fake rubies.


day evening, Jan. 10, 1943.
Mrs. Isaac Finkelstein, Presi-
dent announced a Chanukah
latke party and dance which is
being sponsored by all Sholom
Aleichem Reading Circles, to
be held on Saturday evening,
Dec. 12, at the Workmen's Ed-
ucational Circle in the main
auditorium. A variety program
is being arranged. Artists from
the Ben Ami troup will be the
attraction of the evening. All
sorts of games will be played.
A victory band will furnish the
music for dancing. Buffet style
lunch, Latkes and other goodies,
will be available. The public is
cordially invited.
On Thursday evening, Dec. 3,
a unique affair will take place
at the home of the Friedman's
at 4000 Tyler Ave. The hostess
is making special preparations
for an outstanding characteristic
Other parties have been spon-
taneously planned by friends and
co-workers within the Sholom
Aleichem Reading Circles, to
raise nominal amounts of funds
for the success of the donor pro-
ject, which is to help replenish
the treasury for the maintenance
of the Sholom Aleichem Folk


Gold-filled case; 7-jewel movement.

$22.50, plus 10% Federal tax.



Woodward at State



■ =1110•M

In Memory of

Henry Holinstat

who passed away Dec. 1, 1939

Blessed be the memory of one whom we
loved dearly.

He was an inspiration in his lifetime and
the memory of him gives us courage
in life.

May his memory be a blessing for gen-
erations to come.

Sadly missed by
His Wife and Children

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