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March 18, 1932 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1932-03-18

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The Faultless Curtain
Laundry F3 Cleaners


(Continued from Page One.)

the point of view of a man who
wishes to keep the best of a long
it as our sacred duty to set the past, and miss nothing of an excit-
Skilled Operators, Modern Machinery, Prompt Service and
pace for the rest of the world.
ing present." (Italics mine.)
Personal Supervision
What has become of the Pitts- .
If I did not know Rabbi Fram
burgh platform? Shall our Jew I as well as I do I would charge
All help to assure you of the "Faultless Always" Se rvice
ishness be cut to the varying pat.! hint with malicious misinterpreta-
terns of national conceits? Is this tion and distortion when he as-
an attitude of prophets or oppor- cribes to me super-nationalism,
Call Madison 4580 and your order will be promptly
and speaks of my God idea as a
called for and delivered.
Defends Maurice Samuel.
"puppet-shadow." Those who will
May I remind Rabbi From that i turn to the preface of "A Rabbi
Mr. Sainuel is master of Europe's Takea Stock" will see to what ex-
most important languages and lit. tent my Federation address pro-
eratures7 Ile has drunk deeply voked Rabbi Fram. •
I from the cultures of the world. To
As an indication ,f Rabbi
impose upon him "ghettoism" is Fram's unbiased, critical evalua-
sheer nonsense.
tion of my book let me put side by
As for the "narrowness" of my side what he says I say about the
book it is left to Rabbi Fram to synagogue and what the readers
discover it. It has thus far eluded will read in my book:
the acute, critical eyes of Clar-
"Rabbi Goldman complains of
ence Darrow, Harry Elmer Barnes,
A. Eustace Ilayden, Harry Over- the pre-eminence of the synagogue
Available for Concert Engagements, Banquets and Radio
the recognized unit of Jewish
street, Llewellyn Jones, Charles
Braden, and John Erskine, to men- life in America."
Will Accept Serious Pupils in Voice Culture and Coaching
from Rabbi Franc's ser-
tion non-Jews only.

The unbiased opinion of Profes- mon.
Now what the reader will find in
sor Erskine reads as follows:
"A thoughtful and stimulating my book. On page 19 I state:
"Our intellectual friends will,
1 picture of modern problems from
therefore, have to be tolerant with
the rabbi for stressing no much
synagogue life and ritual. The
synagogue happens to be the in-
stitution that has the most power-
ful hold on great numbers of Jews.
Any program for the reconst•uct-
ion of Jewish life not only cannot
omit it, but must give it primary
consideration. The reconstruction
of Judaism must begin with the re-
construction of the synagogue.
Ventilate it, renationalize it,
beautify it, make it alive to the
needs of the Jewish people of to-
day. Let membership in the syna-
gogue express a loyalty to the
group, an anxiety to continue its
life-process, rather than pre-sup-
pose the acceptance of certain en.
alterable dogmas and fixed views
of the cosmos. Make room for
men of divergent belief and chal-
lenging skepticism. To thousands
of men and women, and particu-
larly to young people, it will take
on a new sense of value which all
will recognize."
And, again, on page 144, where
I discuss the synagogpe indirectly
the reader will find that I regard
it essential:
". . . to evaluate properly the
paramountcy of the synagogue in
! wv ,ease
any program of Jewish self-preser-
I confess that I understand the
meaning of the word "secular" on
the lips of Rabbi Kook, the Ha-
phetz Hayyim, or the Yabloner
Rabbi, but when it is used by
Rabbi Fram it seems to me rather
It is, I believe, presumptuous on
the part of a Jew who violates the
dietary laws and desecrates the
Sabbath to make a distinction be-
Victor Combing Ion 10-tube RCA Victor Superhetero.
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with something more than secular-
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ism when he pronounces the
Shema in his synagogue bare-
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with the evolution of Mexico.
Thousands of feet of film were
shipped to a Hollywood studio, and
there it awaits the director's hand
room provisions for a baby's dor-
for cutting and assembling. The
mitory and a parlor and library.
venture was backed by Upton Sin-
The Second Floor.
While all rooms are beautifully clair.
• •
decorated and well furnished, the
Herman Bing, who was the
parlor and library is the pride of
in "The
the home, and Dr. Hirsch hopes to
Guardsman," is one of the Chosen. I
secure the best available Jewish
• • •
children's books for it. The baby's
'Member Jay Ilunt? Ile played
dormitory has a special bathroom
the lead in the silent version of
for the youngsters and is equipped
"Lightnin' "—Ile's one of Us. At
with a special diet kitchen. The
76 he is still acting—had a big
nursery, also on this floor, has
been especially painted by Mr. Le- part in "Polly of the Circus."

Continued from Page One)

vinger with Mother Goose rhymes
and other appropriate pictures. On
this floor also is an attractive sun
room. The modernly equipped
kitchen is also on this floor.
On the second floor are two
girls' dormitories and four boys'
dormitories for youths of 6 and
older. Each boy and girl is pro-
vided with an individual closet, and
for every girl there is a night
stand and a dresser. There are, on
this floor, two sun porches for
boys and one parlor for girls.
There also is a sewing room, a
bathroom with stall showers in ad-
dition to the tubs, the color
schemes of the dormitories and
bathroom harmonizing throughout.

Gymnasium Facilities.

On this floor also are attend-
ants' living quarters, a room for
the nurse, and one for the super-
The attic is used for a store-
room, and the basement has pro-
vision for the following: Store-
rooms, a boys' workshop, girls'
and boys' locker rooms with show-
ers for use after gym, a large
gymnasium, a completely equipped
laundry, a boiler roost with oil-
heat furnaces, cook's room, store-
room for provisions, quarters for
the caretakers.
The new Jewish Children's Home
also has, adjoining it, a large field
which will be converted into a

alemple Seth El

Sunday Services:
- Mourning Becomes Electra" will be
the subject of Rabbi Leon Pram'. ser-
mon Sunday morning : March 20, at 10:46.

Sabbath Services:
. on Saturday. March 19, Rabbi Cr .
ill ,. preach on the subject.

Annual Purim Dinner Dance:
The Student Council of the Temple
High School invites eons and d•ughters
of high school see to its annual Purim
dinner-dance Saturday night, Starch 19,
at 0:20. Program: 6:30 dinner; n, com-
edy. The Wedding.. presented by Temple
High School Drama Club; 9. dancing.
'rhe visiting debating of the High School
of the Temple, Cleveland. will be thespa-
cial guests of the occasion. Informal.

Detroit-Cleveland Debate:
Next Sunday morning. March 20, at
the high school assembly. the debating
teem Of The Temple, Cleveland, meets
the debating team of local Temple Beth
El High School in a debate on the ProPo-
'Pion: "Resolved. that the present im-
migration lather of the United States
will have an wirerse effect icon the life
of the Jew in the United States." The
Cleveland team is composed of Marvin
Kr1•hman, Zoltan Klein and Eugene Klein.
Benjamin Marcus I4 couch of the Tem•
pie team.

Purim. Puppet Shadow Play:
l'ou are invited to attend the Purim

May I, Sir, take this opportunity
Pet "Srr
of congratulating the Detroit Jew- Vfr
children. 20 cents, including refresh-
ish community on the fine publi• ments; adults, 10 rents. The puppet
cation it is enjoying in The De- Play I. being given especially for the Pri-
children, or children of the first
troit Jewish Chronicle? The many mary
second and third grad, who are holdino
issues of The Chronicle that have their Purim masquerade party on this
come to my attention have moved afternoon.
me to admiration. While it is not
completely free from social gos.
The family of the late Lillian
sip, and from what Mr. Samuel
calls "niceness," it, nevertheless, Rosenberg will. hold in grateful
contains a vigorous editorial pol- memory the kind expressions of
icy and honest presentation of sympathy extended them in their
J ewi s h news.
It is a veritable recent bereavement.

i r . s 7.n. in the American Jewish


(Continued from Jreceding Page.)

That publicity furore about
Sari Maritza, the little Nathan
girl, has somewhat subsided. She
will not star just yet, but will be-
come accustomed to Hollywood
ways through playing secondary
• • • •

Spring Cleaning

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Blankets restored to their former fluffiness.
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And the cost is extremely reasonable.

Comforters, spreads, drapes, rugs—all

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"Use the Forest Service regularly. It's • good service
Saw "Scarface" (it's called
and • good habit."
that for the moment) at a press!
preview this morning . • . pow-
erful picture . leaves you limp
and weary . . . made with sincere
intent, but we doubt its benefi-
cient effect.
When you see it, if and when
533.547 FOREST AVE E
Mr. Hays will allow, you'll realize
that Paul Muni (Muni Weisen-
freund, it used to be) is one of
our foremost actors—though you
may not like to see him in such a
brutal role.
• •
Ah, hah! Here's something you
didn't suspect. Lowell Sherman
belongs to the Order of Abraham- (Continued from Preceding Page.)
and-Isaac . . . he's half . . . his
verse .playa as "Crime" (under
name was a Kohn.
• • •
the Al Woods' banner), "Gods of
It is dangerous to t r ifle
Wonder if the prickly shivers Lightning," "Nice Women," and
with your EYES. Only t hose
ran down Sylvia Sidney's spine as "Bad Girl." She was offered the
engaged In examining eyes,
her long black tresses fell to the leading role in William Brady's
exclusively, are qualified to
floor . . . uh-huh, she's bobbed production of "Street Scene,"
perform this important work,
Dr. D. Segal (optometi 1st)
'em . . . and for the first time which she turned down to furfill a
motion picture contract with Fox
has devoted 25 years, es clu-
since she was a child.
sively, in the conservatio n of
Studio rules are that strict! A
Her career on the stage, though
A thorough eye exam ina-
writer wanted to get off early to brief, was marked by one trium-
tion, prescription, and 0111-
get a haircut, but was stopped by phant achievement after another.
the guard. The writer explained Aside from the superlatives
plete report on the op teal
condition of your eyes, One
where he was going, but the guard showered upon the new ingenue
Dollar. Glasses (if neat led )
shook his head. "You can't get by the local critics, George Jean
a hairctit on company's time." Nathan has been known to break
at extreme low cost.
"Well," reparteed the scenarist, all precedents by remaining for
"I grew it on company's time, and the third act, and Alexander
I guess I can take it off on com- Woollcott referred to her as "a
pany's time."
miniature Cornell,"
• • •
1310 Broadway, me. Gr. fiat,
If to young hopefuls and would-
Harry Cohn, president of Co-
Suite 2
be Sylvia Sidneya these super-
lumbia Pictures, had Washington
ficial references to her career
sort of nervous when he an- might imply that Sylvia Sidney'.
nounced his intention of making path to glory and fame was paves!
"Washington Merry-Go-Round,"
with golden bricks on which she
but 'twas all in fun. A little chat
had only to trip gayly along, it Is
at the White House--and Mr.
merely because some of us are
Cohn, it seems, has only bought
(Continued from Page ( tie.)
wont to overlook the hardships as
the title, for which he paid $1,000.
well as the spiritual and some-
The studio will write its own story
of King Ahasuerus. Accord-
times even physical difficulties an
to fit. Everything's just lovely.
artist to often suffers. In Sylvia ing to the Megillah, fight
Haman and his armies took
Sidney's case, the glamor of her
It takes a "minyan" to write a
success cannot blind us to the fact place on the thirteenth of Adar.
Marx Brothers picture . . . some
that even if luck did play a major The fourteenth of Adar was net
10 scribes are in confab over
role in making her a star, perse- aside for the celebration. That is
"Horse Feathers," their next.
verance, hard work and indomit- why Purim is celebrated on the
able courage were in the support- fourteenth. In Shushan, ho wever,
W. Levy, author of
ing cast, too, to say nothing of the battle was continued by special
"Springtime for Henry," "The
and brains playing feature permission on the fourteenth of
Devil Passes," and many other
Adar. The people of Shushan,
plays, is jolly well an Oxford
therefore, had their celebration on
An Incident.
graduate. At 20 he completed his
With the overwhelming abla- the fifteenth, that is, the people of
first drama. He's something of
tions for her performance in Shushan celebrated Purim on the
a musician, and never forgets the
"Prunella" still ringing in her fifteenth. This is why this day is
words of a song. At present, he's
ears, she hiked downtown from the called Shushan Purim.
at Universal Studios adapting H.
Bronx to Broadway. After trek-
Other Celebrations.
G. Wells' "Invisible Man."
king for months along the Great
• • •
Numerous other Purim celebra-
White Way, with only the cheer- tions have been arranged 1 ere by
In Hollywood the "creme tie la
fulness of youth to encourage her, many organizations.
creme" of the industry takes to
fate yielded her a minor role in
The Woman's Auxiliary of the
polo for its relaxation. An ac-
the cast of "The Challenge of United Hebrew Schools will have a
tor, wishing to stand in with the
Youth." On the second night of Purim party on Wednesday
i eve-
"select," made inquiries about the
the try-out, she fainted in the mid- ning, at the Philadelphil -Byron
cost of the sport with a view to
dle of the first act and was ordered Hall.
becoming a participant. He re-
to undergo an Immediate opera-
ceived this estimate: Eight ponies
The Zionist Organization of De-
tion for appendicitis. She re-
at $500 each, two saddles at $150,
fused, rose to her feet, finished troit will celebrate Purim at Hotel
$260; care of ponies, $600 per
on Tuesday evening.
month, and club membership, $500. the show, and continued to appear
Young Israel, Mizrachi atzoir,
when the
The actor took up hockey instead. throughout the week,
other youth groups are to have
ve spe-
play closed its run.
• • •
Later, a surgical examination cial celebrations.
revealed a torn ligament in her
right side, the result of a fall dur- planned for affairs for the inmates
Purim in Tel Aviv
ing the rehearsal, and she was


COlumbia 4200


Eye Dew

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failure to be discriminating in the
use of the term, 'national group.'
Nor can I agree with Rabbi Gold-
Retort by Rabbi Fram.
Rabbi Fram, after reading man in drawing the lesson he
Rabbi Goldman's statement, .. de . draws from the tragedy of the Jew
ob eleks. to remain in bed for two
in Germany. I am amazed to find (Continued from
Preceding Page.)
the following counter-reply:
Exhibit of Megillot an Pu-
"There is only one real issue that Rabbi Goldman would permit
She has rare courage indeed.
rim Literature.
dously impressive in size, organ-
between Rabbi Goldman and my- Hitler to define what the Jews
NEW YORK.—(J. T. 4 .)-4n
ization or elaborateness, you will
self. It is the question of the I ' _ are,
. It is true, as human affairs
find it intensely Jewish in spirit. which displayed the girl's com- connection with the festival of Pu-
wisdom of the use of the terms 1 1°
There will be clever floats, in mendable fortitude and proved her rim, a special exhibition of Megil-
national group, nationalism, or ; arise to nullify all our adjustments which all
the home industries mettle. A similar incident re- lot and literature pertaining to this
nationality to American Jewry. and all our statesmanships. In
will be represented, and political peated itself a short while ago festival has been arranged at the
There is no need to go into tech- the long run, however, the wel-
problems caricatured. There when she was appearing in "That Museum of the Library of t h e Jew-
nical definitions. The haute will I fare and the vitality of the Jew
Old-Fashioned Girl." Coming ish Theological Seminary of Amer-
will be a few serious notes, in-
not be solved on the basis of what I will be determined by the wisdom
troduced by the schools, the down the winding Beira from her ice.
Dubnow or Ached Ila'am wrote,Iwith which Jews in various coun-
dressing room, she slipped and
The collection includes a umber
but on the basis of what we know tries adapt the form of their group university, the "Keren Kaye-
fractured a small bone in her of illuminated scrolls of Et.
of American life who live here. life to the geniva of the country meth." And the Yemenites will
ther of
seventeenth and eightee nth cen-
"I cannot agree with Rabbi in which they live. They may be
Goldman's position that to the organized as a pure nationality in see their chosen queen, gor- her from completing the run of tunes. There are scrolls written
the play with her foot in • cast.
on tan and brown leather, as well
principle of a Jew being himself Palestine, a minority nationality geously arrayed, in a carriage
It was only after Paramount had as some fine specimens of e. xquisito
there are no limitations or modi- in Poland, and in a country like filled with rich rugs, followed by
inveigled her with an attractive penmanship. Among the most in-
her court, a long line of cos-
fications. Rabbi Goldman ought America as a community primarily
part in "City Streets" that she teresting objects are stories of Es-
tumed maidens on camels; you
to know that he is not discussing religious.
was persuaded to return to Ilolly-
I did not misrepresent Rabbi will see Vashti with her court; wood. She had been there once ther in Arabic, published i Alep-
this question with an assimilation-

po, Bagdad, Calcutta and Aden,
ist, but with one who loves the He- Goldman when I said he com-
before—two years ago, to be
brew language, is active in behalf plained of the pre-eminence of the nite chilren being led by their exact. This first venture proved a and a number in other Jew i sh dia.
lects as Judeo-Arabic and Ladino.
of the upbuilding of Palestine, who synagogue as the recognized unit
dismal failure—a tremendous dis- Besides there are
early Purim
takes joy in reading Hebrew Tit: I of Jewish life in America. When baptized. And there will be sev-
appointment. She left the film plays, parodies and modern illumi-
eral truckloads of older people,
erature, and who believes in in-h. says: 'Our intellectual friends
colony after three months, loath- nated versions of the Purim
ten.sive Jewish education. 'But. will therefore, have to be tolerant
f aces, desirous of being a part ing the place, vowing never to re-
does the principle of being true to with the rabbi for stressing no
turn there.
of the parade.
to Mar Merry
oneself require the abandonment much synagogue life and ritual.
Sight Plays a Part.
Parades, balls—those you can
Purim Spirit, J. N. F.
of a sense of discrimination, of The synagogue happens to be the
In speaking of that period she
statesmanship, of fact? It is. my institution which has the most have everywhere. The thing that refers to it as seeing everything
view that it is unstatesmanlike, or, powerful hold on great numbers makes Purim in Tel Aviv so par-
"through indigo-blue glasses." As
That the current depressi n must
icu arty thrilling is that all this
if you will, tactless, to apply the of Jews—ishe not adopting an
she told a friend of hers just be- not be permitted to mar the merry
term, national group' indiscrimi- apologetic tone? Who are these festivity, all this laughter, these fore she left for Hollywood this spirit of Purim, the festival of joy
intellectual friends whose toter- impromptu street parades, this
second time, "I was no upset by the on the Jewish calendar, col memo-
dancing and singing in the
"Poland is a country component ance he must beg for the circum-
unexpected way things turned out rating the rescue of the Jews in
of many national groups living in stance that the synagogue hap- streets, is distinctly Jewish, and for me thet it completely preju- Persia as recorded in the Book of
special localities, rooted in those pens to be the central institution is possible only in Jewish Tel diced my viewpoint, and gave
■ Esther, is the burden of the appeal
localities for thousands of years, of Jewish life in America and for Aviv. Nowhere is there a hint distorted idea of Hollywood me
and of the Jewish National I and of
and using their own native lan- whose Fake membership in the of the traditional Jewish sorrow everyone in it. Having profited America, addressed to thousands of
that is P. apt to color our gay-
guages. In such a country, t he synagogue must he reinterpreted to
by that first experience, I'm not American Jews in all parts of the
Jews, too, may claim a nationality mean nothing other than • group est moments in the Galuth. The taking any chances this time. Now
gala spirit catches and sweeps I am taking along a pair of rose-
status and cultivate a national Ian-
Booklets containing Form gifts
guage. Even there the concept of
"Did I exaggerate when I indi- like wildfire through the town, colored glasses so I can be sure to receipts in the nominal value of
nationality does not quite apply, rated that this impressed me as and nothing and no one escape. see everything in a different light" $5 have been sent nut to no re than
The beauty of the spirit, the
for the Jew is not identified with 'Peeking in a querulous tone of
She is such a sane and level- 25,000 persons. These booklets of-
complete lack of roughness and
any special locality in Poland, as the synagogue? Who are to de-
headed person, in spite of her fer them a good opportunity to col.
and brawling in the youth, we suspect she ought to
are the Ruthenian. or the Ukrain- termine what the predominating
form with the Purim trail tion of
midst of all the fun-making, the have little or no difficulty adjust-
hos Nevertheless the idea of a note of Jewish life in America
sending gifts. All such persona who
national group is natural to a p:allysbeiTgrdd
bathepe ople v.villves
oha%:, spontaneity of the atreets, of in g h erself to any environment. have received these booklets are
the singing and dancing, make
country like Poland.
But then. on the other hand, what requested to send in Hu ir ton-
"In America, however, there are belonging to • great religious tra- one feel that one is in the midst girl need trouble her little head tributions to the Items Ki yemeth.
no national groups with deep roots dition which is Symbol ized in the of a free shackle-leas people, about such matters when Gary
breaking forth into whole- Cooper Is in the offing, lending •
in the soil of the country. What- synagogue or these intellectuals
hearted, wholesome joy.
ever Old World national traits whoever they are who !separate
I helping hand on the one side, and role made famous by Belt Comp-
have been carried over to themselves from the congregation
I Reuben Mamoulian on the other? son in 1919 in "The Mime! e Man."
Americahave been preserved in and then want the congregation
Immediately upon her arrival in The picture has been cam pleted a
association with religious organ- changed into a nationality?
Perfection Lodge No. 486, F. & Hollywood, Sylvia Sidney was put week or so ago. though rumors
intim The national group con-
"Rabbi Goldman objects to my A. M., will hold a special com- to work on three pictures in suc- from Hollywood
lywood Indira to that
cept is, therefore, not congenial to ascription of the characteristic of munication on Wednesday, March cession: "City Streets," "Conies- there are still one or two retakes
the atmosphere of America. If gbettoism to some of these Intel- 23, at 7:30 p. m.
Membership eions of a Co-Ed," and "An Ameri- and improvements to be I ad* be-
we persist in applying this term to lectuals. Mr. Samuel may be committ ee.
can Trac dy. After five months fore you will be teeing the film
ourselves, we shall soon find our- ever as versatile and scholarly.
of intensise work, she was allowed at your local cine.na.
selves isolated and exposed as the Nevertheless, I should not hesitate
By order of
a short re , t. That is If you call
Sylvia Sidney has the leading
only group in America that eon- to say that a man who can write a IRVING W. BLUMBERG, W. M. sight-seeing actually resting. For role, playing opposite
sciounly seeks such • definition. book to prove that the Jews are
the first time since her arrival in ' Morris, Among the " k now-it-
"This is my criticism of the biologically set apart from the
Hollywood she took time off to ails" in the film colony, there is
thesis of Rabbi Goldman's book. rest of mankind is no less • ghetto-
The family of the late David look about and get acquainted; at- no question but that Syl via Sid-
Non-Jewish reviewers whom he mind than the California rabbi Caplan wishes to thank its tele- tending first nights; visiting other ney is tilmlend's beat bet f o r 1932.
mentions are unacquainted with who recently wrote a hook to tives and friends for their kind stuNdoio:
She is now riding on the crest of
our problem and an are not iit a prove that the salvation of man- sympathy shown them during their
once again she Is on the the wave, and is traveling far and
position to point out the author's kind depends upon the Mikvah." recent bereavement
top. This time caning in the I fast.

Respectfully yours,

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