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June 30, 1939 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1939-06-30

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June 30, 1939


Alfred J. Ruby's
Annual Summer


Women s Footwear




8 885

Values formerly to $16.75
We offer a large selection of fine Ruby shoes,
including a group of the famous La Valle
footwear in the season's smartest styles. Models
for all occasions in all wanted materials,
including whites, prints, and blacks.






Here's Your Opportunity to Spend the Kind of • Vacation
You've Always Dreamed About

Comfortable Lodging


Excellent Food - Low Rates


Cassel Lodge - Lewiston, Mich.


An Excellent Address

In a desirable location .
atmosphere and service combined
with the most modern conveniences
for luxurious living . . . truly the
Palmetto offers you the city resi-
dence ideal .. .





Raymond J. Kelly
Pleads for Peace


Declaring that the power-mad
dictators of Europe are threat-
Margaret Cohen's engagement to Milton Sneiderman will b
ening the peace of the world,
formally announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Nelson
Raymond J. Kelly, Corporation of Elmhurst Ave., at
a dinner given in their honor to be held
Counsel of Detroit, pleaded for
July 9. Mr. Sneiderman i3 the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sneider
a constant vigilance lest these man of New York City,
forces of evil should gain a
foothold in this country. Mr.
Mrs. Fannie Schweitzer of 3301 Richton Ave. announces the
Kelly delivered his address over engagement of her daughter, Sally, to Milton Golden, son of Mrs.
Altman's Jewish radio period on Mary Golden of Grand Ave.
Station WMBC last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Schatzman of West Grand Ave. announce
After being introduced by Ben
the engagement of their daughter, Eugenia, to Milton Weiner,
Lemberg, who was until recent-
non of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weiner of Ford Ave. The wedding
ly associated with him, Mr. will take place in the Fall.
Kelly paid tribute to his host of
Jewish ftiends. In the course
of his address he said:
"All Americans must arouse
themselves and emphatically aid
in preserving our own system,
the only real hope for Liberty
and tolerance and opportunity
July 2—Miss Stella Slutzky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Loui
left in the world.
"We want none of the com- Slutzky of Harding Ave., to Dr. I. J. Kunin, son of Rev, and Mrs
II. Kunin of Edison Ave., at Congregation Shaarey Zedek
munism of ,red Russia with its
destruction of the home, the at 1 p. m. Reception at 1127 Edison Ave. from 2 to 5 p. m.
family, of religion and of en-
July 2—Miss Rose Elkin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. I.
slavement of its helpless victims. Elkin of Calvert Ave. to Walter Farber, son of Abraham Farber
We want no part of the theories of Glendale Ave. at Congregation Shaarey Zedek,
of Nazi Germany, where the
July 2—Miss Elsie Charlip, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Israel
iron will of a cruel dictator is
the law of the land; where mil- Charlip of 3210 Calvert Ave., to Joseph H, Deutch, son of Mr.
Mrs. Harry Deutch, at the Fort Wayne Hotel. Rabbi Morris
lions of liberty-loving, God-fear-
Adler will officiate.
ing people have been taught to
goose-step to the martial will
July 2—Miss Lucille Goldstein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
of a man who would substitute Bernard Goldstein, to Harold Ressler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
himself for God in the lives of Ressler, at Hotel Statler.
the people; where military pow-
July 2—Miss Leona Rosenberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
er has crushed the small nations
that American ideals created Rosenberg of Webb Ave., to Abe Kutlov, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.
and brought them under his sad- Kutlov of Fullerton Ave., at Congregation Bnai Moshe, at 5 p. m.
istic will where religious leaders
have been cast into prison and
untold thousands of innocent
men, women and children have
been torn from their homes,
their properties confiscated and
have been exiled from the land • •
of their ancestors; their syna-
June 14—To Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bagdade (Mollie Weiner
rogues and churches destroyed of Turner Ave., a son, Walter Alvin,
simply because they desired to
June 15—To Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kolodin (Sara Horwitz), of
practice their religion in the
way their conscience dictated. 3281 Clements Ave., a daughter, Elaine Ruth.
What a tragedy we beheld just
June 16—To Mr. and Mrs. Earl Levine (Mary Simons) of
recently, where a shipload of 3018 Leslie Ave., a son, Richard Carl.
Jewish refugees had been cant
June 18—To Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Rycus (Ida Lessin), a
adrift from their own lands with
daughter, Brenda Kay.
no apparent hope of a haven of
refuge and only cruel enslave-
June 26—To Rabbi and Mrs. Max Weine (Mae Naftuljn) of
ment or death to face them if Rutland, Vt., formerly of Detroit, a son, Daniel Jacob.
they returned.
If you and I and all the
people who believe in the Amer-
ican principles and ideals upon
which our nation is founded and
by which it has flourished will
ill,, Sybil Kahn hug est her guest for
join together, our land will con-
the next few weeks her room mate et
tinue to be a land that is truly
St ephens College, Mi. Cecilia Hecht
Mrs. Adolph Smilo announces of CAN! Girardeau, Mo.
free, where people may live in
A. landauof New York I Ilk.,
peace and concord with their the marriage of her niece, Mar- a !Memel
farmer resident here, IA renewing
families and with their children garet Stone, daughter of Ben old acquaintance. In this city for a
and with one another and toler- Stone of 3264 Tyler Ave., to few daya.
Mr. end Mrs. tools it Herrinon have
ance will continue to be the key- Harold Getz, son of Simon Getz um their guest their ldmiti, Mies l'horrie
of St. Louis, Mo.
Lailln of New York Ilty.
stone of our national life."


Prize-Winning Poster

H9r1611 800N

,011 10 0 SIR

Poster made by Ira Schwartz
which won first prize in poster
contest under the auspices of the
National Council of Jewish Wom-
en. These posters were made in
high schools of the nation and
were on exhibit last week in New

1400 Americana Participate
in Rebuilding of Holy
Land Through Palestine
Economic Corporation

46,000 BOOKS


Progress Shown in Report at 61st
Annual Meeting of Jewish
Publication Society

At the 51st annual meeting of
the Jewish Publication Society
of America, held at Dropsie Col-
lege, Philadelphia, J. Solis-Cohen,
Jr., president of the society for
the past six years, recorded in
his presidential message the ac-
tivities of the past year and
plans for the future. •
For the third consecutive year,
the society's income front dues
has increased by 25 per cent
and book-sales continued at
satisfactory figure. The press
division of the society showed
the largest business in its his-
tory, and had on hand more con-
tracts than ever before. During
the year 1938, the society dis-
tributed over 46,000 books. The
paid membership of the society
has doubled during the past three
years. Three college fraternities,
Phi Epsilon Pi, Alpha Epsilon
Pi, and Beta Sigma Rho ; are
building shelves of Judaica ja
their fraternity houses, through
membership in the society.
The society's own publications
for the year 1938, seven titles
and eight volumes, the largest
publication program ever at-
tempted by the society in one
year, showed a fine response by
the press and the general public.
Mr. Solis-Cohen outlined the
society's publication program for
1939, including the following six
new books: "The Ship of Hope,"
translated from the German of
Ruben Rothgiesser by Felix Ger-
son; "The Jew in the Litera-
ture of England," by Dr. Mon-
tagu F. Modder; "The American
Jewish Year Book," Volume 41;
"Cold Pogrom," translated from
the German of Max Ludwig
Bergen by Benjamin R. Epstein;
"History of the Jews in Col-
ogne," the sixth volume in the
historical Jewish Communities
Series, translated from the Ger-
man of Dr. Adolf Kober by Dr.
Solomon Grayzel; as well as the
reprinting of several of the older
books which were enjoying good

350 New Straw




$ 3




toyos, novelties and milans


white, natural and

colors. Select two or three

for your vacation. Third



NEW YORK.—Fourteen hun
dred Americans have participated
in the economic rehabilitation of
the Holy Land through the Pal-
estine Economic Corporation dur-
ing the past year, according to
the 12th annual report of the
corporation published here.
Basing its help on a business
basis rather than on charity, the
Palestine Economic Corporation
is an outgrowth of a group
which met originally in 1920 un-
de• the leadership of U. S. Su-
preme Court Justice Louis D.
Brandeis. Among its founders
were New York's Governor Her-
rs • most ••nsibloLind of vacation
bert H. Lehman and the late
...end die most fun, toot Heeltli - building
Felix M. Warburg.
boner I of the worldifernous MINERAL
The American capital of the
corporation has been devoted to
the revival of farming; to drill-
Enjoy ell them fastness ...an inviting Ay
ing wells and providing water
lop tolarium, fire eare of beautiful garb
for domestic, agriculture and in- sales.
dances, concerts, entertainment golf
The following officers were re-
dustrial uses; to hydro-electric
VA fee fishing nearby-, Detroit only 10
plants and the distribution of elected for a one-year period:
minute ..ay. Cereful adh•renc• to
light and power; to transporta- J. Solis-Cohen, Jr., president;
Dietary Laws. Mailers!• Rates.
tion; to the building of homes, Hon. Ilorace Stern, vice presi-
cooperative apartments, and fac- dent; Howard A. Wolf, treasurer,
tories; to the planned extension Maurice Jacobs, executive di-
of the City of Haifa; and to pro- rector.
vide banking and credit facili-
ties generally throughout Pales-
Impressive Ceremony Marks
Inauguration of Turover
Current assets of the Pales-
tine Economic Corporation are
Mat Ellis mil Albed ‘10.14
Jogeph Nompliner and daughtera, Fek. $3,600,000. Through its various
Hier and Carolyn Jane. left on Sunday
subsidiaries the Corporation has
The Turover Aid Society in-
for Mmilson. WM., whore the latter
"When Winter Comes"
will enroll at the Unlierolty of WM issued loans aggregating $25,- augurated its new officers at an
Annual Picnic of Beth
On Sunday, June 25, Miss Eva Ester
In the faw I/4'11001 and Carolyn
impressive ceremony presided
Abraham Free Loan • Warshafsky, daughter of Mrs. Jane in I lie 141 . 11001 of Journellam.
Our Ponciana Hotel,
the making of profits to the en- over by Isidore Sosnick at Jer-
Doris Warshafsky, became the il og ril;i" g iitZ (Torah.,
Ass'n Sunday
is et ' . her
'11" g el. h:1 aux
" r
I ".' h'
directly on the Ocean,
bride of Martin J. Alpert, son tire. Phillip Abrams of Chicago. and couragement of constructive and icho Temple last Monday night.
tier brother-In-law, A. Itergless and hie productive enterprise, and despite
The fifth annual picnic of the of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Alpert. daughter. Mise Vivian. of New Orleans the political disorders of the Over 500 persons attended the
Miami Beach, Florida
ceremony which was followed
Beth Abraham Free Loan Asso- Rabbi N. Zager performed the I.a.
Mien Nanette Rohn hoe as her guest past two years, the Corporation by a catered dinner.
ciation will be held this Sunday ceremony in the presence of the her counin. Mks lierenice Temkin
of now has an operating surplus of
In his inaugural address, Jac-
at Budka Park, near Mr. Clem- immediate families and friends Providence, R. I., who le planning to half a million dollars.
spend the summer )sere.
ob Bobrin, incoming president,
ens. There will be music, games
Visiting with her pterenta Mr, - and
Among companies in which- the stated that ha .would _"attempt
Mr. William Mutton, la their daughter.
and numerous attractions, • and
Palestine Economic Corporation to write a new page in the his-
and (late eon,
Miss Ida Zeff, daughter of .51,
refreshments will be available.
has a substantial interest is Pal- tory of the Turover Aid Society,
For directions to park see ad- Mr. and Mrs. Abe Zeff, became
Mim Harriett Rost-mere of Detroit estine Potash, Ltd., which holds
the bride of Dr. Benjamin H. mill spend tile next few week. In this the concession for the exclusive to make it first in service to
vertisement in this issue.
the community, the Jewish peo-
Morris Sperber is chairman of Bader, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vrg . l ' It il i 1171.'s. b :t hiert ig gli tettVall' g
i gt71 exploitation of the salts in the ple, its sick, ailing and distressed
the committee on arrangements. David Bader, on Sunday after- her sister. Mrs. H. Y. Anthony.
D ead ea, granted by the gov-
Mr. and Mrs, Morris Karim' of South
members. He recalled that the
The Beth Abraham Free Loan noon, June 25. The ceremony Van
Ituren St.. returned home from ernments of Palestine and Trans-
Turover Aid Society led in es-
ey re r
Association was organized five was performed by Dr. A. H. , 1 ,1,...jrt.di t thwi,lenrnei,...r
Jordan until the year 2004. tablishing the Chesed Shel Emes
,:.en& marriage
years ago. It now has in circa- Hershman at the Shaarey Zedek. of their son end ilaughter-in•inw,
M gr'. Chemicals secured from Dead
as it exists today, and that in
lation about 100 loans of $100 The bride 'a gown and train end-bins, Sidney J. Karbel.
Sea waters include potash, mag- addition to the contributions of
of New York
each. Loans are extended to was of white net with short „ Mrs. Herold •ourlander
nesium, b r o m I d e, magnesiunt its• members, $500
had been
those who desire to use it in puffed sleeves and heart shaped detigs arrival he t; rid ttl.) ; h e i 7. ' R .:17 ' . g e ten chloride, calcium chloride and
pledged to the Allied Jewish
Sehneidetnen. Ho mu t t., sera rt,'ourieg t:Z I
their business or to send fend, neckline. Her veil, which was :tt
common salt.
.:1 ,, Inn missal,,.
n N,..Y to atte d flie r
our 30th
for relief overseas.. No security ' of the same material, was trim-
The benefits of the Palestine jubilee year, we will try to make
ntigre lion field with n . hric e h "xli te g t hi geimi eo
g. :
is needed and there is no red med with orange blossoms. She elated.
Economic Corporation activities this page of our history one
tape attached to the manner in carried a white satin prayer book y,;,1,1::: w
eml , Mrs. Paul Pak's, of New have not been restricted to Jews.
that every member of our or-
I nen-recently Married in
which this service is rendered j and the flowers were orchids,
Palestine Potash, Ltd., for exam- ganization will be proud to
emphl, Tenn., ere emending a wekk
by the association. lilies-of-the-valley, and forget- with
For this Summer
Mr. and Mrs. Isells 13. Harrison ple, employs 663 Arabs and 567 read," he said.
at their enttege et KIllmney !leech.
Jews. Palestine's Jewish popula-
The meeting was opened with
September 10,
Mrs. Daniel Cohn was the , (amity y go
nmlE'fgr% nerd, pg„g1:: tion grew from about 50,000 af- the playing of the Star Spangled
Rosenwald Post Co-operates matron of honor. The maid of 1 where ll'
they ecrompenied their Mother.
ter the World War to an esti- Banner followed by Hatikvah.
Mrs. bouts Surat!, who will emend the
in Sponsoring American honor was Ruth Broder. The nest
mated 450,000 in 1938. The The American and Jewish flags
few weeks at Eastern resorts.
bridesmaids were: Sadie Gold-
Thirty mernhere attended the Hades- Arab population in Palestine al.
Legion Circuit
w ere used in parading the out-
berg, Muriel Singer, Muriel Bad-
lie Hotel. This concludea their •etivi- increased by about 400,000 dur-
oing and incoming officers. Ab-
flee for the seamon.
ing this period. This is in strik- raham Geller and Benjamin
The Julius Rosenwald Post of er and Sylvia Saperstem.
Peter Bader was his brother's ! ith li .,, Ilten of f th j I r ul n eL r lizte., Vikaa,,et leo.trd [47 -s- ing contrast to the static Arab
the American Legion is co-op-
Grant, lint and second vice
held the letter port of the wrek
erating with the 61 local Amer-
at the
g population in Transjordan where presidents, respectively, also de-
homeof Mrs. Ruben Adelman. MI*
ican Legion posts in sponsoring Henry Siegel, Abe Baocf, Ber- Ruth
Pomeran ia.. le rare prenident; Miss Jews are not permitted to settle. livered talks. In addition Abe
Aided by American and Euro- Godlin, Samuel Feldman, Israel
the 'summer circus on the nard Zeff and Dr. Meyer Ascher. Loultes Krane n. secretary: Mies Charlotte
Friedman. treasurer. and Ntlae Shirley
grounds at Michigan and Wyo-
pean capital Jewish farmers in Weiner and Julius Gottlieb were
Berner, sergeent-al.arms.
ming, beginning with Sunday, bearer and Nancy Zellman the
Under a white ', mended astin, gold- Palestine have increased wheat inducted into the offices of treas-
flower girl.
trimmed ranopy. following traditional yields from 600 pounds to 1200
July 2.
urer, financial 'secretary, record-
rIttsal. lea Rebecca Berkoyite.
Mrs. Warren, accompanied by Jewish
No gambling or other ques-
otaughter of Mr. and Mr,. Oscar Berke- pounds per acre, increased an- ing secretary and hospitaler, re-
of Saginaw, and Henry Feldman, nual milk production per cow
tionable features will be per- Mr. Siegel, sang "Because" and vita,
spectively; Joseph Berman and
non Cr Mr. and Mrs. Laser Feldnmn, of
mitted on the circus grounds, "Oh Promise Me," Samuel. Em- kl. Farramit FL n'pokt. their marriage from 700 quarts to 4000 quarts. Meyer Kerby, board of candi-
egg production, and dates, and Sol Lumberg, Abra-
of St.. Saginaw. doubled
Dr. R. It. Goldstone, district mer, violinist, rendered the pro- A. ..re at Ili North
ItAbid Israel 1'. Not's, of tIm Rnal Israel made it possible to support a
Legion commander has an- cessional music.
Congregation, officiated. Mies Jean Jose-
ham Grant and Harry Phiffer,
A reception was held follow. 1 ., a so o Saginaw, end Mr.. Imam. family on six acres of land trustees.
nounced. The entire entertain-
sphere 30 acres were required
ment—circus, midway and the ing the ceremony at the home Mg eVilgels." Ar.?„g :I:de1
7171enti.:‘ , g.,;r gr F;13;
Wild West concern that will fol- of the bride's aunt and uncle, City. elm host man and Samuel Gold• before.
Y. F. V. JRS.
The Corporation has aided the
low each performance—will be Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pollack, on . berg. (trend Itafdds. end lemlore
lirekovits. of Routh Bend, Ind., Isere
cooperative movement which now
clean and of highest caliber, the
ufthere Following the rer
emo ny • re.
Y.F.V. Jrs. are planning a
Dr. and Mrs. Bader are motor- coptfon end lien, were held Pm 76 has 1000 organizations with a
commander said.
Aft a motor trip to Niaga a total of 120,000 individual mem- summer program of activities.
The circus box office at the ing through the East for a few enema.
Fells and through Caned. to Sault Si..
On June 24, they presented a
. en;
St. lane., Mr. and
Legion home, Cam and Lafay- weeks.
Mr.. bers. Among the subsidiary or-
Pohlman WM make their home at its
parents' night program and en-
ette Ayes., is open daily from
N. Weadock Air. in Saginawuntil Aug- ganizations of the Palestine Eco-
the senior members at
noon until 8 p. m. for the only Examination in Study of ust whep they will repide In Halo. The nomic Corporation are the Cen-
assay. which the bride's father mule tral Bank of Cooperative Insti- the Beth Emmanuel Synagogue,
of reserved seats, while general
Chumoah at Hebrew
for the rep-enemy. will be presented to
ceremonies was Ben
admission tickets may be ob-
the Final Israel congregation to be used tutions in Palestine, Ltd.; the
(or future Weddings in the congregation. Palestine Mortgage and
tained either there or from any
Credit Kinitzer, vice president. On June
Bank, Ltd.; the Bayside Land 25, the juniors held an all-day
An examination In the study Contributions to Jewish Na-
Corporation; and the Palestine outing at Island Lake. in charge
of Chumosh was held in the
Water Company, Ltd. Corn- of the affair was the athletic
class of M. Gordon, in the Phil-
Alfred J. Ruby, Inc., Opens adelphia-Byron
nanies in which the Palestine committee headed by Arthur
School, last Sun-
Economic Corporation has made Becker. Election of officers for
Children's Shoe Store
Ash end Rnbloisii.
day morning, June 25. In addi-
RoInfomd Concrete. Ally Gomm
Following are contributions to investments include: Palestine the next six months takes place
on 7-Mile Road
tion to the parents of the chil- the Jewish National Fund made
•Mood, Priced Right.
Potash, Ltd.; Palestine Electric on June 30, Installation will

dren, the following rabbis and through liadassah:
Corporation, Ltd.: Palestine Ho- take place with the senior in-
Alfred J. Ruby, Inc., have lay-members of the board were
Trees were planted as follows: tels, Ltd.; and the Agricultural stallation. Membership in the
opened a beautiful, new chil- Present: Rabbi M. Fiacher L
In memory or Jar Slektor by the Mortgage Company of Palestine, junior organization is still open.
579 Kenilworth. To. 8 - 5389
dren's store at 7114 W. 7-Mile Stollman and M. .1. Wohlgeter
n- Plakter family. In honor of Ines Aug- Ltd.
Anyone between the ages of 18
Rr. just off Livernois. This will ter; Maurice H. Zackheim, chair- ust on Fathers' Pay by Mr. •nd Mr..
and 22 interested in joining may
Nathan Kaplan and Wrolyn Kaplan,
be operated for the convenience man of the board of education, end by Dr. and Mrs. Harry August.
contact Slim Alice Sadur, 3787
of our many patrons in the most and Louis Dann. These exam- le honor of the goldenwedding anni- Sisters of Mizrachi Thank Glynn Ct.
rsary of Mr. and Urn Mau. Angus,
Turover Picnic Sunday
desirable district with the same inations are held periodically, In
The Chronicle
Mr. and Mra. Alfred Rev. to mem-
high class service and quality the higher classes of the schools, ory Of 10505 Ternehlu by Mr. and Mrs
Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society The Turover Aid Society will
In MeMory of Rase'
merchandise that has made and the public, as well as the Semite'
Tenwhin be Mr. and Mr.. Samuel Help- Editor, Detroit Jewish Chronicle:
Picnic on Sunday
hold its 30th jubilee picnic et
Ruby's children's shoes famous parents of the children. are in- er. In memory of Amen.* Brown by
The Sisters of Zion Mizrachi
sir. And Mr. ;'rank Wideman. Mr. and
lienrich Park this Sunday, July
throughout this part of the na- vited.
for your
We Ralph Int, M•on. end Mr. and Mrs. wish to thank you
Members, their families and 2. Abraham Geller is chairman
tion. The More is of the most
Mot-• soul.mn
In memory of Mee Ky• splendid cooperation, through the
of the picnic committee. Music.
Perna hv Min. Jeatelt. Steinberg.
modern appointments, air-condi-
Seek Whereabouts of
publicity you gave us, assisting friends are invited to attend the
Contributions have been given its in making our various affeirs annual picnic on Sunday, July dancing, races and games are
tioned and equipped to give the
Jacob Geller
9, at Plymouth Park. Refresh- on the program. Numerous prizes
by the following:
customers the utmost in com-
great successes.
Information is wanted of
In nimrwy nf Mr. Rae ("oho, by
This picnic
ment! will be served. The chair- will be awarded.
fort while shopping.
The Sisters of Zion Mizrachi,
Jacob Geller who disappeared 31r. and Mrs. Sidney Kra•iell in honor
men are Mesdames Manuel En- marks the first in a series of
or Felwin Llehertnnn . 4 liar alltsvah he
Mrs. J. H. Kunin, President.
from his home in New York City Mr. and Mrs. Iamb. !these, In memory
gel, Fannie Roth, Sam Ber- events to celebrate the 30th jubi-
December, 1936, leaving his of .11xfsei hon. by Mr. end,Mrs. (Saar
Abe Miller and C. Bey- lee of the organization. Hopes
Contributions to Temple kourtz,
wife, Amelia, and minor daugh-
Mr 3g.
tiTIT tie l Appleby of
were expressed by the pic nic
er. The public is invited.
COOPERATIVE CAMP ter, Helen, unprovided for and Masi ;1*.r.
(ironed. N. J To the Golden Hook
Beth El Funds
committee that the Jewish com-
adh 77
., ma, Flnidel• Teed of T.essple
since then has made no effort 1:171;:r' '?-1.:!,17,7,,::',7,,,,l:eb s , "
munity will participate in the
On July 2, the first of a series to contribute to their support. Iodine, Mr. •nd Mrs. Harry Landsmen.
in memory a tterg 11111. by Lottio
Siteer.tone, Yr. and Nra S. Tomato Memorial Vend of Tomato Roth
of seven cooperative camps oper- His wife has since been corn-
ten .-nt• 1T . Mr. and Nra R. Audandee. pa,
h edto
ated by the Labor Zionist youth child
no w eninstitution
h ers elf nan d
an•1 Ole and Mn. ft nark.
From Mr. and Mr. (Tories Welts
sive Society will have a wienie
organization,B abonim. will open
For further information call Atoll. %Reeky Pawl of Tomei. Roth MI.
Kalvarier Aid Society Ha'
In honor pf the graduation of Robert roast at Palmer Park, across
for the eighth successive summer I tute circumstances. Mr. Geller, Mra. A. Victor Biter, 16169 Rahn
end Vildrod Goldman, by Yr. the golf course, Sunday evening,
Picnic oaJuly 9
at Accord, N. Y., in the midst who is believed to be in Mai- Woodingham, University 2-8733. end Mee Harry
July 9. All friends and prospec-
o( the Catskills. Simultaneous- can. is 48 years of age, 5 ft, 7
For information concerning
Aid Society's year-
ly similar camps will open in in. tall. weighed 165 pounds, has tree planting or contributions to
Gift to Hebrew Schools
Regular meetings of the Jun- ly picnic will be held OD Sunday
the vicinity of Chicago, Los An- brown hair and brown eyes, was the Jewish National Fund call
The United Hebrew Schools
geles and Montreal, and through- n salesman of women', annarel. Mrs. Philip Lipson. 17527 Fair- acknowledge the receipt of one-
m lel
throughout the summer months
e co o A
d Patros k.ri
e is s are
out the month of July three Anyone aware of his location in field Ave., University 1-9440.
half scholarship from Mr. and at the Bialostoker Hall, every
mL a help make this picnic a suc-
more such institutions will onen I requested to communicate with
Mrs. Herman Kopelove of Tux- other Monday. Friends and
cess. The
their doors near Rochester, De- i the National Desertion Bureau, De:tee-Joy Florist, Tyler 8.6622. I edo Ave., in honor of the Bar
prospective members are asked 15 individuals in E.,:rope cl - —10
troit and Baltimore.
167 W. 47th St., New York City.
Flowers for all occasion.-- !Mitzvah of their son, Marvin.
to attend.
10f $5 each.





Gfity Netts

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The Perfect Setting for a P'orious Vacation
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4tome Out and Have a Good Time
Proceeds are used for ■ most worthy purpose.

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