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July 05, 1935 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1935-07-05

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:Latta SIX




Sets Aug. 11 as
Her Wedding Date

Mr. and MN. Joseph II. Lebow-
, ski of Owosso, Mich., announce
the engagement of their daugh-
ter, Sylvia, to David Bali-

Council Week at Camp, from
July 7 through July 14, will find
many officers and members of the
board of directors of the Detroit
Section of the National Council of
Jewish Women, at Council Camp

So Much More—
For So Little More

Down Payment . . as low as $

(less liberal allowance for your used car)


MO to 1095

Lia Prices at Factory
Standard Accessory Group Extra


Packard Motor Car Co. - Detroit Branch

574 E. Jefferson Avenue--15205 E. Jefferson Avenue.
Frank Cornell, Incorporated, 8500 Woodward Avenue
W. A. Lawson, 10340 Grand River Avenue
George J. Mayday Company, 7023 Gratiot Avenue
Daye W. Compton Company, 4130 Cass Avenue



• Camp for Boys — Age 7-15

No vacancies for first half-season.

• Camp for Girls — Age 7-15

No vacancies for first half-season.

School Camp for Boys and
Girls, age 3-6

Three vacancies available for first

A few vacancies are available in all three
divisions for the second half-season.
Prompt registration is urged. Address in-
quiries to Camp Nahelu, Perry Lake,
Ortonville, Michigan. Descriptive booklet
on request.' •


Ortonville 9112 F 6

ling City Nabs

Ortonville 12 F 31

Rosenberg Named
Legal Advisor to
Board of Escheats

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Golden and
:son Roger of Detroit are in the
city as guests of the latter's sis-
ters, Mrs. George Kahn, Mrs,
The appointment of Louis James
harot. Voight and Mrs. L. Robin- Rosenberg, attorney with offices in
the Penobscot Bldg.. as legal ad-
visor to the Michigan State Board
Mies Beryl Voight is spending of Escheats, was announced in
her vacation in New York. Miss Lansing, Tuesday. by Theodore I.
Sylvia Voight has returned home Fry, State Treasurer, chairman of
,after spending a week in Detroit. the board and Harry S. Toy, At-
torney General.
Frank Golden returned to De-
Mr. Rosenberg was American
troit on Saturday after spending
i s week with relatives in this city. Consul in Spain and in Brazil un-
der Presidents Theodore Roosevelt
Master Robert Roman left on and William Howard Taft. He
,Saturday for Buffalo where he will later served as legal advisor for a
spent the month of July with number of diplomatic and consular
,relatives. He was accompanied to officers stationed in this country.
Detroit by his parents, Mr. and He has had an extensive probate
practice, and has written and lec-
'Mrs. A. B. Roman.
tured on foreign affairs.
"Spurious claims of foreign heirs
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Goldberg
and family are now located at will be sifted thoroughly by Mr.
their cottage at Killarney Beach Rosenberg," Mr. Toy announced.
"Mr. Rosenberg is particularly
'for the summer.
qualified to pass on the merits of
The Temple Sisterhood and these claims because of his ability
Benevolent Society met at Paraleon to read, write, and speak the prin-
!Beach Tuesday for a luncheon that cipal European languages, and his
ended activities for the summer, extensive knowledge of interna-
for both groups. Mrs. Abraham tional law and foreign affairs."
Jacoby was chairman, with Mrs.
Benjamin Last and Mrs. Harry
Young Israel Outing Sun-
Alpern assisting. A number of
day, July 14
Saginawians attended.

Florence Voight and Sybil Kahn
Sunday, July 14th, has been
have returned home after a short set for the Young Israel Annual
vacation at Lincoln, Mikado, and
summer outing to Put-in-Bay.
Hubbard Lake, Mich..
The committee on arrange-
ments has provided plans where-
Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Harrison
by all the guests will be occu-
spent the week-end fishing in the
pied at various games. Members
northern part of the state.
and friends are urged to secure
their tickets from the committee
Complimenting her house-guest,
at the Young Israel building,
Miss Bernice Temkin. of Provi-
2691 Joy Road. The committee
dence R. I., Miss Nanette Kahn
will also be present at the dock,
entertained with a bridge-luncheon
the foot of First St. on th e
*Thursday at her home. Four tables
morning of the excursion and
were arranged centered with roses
tickets will be available from
In shades of pink and rose. Miss
Virginia Kahn of Saginaw was
Regular Sabbath services will
'among the guests.
be held Saturday morning at both
Poung Israel Building and
Girls of 18 to 22 Organize
Semi./ and Knitting Club the Jewish Center. Reports will
be given by delegates who have
Girls between the ages of 18 returned fro mthe annual con-
and 22 desiring to join a sewing vention at Asbury Park, New
and knitting club, call or write Jersey. Members and friends are
to Miss Stella Greenberg, 1657 urged to attend the services
Clairmount Ave., Madison 2813. which start at 9 a. m.

—Photo by O'Connor Studio
—Cut CoUrteny Detroit News


at Jeddo, Mich., where they will
greet council members,. both old
and new. Mrs. David Cooper and
Mrs. Hy Brown are chairmen of
Council Week.
Mrs. Walter Leib, president of
the Detroit Section, is eager to
meet the new council members, as
well as her old ffriends,
Mrs. Fred Ginsburg, chairman
of the camp committee, Mrs. Victor
IV ell, Mrs. Regene Freund Cohane,
Mrs. Maurice Klein, and Mrs.
Harold Smiley are among the of-
ficers and board members of the
Council who will act as campers
for the week. Others include Mrs.
Robert Janeway, who will be ac-
companied by her mother, Mrs. Id
Marion Musson, Mrs. Abraham
Mondschein, Mrs. Aaron Fellman,1
Mrs. Melvin Kople and Mrs. Ed.
Council Camp is sponsored by
the Detroit Section of the National
Council of Jewish Women for the
benefit of employed young women
and students, who may vacation
there, amid idea
l surroundings at a
nominal fee. Council Camp is situ-
ated 14 miles north of Port Huron
on Lake Huron.
Reservations for the camp may
be made at the Council Clubhouse,
89 Rowena, or the Jewish Com-
munity Center, Woodward and
Holbrook, Reservations are taken
for week-ends, a week, a month or
the season.

Farewell Party for
Dr. and Mrs. Weine

Miss Clarice Freud of the Park
Dr. Samuel B. Danto spent last
Lane Apartments left Saturday week with his family in Lexing-
for a month's visit in California. ton. Mrs. Danto and sons, Arthur
and Bruce, will remain there for
Mr. and Mrs Clarence H. Eng- the season.
gass gave a dinner party at their
home on Cumberland Drive on
Miss Eleanor Schwartz of La
Saturday evening, June 29.
Salle Blvd., is spending a week
in St. Louis, Mo., as the guest of
Misses Betty Levy, Carol Lewis, Mrs. Paul Weil (Harriett Fish
Norma Wittelshofer and Barbara man). Miss Schwartz and Mrs.
and Patsy Finstervvald left June Weil were roommates in Ann
27 for Hanum Camp in Thetford, Arbor.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilynian Siegel of
Miss Blanche Amberg will give 3351 Fullerton Ave. announce the
a dinner party on Saturday eve- Bar Mitzvah of their son, Burton,
ning, July 6.
on Saturday, July 13, at Congre-
gation Shaarey Zedek. Open
Mr. and Mrs. Anison Tabor house on Sunday, July 14, from
honored Mr. and Mrs. Donald 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p. m.
Berger at a midnight supper par-
ty on June 26,
Honoring the 80th birthday an- man, son of Mr. and Mrs. M
niversary of Mrs. Meyer Silber- Bauman of New York City. The
Miss Clare Wineman returned Blatt, her children and grand - lwedding will take place at the
July 1 from a 10-day visit with children gathered at her home, Masonic Temple on Aug. 11.
her fiance, Eugene Arnfeld, in 3290 Rochester Ave., on Wednes- Miss Lebowski for the past
day, June 26, for a celebration year has made her home with
Pittsburgh, Pa.
and family reunion.
her brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Meyer
and Mrs. Irving Small of Detroit.
Miss Lauretta DeYoung of Pin- Miss Lebowski expects to remain
spent a few days in Cincinnati,
gree Ave., left for Camp Eagle in Detroit until the latter part of
Point in New Hampshire, where July.
Misses Setta and. Henrietta she will act as music director and
Many pre-nuptial affairs are
Robinson sailed on the Kung- counsellor.
being planned for the bride-elect
solhm on June 28.
here and in Owosso.
Miss Elise Cohen, daughter of

Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Lewis left Mrs. Julius Cohen of 2740 Rich-
on June 29 for their cabin in ton Ave., who has been visiting
her aunt, Mrs. Vance Weill, in
northern Michigan
Goldsboro, N. C., will return home
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. New- next week.
man gave a midnight suppervar-
The Eva Prenzlauer Maternity
Madame Irene Seltzer, f or-
y on June 28 for Miss Gladys
Aid Picnic to Bob-Lo will take
merly of Dexter Blvd., is now
Kiernan of Scranton, Pa.
place this Wednesday, July 10
residing at 3327 ISfonterey.
The resumption of activities
David J. Levy, Jr., left on June
Miss Gertrude Jean Leve,
28 for the west coast.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam J.
James Wineman returned Moni Leve, is spending two weeks in
day from a week-end spent in Lexington.
Chicago, Ill.
Miss Leah Weisberg of 2969
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lambert Sturtevant Ave., sailed June 14
Montreal on the S. S. Col-
and Dr. and Mrs. George Wald-
bott gave a picnic on Wednesday borne for a cruise to the West
night , June 26,

Prenzlauer Group
Picnic Wednesday

Simon Buchheint, of Brooklyn,
Max Fruhauf is spending two
weeks in the East.
N. Y., who for the past two
months was a guest at the Wol-
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wineman verine Hotel, left for Milwaukee,
and family left July 4 for a where he will remain for an in-
month's stay at their cabin in definite stay.
Gaylord, Mich
The third annual moonlight of
Mr. and Mrs. Leo M. Butzel Alpha Gamma Phi Sorority will
will sail on July 11 for a six be held on Thursday evening,
August I, on the Steamer Tash-
week's stay in England.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard T. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Art of 3815
of Birmingham, Mich., will leave
July 8 for a 10 day stay in Chi- Cortland Ave., are leaving by
motor on July 6 for New York
cago, Ill.
City and from there will sail on
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Rosed- the S. S. Normandy, on July 10.
itinerary includes England,
thal of Boston Blvd., have ki
their house guests Mr. and Mrs. France, Italy, Monto C a rl o,
and a longer stay in
Kleman of Scranton, Pa,
Holland where they will visit
Irving Kaufmann and Frede- relatives of Mrs. Art. They will
rick Finsterwald are spending the return to Detroit early in Sep-
July 4 week-end in Buffalo, N. Y. tember.

An informal farewell party was
held Saturday evening, June 29,
at the Philadelphia-Byron School,
for Dr. and Mrs. Max Weine, who
are leaving for the West, where
Dr. Weine is accepting a rabbinical
Rabbi Weine, who held the posi-
tion of teacher in the Hebrew High
School, for the past year, is a
graduate of the United Hebrew
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Ilirschman
Schools. He graduated with distinc- and family are spending the sum-
tion from the Jewish Theological mer at Harlon Lake, Mich.
Seminary of America, and also
Mrs. Alma Fruhauf and Mrs.
received his Doctor's degree there.
He was a student at the Wayne Louis Frank complimented Mrs.
University where he received his Lee Scheuer of Cincinnati, Ohio,
Bachelor's degree, and received his at a luncheon on June 29. Mrs.
Master's degree from Columbia Scheuer is the house guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Sidney Fecheimer.
The gathering was arranged
Miss Edith Heavenrich left Sat-
jointly by the teachers of the
school, the Kvutzah Ivrith, the urday to spend some time in Mil-
alumni of the schools, Avukah and , waukee, Wis.
Chug Lyn, in which groups Dr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Braudie
Weine was active. He was the first
gave a dinner party on Wednes-
president of the Alumni.
B. Isaacs was chairman of the day night, June 26.
evening. Short addresses were de-
Mrs. William Fleischman left
livered by Rabbi A. 51. Hershman,
M. H. Zackheim, I. Novog, E. July 2 accompanied by her son,
Buchhalter, M. Chomsky, who pre- Mark, to spend the summer in
sented him with • gift in the name Cleveland, Ohio
of the Alumni, Herz' Shur, who
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dreifus
presented him a gift in the name
of the Avukah, Rabbi Nahum and children spent the past week-
Schulman of Windsor, and David end in Lima, Ohio.
Rubenstein, in behalf of the Kvu-
Mr. and Mrs. Melville S. Welt
tzah. Greetings in the form of
telephone and telegraph messages and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Weis-
left July 2 for Beulah and
were received from many who were
to be present. Harry Cohen, newly Charlevoix, Mich.
elected president of the United
Mrs. Jacob H. Sonenklar and
Hebrew Schools, and A. M. Preger-
son, ex-president, sent greetings of children of 2275 Calvert Ave. are
good wishes. Among the large in South Haven, Mich., for the
gathering present were the father summer.

and mother of the guest of the
evening, Mr. and Mrs. M. Weine.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cott o
Refreshments were served by the LaSalle Blvd., are leaving thi
Woman's Group of the Kvutzah. city to make their future home in
The affair ended at midnight with Evanston, Ill.
the singing of Palestinian songs.
Miss Berths Weisbrot of Grand
Ave., left for an extended visit
with relatives in Akron and
Cleveland, Ohio.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bookstein
of Sturtevant Ave. are leaving
for New York on Saturday, July
6, and will sail on the S. S. Nor-
mandie on July 10, for a five
month's tour of Europe and Pal-


Drastic July

On Summer

With months of summer weather
ahead, you owe it to yourself to
take advantage of our substan-
tial markdowns on summer suits
and coats, daytime frocks, for-
mals, wraps, millinery, etc.



Samson's Modern
Park View Resort

Beautiful Surroundings, Loveliest Dining Room in Mich•
igen, Cabaret on Our Grounds, Show Nightly, Sports of
Every Kind. Located on O. S.-3I.

Hot and Cold Run•

ning Water in
Every Room

New Edgemere

Beach Hotel
and Resort

Private B•ths and

Baseball, Dancing,

Swimming, Fishing,

Canoeing, Tennis,



By the Lake — Private Beaches

Sport and Recreation of Every Kind

Accommodations for 450 People

5-Minute Walk to Town

Governess for

The Two Ideal Spots at Which
to Spend Your Vacation

Dance Pavilion and


Social and Physical


Phone 379

on this island after a two years'
lapse has aroused enthusiasm.
This will be • family party,
and many of the men will be
present to spend the afternoon
with their families, for the sup-
per and to attend the games
scheduled. Prizes will be awarded
to winners in races and bridge

Lunches will be available at the
Casino or family lunches may be

Mrs. A. Williams is in
charge of the bridge games. Mrs.
F. Strauss is co-chairman of
tickets and Mrs. N. Blatnikoff is
chairman of all tickets.
Sall either Ear. 0059-M or
Euc. 5540 for tickets which are
also available at the Club Ex-
change, 10210 Dexter Blvd. All
board members are requested to
be at the foot of the boat by 8
I. m in order to sell their tickets.
Plans are in the making for
the next donor luncheon which
will take place on Nov. 19 at the
Statler Hotel. All those who are
interested in making their quota
can do so in many ways by get-
ting in touch with any of the
members. At this early date more
than 30 reservations have been
pledged and it is hoped to have
double the number of last year',
guests in order to take care of
all the unfortunate mothers who
are unable to pay for their hos-

Vacation at



Large, airy rooms, elegantly furnished, with private bath and
shower. Children's dining room and governess—playgrounds.

EVERGLADES ORCHESTRA, direct from Miami Beach.

Men's and Women's Solariums—Social and Physical Directors.
Tennis courts, golf course nearby, Concert orchestra, two
performances weekly, in our new dance and recreation hall.

Many Added Improvements Have Made Baron's
the Moat Modern Resort in Michigan

• • •
The Jewish Community Cen-
ter's Playschool and Day Camp
has started its summer session
which will continue through Aug.
Rabbi Elmer Berger returned
The children in the Playschool
Friday from the Chicago conven-
are between the ages of 6 and 12
tion of the Central Conference of
and those in the Day Camp be-
American Rabbis. Rabbi and Mrs.
tween the ages of 12 and 16.
Berger will leave Monday to visit
Over 50 volunteers in various
their parents in Cleveland, Ohio.
capacities have offered their serv-
Mrs. Saul J. Birnkrant, Mrs.
Mrs. Arthur Hass is the chair-
Jerome S. Varon and Mrs. Joseph
man of the Playschool and Day
Forbes were joint hostesses at a
Camp Committee. Her committee
luncheon and bridge at Devon
is composed of Mrs. Sam B.
Gables Friday in compliment to
Keene, Mrs. Jacob Albert, Miss
Mrs. David E. Cohen, who is leav-
Madeline Betty Meyers, and Rob-
ing the middle of July to make her
ert Mazer. Dr. A. Max Kohn is in
home in Milwaukee, Wis. There
charge of the physical examina-
were 12 guests present.
tions and follow up and Mrs.
William Brown of Parential Edu-
Miss Mildred Ruth Goldstein has
returned from Chicago where she
Mrs. Sarah H. Selmin is the
studied for a year at Rays School
director of the summer program.
of Advertising to spend the sum-
The staff of the Playschool and
mer at her home on Ottawa drive.
Da Cam
Camp is co om
pose d of
o he
h fol-
lowing Home Room Teachers, --Creation of a planning commis-
Miss Marjorie Myers of Peoria,
Nathan Bean, Mrs. Nathan Berke, sion to do research in the problems
Fred Cohen, Miss Esther Fenster, of Orthodox J
III., came Friday to visit her uncle
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Miss Hannah G. Ferman, Mrs. was urged upon the annual con-
Rose Kellman, and Miss Lillian vention of the Council of Young Buckner of Ottawa drive.
Goldber, Harry Seligson will act Israel by Moses Hoenig, president.
in the programs. Morris Weiss The convention called upon all
Paul Kovinsky, 19-year-old son
as advisor as to Jewish content Young Israel branches to give full of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kovinsky ,
will be in charge of Arts and moral and financial aid to all Ye- died Saturday, June 29, at his
Birdie Michelson shivas and demanded that Jewish home on Perry St. The funeral was
Mrs. 1. Louis Zuieback of 2475 Crafts
will act
as Miss
The Ladies' Mizrachi Organi- Pingree Ave. has returned from
educational institutions should en- , held at 2 o'clock on Sunday, June
Mrs. Marsh of gage as teachers only persons aa 30, at Clover Hill Cemetery. Rabbi
zation of Detroit will hold an all-
day picnic on Sunday, July 7, at a 10-day visit in New York City. the Visiting Nurses Association are equipped to imbue their pupils Elmer Berger officiated.
will each serve ones
ay a week. with the religious spirit. Other
Belle Isle, near the Shell. Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Koine of

resolutions urged the Zionist Con-
Shirley Present, Andrey Buck-
Kunin, chairman of the affair, 4047 Carter Ave. gave • formal CENTER THEATER PARTY
grass to support financially only ner and Sylvia Forbes enrolled at
and her committee announce that dinner party for 24 guests in the
Camp Sherwood, Lapeer, Mich.
games and entertainment, includ- Cocktail Grill at Webster Hall,
ing refreshments, have been in honor of their daughter will hold • theater party at Navin conducted in the spirit of the To.
Field for the showing of Noel rah; authorized the extension of
Herbert Buckner and Alvin
Jeanne's, 16th birthday.
Coward's "Bittersweet".
Young Israel's schools for adults; Steinman enrolled at Fresh Air
The tickets the Center will advocated state laws to enable Camp, Brighton Beach.
Hebrew School Teachers Dr. Adolf W. Lowenstine re- have
available will be for Wed- Sabbath observers to work on Sun-
Participate in Chicago Icently completed three months as nesday
evening, July 10. Tickets day; to push the adoption of Heb-
resident physician at the Charles
Mrs. J. A. Meyer and daughters,
may be obtained at the Center raw courses in the public high
Goodwin Jennings Hospital.
office at 8904 Woodward Ave. schools; advised Young Israel Thelma and Ada, returned from

Members of the personnel of the
branches to engage rabbis; regret- Cedar Point and Cleveland where
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schlussel BASEBALL LEAGUE
they spent the week-end.
United Hebrew Schools are par-
ted the failure of the Kathruth As-
and daughters, Shirley and Vivi-
The sub-senior baseball cham- sociation to give adequate repre-
ticipating in the regional conven-
Jane Doris Goldstein is visiting
pionship of the Jewish Commu- sentation to non-rabbinical de-
tion of Hebrew teachers, which is
being held in Chicago, July 5-7, now residing in the Mannino nity Center's Baseball League ments. Moses Hoenig was re- her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
was won by the Trojans, who de- elected president and the following S. J. Rapaport in Lansing.
inclusive. This is the first conven- Apts., 3311 Chicago Blvd.
feated the Monarchs 10 to 7 to other officers chosen: vice-presi•
tion of its kind in the mid-West,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Freedman win.
called to deal with technical peda-
dents, Jacob Zabronsky of Long
Contributions to the Jewish
In the senior eliminations the Beach and Ida Itzkowitz of New
gogical problems. It will also deal
Children's Home
with problems pertaining to the through the Eastern States, visit. Celtics defeated the Ace Club . York; financial secretary, Max J.
schools' finances. Reports will be
The final and Championship game Etre of New York; and treasurer,
read by heads of school systems of New York. They will be gone the will be played on Sunday, Joly Charles Levine of New York,
The Jewish Children's Home
various cities on the condition of entire month of July.
8, at Brady School, at 10:15 a, m.
of Detroit wishes to acknowledge
their schools in their respective
thanks the following dona-
Gifts to North End Clink with
Miss Bernice Cohen, daughter
communities. All sessions will be
held in the College for Jewish of Mrs. Julius Cohen of 2740
Harry Srere, 2431 Blaine Ave.
Memory of Jacob Lifshitz
North End Clinic has received
Studies, North Dearborn. In con- Richton Ave.. is at home con-
Mrs. Jacob Harvith, 1709 Bur-
The United Hebrew Schools re- the following contributions:
nection with the convention, there valescing from her illness.

ceived • contribution from the
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of
will also be an exhibition of modern
American Fish Co., 1324 Na-
Mrs. R. R. Kallman and chit- family of the late Jacob Lifshitz Sidney Weingarden, from Mr. poleon St
books and school material.
I dren. Rita Sae and Stuart, are in his memory. Mr. Lifshitz was Mr. and Mrs. Sol De Young.
Mrs. Rose Goldberg, 2669 Ful-
In memory of William Siegel, lerton, in memory of husband,
Flowers for all occasions— spending a month at the Cadillac a teacher in the Oakland branch
of the schools.
from Mrs Henry Stillman.
Deater•Joy Florist, Euclid 60112. 1 Hotel in Lexington.
Samuel Goldberg.

Ladies' Mizrachi
Picnic on Sunday

F. SAMSON, Prop.


Young Israel Urges
Planning Body for
Orthodox In U. S.



Leider's Pleasant Inn

3013 Caw Lake Ave, •nee
heron Harbor, Mich.
Just r•turnod from allaml
t. h
and have reomwned with all thot.

ern room. and both .





Agency, Ince

Chas..E. Ihelfus

Alfred I. Dredas


The following people have
donated toward the $5,000 cam-
paign pledge of the Women's
Auxiliary of the Jewish Old Folks

S Arkernusn. I. August. F.
Alen. 8. Auslander, at Bader. a Berlin
" Illotnikort, Illumromn.
lionneld. S. Bagdad, a. Baker. H Re ,
kovIt. A J. Illumenatt. J. H./Wort 5.
Doris, H. Collin/1, V, Citron, , 'hope.
etnIth. C. Cornell. P. Carney. roe
, . N.
ItrohltIE E. Dana, A. IWuterh, A.
Deutorh. It Edwards, D. Diamond, a
Dashloon. W. Feltner, G Fineman, L
Flrestore. A. Fos, M. Ferar, fund
man, I Erman. Frantahlau, Fol.ltnan•
Felmot it
Flahman. C. Futterman. L
(»Hand. I. E Goodm•n, A Gorellk, P.
Garber, Ph. Greenwald. fl
Green. M. Garellk. Outholm.
Goldman, Groat. A
:Ar HM


• P •n. Ft homer
Keels. Kline, S. Korn, 8. Kell, . J.,"
son, IM Ellie, P. Kalb. LeVev, 11
. Lnween. II Lewis. N. Landes.
"* " .•n . R. Lochs. N LeGor
Levine. Lumbers. 8. Markowlo t. NI"
rholman. A, Minna E. maths
Marks It
K., Mend/doom
I. NudSman. °Wow, °sinner, Pw, A.
Pupko. R
J Remo Rosen K
Rubenstein, C. Rodin. H. RM., Rubin
0 nveo s Ressler. 1. RIO. A. Roth. g
RshInowItt. M. Sohrlor. P. gar ha. g
Rohwarta. t Shot., F Sh•plro, II KW.
Rh , F. Rhurro, IS fIlden, II Stst•
kin. Slander, A SInaborg. E Sheri, !-
ski. stein, L Solmon, IS pair."

▪ Wk

Raman. R
"•n J Todkolf,
Russ., F. Welnarn•n, Sc. Wine G ZeIJ
rnn. ftwoonan. WhItm•n. G.
N'Itrtell. II Wale

Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society'
Picnic July 14
On Sunday, July 14, the liebre.

Ladies Aid Society will have A P ,
nic at Rouge Park, West Warren
entrance. All members and friends
are asked to attend this Mc^ I''
f p r aic ek ndth
L eirRb eas
frk es e h ts me aLd meet ill diet;

served all afternoon and evening'

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