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May 11, 1934 - Image 4

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1934-05-11

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REVEFRoRkivisif ORom cm framed. Suddenly Mr. Jabotinsky and his

Our Film Folk

Revisionists would appear on the scene—'
as they have—and would say that they
propose to act as they please—"free to act
Publieh eat Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co, Inc.
as they like," to quote Mr. Jabotinsky's
entered as Second-doss matter Mi.ch 3, 1916, at O. Post-
:Ake at Detroit. Mich under the At of March 3, 1879.
HOLLYWOOD.—Though you've
It is difficult enough to secure the con- often heard of Eddie Cantor's
General Offices and Publication Building
oversupply of daughters, you sel-
525 Woodward Avenue
hear anything about them as
single voice—the Jewish Agency for Pal- dom
Telephone: Cadillac 1040 Cable Address: Chronicle
individuals. Janet, Marilyn and
London Office:
estine—speaks for us. Imagine the influ- Edna . . . aged 7, 10 and 14 re-
14 Stratford Place, London, W. 1, England
ence we would yield if we were in princi- spectively . . . attend school in
$3.00 Per Year ple to justify each party's speaking for the East where they remain with
Subsc ription, in Advance
their mother during the school
To insure publication, allcorrespondence and news matter
itself. Today the Revisionists would be term. Natalie is 17 and accom-
must reach this office by Tuesday evening of each week.
When :nailing notices, kindly use one aide of the paper only.
circulating independent political petitions panies her father and eldest sister
to Hollywood when Eddie is pic-
demanding the Transjordan; the next day ture-making.
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle ingiteecorrespondence on sub-
Marjorie is 19, and
letta of interest to the Jewish people. but dieclaims responsi-
her own request she was al-
bility for an Indorsement of the views expressed by the writers
,to cin einhe r father's
at h e r's
Sabbath Readings of the Law
re tary
preference to
in all departments of state in Palestine— i s etii te e ndtge
Pentateuchal portion—Lev. 25:1-27:34
inrgegsuclhaorolb or col-
Prophetical portion—Jer. 16:19-17:14
in spite of the fact that Moslems still ob-

Rosh Chodesh Shan Reading of the Law, Tuesday,
can ,
tbu e rsb.e .:i
serve Friday as the Sabbath and Chris- a s n receives
May 15
says she
flans recgnize Sunday as the day of rest; e n rc d Irse cantor
Num. 28:1-15
taarrye .he uenvoef; haal
and the laborparty might go a far dis-
lyar 26, 5694 thrice in asking for the complete socialize- self- c a rpip tic oisutm.
May 11, 1934
e ent
s sev r-
tion of all Palestine and for an absolute t
• • •
Socialist state.
The Size of-Your Pledge
Before George Burns left for
Conscientious Zionists will not only re- , foreign parts, he b d into his
Only two weeks remain before the offi-
office to crack. "Gee, I had a
cial opening of the Allied Jewish Cam- ject Mr. Jabotinsky's proposal: they will 1 gw at elliw p:k y eron Dillinger—but it
paign. But the advance educational work condemn it. Any movement must have a' s
• • •
already conducted in behalf of the causes certain amount of discipline, particularly
Once upon a time we knew a
included in the drive should be sufficient to a worldwide cause like Zionism which em- young actor named Fritz Feld ...
guarantee the success of this most impor- braces groups and parties in all lands on he used to drop in at our office
. . always cheerful and gay .. .
the globe.
tant fund-raising effort.
future in pictures looked very
On no other proposal does Mr. Jabotin- his
As a matter of fact, it really should not
bright. He had to come to movie-
town from New York where, un-
be necessary at all to repeat the appeal
der the sponsorship of Max Rein-
for the support of local causes perenially. present so-called unity plan.
hardt, he had done some brilliant
A community concerned over the needs of
acting, notably in the "Miracle."
Glorifying the Rothschilds
Now he was playing in one silent
its philanthropic and cultural institutions
Another Schiff descendant intermarried picture after another ... his car-
must take it for granted that these causes
eer seemed set ... until suddenly
must be given wholehearted support, and last week. But newspaper advertisements . . . came the talkies. In the
that their budgets must be definitely guar- broadcast the story of the Rothschild helter-skelter of the new process
solidarity, and the great film depicting the , foreign accents were ruled out.
Feld decided to return to his na-
Furthermore, in a time like the present history of this banking house gives the im- tive
Germany .h • he 1 be
it should not be necessary to plead for the pression of Jewish segregation rather than accentless.
we have heard of hie
national and international agencies which that Jews, too, are social beings.
Arliss is a great actor, "The House of subsequent
are included in this year's budget. The
plight of our people in Eastern European Rothschild" is a great film and the story Zs; mmaonvy
ge . . then
countries demands a spontaneous response, of the Rothschilds is a fascinating tale of along came Hitler. Feld was a
Jew . . . so "heraus!" again . . .
and Jewishly-conscious communities must an eminent family.
this time to the land of his fore-
But the picture speaks of Jews as rulers fathers. He couldn't •speak He-
demonstrate once and for all that it is pos-
brew, but he was desperate . . .
sible to make gifts voluntarily, without
picked up an old soda fountain
much ado 'and with as little prompting as of segregation, of a proscription of inter- he
. . . set himself up as a soda-
marriage at a time when practically every jerker in Palestine. By careful
The important thing, therefore, is for wealthy Jewish family has in its veins an management the business paid ...
he began to save ... his one ob-
each individual Jew and Jewess to decide intermixture of non-Jewish blood; the pic- jective
was America and the
on the size of the pledge for the coming ture speaks of international rule by a bank- talkies. One day he computed his
drive. In the few days that remain before ing house, and it may smack to the un- profits ... the road was clear ...
started to pack.
the opening of the campaign, Detroit Jews attuned ear of (the Gentile and the unin- I he
Suddenly he received notice that
should make up their minds as to the formed mind as if Jews are actually aspir- he couldn't leave the country.
Why? Because they were form-
amount they are to contribute. It is ab- ing internationally to rule the world.
a movie company and had to
solutely necessary that they double their
This picture is not a complimentary one ing
have men of experience. So-o-o,
gifts of the previous year, in view of the for Jews. Our greatness does not lie in after being forced out of two
larger quota, and because a considerable money, and we not only do not possess in- countries because he couldn't be
actor . . . he is destined in a
amount is to be used for German-Jewish ternational power, but have not even ac- an
third country because he is an
relief and for the settlement of German quired national and human rights in most actor. Today he heads the Orien-
of Palestine.
refugees in Palestine. The agreement that countries. Furthermore, we are not so tal Film Company
• • •
whatever sum is raised above the $175,000 solidified religiously that we are kept so
UFA, the now racially pure
quota is also to be turned over to the Ger- firmly intact.
German film factory, believes in
informing the left hand
man relief funds should prompt our people
No one has thought of glorifying the
what the right is doing. They
to add to their planned gifts after they had life of a Maimonides on the screen. Maim- outbid all other companies for
doubled last year's contributions.
&tildes' octocentenary will be observed next the Holland distribution of
The important question right now is:
year, yet we feel safe in predicting that Elizabeth Bergner's "Catherine
"What will be the size of your contribu- only a handful will know about it. Why- the Great." The picture may
be "bele" in Deutschland . . .
inflict upon us the glorification of a bank- but it s "kosher" in Dutchland.
• • •
Be liberal about it! Make is as large ing house at a time when the true giants
"Strange As It Seems," that is
as you possibly can!
in Israel are ignored?
Manny Nathan's vocation. Some



&It •







f1 f






demand .


Jabotinsky's Remedy.

In an accompanying column appears
Vladimir Jabotinsky's prescription for
unity in the Zionist Organization. Writing
in his usual charming fashion, this eminent
leader of the Revisionist Party in Zionism
points out that Zionist is not a state but a
movement; that Zionist is a "family." He
leads up to the point that while "Daddy"
is alive there is unity, and the only way
of keeping a family from disbanding after-
wards is "by free mutual consent, none of
the brothers ever attempting to dominate."
Among his proposals, therefore, for uni-
fied Zionist effort is that the various Zionst
parties should "undertake to consult each
other on any separate action, political or
otherwise, which they might intend individ-
ually to initiate, always endeavoring to
achieve, at least some degree of co-ordina-
tion—while remaining in the one, free to
act as they like."
That Jabotinsky, the militant Zionist,
the militarist as a matter of fact, whose
great quality at the beginning of his Zion-
ist leadership was that he was able to se-
cure discipline in the ranks, should sud-
denly strive for anarchy and disruption of
the parent organization, is a point difficult
to comprehend.
It is amazing that this able reader should
have been so blinded by partisanship, to go
so far as to propose a plan which would
mean the death of the Zionist Organizaton
and perhaps also the Zionist movement.
What, exactly, does Mr. Jabotinsky pro-
pose? While speaking of a family being
kept together during the lifetime of the
"Daddy," he proposes at the same time the
assassination of the "Daddy" of the Zion-
ist movement. The Zionist Organization
of the World, functioning at the World
Zionist Congress and through the Actions
and Executive Committees, is the parent
of the Zionist movement. This parent is
the directing force of the movement, and
while each group or party within the move-
ment retains its independence in advo-
cating certain social. religious or even
political ideals for a Jewishly rebuilt Pal-
estine, only one body has the right to speak
in the name of the entire movement: the
Zionist Organization of the World.
The fallacy of Mr. Jabotinsky's argu-
ment is proven when he proposes that each
party be free to initiate "any separate ac-
tion, political or otherwise." Imagine
what it means! A crisis might arise in
the movement. The Congress would be
convened to decide on the action to be pur-
sued, and a political program would be

Catholics Refuse to Concede.

years ago he and his partner, Fair-
, banks, set forth with a camera to
, discover nature's oddities, any-
where and everywhere. They
travelled thousands of miles and
amassed a large collection of film
which formed the basis of their
present work. They are the pro-
ducers of "Strange As It Seems"
shorts ... They own two airplanes
. . when an idea is sent in that
sounds odd enough, they hop a
plane, sometimes traversing a
couple of thousand miles for one
! camera shot. Occasionally they
find things in their own studio.
One day it was a man who ate
fire, gasoline and marbles. An-
; other time a man buried himself
'alive for five hours. People send
ld. ideas from all over the

A Proposal by Vladimir Jabotinsky

A Plan Which the Revisionist Leader Believes Will Bring
Unity in the Zionist Organization

(Coarright, 1534, Jewish TelegmPhle AlleoeY, Ma.)


with a split; there are some who think the
split is already there. It would be idle to dis-
cuss whose fault it is; the only thing that matters
—to those who set any value by the preservation
of a Congress and an Executive representing the
Joint will of all the Zionist parties, as I do—is
to try to establish those conditions upon which a
united body of that character could be reborn, and
reborn for permanence.
Such an attempt, of course, had better be made
by somebody quite objective and impartial, which
I do not claim to be. Still, the intelligent reader
will himself judge in how far the remarks that
follow can be accepted as cool sense or, on the
contrary, as partisan outbursts.
It is a fashion with most Zionist writers and
orators to endow the Zionist movement will all
the dignity of a non-territorial "State." And they
conclude, accordingly, that every "citizen" of this
State-like community should obey the decisions of
its "Parliament" and "Government" the same as
a citizen of, say, Sweden or Holland obeys. I am
afraid this is a construction not only premature but
totally erroneous. I wish to goodness we Jews
could possess a real State, and the sooner the bet-
ter; but the Zionist movement is only a movement,
nut a state. The difference lies, above all, in the
realm of ethics. A state can compel: therefore, a
citizen who obeys its orders even against his own
convictions and conscience, commits no moral trans-
gression: he must, he is forced, he acts under dur-
ess, and if his acts are morally wrong in his own
judgment, the responsibility is not his. But a
"movement" is a community based on the free will
and consent of each of its components. One is
not only not "compelled"—one is not even sup-
posed to remain a member if the actions demanded
of him become irreconcilable with his conscience.
For the -moral responsibility, in the eye of his
innermost tribunal, rests upon him, and him only.
Ile has no excuse of outward compulsion, he was
free to obey or to disobey, and if he acted against
his own ethical judgment, it was his own fault and

A Movement of Conflicting Elements

A very common example can illustrate this dif-
ference. Thousands and thousands may abhor the
very idea of killing their neighbors from across
the frontilr in the name of patriotism; or, even if
not entirely pacifists, they may dislike a particu-
lar war, thinking it unjust. If compelled to fight,
do so with the profoundest aversion.
they need not he ashamed before e their own
But hey
conscience: they are compelled. It would be quite
another story if they took part, say, in some kind
of Jameson raid, at the same time thinking it un-
just. In that case, their action would be immoral.
Today the Zionist movement comprises widely
anti deeply conflicting elements. There are those
in its ranks who feel that it would he unworthy of
our national traditions to seek demination even in
Palestine; and there are those who believe that
every nation is entitled to "dominate" in its own
national home. The former, accordingly, cannot
agree that the claim for a "Jewish minority on
both sides of the Jordan" should be stated in the
name of a body of which they, too, are a part.
And the latter, equally, cannot agree that Zionism
should be officilly interpreted, in the name of a
body of which they, too, are a part, as an under-
taking quite content with the prospects of a na-
tional minority.
The same can be said as to tactics. Some Zion-
ists are entirely convinced that hammering radical
demands upon the mandatory powers is harmful;
and some, again, are entirely convinced that "ham-
mering," etc., is the only way to obtain the ob-
ject. If the latter became the master of the Zion-
ist Organization's machinery, it would be
nett!: al for the former to say, not only
fellow-Zionists, but also to the world at large:
"our conscience forbids us to support methods o
action likely to destroy the Jewish hope; we want
the world to know that there is also another
ano e t.; kind 1
of Zionists serving the same ideal but rejecting
such tactics; so that when the day of wrath will
come, it should not strike all the Zionists but a
portion of them should be left to carry on." And

Tidbits and News


(Copyright. 1534, J. T. A )





been, before the non-Jewish world, two Jewish opin-
ions. When the Zionist movement was born, there
were the "Protest-Rabbiner." When, during the
war, one group of Jews in England fought for
what ultimately took the form of the Balfour Dec-
laration, another group of Jews (and by far the
more "influential") fought against it. One Jew-
ish delegation went to the War Office to insist on
the suppression of the Jewish Regiment. Another
hurried to the rescue of the Legion (and both in-
cluded prominent Zionists). This play of dualism
goes on: some Jews are in favor of the anti-Ger-
man boycott, sonic are against it. Yet, above all
those divisions, there is evidently the voice of the
objective truth, of life's reality itself; and some-
how, therefore, it is always the good cause that
triumphs in the end. The Balfour Declaration be-
came a fact; so did the Jewish Legion; and Ger-
many's exports dwindle. It is, of course, very
regrettable that Jews cannot talk in unison; but
let us not overestimate the danger.
In any case, it is idle and useless to dream that
such differences can be settled by statutory para-
graphs enjoining "discipline." The paragraphs will
simply be ignored, The ruling majority then may
amuse If self by "expelling" . the mutineers from the
Zionist Organization: but everybody by now rea-
lizes that that will bring neither help nor solace.
It is, on the contrary, the "mutineers' who always
get the biggest headlines in the press, and the "ex-
pulsions" of the minority will only result in a
confession that the Zionist Organization, once iden-
tified with "'Zionism" as a whole, no longer even
pretends to represent the totality of Zionist Jewry.
If I spoke as a partisan, I should say: quod erat
demonstrandum! But I speak in the name of cool
common sense.

Calls Zionist

Movement a "Family"

Common sense points to one solution only: the
Zionist Organization can no longer exist on the
basis of its present statutes: with parties fighting
each other at Congress elections in order to con-
quer the majority (and, here in Europe at least,
victory depends, to a very large extent, on the re-
spective financial power of each—for Shekalim can
be distributed free of charge); with the conquering
majority trying to dictate and threatening the
minority with dreadful executions. The very char-
acter of those dreadful executions is a tell-tale ad-
mission that gives away all the fallacy of that fam-
ous comparison of Zionism with a "State:" the
ultimate, the final threat is "expulsion." A state
does not expel offenders against discipline: a state
puts them in jail ... I apologize for too familiar
and slangy a term I am about to use, but I can
find no other: all this is "bunkum."
The Zionist Organization cannot be preserved
by such methods. It was all very well as long as
the Zionist Organization was young, and there was
accordingly but little differentation between its com-
ponent elements. Today it consists of deeply dif-
ferentiated parties, each one actually sovereign,
independent, and unamenable to and compulsion.
This fact has to be admitted; and more—this fact
should become the base on which the new world
Zionist Organization should be built.
Since comparisons are the fashion, I offer ■
better one: Zionism is not a "State," but a "family."
As long as the children were small, and "Daddy"
alive, it kept together without difficulty. Now there
is no longer any trace of a person or a party likely
to be recognized as the equivalent of "Daddy;" and
the "children" are grown, long married, each one
with his own line of business. Such a family can
only be kept from disbanding by free mutual con-
sent, none of the brothers ever attempting to domi-

Would Have Each Party Free To Act

Translated into the language of statute para-
graphs this would mean:
The World Zionist Organization is a free con-
federacy of independent and sovereign Zionist par-

ties. t the World Zionist Congress each party is
represented by an equal number of delegates, and
resolutions require the free consent of all the dele-
olni these

Mr. Bernard G. Richards does
not like the Blue Shirts, the newly
formed organization of fighting
Jewish young men. I am very
fond of them. Except for the
fact that I wear white shirts,
I would unquestionably have
joined them. And I am very glad
to note that in Chicago an or-
is being formed of
Blue Shirts similar to the New
York group.



Max Nordau once spoke in fa-
vor of a muscular Judaism, as he
called it. There is no question
that there is something of this
note being introduced in Jewish
life. In Poland, the Brith Chayil
of the Revisionists—a group which
goes in fon military practice—
numbers, I am told, some 40,000.
And the Polish government looks
very favorably at them, doubtless
thinking of course to make some
use of them in case of a little
war of its own.
In Palestine, there is a for-
midable self-defense organization
among the Jews, and if the Brit-
ish government did not interfere,
it would doubtless be a much
stronger organization.


In I'alestine, as a whole, the
Jewish youth seems to be a rather
muscular, fighting type. Indeed,
the Judische Rundschau of Ber-
lin in the current issue is a little
apprehensive on this score insofar
as it relates to the reaction of
the German-Jewish children to
these native - born Palestinians.
The German-Jewish children seem
to be somewhat afraid of the na-
tive Jewish children. The latter
are more hardy, and the Judische
Rundschau admits, not only more
healthy but more wholesome in
the sense that can best be de-
scribed by the use of a somewhat
offensive phrase, "he-men."

I, too, subscribe to the ideals
of peace, as Mr. Richards does.

Fain would. I see the lion lying
down with the lamb, but better
I than that even would I see Hitler
Ilying down to such an extent that
Ihe could never get up again. And
I am willing to see Jews help do
the laying him clown, even if they
;have to use their hands, instead of
. resolutions.


I believe that it is an entirely
erroneous idea that the Jews are
not fighters. I believe that they
are very good fighters, if given
anything of half an equal chance.
I do not believe that we could
have produced so many prize fight-
ers if we were not.
The trouble has been largely
, that Jews have been so numer-
ically unequal to their opponents
that they have never had half a
chance. I do not doubt that if
the occasion should arise in Pal-
estine in the future, they will take
good care of themselves. I know
I will be told to remember the
Arab riots. Well, if I recollect
rightly, quite as many Arabs
were hurt as Jews, even though
the Jewish population was then
much smaller than it is today—
and even now there are four
Arabs to every Jew. And then,
too, the Arabs only went to those
places where there were few Jews.

parties shall use their best efforts to
In an address delivered in New York on
work out, insofar as possible joint objects and
April 8, the Rev. James M. Gillis, editor of
methods of action with regard to such matters as:
the Catholic World, made the following
raising the necessary funds, spreading the Hebrew
Says Play of Dualism Goes On
language, training chalutzim, financing Palestinian
So far it has been "vice-versa." For many
institutions or enterprises, facilitating and regulat-
"Remember that you can't persecute the
years, Zionism has been officially presented to the
ing immigration. For these purposes, they may fix
mandatory power as a project which does not im-
by mutual coisent, from time to time, fair quotas
Jews without persecuting Jesus Christ.
If you do not believe that the
ply the claim for a Jewish majority in Palestine.
of the benefits and advantages to be derived by
Anyone who thinks Catholics are going to
Jews are good fighters, I ask you
But a section of Zionists were profoundly con-
each party from the joint activity of all.
account how the Jews held out
remain silent when Jesus Christ is attacked
They elect, at the Congress, a joint executive—
ment which can compel the mandatory power to
the Jewish Agency—whose powers shall be strictly as they did against Rome before
doesn't know history."
destruction of Jerusalem.
change its immigration policy, and the only inter-
confined to the lines of action agreed upon mutually
This statement echoes the sentiment that
Rome then was the greatest power
pretation able to make Zionism adequate to•the
—including also the function of performing in the
needs of the Jewish tragedy. Let it not matter,
is current today among Catholics every-
name of Zionists as a whole, such political steps in the world. Everywhere the
for the moment, whether that section's view was
Roman legions went they quickly
as would be agreed upon by all.
where. It is an echo of what is occurring
right or wrong: but it was their profound con-
The parties, moreover, undertake to consult each subdued the population. But it
in Germany. Much has been said about
viction, the voice of their conscience, and they felt
four years for mighty popu-
other on any separate action, political or other-
that, should they keep silent (for silence„ to all
wise, which they might intend individually to ini- lous Rome to subdue tiny Judea.
the opposition of the Protestant clergy to
the world, means acquiescence) they would harm
tiate, always endeavoring to achieve, at least some
And when it finally conquered
the Hitler oppressions. But in the long run
the Zionist future.
degree of co-ordination—while remaining, in the Judaea, it wrought the most
the Catholics are the real fighters and the
Leo White . . . that old-time
one, free to act as they like,
wholesale destruction of every-
It would be idle for anybody here to intervene
with the well known objection: "Is it not still more
true opponents of Nazism on the question screamie comic . . . answers to
I think I can visualize an arrangement of this thing. Never before was there so
"Papa" again after 20 years.
harmful to confront the world with two interpreta-
much wanton destruction by
kind, and I feel sure that it would be quite a use-
of religious co-ordination and racial su- It's
a baby girl. His other off.
tions of Zionism, thus promoting strangers to the
Rome in any of its conquered
ful arrangement. But even pessimists should
premacy as it affects the church. Too many spring is now in college.
role of judges in • Jewish dispute on things es-
provinces. Why did it do this',
realize that that would be the only practicable form
• •

Was it not that it felt that it
comparative unity, simply because there can be
Protestants have made concessions to Hit-
but nobody really believes in it. There has always
no other.
'S all, folks!
(Turn to Next Page)
ler; but the Catholics refuse to concede.
This is what makes the Catholics stand
Is Judaism Dying?
out as the true heroes in the Reich today.
Cardinal Faulhaber may have his name
Lewis Browne Start. an Interest•
recorded in the Hitler chapter of German 1
ing Argument With His
"How Odd of God."
history as the outstanding hero who re-
fused to yield an inch of ground on ques-
'AV W „T it
tty Lew is
EDITOR'S NOTE—The following address was delivered by
Browse. The Ma. mills°
New York Morris Rothenberg, president of the Zionist Organizatio
tions of principle. To yield in the present
n of America,
I: Sot,
DI iteS/AN 001/1/6
at • meeting of Greater New York Zionists, held at Hotel Pennsyl-
hour would mean encouraging the drag-
vania, Wednesday evening, April 4, to consider the present condition
Lewis Browne has written an- of strife within the World Zionist Organisation, The meeting adopted
ging down of our present generation to the
tigation f subversive propa- resentative Edward A. Kenny of
calling upon the Actions Committee to take steps to end
lowest depths of medievalism. The Catho- ganda activities in the nited New Jersey, to admit Dr. Einstein other "introduction to the Jews" ■ the resolution
lic church, by refusing to make conces- States has been launched by to citizenship. This is the first for- and has incidentally started a
opposition to most interesting argument
Congressional Commit tee
A fierce inter-party warfare has tical affairs of the movement or
sions. teaches a lesson to the other groups the
headed by Representative John such action made to Congress.
which promises to re-echo in been raging in the World Zionist
• • •
in Germany by their opposition to the McCormack of Mass achusetts.
two years Aral did not even appear
since 1929. It first
the press and pulpit.
stupid race superiority idea of the Nazis. The committee has sent scouts Representative Kenny intends to
made itself manifest in virulent at the Congress. Many, who like



Zionist Inter-Party Warfare Must End


Oppression On All Fronts

Nazi leaders oppose the proposal to set-
tle Jews as farmers. Jews are prevented
from directing their own businesses in Ger-
many and are told that for "philosophic I
reasons" they may appoint Aryan deputies
to lead their employes. Jewish youths are
even prevented from working on farms in
preparation for settlement as Chalutzim
in Palestine.
And all doors are closed for these peo-
ple whom Hitlerism seeks to relegate to
the status of pariahs. Palestine alone wel-
comed a considerable number of refugees
as permanent settlers during the past
year. In other lands these victims of Nazism
are merely guests, in some places unwel-
come guests.
It is no wonder that James G. Mc-
Donald, the League of Nations High Com-
missioner for Refugees, informed the refu-
gee body that the only solution for the op-
pressed who have fled from Germany is In

into propaganda hotbed cen- press for the passage of the reso-
ters in leading sections of the lution. He holds that • man such
country. The purpose of these in. as Dr. Einstein "merits the high re-
vestigators is to get the lowdown on gard_of any nation.' Representa-
the activities of the leaders of the tive Kenny points out that several
propaganda mongers. All this European countries have welcomed
started with the appointment of Dr. Einstein and offered him their
Thomas W. Hardwick of Georgia, citizenship. "Certainly the United
head counsel to the McCormack ' States, which he has publicly de-
clared to and does love, beacon of
Attorney Hardwick knows the liberty that it is, .gladly will ex-
tricks in the game being played by
leges and prerogatives of her citi-
those interested in promoting bit- zenship," the Jersey representative
terness among racial, religious and declared.
• •
political groups. Ile is an arch ene-
The committee on interstate and
my of the Ku Klux Klan. A former
member of the House of Represen- foreign commerce has reported fav-
orably to.the House on a resolution
tatives, Attorney Hardwick under- intrduced by Representative Her-
takes his new task with • back- man P. Ke.pplemann of Connecticut,
ground of broad experience. He is
for n nation-wide investiga-
opposed to intolerance and believes tion of practices of milk distritu-
that there is a great public serv- tors. The investigation would be
ice to be done through the investi-
made by the Federal Trade Com-
mission. Representative Kopple-
• • •
The Society for Vonstitutional mann believes "at there is too
wide a spread between what the
Security is opposed to Congress
granting Dr. Albert Einstein citi- farmer gets for milk and what the
consumer has to pay. He, More
This organization thamgh
Its president, Mrs. William B. Shel- with • nullities of other Congress-
ton of Leonia, N. J., has sent a me-' men, would like to know why. Pas.
mortal to the Senate remonstrating sage of the resolution is practically
against the passage of House Joint
(CeerWht 1Wa. A .1* • )

Because he predicts that
Judaism is doomed, the fire he
has lit under hie new argument
promises to grow hotter during
the coming weeks. But he will
undoubtedly find many defend-
ers because he does not doom
the Jewish people.
Browne borrowed the subject
for the title of his new book
from W. N. Ewer's verse:
"How odd
Of Cod

To Choose

The Jews."

Browne asks his reader not
to believe that Jews have sur-
vived because they are the
chosen of God. If that were so,
he asks, why did the Ten Tribes

of Israel disappear? The Jews,

he maintains, would have aban-
doned their seclusiveness, had it
not been for Gentile prejudice
and antipathy. In proof of his
argument, he proceeds, in his

(Turn to Next Page)

form following the issuance of the
Passfield White Parer, and crystal-
lized itself in an attack which
forced Dr. Weizmann out of the
presidency in 1930. There were
those who said that if Dr. Weiz-
mann would step out, the bitter-
ness that had developed around his
person and his policies would sub-
side, and normal conditions again
would prevail in the Zionist move-
ment. The present situation In
World Zionist affairs has not justi-
fied that prediction.
At the last Zionist Congress held
in Prague, two years after Dr.
Weizmann left office, there were
such violent scenes of hostility by
one party against the other, as to
make that Congress ■ source of
pain to those who were present,
and a keen disappointment to Jews
throughout the world who expected
that in a time of great tragedy for
the Jewish people, the Zionist Con-
gress, the most representative as-
sembly of world Jewry, would sub-
ordinate factismal differences to
the need for united constructive ac-
tion. The bickering and the bit-
terness were in no way lessened by
the fact that Dr. Weizmann had
eliminated himself from the poli-

myself, were present at the 18th
Zionist Congress, left it with a
heavy heart, and with a feeling al-
most of despair at the animosities
that had accumulated. Labor bit-
terly attacked Revisionists, accus-
ing them of terror and violence,
Revisionists countered that the
Histadruth was a monopoly that
excluded all but its party mem-
isers from opportunities of employ-
ment. Mizrachi stormed against
the violation of traditional Juda-
ism, a large part of the General
Zionists were embittered on politi-
cal and economic grounds. The
congress was a seething cauldron
of hatreds.

Since the closing of the Congress,
the inter-party strife has fiercely
been carried on in the Yishuv in
Palestine and all along the Zionist
front from Jerusalem to Warsaw,
The English-speaking countries,
England, Canada, South Africa,
the United States—may be said to
be exceptions. Fortunately, Jews
in (hose countries have not been
impregnated with the intense and
unyielding political partisanship
which is so characteristic of East
European lands.
Were the battle conducted on an

(Turn to Next


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