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January 29, 1937 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1937-01-29

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ThEDerstonjnasnal ROM ICAA


January 29, 1937


Exclusively at Siegel's

Kvutzah Auxiliary's
Luncheon Tuesday

The officers and members of
Kvutzah Ivrith extends an invita-
tion to members and friends to
attend the second annual luncheon
on Tuesday, Feb. 2.
Mrs. S. Shnitz, chairman of the
program committee, has arranged
an Interesting program. Cantor
J. II. Sonenklar will give several


Artc ra ft,

Lovely New Hosiery Color

It's a warm yet delicate beige, and beige, you know,
is one of the important Spring colors! Wear Bam•
boo with beige, or it's equally smart with black or
navy. In these famous Artcraft stockings:


BUDGET four-thread chiffons

8 pl. 32.83


FEATHER two-thread chiffons

3 prr.$2.83

„ .$1.35

TOWN three-thread chiffons

3 prs.


WHIFF two-thread chiffons

3 ars. 34.80


J N.F. Auxiliary's
Plans for Luncheon


selections, accompanied by Miss
Florence Katzin, pianist. Aaron
Rosenberg will give readings. 13.
Isaacs, superintendent of the
United Hebrew Schools, will be
the luncheon speaker.
The main purpose of the Kvu-
tzah Ivrith is to spread the knowl-
edge of the Hebrew language and
literature, thus perpetuating the
Hebraic element of our culture.
Mrs. A. Sulkes is the donor
chairman for this luncheon. Mrs.
Aaron D. Markson, financial sec-
retary, is an active member of the
Tickets can still be obtained
from any member of the organi-

Bnai Brith Ladies
Open House Feb. 6

Maker's Closeout Finer Sample

Mrs. Mortimer Meyer was host-
On Monday, Feb. 8, Purity
ess at a luncheon Saturday, Jan. chapter, No. 359, 0. E. S., will
entertain the grand worthy ma-
tron of Michigan, Casa Leonard
Mrs. Maurice Enggass has re- Howe of Grand Rapids. A din-
turned from a week's stay in Chi- ner will be served at 6:30 p. m.
All members and friends are
urged to make reservations for
Mrs. Leo M. Butzel gave a the dinner early with Belle Lach-
luncheon in her home on Burns man, at University 1-4223 or the
Ave. Saturday, Jan. 23.
The Mt. Scopus Builders, a
Dr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Gates group of high school and college
of Atkinson Ave. were hosts to a people who work for the Hebrew
group of friends Monday night, University in Palestine. held elec-
tion of officers Sunday, Feb. 24.
Jan. 25.
The following were elected. Presi-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. New- dent, Gerald Rosen; vice-presi-
man left Friday, Jan. 29 for Hol- dent, Ben Rosen; corresponding
secretary, Muriel Bader; treas-
lywood, Fla.
urer, Barbara Suffrin. The club
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Laib and is sponsoring a dance at Webster
Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Well will Hall on Feb. 28.
entertain jointly at the Great
Lakes Club Friday, Feb. 26.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ingber of
Tuxedo Ave. celebrated their 25th
Mrs. David J. Levy and Mrs. wedding anniversary, Saturday,
J. Victor Roemer will leave Sun- Jan. 23, at a supper party given
day to spend a few days in Chi- in their honor by their children.
The event, which took place at
Lacher's, was limited to relatives
On Saturday evening, Jan. 30, and close friends. Norman Porn-
Dr, and Mrs. Leo Ai. Franklin erantz entertained by singing
plan to go to Palm Beach, Fla., folk songs. An orchestra played
where they will spend several for dancing. Mrs. A. Pickman
and her son, Heshy, of New York
were out-of-town guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kahn and
Mrs. Edward Rothman left Wed-
Mrs. Edward Pevos, accompan-
nesday to spend a month in ied by Morton Berlin, motored to
Chicago, where they will spend
a fortnight.
Dr. and Mrs. George Waldbott
were hosts at a dinner party Wed-
Miss Isabella Werbe of the De-
nesday evening, Jan. 27.
troit Conservatory of Music will
have charge of the next Satur-
Mrs. Alfred Rothchild and Miss
day afternoon concert on Feb. 6.
Edith Heavenrich entertained
Among those appearing will be
jointly with a luncheon Friday,
three of her pupils, who will play
Jan. 29 at the Women's City Club.
a six-hand composition on one
piano. The public is invited.
Miss Elizabeth Guitterman of
Cincinnati is the house guest of
Robert Eston, son of Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Butzel,
Mrs. Louis M. Eston of Webb
Mrs. Donald E. Berger and Miss Ave., will leave on Sunday for
Blanche Wolf spent a few days in an extended stay in Los Angeles,
Chicago during the past week.

Mrs. Milton Silberberg returned
from a month's stay in California.



One-of-a-kind models!
Worth $119.75 to $159.75!

$68 $78 $88

Rare buys! Gorgeous one-of-a-kind models,
created by "Cliffwood," with FULL SILVER
skins, matchless fabrics, superb styling!
Misses' sizes, 12-20!






formerly $1.95 to $3.50

Mr. and Mrs. I. Keats of Ha-
zelwood Ave. announce the grad-
uation of their son, al. Lawrence,
from the Northern Illinois
College of Optometry, which took
place on Friday, Jan. 29. He is
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Shelter a member of Mu Sigma Pi Fra-
left Wednesday for a cruise to ternity, and is also vice-president
of the graduating class.
the West Indies.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rose of
Chicago Blvd. sailed on Jan. 27
aboard the M. V. Britannic for
a three-weeks' cruise to the West

Arrow & Ambassador


Silks, satins, novelties,
plain and figured. Reg
$1 value

NU TWELFTH MT., M ClaIrmoont Open RtenIngs

3 tor U

Samirtle MI 3

Second Annual Dance

Give. by the

Chenstochover Rajoiner Verein

Book-Cadillac Hotel


Sun. Eve., Jan. 31

Tlf EFTN 30e

Music by MIKE FALK and His Orchestra

Party of Shaarey
Zedek YPS Sunday

The Young People's Society of
Shaarey Zedek is giving a party,
Sunday. Jan. 31. It will e either
• sleigh ride or a hay ride, de-
pending upon the weather. The
affair is to be at Magnolia Riding
Club, 8 Mile Road and North-
western Highway. Members and
friends are invited. Those plan-
ning to go may meet at the syna-
gogue at 8 o'clock or go straight
out to the club. For farther in-
formation call either of the co-
chairmen of the affair, Miss Flor-
ence Siegal, Madison 2231. or
Norris Shiliman, Townsend
6-1386, or committee members,
which include George Schreiber,

Flora Bickman, Charlotte Finkel
and Marvin K. Rosen.
Plans are progressing for the
"Night at the Theater." to be
held Feb. 14. Ralph Bernstien
and Miss Sarah Stun, in charge
of dramatics, will shortly an-
nounce the plays and their casts.
The next meeting of the group
will be held Feb. 7.


Moshe, Dexter and Lawrence, at
1:30 p. m.
At this meeting nomination and
election of new officers will take
Arrangements will be made for
dinner and games party to be
given Sunday, Feb. 21, in the
main ball room of Jericho Tem-
ple, Joy Road, near Linwood.
Mrs. Feldman is chairman of this
affair, assisted by Mesdames Ida
Leland, Israel, Elkin and Edel-

Luncheon-Meeting of Neu-
garters Sunshine Club
on Feb. 1

The annual joint meeting of
the newly appointed and retiring
members of the board of directors
of the Neugarten Sunshine Club
will be held Monday, Feb. 1, at
10:30 a. m., at the Benjamin
Franklin Restaurant, Woodward
Detroit League of N.
Ave. and E .Grand Blvd.
at Denver
The business meeting will be
An enjoyable meeting of the De- followed by a luncheon at 1 p.
troit League of the National Home m. The afternoon's entertainment
for Jewish Children at Denver will include bridge and other
was held In the form of a tea at I games. Mrs. Irvine Levy is in
the home of Mrs. Moe H. Prince' charge of arrangements.
of Glynn Court, last Wednesday. )
Under the leadership of Mrs.
Mrs. Carl Schiller, president, Sam Convissor plans are progress-
announced that plans were being ing for the movie matinee to be
formed for an event in the near held at the Rosedale Theater.
March 30.

H. J. C.

Rabbi Joshua Sperka last week
Mrs. Norman Schwartz and
Mrs. Maurice Schiller are sojourn- lectured before the Brooklyn
Cultural Society, a student organ-
ing in Miami Beach.
ization of New York University.
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Glass-
Thelta Delta Omega Sorority
man of Chicago Blvd. sailed on
the S. S. Lafayette, Friday, Jan. met at the home of Miss Bessye
Kosak, 3765 Wager, on Sunday,
29, for a West Indies cruise.
Jan. 24. Plans for a play to be
Mrs. I. Nurko and daughter, given in the near future were dis-
Mrs. Maurice Benyas, are spend- cussed. The next meeting will
be held at the home of Mrs. Na-
ing some time in Miami Beach.
thaniel Pernick, 3357 Burlingame,
"The Living Puppet Show." on Jan. 31.
composed of a dozen acts of en-
The second open meeting of the
tertaiwment furnished by the
vaudeville unit of the WPA De- membership drive of the Young
troit Federal Theater, was pre- People's Society of Congregation
sented at the Jewish Children's Bnai Moshe was held on Sunday,
Home, Jan. 29, at 3 D. m. A well Jan. 24. The meeting was fol-
arranged and varied program of lowed by dancing and refresh-
ments. The next open meeting
entertainment was furnished.
will be held on Sunday, Feb. 7,
Mrs. Bess Jacob of 2984 Roch- 2:30 p. ns.
ester Ave. will hold open house
Rabbi Joshua Sperka has re-
on Sunday evening, Jan. 31, in
honor of her daughter Jane's turned from his trip east, where
conferred with publishers for
graduation. No cards.
the release of his newly complet-
During his stay in New
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Meyers
of the Genessee Apts. have re- York he was the guest of his
I. M. Specks, and
turned from an extensive visit
last Saturday morning delivered
in Miami, Fla.
the sermon at his synagogue, Con-
Mr. and Mrs. Julius B. Krause gregation Bnai Eliezer of East
of 3200 Chicago Blvd. will be at New York.
home to their relatives and
The Vosallites will hold their
friends, Sunday, Feb. 14. from
3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m., honoring monthly affair, a games party. at
their son, Gerald David, whose the home of Florence Keywell,
Bar Mitzvah takes place on Sat- Saturday. Jan. 30. Members and
their guests will attend.
urday, Feb. 13. No cards.

Mrs. Jack Ellenstein of Clem-
ents Ave. entertained for her
niece, Ellen Barnett. • bride-
elect of March, at • crystal and
linen shower. Covers were laid
for 24 guests.



Mrs. L. Miller, chairman of tan-
age, will be glad to assist if she
is called at Euclid 0516.1V.
The auxiliary encourages the
use of savings boxes. Mrs. Max
Goldberg will be glad to make
deliveries. She can be reached at
Townsend 5.2879.
Mrs. Philip Slomovitz is chair-
man of the luncheon program.
Mrs. I. Goodman, heading the
souvenir booklet committee, can
be reached at Townsend 6-3578.
Mrs. Louis Lightstone is plan-
ning novel table decorations.
Reservations are being taken
by Mrs. J. Deytshe, 15902 Nor-
mandy, University 2-5293,
Mrs. Harry Kraft is in charge
of a display depicting the work
of the Jewish National Fund to
be exhibited at the general meet-
ing of the League of Jewish
Women's Organizations to be held
at Temple Beth El on Feb. 15.
Mrs. Kraft will be hostess to
the auxiliary at a general meet-
ing and pep rally to be held at
her home, 3816 Sturtevant, on
Feb. 10. "


I. MILLER models
-Were to $13.75

& I.

La Fay models
formerly 0.75



Radiator Shields



Music Study Club
Soiree on Feb. 16

Accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Ben Gottloeb and son of
Harry Rosman of 1484 Atkinson
Ave., Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rosen- 17534 Monica Ave. are leaving
berg of 16218 Ohio Ave. have for Miami Beach, Fla., where they
left for a three-weeks' stay in will spend the remainder of the
Miami Beach, Fla.



J. W. E. W. 0. Dinner
Party Sunday, Feb. 21

all styles in the newest and
smartest creations by two of
America's best makers.


Sem i-Ann

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Feller of
13318 LaSalle Blvd. are on an
extended Western trip and are
Dr. and Mrs. Murray Jackman spending the winter in California.
of Parkside Ave. sailed on the
On Tuesday evening, Feb. 16,
S. S. Lafayette for a West In-
Miss Mary Anchill of Gladstone the Music Study Club will present
dies cruise.
Ave. left Jan. 25 for Miami, Fla., its 13th annual soiree. Tickets
and will remain there until the
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Friedman middle of March.
of 3274 Cortland Ave. left Jan.
24 for Los Angeles, Calif., for a
Airs. Louis Blumberg of the
stay of about six months.
Belcrest is visiting with her fam-
ily in Los Angeles.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Base and
son, Sidney, are visiting in Cali-
bfr. and Mrs. Eugene Terenyi
of Chicago Blvd. left for New
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Apple have York Thursday and will sail for
moved into their new home at 630 an extended European trip.
Riverside Drive.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coggan
Mrs. Joseph Schwartz of 2067 and daughter, Lois, will leave Sat-
Atkinson Ave., left for a several urday for Miami Beach.
weeks stay in Miami Beach, Fla,
Mrs. I. Biolosky of Sandusky
Open house in honor of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Corman of
Louis Berzon, president of the Hazelwood Ave. returned from a is visiting with her family in this
District Group Lodge of Bnal three weeks tour of the east.
Brith, will be held Saturday after-
The Kovler Volyner Progres-
noon. Feb. 6, at the Wilshire, by
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Keywell
the Women's Auxiliary of Bnai of Oxford Road, Grosse Pointe, sive Society gave a surprise party
Brith. All members and friends left Tuesday for a three weeks visit in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Barney
are invited. Mrs. Ilerman Gash, in Miami, Fla., where they will Citrin'a 45th wedding anniver-
financial secretary, is a member of be guests at the Fleetwood Hotel. ary, on Monday evening, Jan. 25.
An additional surprise at the cele-
the committee in charge of ar-
bration was the presentation of a
rangements for this affair.
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel W. Wal- huge basket of flowers by the
ters of Renfrew Road left for a Tillie Citrin Aid Society, as a
month's visit in Los Angeles with token of good wishes to Mr. and
their brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Citrin. Alex II. Gerson was
Mrs. Milton S. Solomon, formerly toastmaster.
may be had from members or
of Detroit.
by phoning the chairman. Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Schneider of Bernard Lachs.
A special meeting of the Jew-
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Siegel,
The choral group under the di-
ish Women's European Welfare who recently moved into their 2530 W. Philadelphia Ave., ac-
Organization will be held Monday, new home on Fairfield Ave., held companied by Mr. Schneider's sis- rection of Charles Frederick
Feb. 1, at Congregation Bnai open house Saturday night, Jan. ter, Mrs. Morris Dorn of 2524 W. Morse, and the drama group un-
der the direction of Mrs. Thyra
23. Over 100 guests were enter- Philadelphia Ave:, will leave for
Miami, Fla., and Cuba for a Rouland Matus will be repre-
tained at dinner and cards.
month's vacation.

Si 69

You can't afford to miss these
spectacular footwear values!

Plans are rapidly progressing
for the sixth annual donor lunch-
eon to be given by the Ladies'
Auxiliary of the Jewish National
Fund on March 3, at the Shaarey
Zedek Synagogue. A strictly ko-
eher catered meal will be served.
For those who must of neces-
sity earn their luncheon money,

Memorial Fund of
Women's Auxiliary
of Home for Aged


With or






Sunday Is Father's Day
To Mahe a Hill

The ideal day to get mother away from the bother of home
dinner--and naturally the "young ones" will be tickled to hear
him invite the family to-

Sunday Dinner only 7.5e



1220 GRISWOLD, Between State and Grand River

Sisterhood Games
Scalp Treatments
Party at Shaarey
Specializing in
Zedek on Feb. 9

Sisterhood of Congregation
Shaarey Zedek will have a lunch-
eon and afternoon of games in the

A new fund, temporarily
termed "Memorial. Fund," was
introduced at the last board meet-
ing of the Women's Auxiliary of
the ewish Home for Aged, the
contributions of which will be
used for the upkeep of the syna-
gogue of the new home.
Contributions as a foundation
were offered by the Hannah liar-
with Club, through Mrs. Hannah
Harvith, in memory of Benjamin
Cohen; Mrs. Walter Aronoff con-
tributed in memory of her broth-
er, blaster Bernard Cohen; a do-
nation from Mrs. Samuel Benja-
min; Mrs. A. M. Ferar contrib-
uted in memory of Fred Finley
and Mrs. Virginia burley, Miriam
Goldstein, Eileen Connor, Mar-
garet Anio and Mary Michalchuk
donated in memory of Joseph 51.
Mrs. A. M. Ferar. president,
requests all members who have
hall of the synagogue on
not as yet paid up their dues, to
do so since this money is needed Tues day, F b. 9, at 1
Charles Smith, chairman
to buy furnishings for the new
I of arrangements, announces that
ge includes a
Last Monday afternoon several
hundred members attended the luncheon and participation in the
prizes will be
meeting at the Jewish Community
Center. when Max Edwards gave award e d.
a brief resume of "Gone with the I Members and fiends are invited
to attend. Reservations must be
made in advance as the capacity
of the hall is limited.
Purim Party of Cleophians
For reservations, call Mrs. Wolf
Kaplan, Townsend 8-8275.
Branch of Young Ju-

dean, Feb. 20

Arrangements have been com-
pleted for the Purim party spon-
sored by the Cleophians, Satur-
day, evening, Feb. 20. at the Bnai
David Synagogue, 14th and Elm-
hurst. Young men and women
interested are invited. Refresh-
ments will be served. .
The next meeting of the Cleo-
phians branch of Young Judean,
held Monday, Feb. I. at
The dancing club of the Ger- 8 p. rn., in the Bnai David Syna-
trude Shubow Studio has elected gogue. Girls of the ages of 15
the following officers: J. Richard to 18 are invited.
Cooper, president: Sonia J. Bush-
o Frank. treas- De:ter-ley Florist. Tyler 8.6622.
kin, secretary: Abs
for all IMMRSienni



Purim Dance at the Shaarey
Zedek on Feb. 20



Margaret Greenough

Formerly with Nancy Van Wyek
CA. 0517

13 Days West Indies Cruise

Including Miami, Havana, KIng.ton
Port An PrInna

Rhea E. Cashman

World Wide Travel Daman
ofMlal Agent All IAne. of Travel.
No nerara Charge
IVA Mmhinfton mud. roe. Grand
ttiver--3rd nom. Steven DIdg.
Rs. 3361-59411

Contributions to
North End Clinic

North End Clinic has received
the following contributions:
For the supplementary medical
assistance fund for children: In
memory of Mrs. amuel Victor
from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strief-
ling and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Strict-
For the Alpha Epsilon Phi
Scholarship Fund: In memory of
Irene Rosenberg Gidding from
M rs. Samuel A. Rosenberg.

Primrose Benevol ent Club
Installation Feb. 7

Final arrangements have been
completed by the Primrose Bone-
The Purim dance promises to be volent Club for the sixth anti-
one of the big events of the season yersary, which takes place Feb. 7
at Shaarey Zedek. This affair
at the Knights of Pythias Hall.
sponsored by the Junior Congre- M. Chornsky, attorney, will install
(ration and the Student Council, the following new
officers: M ye, i.
and will be held in Shaarey Zedek
Rodman, president; Mrs. R. Er-
social hall on Feb. 20. Guest art-
lickman, vice president; Mrs. T.
ists will be featured and refresh-
Cowen, financial secretary; Mrs.
ments will be served. Those in M. Sheplow, recording
charge of the dance are Mildred Mn. R.. Aaron, treasurer.
Gerson, Miriam Zieve, Jerry Key-
Tickets for this affair can be
well, Muriel Singer, Aron Bara-
from Mrs. Wright, Gar-
hal, Sheldon Zuieback, Milton Gor- secured
field 362I-W Mrs, R
don, Sam liertsberg and Betty Townsend 6-0857.
man is in charge of tickets. Erlick:


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