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December 04, 1942 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1942-12-04

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December 4, 1942


Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ross
(Alice Ronis), 15016 Woodmont
Road, entertained Mr. and Mrs.
Gregory Ross and Mr. and Mrs.
Marcus Ronis at a Thanksgiving

Lieut. Sidney Kaplan is sta-
tioned at the Indiantown Gap
Military Reservation near Leban-
on, Pa. in the Quartermasters


The Belcrest Hotel was the
scene of a beautifully appointed
bridal shower in honor of Miss
Leona Wilder, Nov. 24 by the
bride-elect's sisters, Mesdames
Maurice Wasserman, Lewis Hel-
part and Ben Mel!man. Covers
were laid for 60 guests. The
bridal table was adorned with a
centerpiece of pink and white
roses and white tapers at either

Mrs. Harry Rosman of Boston
Blvd., gave a luncheon at the
Book-Cadillac, Nov. 24 in honor
of Miss Florence Moss, whose
marriage to her son Arnold will
be an event of Dec. 27.

Sergeant Louis Disner, who is
stationed at Camp Davis was
home on a furlough the past
week and was extensively enter-
tained. This was his first visit to
the city this year. For more than
nine months he was stationed on
an island in the Pacific.

Lt. Leonard J. Grabow, who
was recently appointed First-
Lieutenant, left for Fort Knox,
Ky. after spending a few days
with his parents Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Grabow of Glynn Ct.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cirolsky, who
spent the past few weeks in De-
troit with their children, Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Baer, returned to
their home in South Bend. Ind.
Many lovely parties were given
in their honor.




Mrs. Clarence Enggass has re-
Miss Francis Kozak, of
turned from a trip to New York Leslie Ave. will be hostes.
, at a
party to be given her by

parents, Dec. 5, in honor of her
16th birthday. Assisting her will
be Dorothy Leiderman, Ada
Doctor, Marion Litt and Betty
Levine. Thirty guests are ex-
pected to attend. Miss Kozak is
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Acker- a student at Central High School,

Miss Marilyn Trager cele •
brated her sixteenth birthday
Friday evening, Nov. 20, at the
Statler Terrace Room. Her
guests were: Lorraine Singer and
Yale Brown, Phyllis Brown and
Howard Silver, Arlene Halperin
and Bud Schlane, Arlene Singer
and Sol Koeningsburg, Betty
Koss and Bill Singer. Marilyn's
Lt. and Mrs. Lawrence G. host was Milt Wisotsky•
Bateman (Shirley Keywell), will
be at home at 18215 Parkside
Second Lieut. Murry D. Koblin
Ave. to their friends Sunday, recently left town after spend-
Dec. 6 from 2 to 5 p. m. in cele- ing a furlough with his parents,
bration of the birth of their son Mr. and Mrs. Dan Koblin of 2740
Lawrence George, Jr.
Fullerton. A recent graduate of
the Infantry Officers' Training
Private First Class Jack Roden school at Fort Benning, Ga., he
of the Medical Detachment Sta- has been assigned to Camp
tion Hospital, Ft. Harrison, Ind., Howze, Tex.
became an American citizen,
Nov. 23, after being in this
Ensign Sidney H. Hoffman is
country four and one-half years. on leave from his ship to spend
He attended the Royal Univers- the holidays with her sisters,
ity in Florence, Italy, and speaks Marcia and Mae Hoffman, of
Dexter Blvd.
many foreign languages.

Mrs. Harry Robinson was host-
ess at a beautifully appointed
luncheon and linen shower, hon-
oring Miss Florence Moss, given
at the Belcrest, Tuesday, Dec. 1.


Mr. and Mrs. A. Saltzman of
Milwaukee are spending a few
weeks visiting with their children
in Detroit.

Warrant Officer Ben Rubens
and wife have returned to Brigh-
ton, Mass., after spending his
furlough with his sister, Mrs.
Ann Averbuch. He is stationed
with the U. S. Coast Artillery.
Mrs. Rubens is the former Eileen
Wolf of Cortland Ave.

Bernard Dizik, son of Mr and
Mrs. L. B. Dizik has enlisted in
the Signal Corps, Radio Division,
and is now training at Owens-
boro, Kentucky.

■ 11

man of Lima, Ohio, spent
the Thanksgiving holiday in De-
P. F. C. Seymour Eichnian, of
136 General Hospital, Camp Car,
son, Col. was home on a ten
Mrs. Herman Finsterwald, of furlough, visiting his parents,
Longfellow Ave. will leave Dec. Mr. and Mrs. Max Eichnian, of
13 to spend the winter with her 17550 Indiana Ave.
children, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Misses Dora and Sadie (;ettle-
Dreifus in Memphis, Tenn.

son of 2024 Monterey Ave. have

Mr. and Mrs. Hy Kramer have just returned from a fou•-day
moved to their new home on visit with their brother, Private
Lulls Gettleson, who is stationed
Roslyn Road.

at Fort Knox, Ky,

Mrs. Melville S. Welt is spend-
ing a few weeks in New York.

Mrs. Benno Marx of Connecti-
cut . Ave. has returned from a
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ettinger two months trip to Salt Lake
of Pennington Ave. were hosts City and California..

--Photo by J. J. Clarke.

(Ruth Ann Schlanger)

to a group of friends at dinner,
Friday night, Nov. 27.

Dr. Louis A. Schwartz of Cam-
bridge Rd., who has been com-
Mrs. Walter Laib has returned missioned a Lieutenant Com-
from a fortnight spent in New mander in the Navy, left for
Bethseda, Md.

The Statler was the scene of
Corp. Joel Jacob, son of Mr.
a lovely wedding on Sunday,
Nov. 30, when Ruth Ann Schlan- and Mrs. William Jacob, of Chi-
ger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. cago Blvd., returned to Camp
Harry Schlanger, 2754 Calvert Rucker, Alabama, after a weeks
Ave. was married under an arch visit with his family.
canopy of white mums and ever-
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sofferin
greens, and became the bride of of Wildemere Ave are spending
Paul B. Newman, son of Mr. and a few weeks at the Arlington
Mrs. Morris J. Newman of Cal-
vert Ave. The bride wore a gown Hotel, Hot Springs, Ark.
of ivory satin fashioned with Mac Gordon and his sister
sweetheart neckline, the full Pearl have returned to their
skirt with lace inserts ending in hcme on Prairie Ave., having
a long train. Her veil of bridal spent 11 few days in Martinsville,
illusion fell from a Juliet cap Ind.
and she carried a bouquet of
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Berman
roses and orchids. Rabbi B. Ben-
edict Glazer and Isaac Statlman left Saturday to visit in New

Shifra Young Women's
Mizrachi Chapter Formed

At a tea Nov. 29 at the home
of Miss Fay Stollman, the Shifra
Chapter of Women's Mizrachi
was formed. The group is under
the sponsorship of Mrs. Abraham
Danzig, national vice-president of
Women's Mizrachi and Miss Fay
Stollman is chairman.
The next meeting will be held

Sunday afternoon, Dec. 20 at the
home of Miss Pearl Rapport,
2556 W. Philadelphia. The chap-
ter is open to young women, 18

to 22.

York and Syracuse and from Flowers for all occasions-
Mrs. M. Pollack in robin's there will go to the Naval Train- Dexter-Joy, Florist, Tyler 6.6622
egg blue gown fashioned with ing Camp at Geneva, N. Y.
tt'ffeta skirt and jacket of match- Many affairs have been given in
ing velvet was matron of honor. their honor before their de- NO FINER
Mildred Walrush as maid of hon- parture.
or wore a gown of maroon taf-
feta and velvet, and the brides- spent the holiday week-end in AT ANY
maids all wore identical gowns Detroit with his family.
of robin's egg blue fashioned on
similar lines as that of the ma-
Miss Dorothy Pinsky, has re-
tron of honor with matching turned from a visit with Corporal
hats. The bridesmaids were: Car- and Mrs. Harry Pinsky in Wich-
olyn Klineman and Roslyn Cole. itaw, Kan.
with Marjorie Cutler, cousin of
Miss Shirley Newman has re-
the bride being junior brides-
maid. Her gown was of pale blue turned to Louisville, Ky., after
a visit in Detroit and Ann Ar-
The, best man was Charles bor.
Newman, brother of the groom.
Mrs. Hyman Kimmel of Patter- DOYAL
and the ushers included Neil son. N. J. is the guest of her CN/NOOK
Leinoff, and Kopel Kahn.
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
For her daughter's wedding, Eli Sachse of Virginia Park.
Mrs. Schlanger chose a gown of
sea green crepe with blouse and s, Ensign and Mrs. S. A. Good-
sleeves of gold sequins. Her hat st e in spent 10 days in Detroit


matched the gown.
with their parents Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Newman wore a gown of Samuel Goodstein of Wildemere
Ave. of
an d Mr. and
an Mrs. Joseph
plum trimmed with orchid with Laro
Flint, M
matching hat. Both mothers wore
corsages of orchids. Dinner fol-
Mrs. Jenny Freshman of Syra-
lowed the ceremony.
cuse, is visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Margolis of Sturte-
Irving Popkin has returned to vant Ave.




his home on Pemberton Rd. after
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Spell-
spending Thanksgiving week-end
man of Washington, D. C., spent
in Grand Rapids.


10 days with their parents, Mr.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coggan, and Mrs. John Golden, of Rose-
of Wildemere Ave. gave a sur- dale Park.

prise birthday party for 10
Corp. Maurice A. Glasier of
couples in honor of their daugh-
ter Lois in the Terrace Room Fort McClellan, Alabama, was
here on a ten day furlough vis-
at the Statler, Nov. 21.
iting with his brothers and sis-
Mr. and Mrs. Louis K. Lam- ters. While here he stopped at his
bert entertained a group of brother and sister-in-law's home,
friends at dinner Nov. 24 at Mr. and Mrs. Louis Glasier of
17207 Woodingham Drive.
their home on Whittier Road.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heaven-
rich of Ferndale gave a dinner
for their family on Thanksgiving


Mrs. Herman Rosenberg, Mrs.
Sam Rosenberg and Mrs. Robert


Warmth ... Durability . . . Comfort . . . Style .. .
all four are standard equipment in every Scholnick

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$50 to $185


Washington Boulevard at Grand River

Rosenberg complimented their
niece, Miss Elaine Rosenberg,
bride-elect- with a dinner and
miscellaneous shower at the Wil-
shire, Thursday night.

Isadore Grabow of Dexter
Blvd., left for New York to join
Mrs. Grabow who is visiting with
their son, Lt. Louis Grabow.

Mrs. Sam Kaufman of Can-
andaigua, N. Y. is visiting with
her son-in-law and daughter, Mr.








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