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May 27, 1938 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1938-05-27

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&kErRentirg,t1,511 7APONla i

May 27, 1933


spokesman is democratic-
&RO N1 CL 1 organilational
ally selected by our people.


Punished Weeny by The Jewish Chew's* Publieale ■ Ce.,

1114, at the Post-
intered as *camel-els. 'letter March
ern. at Detroit, Mich, ender ths dot of *seek

General Offices and Publication Building
525 Woodward Avenue

Taleplsonet Cadillac 1040 Cable Address' Chronicle

Lead. Olden

14 Stretford Place, London, W. 1, England


in Advance_ .......... ---$3.00 Per Year

To Insure poblicatioa, an correspond.• sod news natter
least resell Ode ease by Toteder e.ohnt of es. week,

Whoa mailing notices, kindly ase one Mu of the

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Detroit Jewish Chronicle Invite* sort

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Ifert'ats.'Vertess ltott .e.

Sabbath Scriptural Selections
Pentateuchal portion—Lev. 26:3-27:34
Prophetical portion—Jet. I6:19.17:14
Rosh Chodesh Sivan Readings of the Lsr,-Tuesday,
May 31
Num. 28:1-15

lyar 26, 5698

May 27, 1938 -

The Successful Campaign


Workers in the Allied Jewish Campaign
have reason to be proud of the results they
have achieved. It was a great and a highly
successful drive. It not only broke all pre-
vious records in fund-raising in Detroit,
but it reached new heights in enthusiasm
and in devotion to Jewish causes.
Three months ago practically all the
leaders of the drive would have predicted
that the campaign would fall 15 to 20 per
cent short of the goal. The fact that almost
the entire quota has been subscribed is a
tribute to the Jews of Detroit and to the
devotion with which they participated in
this important effort.
The satisfactory result of the drive,
while it does not compare with the tri-
umphs in San Francisco, Cleveland and
other communities where the quotas were
oversubscribed, is directly attributable to
the efforts of the men and women who
solicited the donors in the lower brqckets.
The fact that approximately 2,500 more
contributors were enlisted this year than
last is evidence of a hard job well done.
To Fred M. Butzel must go the major
portion of the credit that is being awarded
for able leadership in the campaign. As
general chairman of the drive he inspired
the workers with courage and with enthu-
siasm. His very conservatism was a great
asset in a drive that needed conviction and
not ballyhoo—and it is the conviction of
the workers that carried the campaign to
success. Behind the scenes, Isidore Sobel-
off; the executive director of the Federa-
tion, ably directed the campaign machin-
ery and helped to keep it working smooth-
ly during this splendid fund-raising pro-
ject. ,

In the Interest of Peace

In thb interest of peace and unity, the
administrative committee of the American
Jewish Congress has excluded from the
popular referendum the four original
questions dealing with Jewish State, the
boycott, the democratization of Jewish
communities and the unification of all Jew-
ish forces and has instead adopted one
question upon which American Jews will
be called upon to vote on June 25, 26 and
27. The referendum will instead be con-
ducted on the following question:

Do you favor a Union of all Ameri-
can Jewish groups engaged in safe-
guarding the equal rights of Jews,
which shall undertake to create for
the defense of such rights a single,
all-inclusive agency, organized on a
democratic representative basis, in ac-
cordance with American ideals?

There is a faction in American Jewish
life whose ideology is that it is not neces-
sary to unify all forces; that true democ-
. racy provides for every group to exist and
to express an opinion and to act in its own
behalf. This faction has a perfect right
to enter into the discussion, to propagate
defeat of this question by a majority of
the Jews of this country and to retain the
status quo in the conduct of Jewish af-
fairs. But the reality of the recurrent de-
mand for unity must not be overlooked,
and therefore free and calm discussion of
this question is in order.
The fact to be remembered is that there
is duplication of effort in the work for de-
fense of Jewish rights; that there are ex-
isting agencies each of which conducts its
own offices, has its owwiesearch bureaus,
: carries on its own prOaganda work, send
its own commissions to negotiate with gov-
ernmental agencies. Too often, as a result
of such action, non-Jews dismiss our peti-
tions with shrugs of their shoulders and
with the comments, "If Jews themselves
can't agree or} what they want, why should
we be bothered about them?" At the same
time, there is a waste of money and en-
_errv. anima speaking for Jews pli0111781!



The responie to the call of the American
Jewish Congress in Detroit is an indication
Carleton Beals' "Glass Houses" Tells a
that Jews desire unity of action and that
A Viciously Anti-Semitic Book
the sentiment is in favor of the democratic Warsaw Educator to Speak
Lancing; Warns of Dangers of Fascism
All the stupid libels that were ever uttered in
method of speaking for and acting in be-
defamation of the Jew are incorporated in Magnus
half of Jewish needs and interests. It is
June 8
The Women's Committee of the Hermansson's "Where Now Little Jew?" which
ridiculously inconsistent for Jewish leaders
Carleton Beals, one of the most brilliant Ameri- American Jewish Congress, head- has been translated into the English from the
Swedish by Catherine Djurklou and Mary Weis-
to keep on harping on the fact that "in
Jacob Tat of Warsaw, Poland, can correspondents, known for his fascin•ting ed by Mrs. Schmarya Kleinman, mann. The book is edited for the Albert Bonnier
his sensational revelations of political is reaching many Jewish women
democracy lies salvation for Jewry," that eminent
educator and vice-presi- articles,
through organizations who have Publishing House by Dorothy
by perpetuating democracies we perpetu- dent of ZISHO (Zentral Yiddishe
The author offers a solution for the Jewish
platform, stands out as a fighter for the all been invited to affiliate with
ate the principles of equality and justice, Shul Organization), the Central public
"the conversion
under-dog, as a man upon whom the oppressed can the Congress and send delegates problem. He
while these same "spokesmen" for Jewry Polish Jewish school organization, der Ind at all times for a good word in defense to the nominating conference May of the Jews—and the Christians--to Christ." But
will be a guest in Detroit on June
faults he has
deny the right of democratic elections to 7 and 8, and' on Wednesday eve- against tyranny.
31. Mee. Kleinman is being as-
find with human beings, it is not un-Christian
their own people. We are coming closer ning, June 8, will address the an- His latest book, "Glass Houses," just published sisted by a corps of efficient wom- to
but the Jew.
J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia ($3.50), is en who have acted as a speaker's
and closer to effecting a democratically or- nual donor dinner of, the ZISHO by
testimony in proof of the economia we have just committee and have addressed nu- He writes about Jewish arrogance, Jewish avarice,
the Jewish
ganized Jewish community and we need
Minded. A chronicle of 10 years of free-lancing, merous meetings and social func- J ew rib Talmudism. lie statement like this one
not apologize for it. Baptists, Catholics, Wilshire.
Mr. Reels' newest work is in the form of a diary. tions. The list of speakers, besides pioneers in Palestine in a .
of this dinner will go It is a biographical story which introduces the Mrs. Kleinman, includes Mrs. J. which supplements a commentary that the Ger-
Episcopalians do not hesitate, when neces- for Proceeds
the ZISHO schools. The dinner reader to the interesting personalities he has met: Neiman, Mrs. Lawrence Crohn, man and East European settlers are poor: "The
sary, to convene world conclaves for the will commence at 6:30 p. m. The the
late Ambassador Morrow, former Secretary of Mrs. Louis Barak, Mrs. S. L. Ka- first Haluzim were even poorer, but they performed
discussion of their common interests. But price per plate is $3 for ladies State Kellogg, Carranza, Canes. Poncho Villa, vanau,
Mrs. Jacob Harvith, Mrs. miracles. The right spirit is essential, and this
Jews too often lean backwards, cringe, re- and $1.60 for men who desire to Mike old, Frank Tannenbaum, Morrie Hillouit, Joseph Newman, Mrs. Nathan is what is lacking in most of the new immigrants.
They care nothing for the country—what they
Borodin, and scores upon scores of others. It is Spevakow, Mrs. M. R. Saulson.
fuse to act as a group, even though we are accompany their wives.
Tat is an able speaker and chiefly the record of his experiences in Italy, in
Secretarial work is being ac- care for is money." Such stupidity, uttered in the
attacked as a group. We do not hesitate is Mr.
well informed on the Euro- Mexico and jn Spain, with a sprinkling of occur complished through the efforts of face of untold sacrifices made by the brave pio-
to act as an international force when it pean situation. lie will report on rences in this country.
Mrs. M. S. Dann, Mrs. Jack Book- neers, defies all decency.

comes to collecting relief funds, but we the activities of the ZISHO and t Descriptions of and comments on prominent Jew- stein, Mrs. Joseph Newman, Mrs.
Silly Conception of the Talmud
fail to present a united front when the will describe conditions in Poland. ish personalities spice the' pages of this splendid Harry Bennett, Mrs. Leon Kay,
Reservations for this donor volume. The comparison of Hillquit with Thomas Mrs. Moe Neback.
Most amazing is the author's silly conception of
need for defensive action arises. Now that event
be made by calling is most interesting. He speaks in glowing terms
Adidtional members of the com- the Talmud, its contents and its teachings. lie
the relief drive is over, it is a duty incum- Mrs. A. may
Kosloff, president, Tyler of Frank Tannenbaum, has a good word for mittee are Mrs. S. Lucas, Mrs. writes:
bent upon every Jew to realize that de- 4.0650, or the vice-president, Mrs. Hoover, says of former Secretary of State "Ner- Sidney Barnett. Mrs. Aaron Kur-
"He have Wen and shill Met that this Jewish nod world
vous Nellie" Kellogg: "Personally I wouldn't have land, Mrs. Jacob Schakne, Mrs. tragedy, the Jraish question, Is not in reality a Jewish
fense is as important as reliefs. Only by R. Shrednick, Trinity 2-6302.
„ ZIY,":.." b 7.
trusted him to wrap groceries in a country store.
t „al,grrolh,
leo s arc Europe,
providing adequate defense will the need
but Ilt.11.4. they hate a Talmud and
Yet the man who caused the bombing of women Mrs. David Kallman, Mrs. Simon Pastern
mentality. Hence the Jraish question will only exist an
for relief gradually be eliminated,
and children in Nicaragua was given the Nobel Shetzer, Mrs. Louis Emmetts, long an Talmud one the ghetto evid sod eolith.. to infect
The time is at hand to organize our
Prize for a set of peace pacts as effective Mrs. Daniel Siegel.
the Jens ho have romped from their clutches."
Bnai Moshe During Peace
Thus, throughout the book, this Swedish writer
Mrs. Kleinman reports an en-
forces, to present a solid front against the
as a gas balloon in a fire."
the Eastern European Jews, justifying
powerful elements that are organizing
Shevuoth Festival and his warning to the capitalists that they are lic. Among other women who are condemns
the attacks upon them in Germany, and at the
against us throughout the world. Detroit
the assimilated Jew into the same
co-operating with her are:
Cantor David Klavons will con- not immune from danger under Fascist rule. As
Jews will meet, through their representa-
Mesdames Joseph Haggai, Sarah category by subjecting all Jews to attack, humilia-
Mn eye-witness to the March on Rome by Musso-
basing his hatred
tives, next Tuesday evening to select can- gregation Sinai Moshe, Lawrence lini, Beals recalls that the event was called "mock- Levine, George Bremen, Aaron
similar to the ignorance he
didates for the next American Jewish Con- and Dexter, Saturday evening, ery of a revolution" by an Englishman, to which Silherblatt, Maurice Landau. Ro- upon misconceptions
the author of "Glass Houses" replied: "It will last rothy Dann, J. Horwitz, David displays about the Talmud.
gress session to be held in New York in June 4, and Sunday and Monday through,
It is useless to tell Mr. Hermansson that the
or nearly through, the next great war. Kliger, Helene Goldman, David
September. With Dr. Stephen S. Wise as mornings, June 6 and 6.
Sheraga, Carl Schiller; J. E. Good- Talmud is an open book, that it is available in
Klavons will be assisted That may be ten years; it may be twenty-five." He man, Authony Deutsch, Rose English and many other languages, that genuine
guest speaker, this nominating convention by Cantor
a choir and the Detroit public was condemned for it, but his prophecy proved Ferar, Pauline Loeb, Anna Paul, Christian scholars have written about it, that Bishop
proposes to revolutionize previous meth- is invited
by the president of the true. His warning to capitalism is contained in
Goldman, Rose Messen- Denby has condemned in no mistaken terms opin-
ods of community organization and to take congregation, Louis Gunsberg, to the following: any antithetical alms of Fascism and Samuel
ger, Louis Fried, Fannie Strauss, ions like the one we have quoted which reveal a
"Despite the
steps for the democratization of our com- attend these services. The ad- romonatism,
both repriownta break (loon In international
and Miss Ruth Brot- disgusting display of ignorance. Surely, Mr. Her-
is $1 for men, ladies free. capitalis. m Fuwism proceeds inesombly lowanl
munity set-up. With tens of thousands of mission
mansson could have found a Talmud as easily as
of production, not for the benefit of the people but for
tickets will be sold after 7 lion
Wi thal power, the elute and military madness, For Paw
Organizations holding registra- he found the works of Hilaire Belloc or Basil
Jews registered for the June elections and No
p. m. Friday, June 3.
Midst Inetltahly forced to snake greater inroads on rapt-
Matthews or Friedrich Naumann or Joachim Prinz;
talions than so-rolleddemocracy. In democeml men Gm
with many thousands casting their ballots
Picnic on June 13
still be governed by rot... illusions. Ender rawism, they
turns at once to either of the fol-
ought to.know, if he does not, that this much-
The Bnai Moshe Sisterhood is mod be governed for the sake of m000poly capitoilom by lowing, forwarding money due to- he
at that time, it is reasonably to be expected
maligned book is not a mystery, that it is as easily
1.1 well as false propitganda. necesiary root
that this popular action will lead to the completing plans for the all-day bootie's
gether. with the stubs bearing procurable as the books of philo- or anti-Semites.
oil:Binning the loiter clawes in this brutal (whim is
on Sunday, June 12, at
names of registrants:
betterment of Jewish conditions and for picnic
The fact that he did not attempt to look into a
"Jack Inns' Diamond got hlo slart by escorting lucky
Nankin Mills Park. Mrs. Harry
Congress office, 1044 Penobscot Talmud but instead depended upon hearsay and
home from illegal gambling Joints so they nouldnit
the strengthening of our morale.
Meer and Mrs. Jacob Farkas are patron.
be robbed enroote. lie Muck them op himself. This is
Bldg.; Mrs. S. Kleinman, 3025



Landon Defends Civil Liberties


accepted the view that this volume is as mysteri-
ous as he paints the Jew himself, is in itself the
strongest condemnation of "Where Now Little
Jew?" and its author.

Calvert; Mrs. Max Dushkin, 1526
Virginia Park; William Hordes,
605 Fox Theater Bldg.

His Proferred Solution
Alf M. Landon, 1936 Republican Presi-
Mr. Hermansson's preferred solution to the Jew-
dential candidate, emerges as one of the
is that "once the individual Jew, the
strongest defenders of civil liberties. The
yam nes; Simi. Is being ran by three per-
Young Israel of Detroit will Jews as a whole have found the way to Christ,
nick.. Bolshevik American Jews: Ernest Greening (now
controversy occasioned by the dictatorial Wo—len's Auxiliary
head of the BUMS.. of Territories and Dependencle• in
sponsor a clam in Jewish leader- their disastrous arrogance will automatically dis-
Department of the Interior), Frank Tannenbaum (now
of Home for Aged the
rule of Mayor Frank ("I am the Law";
ship conducted by Rabbi Max J. appear. In amazement and contrition they will
profewor at Cultarbia University), and Roberto Habernmo,
Hague of Jersey City caused him to speak
gaol oar Mher
Wohlgelernter of the Emanuel study the Prophets and the Epistle to the Romans
A a'reo
.ri‘ n
who h .:Mi lan 's...LTV:
rtetl " ..
"'wh n' o'n e, s
discover what a sin their arrogance has been
plainly and emphatically on the dangers en's Auxiliary of the Jewish Home name from Stiehl. The last-named era the aura becatom he Synagogue. This class will be in- and
augurated on Wednesday, June 1, against God and man. Christianity does not rec-
to free speech and threat to American in- for Aged will hold annual installa-
A controversy ensued. Beals communicated at 9 p. m., at the Young Israel ognize any chosen people. This point alone is a
stitutions as a result of the foreign ideolo- tion of officers at the Stotler Ho- with
the State Department and reported that "so Building, 2691 Joy Road, and will proof of how necessary it is and what a blessing
tel at 2 p. m.
gies that are seeping into this country.
far as I knew I didn't have a drop of Jewish blood be open to young men and women it will be for Jews and non-Jews; this aspect of
Christianity alone would be sufficient to solve the
In a recent address Mr. Landon did some
my veins, that one of my ancestors had been without any fee. The object of
Mrs. Bernard Lachs will be an- in
an aide of Washington, another had been a Civil this course is to give young men Jewish question once and for all."
plain speaking in an attack on anti-Semi- by
nounced in The Detroit Jewish War officer, that all had come to this country back and women an opportunity to re-
But upon careful analysis even Christians, pro-
tism. He pointed to the startling contagion Chronicle next week.
in the 17th century, but that in spite of this fact ceive practical training in spon- vided they reason logically; will admit that the
Hermansson solution is not only unworkable and
in the trend that comes from Germany and
I did not hold the consul's cheap race prejudices, sorship of Jewish clubs.
Young Israel is also conducting impractical but is not acceptable to either Jew or
Austria and warned that "massed brutality Gifts to Hadassah's Infant and I believed that no American official who de-
daily services at 7 p. m., at their Christian. It is not acceptable to Jew because his
is contagious." "We are loath," he said,
Welfare Fund
belittle our numerous citizens of Jewish blood." building. There is also an inter- ethical and moral laws are still parent to Chris-
"to believe that such ideas and practices
eating class in classical Jewish tianity, and still have much to teach the Christian.
Mrs. Joe Mkgidsohn, chairman As a result of the issue created. "shortly after, study led by Rabbi David Rine. It is not acceptable to the Christian who has ap-
can spread to America. But let me say that
Weddel was ordered to Toronto, and perhaps not
New World society can no more isolate of the Infant Welfare Fund of liking the climate, resigned from the service. Since The class takes place between parently adopted a determined attitude not even
Detroit Chapter of Hadassah,
Mincha and Maariv services. The to welcome the baptised Jew. Mr. Hermansson's
itself from the moral and psychological the
has received contributions from then he has come back as a diplomat of high rank public is welcome to attend.
voluminous proofs will not help him in the face
in South America."
effects of the horrors being lived by the the following:
of two examples we are about to quote in refu-
rich in description, every page
Jews of Austria and Germany than it can Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Kaplan, in "Glass Houses,"
tation of his arguments. Even by friendly non-
Gifts to
to fascinate the reader, closes with a
opinion and authoritative Jewish sources,
isolate itself from international broad- memory of Dora Netzorg. Robert sufficient
Loewenberg and daughters. in tribute tb Pablo de la Torriente, the Cuban idealist
North End Clinic has received he does not help his cause. Friedrich Naumann is
honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Ed- and orator who died on the Escorial front fighting the following contributions: In not an acceptable authority• because he has defi-
Mr. Landon rendered a service to corn- ward Blumberg. In memory of for the Spanish Loyalist cause. Writes Beals:
of Leah Cohen from Mr. nitely branded himself a self-hating Jew. Joachim
mon sense thinking in the present world Betty Magidsohn, from Mrs. Lena died that Mussolini and Hitler be stopped in their memory
Prinz's views have been given only in fragments.
bloody careers. He died hoping that you and I and Mrs. Fred Rockeln•an; in Certain Christian opinions quoted as philo-Semitic
crisis when he stated further: "The mind
memory of Edith W. Van Baalen
might live in a better world."
that views brutality and injustice with in- Abraham Glazer and Mr. and Mrs. The entire book is dominated by a quest for from Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Rosen- are self-condemnatory on their face values.

difference, because it primarily affects the Alex Imermart. The Misses Myers justice and by the desire to see decency triumph field and Mr. and Mrs. Louis
The Reaction to John Cournoa
It c orberin in memory of
Jews, is not awake to the real danger. and airs. H. Brilling, in memory on earth. You must read Carleton Beals. He James
a bit he could have
Some, I know, look upon these things with of Miriam Buchhalter and Mosette will at once become one of your favorite —P.
from Miss Helen Stillman.
seeming tolerance. They even say, lightly, Burton Garber.
the same thing may happen here. So the
Menuhins Get Christian
threat is real. A blood-and-thunder age
And Jewish Machutonim
makes little distinction in its victims. Bru-
tality toward Jews or any one else will in
held. Those objections are born
LONDON. — (WNS) — Mr.
the end engulf all human relations, re-
and Mrs. Moshe Menuhin, pflr-
violated, and the Ameri- of timidity and spoken by those
gardless of race, class or creed."
ents of the
Jewish Congress has arranged who cannot understand. The
Thus, Mr. Landon today assumes the
cal Menuhin children, are to can
for a referendum in order that it
have one set of Christian mach- may have, as it were, a vote of American Jewish Congress is as
role of one of the outstanding fighters for
utonim and one set of Jewish confidence from the Jewish masses truly American as it is Jewish and
civil liberties in America. He admonishes
has adopted the American method
this meeting, the advisability machutonim (relations by mar- in America.
that it is "imperative that the American (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE ONE) of At
a permanent organiza- riage) as m,result of the forth-
of consultation of all Jews in
The Jewish Congress Acts
press continue in its traditional role, fight- drive's` quota may be oversub- tion forming
coming man iage of their He-
of youth will be discussed.
I recall to my fellow-Jews that, America in order that their will
brew-named offispring, Yehudi,
ing for the fundamental priciples of free- scribed.
Pledge Additional Sums
may be ascertained and their de-
Praise Newman, Enggass
dom. There must be no relenting, for all
At the concluding workers' llephzibah and Yaltah. Yehudi when the crimes of Hitlerism be-
meeting iast Friday, voluntary is engaged to Nola Nicholas, gan five years ago, it was the cisions recognized and executed.
who have honest opinions or views must Leaders especially commend the
efforts in the drive of Gus D. pledges to raise additional sum
American Jewish Congress that The American people know that
have the right to air them."
Neiiiian, who, as president of the
made by heads of teams aire, G. R. Nicholas of Mel-
we do not dream of setting up an
Liberty-loving Americans are indebted Detroit Service Group, the fund- were
which had already oversubscribed bourne, Australia, and Heph- summoned world Jewry into ac- independent group or bloc. We
to Mr. Landon for assuming the role of de- raising arm of the Federation, their quotas.' This move to make zibah, 17, is to marry Nola's tion and that began that collective are Americans of Americans. But
worked untiringly to mobilize the voluntary pledges for additional brother, Lindsay. Yaltah, who protest which, whether availing or that does not mean that we may
fender of true American principles.
is 16, is engaged to marry



Freud Packs His Trunks

Packed trunks and valises in the home
of Dr. Sigmund Freud in Vienna were evi-
dence to the New York Times correspon-
dent of preparations made by the father
of psycho-analysis to leave his Vienna
home for England. By the time this is
printed, the great scientist may already
have left behind him the city where he
made lasting contributions to science. He
asked that publicity be avoided because it
may increase difficulties for his planned
Joseph Alsop and Aobert Kintner,

. haniman


' to vote, in principle, in the question of
unity. 'The issue in the forthcommg refer-
endum is not whether the Jewish Congress
is to assume power over unified Jewry if
and when such unity is attained, although
it has a perfect right to aspire to such
leadership. It is reasonable to believe that
when such unity is perfected the Jewish
Congress, as the only organization that
propagates the democratic method of or-
ganizing American Jewry, is to be selected
as the spokesman for our people. But the
question to be voted upon in the referen-
dum does not necessarily infer that at ail.
Reorganized American Jewry may choose
to turn power over to the Bnai Brith or
the American Jewish Committee or the
Jewish War Veterans or the Jewish Labor
Committee or any one of a dozen other
groups; or it may choose to form an en-
- tirely new
• under a new name, dis-
' carding the old ones with their ideological
differences. Whichever way it is to he, it
will serve the desired purpose and will fill
a need in Jewish life—as long as such an

in charge of arrangements and precisely the rMM of Mussolini and Ritter with reference to
will be assisted by a large com- capitalism."
An interesting Story is related about Mr. Wed-
mittee who will supervise the
games, dancing, commissary and del, former American Consul General in Mexico.
other things prepared for the en- An old-school southerner, married to a million-
airess, Weddel disliked Ambassador Morrow's
joyment of those who attend.
Rood-will efforts, and he knocked him in private.
Mr. Beals writes about him:

forces for the drive and to retain
the _interest of the workers
throughout the campaign.
Clarence II. Enggass, as presi-
dent of the Federation, is also
being lauded for his efforts and
for the enthusiasm he helped gen-
erate during the drive.
At the concluding luncheon
meeting last Friday, Mr. Sobeloff
expressed thanks to the numerous
workers and to many groups for
their co-operation. He thanked
the press—non-Jewish as well as
Jewish—and expressed gratitude
to The Detroit Jewish Chronicle
for the assistance given during the
entire campaign period.
Gifts From Non-Jews
A committee headed by Mrs.
Charles Gitlin did a splendid job

_ . . .___ __-

Iti-the Vienna nome fir use great psycncF , Sheriff Thomas Wilcox, -AMC.
analyst. Wells urged Freud to seek haven McKay Skillman, Parke-Davis Co.,
in England, but the latter replied, "No I Healy Shop, Fred Sanders. Frank
am 82 and that is too old to go to a new Couzens, Del Smith, Judge Brennan,

place." Wells then asked him what he
would do when the Nazis assumed power.
"I would go into my library," Freud re-
plied, and Wells insisted that he leave
Austria he is reported to have said: " No,
I will not leave my country. If the Nazis
come, and if they offer me physical vio-
lence, I shall kill myself. Otherwise, I
shall stay in my library."
There is nothing left of Dr. Freud's li-
brary. It is said that many of his valuable
manuscripts have been confiscated or de-
stroyed, that Nazis were ruthless in the
search of his home. But Freud lives. Ile
has not killed himself. He is going to Eng-
land. Ile has packed trunks and has as-
sumed the role of an exile. As one of the
People of Exiles his life story will be re-
corded as part of the history of Jewry
which does not commit suicide but which
always survives its tormentors.

Murphy, Judge John V.
Jack Cowen,/ Judge James Jeff-
ries, Detroit Creamery, Borden
Creamery, Kennedy Creamery,
Prosecuting Attorney Duncan Mc-
Crea and others.
Other non-Jewish contributors
are: George E. Brand, Jere C.
Hutc14s, United States Senator
Prenti M. Brown. Eugene W.
Lewis, Edwin J. Kalmon, Rev.
Benjamin Jay Bush. Register of
Deeds Harold E. Stoll.
The Kresge Foundation contrib-
uted the sum of $1,000. A gift
of $250 was received from Leo
Fitzpatrick. vice-president and
general manager of radio station
W.111, in memory of Maurice Cap-
Youth Group to Meet
Captains of the Youth Division
of the campaign will hold their
concluding meeting at the Jewish
Cominunity Center at 8:30 p. rn.
on Tuesday, May 31.

efforts in the drive was made un-
der the leadership of Simon Shet-
zer, chairman of the board of the
Detroit Service Group.
At Friday's meeting, Fred M.
Butzel, general chairman of the
drive, paid tribute to the 2,500
workers for their efforts and
thanked them on behalf of the 52
Philanthropic and communal or-
ganizations benefitting by the
Mr. Butzel called for reports
from Henry Wineman, Harry
Frank, Abe Srere and Clarence
II. Enggass, co-chairmen of the
pre-campaign division of the drive
and their associate chairmen, Dr.
Leo H. Franklin, Abraham Coop-
er, Maurice Aronsson and Harry
S. Grant, and from Louis C. Blum-
,— ...ecetant of this Special


tte. itIt
_ hIL L 060-01",

- George
man, co-chairmen. reporte d

per cent of the executive commit-
tee quota of $100,000 and Irving
W. Blumberg and Joseph II. Ehr-
lich, co-chairmen, announced 109
pep cent of the general division
quota of $50.000.
General division chairmen were:
Louis Robinson, Fred A. Gins-
burg, Ben B. Fenton, Barney
Smith, Joseph Magidsohn, Julius
Berman, Milton AL Maddin, Max
Loewenstein. Peter P. Gilbert, Dr.
H. C. Saltzatein, Seymour Tilchin,
Alex Schreiber, Morris Steinberg,
A. J. Blumenau, Harry Rosman,
Joseph Bernstein, Myron A. Keys,
Harry Seligson. Dr. Leonard Sid-
low, Ephraim R. Gomberg.
Organisation. Go Over Too Both
1. Organisational Pledge: and
General Solicitation
Myron A. Keys, co-chairman of
organizations. reported on their
Participation in the campaign as
"oussesey. it Is Impoodhle to men-

Boo Ow nailliee ef the officers of HID
ertansallosu whe were lawrerneotni is
generoasly the organisation-

William Stix, son of Ernest W.
Stix, St. Louis department
store magnate and vice-presi-
dent of the St. Louis Jewish
Federation. The Nicholases are

Eddie Cantor's Third Daughter
Engaged to Non-Jew
Eddie Cantor's third daugh-
ter, Edna, is engaged to marry
an Irishman. members of the
Cantor family announced. The
future son-in-law of the famous
comedian is Jimmy McHugh,
son of the song writer of the
same name. The wedding is
scheduled for September 18.
Miss Cantor is 19 and her
fiance is 23.



unavailing, proved that Hitler's
challenge to world Jewry, not
merely to German Jewry, would
be met with dignity and self-
respect and that world Jewry
must take the lead of all other
groups in resisting an assault
upon the integrity and security of
Jewish life everywhere.
Upon a most recent occasion it
was the World Jewish Congress,
of which the American Jewish
Congress is a part, that acted in-
stantly and vigorously when the
Goga regime threatened to cancel
the legal status of the Jew in Ru-
Objection. Born of Timidity
Every manner of objection will
be offered to the elections and to
the referendum which is to be

suesuan ?mere. re-twee:new, ...we...a

es-opreellose of thew adaterk•sse ea
festive ceaandttee of the emalainrnesla
altal ant Os reach IMO per nag Of it
Kan actual tot./ of MO•& In
ofiditio& I wis to
appreelati•n Of h the efforts of Ike &
canal. and workers who odleited thei
wwective organizations. In many to
Wane.. Hwy offteceesIed idin obIalniair
Wye pledgee front indivuals who And
artsiosndy nerstrinoted nothing. with
feu reception& the Mips placed is this
kond• of capt ains of organleallons this
year were of twooport• who dal not cos-


:y did- 7'hs gaud

isoltotional pledge* and from general
to sore lima
solleltation answantk

Mr. Keys expressed special
thanks to his co-chairman, Joseph
Bernstein, through whose efforts
this splendid piece of work was
made possible.
A. J. Lachover reported that
vatio was a nd te
' nno
ed in that a women's committee
was organized to take charge of
the solicitation of organizational
Pledges for the women's groups.
This committee consisted of Mrs.

Maurice Klein and Sirs. Abraham

• •

not be Jews and that we do not
recognize the call of our brother-
Jews wherever they need us. Not
to build a Jewish empire, not to
achieve Jewish conquests— the
very terms are nonsensical—but
in order that the war of, Nazism
against Jews may not go unchal-
lenged, in order that Jews may
l kg gir
i ttl ; o
c ivil a nd
all social
la nds
where law and justice may yet
be expected to prevail.
The elections and the referen-
dum are an expression of the Will
oftjews in America to do their
duty as Americans, to accept the
American way of life and to make
that way of life serviceable to
Jews in other lands who are not
free and whom it is the business
of American Jews to 'help• to



Carl P. Schiller, 'Rose


Feral% I- r

Charles Robinson, Philip Bloom-
garden, Herbert 114.Warner, Ar-
thur Ginsberg, Eva Ellenstein,
Charles Gitlin and H. Buchman
Much of the success of the or-
ganizations is largely due to the
untiring efforts of this group. As-
sisting Mr. Lachover in -hie work
were William I. Boxerman and
Jack Stottman.
An additional list of organiza-
tions and their respective organi-
zational pledges contributed to
the 1938 Allied Jewish Campaign
I.., Agree Memorial Society,
Congregation final Israel. Congre•
ration El Moshe, tit; Con tmn of

rolled Hebrew Schools. 526: Detroit
Friuli Tendon Protective Arm. III: F1,,
Galician Portety. Women. *Whore.
115: Detroit Jewish Hungarian .roogre-
gation. SW General Linen Metal Chet
ill: Jewish National Workers Allionce
o me m.
JeerIsh Po-
0•11tms. 510 Junior Prisker Society. II;
taoodry tither. aeon ChM, 11110:
St "serer Pre gre wive A Id awlety. lit .
Nrugorden Ounshine Club, $121 Rama.-
m em Bendsr
iu Velma.. III: nisteC• of fe
Misrashi. ISO: Yiddish roll. Very
MO; Mother/ /Rudy Club. 110.


ear-Yin raeanor Lonur
in Piano Recital June 1

Eleanor Lipkin, 7 - year - old
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. Lip-
kin, will be presented in a piano
recital by her teacher, Mrs. Rose
Morris Saner, at McGregor Li-
brary, Wednesday, June 1, at 8:15
P. rn•
Her program will be as fol-






Two Part Invention No. If
!Mooch Suite No .
Sonata In D major
A llegro
Prelud• No' 10
Prelude No 3
Rondo In C motor
To A Wild now
Yong Without Word.
Harmonloos illecktanith
tionat• In 0 major

0 r Lipkin, Eleanor's
n brother, will
be at the second


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