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December 23, 1932 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1932-12-23

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(Continued from Page One.)

then united to fight the bill by
litigation, and retained Theodore
Levin and Nathan L. Milstein of
the lew firm of Levin, Levin and
Dill, Fred M. Butzel and Patrick
H. O'Brien, Attorney General-
elect, to bring a test ease. Max
Kohler of New York acted in an
advisory capacity in aiding the at-
torneys. This was dope and, after
a strenuous battle, the Federal
Court agreed that the law violated
the Federal Constitution and was
beyond the power of a state legis-
lature to 'enact. A temporary in-
junction was thereupon ordered,
and it is this injunction which is
now made permanent by the
Court's decree.

Celebrate Victory.

Celebrating the victory in the
fight against the alien registration
bill, the attorneys in the case. and
spokesmen for the numerous ele-
ments in the state who would
have been affected by the measure,
met Monday evening at the home
of Theodore Levin, 8611 LaSalle
Philip Slomovitz, editor of The
Detroit Jewish Chronicle, presided,
and addresses were delivered by
Judge Rubiner, Mr. Levin, Attor-
ney General-elect Patrick H.
O'Brien, Frank Lee, speaking for
the Chinese; John Barr, speaking
for the Polish group; S. Wein-
berg of the Jewish Daily Forward,
and Mayor David Croll of Wind-



Purity Chapter will hold its
New Year party in the main ball-
room of Hotel Statler, Saturday
evening, Dec. 31.
The chairman, Mrs. Florence
Rabinowitz, and her able commit.
tee, are planning many novel sur-
Among the hostesses for the
evening are the following: Jean
Gould, Celia Modell, Sadie Corn-
field, Agnes Yarrows, Ann Karbel,
Dorothy Lightstone and Charlotte
Gould. Mrs. Dorothy Sklar is a
member of the decoration com-
Reservations may be made by
Mr. O'Brien pointed to the calling
University 2-0501, Trinity
viciousness of the anti-alien laws, 2-1385, Euclid 7536-W and Gar-
and declared that the measure field 6928.
just defeated was un-American.
Ile said it is his hope, under the
incoming administration, to make PHILOMATHIC TO HOLD
Michigan the freest state in the
Union. He declared himself in
favor of making this land a lab- Debating Club Begins Observance
oratory for all political opinions,
of 35th Anniversary With
by enforcing the principle of free
Oratorical Contest.
Besides the Jewish spokesman,
(Continued from Page One.)
there were present at this gather-
ing representatives of the Polish, test; and Louis Smilansky, donor
Italian, Belgian, Chinese and Hun. of the gold medal for the debating
garian elements.
contest. Both Mr. August and
Significant Statement.
Mr. Smilansky are former Philo-
The annual report submitted by mathians.
Harry E. Hull, commissioner gen-
The oratorical contest will be
eral of immigration, submitted to in the nature of a reunion for
Hon. W. N. Doak, Secretary of Philomathic alumni and friends.
Labor, and published this week, During the 35 years of its exist-
contains this significant statement ence the Philomathic Debating
with regard to the Michigan alien Club has had on its membership
registration bill fight:
roster many men who are now
"The drastic alien-registration prominent in Jewish and secular
act of the State of Michigan, men- activity.
tioned in last year's report, was
The program for the oratorical
declared unconstitutional by the contest will consist of a speech
Federal Court, as was to be ex- by Max Chomsky, the retiring
pected. However, it indicated the speaker. This speech will be fol-
trend of the times and ssssss to lowed by orations delivered by
recall here the recommendations Henry Faigin, Melvin Gerson,
repeatedly made by the bureau Bernard Sharkey, David Levin,
that Congress provide for • coun- Julian Caplan and Lester Silver-
try-wide registration of aliens. It man. Henry Faigin will speak on
is unnecessary to repeat the reas- the subject: "Looking Down at
on. heretofore given for believing the World." Lester Silverman's
that such a registration would be oration will deal with the ballot
beneficial both to the alien and responsibility. Bernard Sharkey's
the country, but these reason. are oration will be on ''The Forgotten
still convincing. It is predicted Man." Julian Caplan will speak
that such registration, with self- on "The Political Depression."
supporting provisions, and with David Levin will orate on "The
■ requirement for • yearly re- Juvenile Crime Problem," and
newal, will eventually be author- Melvin Gerson will speak on "The
ised as • reasonable corollary of Jewish Youth."
our strict immigration policy. It
Jack Rom, last year's speaker,
is understood that there is confi- will be presented with a gavel, an
dence of the passage by ■ New old Philomathic custom. The
England State next winter of • meeting will be concluded with
measure requiring the registration the rendering of a decision and
of aliens in that commonwealth the presentation of the Herman
which will enforce the co-operation A. August gold medal and Maur-
of the employers, but which will ice Morse silver medal.
likely avoid unconstitutional pro-
The Philomathic Debating Club
was organized 35 years ago by
Louis Wine. The only forensic
ZEDAKAH JUNIORS organization at the old Central
Miss Ilelen Kauffman as hostess High School, the House of Repre-
to the Zedakah Juniors' meeting sentatives, then had an unwritten
on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 18. The law to refuse to admit any Jewish
food shower held at Buddy'a was student into their ranks. The
a success for which thanks were House of Representatives was
given to the chairman, Miss Helen scheduled to have a difficult de-
Lefkofsky, and her associates, Mis- bate with an outside organization,
ses Sylvia Collins, Janet Glaismith, and they tould not find sufficient
Esther Kramer, Ruth Kramer, Eve- caliber among their members to
lyn Greenberg, Edna Rosenman, give the opposition any fight. It
Helen Kauffman and Bernice Gold- was in consequence of this that
the House decided to break tradi-
The Juniors' monthly social took tion, and take in the star debater
place on Thursday evening, Dec. of the school—a Jewish lad, Louis
22, at 8 o'clock, at the home of the Wine. However, even this was
senior president, Mrs. Hannah difficult to do. Louis absolutely
Harvith, 1709 Burlingame avenue. refused to join because of the
The chairmen were Miss Tillie House's anti-Jewish sentiments. It
Leibovitz and Miss Rayetta Pol- was only after innumerable en-
treaties and promises of no future
Three new members have been discriminations that Louis was
admitted to the Zedakah Junior finally convinced to become a
Club, Rith Savage, Golda Zack and member of the House.
Margaret Saliter.
On the night of the debate,
Miss Edna Rosenman of 2628 Louis Wine sat on the platform;
Webb will be the next hostess to he seemed uninterested as captain,
the Zedakah Juniors on Wednes- only taking a casual note or two.
day afternoon, Dec. 21 at 2 o'clock. Five speakers had left the floor
and defeat was staring the proud
House of Representatives in the
face when Louis Wine calmly
walked to the front and began to
talk. Single-handedly, as it were.
Wine whipped his opponents. His
mastery of the subject and his
eloquence gave his team a unani-
It k but natural that
mous decision. But as soon as the
the city which creates the
debate was over, the Hoike forgot
*Arnett in rotor cue leiro
on. should ells ss ,wt: , ,
all its promises to Louis, re-
o hostelry of otteptchal
fused to admit some of his Jewish
comfort and luxury.
friends as members.
Angered, Louis Wine called to-
Detrat boosts the
gether ten of his friends and they
Detrotteixd tbed.. ceo.
decided to form a debating club
trolly belted — we, !cars
for Jewish boys. Undaunted by
lovers. diniv( morns and
the refusal of permission to meet
;two' Hexer of match
at the school, these 11 boys car-
less boon...web lemon.
ried on—Louis Wine, Louis Smil-
out room reangoorr and
soft flocootore if beds
ansky, Saul Meister, Ira Fried-
•ith firth clean or in the
berg, Nathan Levin, Jacob Gor-
stns roast dectriosts
don (now deceased), S. Spencer
cod punfled. The lorry
Fishbaine, Saul Hartz, Benjamin
. ewCIP/Orl...11aw
Saltzstein and Morris Smilansky
I:. ye, 800 outfit loon
—and they formed what is now
'eh both at re room than
known as the Philomathic Debat-
Ow fool of matter, led
ing Club.
In April of 1899 the first annual
/1001 "—
4 2, feat
model meeting was held. In 1914
the first oratorical contest was
held. Herman A. August donated
the first gold medal, and Maurice
Morse donated the first silver
Annually thereafter a gold
medal, the Herman k August gold
medal, has been awarded to the
one chosen as best orator by the
judges of the oratorical contest:
and ■ silver medal. the Maurice
Morse medal, has been awarded to
the second best speaker.

is being catered by Mr. Lacher
and is under the supervision of
Rabbis I. Stollman and E. Aishis-
kin. Because of the limited ca-
(Continued from Page One.)
pacity, those desiring to attend
and visiting leaders. The Oneg are urged not to delay their res-
Shebat, to take place at Krulik's ervations. These may be made
Restaurant, will supplement the by communicating with Miss Syl-
one unually conducted weekly in via Ruthenberg, 8663 Twelfth
the center of Mizrachi Youth. The street, Garfield 6811.
program includes an interesting
A reception committee com-
lecture by one of the outstanding posed of leading Jewish person-
leaders present and the singing alities has been arranged to re-
of Zemiroth and Palestinian songs. ceive Rabbi Berlin, Rabbi Gold
Edward Ruthenberg, vice - presi- and the entire delegation from
dent of Mizrachi Youth of Detroit New York upon their arrival in
and member of the national exec- i Detroit on Thursday, Dec. 29.
utive, will preside.
This committee is composed of
A rich musical program has , members of the Vaad Horabonim,
been prepared by the entire mem- Mizrachi, Ladies' Mizrachi and
bership of the Detroit Cantors' other leaders of the community.
Association who will sing in a
Addresses on Saturday morn-
group at the public opening of ing' will be delivered in the fol-
the convention to b e held on Sat- lowing synagogues: Rabbi Meyer
urday evening, Dec. 1, in the aud- Berlin in the Beth Tephilua Eman-
itorium of Northern High School, uel Synagogue, Taylor and Wood-
where Rabbi Meyer Berlin and rom Wilson; Rabbi Wolf Gold in
Rabbi Wolf Gold will be the prin- the Mishkan Yisroel Synagogue,
cipal speakers. In addition to the Blaine and Linwood; Rabbi S.
greetings from the various Zion- Zambrowsky at Ahavath Zion
ist Organizations o f Detroit, Shul on Holbrook; Harry Karp at
greetings will be extended in the the B'nai Zion, Humphrey and
name of the Vaad Horabonim by Holmur, and at the Tuxedo He-
Rabbi I. Stollman, its president. brew School; Aaron Bin-Nun in
The public is invited to attend. the B'nai Moshe, at Lawrence
Herman Eskin, president of the and Dexter; and Herman Eskin
local Mizrachi Youth, will preside. at the B'nai David, Elmhurst and
The outstanding feature of the Fourteenth. A talk will be given
four-day session will be the con- by Rabbi Gold at 2 o'clock at the
vention banquet to be held at the Ahavath Achim Synagogue, Del-
Statler Hotel on Sunday evening, mar near Westminster.
Jan. 1, at 7 o'clock, at which ad-
In the Mizrachi Youth Center,
dresses will be heard from out- 9036 Twelfth Street, on Saturday
standing personalities and leaders afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Harry
and at which the Detroit Cantors' Karp will deliver an address on
Association will present its lead- education. This will be followed
ing talents in several solo num- by Shalosh Seudoth at Krulik's
bers. The meal for this banquet Strictly Kosher Restaurant.




"Prosperity," a comedy-drama, is
the play to be staged this Friday
evening, Saturday and Sunday
matinees and evenings, at Litt-
man's Yiddish People's Theater,
Twelfth and Seward. It is a play
in three acts, with a prologue. The
entire cast participates. Numer-
ous new songs feature the play.



Molly Siegel Auxiliary of
Consumptive Relief So-
riety of Denver.



in a

Molly Siegel Auxiliary of the De-
troit Jewish Consumptive Relief
Society of Denver, invites its
friends and members to the new
meeting headquarters at the Club
Exchange, Dexter and Glynn court,
next Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 27,
at 1 o'clock, after a short business
meeting cards will be played and
refreshments will be served free of
charge. The card party wlii be
held Tuesday, Jan. 3 at the Den-
ter.Lawrence Hall. t I was decid-
ed at the board meeting at Mrs. J.
Schweitzer's home that the install-
ation of officers take place Jan. 8.




A program which will include
character sketches, songs and one-
act plays will feature the concert
to be given by Ben-Ari and Anna
Raikin, artists of the Moscow Ila-
bimah, at the Maccabee Auditor-
ium, on Sunday evening, Jan. 8.

Mr. Ben-Ari, one of the found-
ers of the original Habimah, has
appeared in the leading plays, in-
cluding "The Golem," "The Dyb-
buk" and other important produc-
The program on Jan. 8 will in.

elude scenes from "The Golem,"
Jacob's Dream," and other acts, as
well as folksongs.
Anna Ralkin, mezzo-soprano, is
an able actress and a noted folk.
singer, and will appear in a care- 1
fully selected group of songs.

Gifts to North End Clinic. ;

North End Clinic has received
the following contributions: In
memory of Mrs. Betty Plant of Cin-
cinnati from Mrs. Mark Fleischman'
and Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Rosen-
In memory of Mrs. Isaac Kosit-
chek from Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
In honor of Henry Wineman's
birthday from Mr. and Mrs. Mon.
timer II. Meyer.




Clyde E. Hornung






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9zieteem gZl-dieerzahcti,, go.




clam ZwitCU azieiz


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