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May 09, 1930 - Image 4

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1930-05-09

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A Noble Jewess Passes.



The name of Lina Gutherz Straus was
always inseparable from that of her great
husband, the lion. Nathan Straus. When-
Entered is. Setund•rlax• molter Much 3, 1916. at the Pcni:
oftlee at D•roit. Mich., under the Act of Much 3.
ever the benevolence and philanthropy of
Charles If Joseph
Mr. Straus was spoken of, Mrs. Straus
General Offices and Publication Building
E following letter was sent to the editor of the
525 Woodward Avenue
always shared in his honors. Mr. Straus
Philadelphia Jewish Times and in justice to
Telephone: Cadillac 1040 Cable Addre•ts Chronicle
was wont to explain that he was encour-
London 0(1,e.
Sears Roebuck & Co., it should appear in this col-
14 Stratford Place, London, W. 1, England
aged in everything he did by his noble wife.
umn. It was sent by R. E. Wood, president, front
The death of Mrs. Straus robs Jewish
Newton D. Baker, no the miners the executive offices of the company in Chicago:
Subscription, in Advance
$3,00 Per Year
Dear Sir:
womanhood of one of its noblest leaders.
To insure publication, all correspondence and nrwn matter
$5,000,000 for his services in the
When reach this office by Tumid.), eening
of each week.
My attention has been veiled to an article
When inc l.. notices, kindly use one side of the paper only.
that appeared in your issue of April 4th, under
cause it was always indicative of the best lieve, the highest legal fee I . Vcr re-
Random Thoughts, by Charles H, Joseph.
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle invites correspondence on sub.
corded. The largest hen tofore
in mankind. In all'
haritableendeavors in was in the recent case of 11 illiam
lee. of internal to the Jewishpeople, but disclaim, responsi-
It is, of course unnecessary to state that there
bility for an indorsement of the views ego eeeee d by 'he writer.
this country and abroad, her name, together Fox. Mr. Untermeyer, who repre-
are no racial discriminations in this company,
lox in that case, is -aid to
Sabbath Readings of the Law.
of which the largest individual stockholder is
with that of her illustrious husband, stood senteel
have profited by the neat sum of
Pentateuchal portion—Lev. 16:1-20:27.
Mr. Julius Rosenwald, who is not only one of
for the highest ideals. In Palestine the $1,000,000.
Prophetical portion—Amos 9:5-15; or Ezekiel
the leading Jews in the country, but one of its
Untermeyer worked on that case
Nathan and Lina Straus Ilealth Center
for three months, making his fee
May 9, 1930
The soda water fountains in our retail stores
lyar 11, 5690 stands as a monument to the goodness of per slay come to about$12,000. In
the Strauses, and Mrs. Straus's name is pro- addition, he took a retainer of
are not operated by Sears, Roebuck & Com-
before as much as turn-
pany, but by a lessee, the Interstate Company
Give Detroit a Jewish Center!
nounced with reverence in the Holy Land I100,000
ing a page in the case.
of Chicago. No employee of Sears, Roebuck &
Data on the need of a Jewish community by all creeds.
Company could be so dumb as to insert such an
ad, although I rather concur with Mr. Joseph
center in Detroit, compiled by the Allied
Jewry's condolences go forth to Mr.
that anyone so dumb should be placed even in
Compare these fees with the
Jewish Campaign committee, reveals that Straus on his great loss.
a minor position of responsibility over a soda
days of old. The great John Mar-
there are 300 Jewish centers in the United
fourtain. The ad has been called to the atten-
shall before he ascended the Su-
tion of the lessee company and will not recur.
States, and that these are located in com-
Planting Trees on Mother's Day.
netted about $5,000 per year from
Very truly yours,
munities with Jewish populations number-
In Jewish life the mother is honored by his practice. Moses Levy, promi-
ing as few as 1,000 and 1,500 souls.
being placed on the same plane with the nent Philadelphia lawyer, whom
at one time considered
Thus, Chester, Pa., with a Jewish popu- father as head of the family. In the Deco- Jefferson
•—•• ■ •-•
for his cabinet, had a practice net.
lalon of only 1,000, has a community center logue we are commanded: "Honor thy ting between $6,000 and $7,000 n
for the construction of which $100,000 was father and thy mother." The mentioning year—which was considered phe- ONE of the most important and significant state-
ments in connection with the Palestine situation
raised. Union, N. J., has a Jewish popula- of the father first was thus explained by
Alexander Hamilton, the great was made by Emir Ardel Arslan, chairman of the
delegation to the United States, which arrives!
tion of only 1,500, but it boasts of a Jewish Rabbi Judah: "God knows that a child statesman and one of the most
brilliant lawyers of his day, was recently. In an interview with the Jewish Tele-
center for which $200,000 was raised. In honors the mother more than the father once
Agency, he said:
offered $100 for his services
Bethlehem, Pa., the 1,500 Jews subscribed because she soothes it with gentle words; in a certain case.
cannot recognize any foreign political
Ile refused. "Twenty dollars is
$150,000 for a modern center.
therefore in the command to honor the par- abundant,"
power in our country and we consider the Zion-
he said.
ists such a foreign power. We have no quarrel
Detroit stands out alone among cities ents the father is mentioned first. God
with the Jews in Palestine if they have no
big and small as a backward community knows likewise that the child fears the
political ambitions. Until the issuance of the
whose so-called centers are either shacks father more than the mother because he
Balfour Declaration we were friendly with the
the confirmation of Justice Parker
As a matter of fact whenever Jews
or storerooms, which, at the very best, teaches it the Law ; therefore in the injunc- on the score of his decision in the
were expelled from other countries, we always
accommodate only a handful of our boys tion to fear the parents the mother is men- "yellow dogs contract" UM•, it is
welcomed them to our country .... We now
to learn that Judge
suspect every Jew in Palestine, even the Ortho-
and girls. And Detroit has a Jewish popu- tioned first." To emphasize the honor due interesting
Cardozo of New York's highest
dox Jews who have lived there for many years
lation of 80,000, ranking among the very the mother, Rabbi Ben Sira said that "he court was once also faced by this
of being hostile to us and aiming to rule our
problem, and Cardozo ruled just
first communities in the land.
country.... We do not see any way for such
that provoketh his mother is cursed of the the contrary to Parker.
a rapprochement since the ambitions of the
If Detroit Jewry is to be counted among Lord."
I note that in the Senate fight
Zionists run directly contrary to our aims. The
on Judge Parker, Senator Borah
the Jewish groups in the country with
Zionists want to flood the country with Jews
It is no wonder, therefore, that Jews take quotes]
and the Arabs cannot permit that. , . . Our
vision to hold the youth in the Hebraic fold; such an active part in the celebration of cision and gave it high commenda-
aim is to establish Palestine a native govern-
if Detroit's Jewish community is to be re- Mother's Day, although the traditional hon- tion.
ment with a parliament representing the entire
Cardozo has had the support of
moved from the backwoods into modernity; oring of the mother by Jews is an all-year-
population, Arabs as well as Jews . . . We
virtually all of the leading law
have lost all confidence in the Zionists. They
if the Jews of this city wish to be classed round matter and not a matter of one day's schools of the country for the Su-
say one thing and do another.
preme bench. It is admitted that
among those who know their social respon- demonstration.
he has few superiors, if any, as a
sibilities to the boys and girls and to the
This year's observance of Mother's Day jurist, in the whole country.
young men and women—the forthcoming takes on added significance by virtue of the
What's the matter, Herbert, just
N OW, unless we Jews are blind, it must he evi-
dent that some plan must be developed that will
Allied Jewish Campaign must be made a new practice of planting trees in Palestine between you and me, alesut ap- be more
satisfactory to the Arabs or the entire Pal-
pointing Cardozo to the Supreme
success in order that the foundation might in honor of the mothers. Hadassah, the Court?
estine movement will he jeopardized. When I said

thine many years ago the extreme Zionist
be laid for a Jewish center. This is It re- women's Zionist organization, and other
leaders showed contempt for my ideas. But they
sponsibility from which no one dare shirk. leading Jewish movements have joined the
a different tune these slays. Dr.
Judge Max May of Cincinnati
Msgnes has suggested the same thing. Ile, too,
Jewish National Fund in propagating this has written it very interesting advocates
and surely no one is in a
of Isom. Meyer Wise,
"Above All, It's a Jewish Cause."
practice. thus honoring the mothers in a biography
father of Reform Judaism in this better nosition to understand the situation. I say
We make our leading editorial comment practical way by aiding in the reforestation country.
now that sooner or later
Judge May recalls some
they will have to remove from the mandate under
on the Allied Jewish Campaign, which is to of Palestine and in the redemption of Pal- interesting facts; the are r made which
the clause referring to
by Daniel Webster, among other
be conducted in Detroit for 8305,000 be- estine's soil as the property of the Jewish things,
the nationalistic aims of the Jewish people. Whether
of a job to Wise in the
and non-Zionists-
ginning this Sunday, on the first page of people, at the same time inscribing the government service.
I wish he had included, loo, the matters little just so long as the Agency even
this issue. On this, our regular page, we names of the mothers in worthy endeavors,
out the po-
anecdote that is told of the meet-
touch upon the objections still being raised The Jewish observance of Mother's Day is ing at one time between Webster, litical asnirations of the Zionists. Unless some-
look for
against the causes represented in the work greatly enhanced by such a method of hon- Wise and Judah I'. Benjamin, then disaster. I ant well aware of what Mr. MacDonald
senator from Louisiana, and later
of the Joint Distribution Committee and the oring the mothers.
to become the secretary of state
said regarding Palestine and the Jews, but we are
the Jewish Agency by those Jews who have
of the Southern Confederacy.
The story, as I recall it, resolved
not as yet acquired the spirit of Jewish
Jewish Book Week.
about a discussion participated in of the gravest and most dangerous conditions that
unity which is characterizing the allied
In 1027 Rabbi S. Felix Mendelsohn of by the trio in which Webster, who never will he peace in Palestine under the present
drive. Because we are particularly ad- Chicago suggested that a "Jewish Book was a Unitarian, Said 0101 Judaism arrangement.
and the sooner we recognize facts
Unitarianism were identical.
dressing ourselves to the two elements Week" be observed annually by Jews as a and Benjamin
challenged the point the better off we shall he. In the name of mil-
ask the Jewish Agency to amend
represented in the ranks of anti-Zionist and means of reviving interest in the great lit- of view of Webster, and further
those sections of the Palestine mandate which stress
anti-Russian colonization movements, we erature of our people. This year, from than that, my memory recalleth the nationalistic ambitions of the Jews. A grave
not. Long ago, I read it.
resnonsibility rests upon those leaders who still
take the liberty of referring the objectors May 11 to 17, Jewish Book Week will be
believe in the establishment of a Jewish state. And
to an editorial in the last issue of the Ameri- observed for the first consecutive year, and
should the Jews of Palestine, as a result of these
Apropos of Judah B. Benjamin, ambitions, come upon evil slays I. for one, shall
can Hebrew, which for many years was the the plea will be made, from pulpits, and in
I understand one of the film com- refuse to permit those leaders to evade that respon-
most rabid anti-Zionist organ and a strong various other ways, for "A Jewish Book- panies is planting as scenario, sibility.
on his life, to be called "The
supporter of the Russian colonization move. shelf in Every Jewish Home."
Gentleman from Louisiana." It
ment. Under the title "Above All, It's a
It is regrettable that it should have come will be along the lines of the pres- I WAS very much amused at the alleged confiden-
Jewish Cause," the American Hebrew to a state of affairs among our people, for ent Disraeli picture.
tial renort of Sir Esmond Ovev. British ambassa-
There can be no question that dor to Moscow, in which he says that religion is not
centuries known as the People of the Book, the life of the Confederate states- directly persecuted in Russia. Of course it is unfor-
The rumblings of those who are seeking
the Am Ha-Sefer, calling for the necessity man was very picturesque, but tunate that priests are automatically denrived of
excuses for not giving to the Allied Jewish
somehow, for dramatic purposes, it
rights. that if they don't behave themselves
of "campaigning" for culture. For this is does not seem to me to approach their
Campaign are beginning to roll over the land.
they are either shot or banished to Siberia; they are
Some declare their lack of interest because
what the setting aside of a special Jewish Disraeli's.
not permitted bread cards, and they cannot be
Palestine is tied up with the Joint Distribution
For one thing, the love element allotted housing space. Aside from these few
Book Weak means: that we are conducting is inferior.
Committee in this campaign: they would give
Disraeli was married
trifling inconveniences, nothing much happens to
to the J. D. C. but not to l'alestine. Others
a drive among Jews to interest them in to a women some 20 years his those interested in teaching religion. There are,
believe that l'alestine rehabilitation should be
senior, and yet was devotedly at- of course, thousands of churches still functioning.
their own literature.
the paramount objective of constructive Jew-
tached to her, and she to him.
And those who wish may attend services without
But having come to this, that our people,
ish life: these will not continually contribute to
Benjamin, on the other hand,
molestation. But nevertheless the Soviet govern-
the support of East European Jews. Still
like their neighbors, are forsaking the book, married a woman who even refused ment is using every conceivable method and every
others see in the Russian Jewish back-to-the-
to live in America. Mast of the arm of its powerful machine to extirpate religion
the Jewish Book Week becomes an impor- time Benjamin was at Washington and to substitute atheism. Between us, the fact is
sod movement the greatest promise for the
greatest number of Jews in the country where
tant and welcome means for guiding those and Richmond, MN. Benjamin was that those who are in any may identified with Rus-
there is the greatest need: they resent the omis-
away the time in l'aris.
sia in a business or official capacity, hesitate to
who' v' strayed fromliterature to good lolling
sion of this Russian experiment from the Allied
make tell the truth. the whole truth and nothing but the
Incidents like that hardly

Jewish books, modern as well as classi- good picture material. Of course, truth about the situation.
Jewish Campaign. Examining these three com-
plaints that have conic to this desk, we find no
cal. And there is much to choose from. on the other hand, the story of a
validity in any one of them, 1, The agricul-
Jew who rises to the office of sena-
We are indebted to the Jewish Publication tor of the United States. who re-
tural experiment in Russia calls for no public
contributions; it is being fostered by private
Society, the Bloch Publishing Company and signs his seat in the senate to cast I WOULDN'T go so far as to say that H. L. Men-
cken doesn't like us just because he wrote that
capital, of which there is sufficient in hand to
lot with the Confederate states
the Hebrew Publishing Company for the his
the Jews are the most unpleasant people on the
proceed uninterruptedly with the work, and
and in turn becomes secretary of
printing of very valuable modern literary war and secretary of state and face of the earth or something like that. I Imagine
toward which additions are being privately
that if put to the test he would admit that they are
contributed. 2. The work of the Joint Distri-
contributions and for the reprinting of the later, when the Confederacy col- at any rate a little more pleasant than the hillbillies
bution Committee in the countries of Eastern
lapses goes to England and be-
Tennessee who made it rather hot for him when
Europe is now devoted mostly to the self-help
comes recognized as the leader of
was "covering" the Scopes trial for the Balti-
institutions which are slowly building up the
Jewish publishing houses have in recent the English bar—has unquestion- he
Sun. Mencken is an odd fish who is all the
morale and the independence of the Jews in
much of the dramatic—but
years produced excellent works by Jews ably
these countries; it cannot possibly he aban-
for moving picture purposes, it ap- time keeping the water stirred up. But if any one
him he means well. The trouble
doned, unless American Jews are willing to
pears to me, it will require much
with Mencken is that there is and can be nothing
risk the loos of the millions already invested in
Ile is one of those intoler-
these lands for amelioration and relief, 3.
ant radicals who can't stand intolerance in anybody
attention to the best leterature for the Jew.
The objections to contributing toward the re-
else. He thinks the Jew runs around advertising his
habilitation of Palestine have been removed
Under present conditions it is a worthy aim
But now to this nate-nal joke Judaism and his Jewishness. That he isn't satisfied
by time and history. The old fear of a Jewish
worthy of encouragement. The more Jews contest. Have received quite a to have the rest of the world take his Judaism for
state and a political Jewish nationalism in the
number of stories, but I have a granted but he must go out of his way to advertise
Holy Land is now an absolute groundless buga-
this week's propaganda will reach, the feeling that too many are hesitat-
the fact. And Mencken thinks these professional
boo. Besides, the Palestine portion of the
greater the good it will bring to our people, ing for no good reason at all. Re- Jews, as he calls them, are all the time running
funds to be raised is to be expended not by the

Scanning the

Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc.






Zionist Organization, but by the Jewish Agency,
in the administration of which are 50 per cent
non-Zionists. The point to be borne in mind,
and to be emphasized, is that the Allied Jewish
Campaign is, above all, a Jewish cause. The
needs of Jews outside of America call impera-
tively; American Jews cannot but answer the

1 !

This is a very conservative opinion. And
on one or two issues involved we have and
continue to disagree. The American lie-
brew could have used much stronger argu-
ments in the cause of the present drive.
And it might have eliminated the old worn-
out anti-Zionist argument. But on the whole
it has shattered the objections being raised
by both anti-Zionists and those opposed to
the Russian experiment. Jews will have to
be mighty hard-hearted and calloused to
humanitarianism not to give to the funds
now being gathered.


"Jew Suss" at Yiddish Theater.

Under the title "Power," Lion Feucht-
wanger produced one of the finest literary
works in years and has revived for modern
consumption the story of the Court Jew
Oppenheimer. More recently, this Feucht-
wanger story of Oppenheimer has been
dramatized as "Jew Suss," and the Yiddish
Art Theater of New York has made it one
of its season's successes. -Thanks to Abra-
ham Littman. his Yiddish People's Theater
here now has this artistic group as guest
performers of "Jew Suss." Both reasons
combined—the presence of the Yiddish Art
Theater actors and the production of "Jew
Suss"—make the week-end at the Detroit
Yiddish playhouse an important occasion
for all lovers of good art in Yiddish theater.

member, the prize for the best
story is the two volumed biography
of Theodor Herz] by Jacob de
Haas—ornament to every library.
Before I tell some of the stories
sent in, I want to record one Mr.
De Haas himself unwound the
other day. Of course. as the giver
of the prize and the chairman of
the joke committee, I must rule
hint out of the contest, but there
is nothing to atop me telling his
story. It is a different version of
the Alexander Woolcott story re-
lated not so long ago in this col-

It seems that Mr. and Mrs. Cohen
passed a movie house' featuring
the picture "Nero." The Cohens
approached the box office.
"How much is a ticket?" asked
Mr. Cohen.
"$4.40," was the answer.
"Then for two, it's PESO?"


(Turn to Next Page)

around raising a rumpus if any Jew's toe is stepped
on by a Goy. The worsts are not his but the thought
Anyway, Henry is a likable chap, who associ-
ates most of the time with Jews. But he should
remember that a few words writt:n by himunfavor-
able to the Jews influence a great many minds not
so keen as his.

IT'S unfortunate that the D. A. R.gets so much
front page publicity. Its publicity is far greater
than its importance in American life. Hung from
a limb of a family tree it bursts with pride of an-
cestry. Though in truth the sturdy farmers who
wore rest underwear and fought for liberty would
have been probably condemned as Bolshevists by
their aristocratic descendants. The D. A. R., as
Octavos Roy Cohen would express it, "talks fool-
iahment, nothing else but." "It stands against
pacifism, theism, socialism and communism," which
shown how wearisomely stupid those women are in
lumping these together. Any organization that
denounced some of the finest spirits in American
life as worthy to be placed on a blacklist invites
only contempt from the right thinking men and
women of the nation. And the sooner these women
are ignored by the press the sooner they will lost
what trifling influence they have.




his vantage.

pest so

Paris Pierre
Van Paa•sen. one of the outstanding
newspaper corre•punilents in the world
and daily contributor to the column
"Through My Window" in the new York
Evening World, comment., in hi• own

inimitable way on Jewish even. •nd
personalities of Europe in his incisive
column "1.-sing !if v Window."

Reuben Brainin, the distin-
guished and venerable Ilebraist.
said to me one summer evening as
we strolled along Second avenue
in New York: "This is the most
interesting street of the most in-
teresting city in the world . ] "
I was reminded of that saying
when reading the autobiography
of Michael Gold, "Jews Without
Money" Morass Liverightl. The
whole East Side, that restless,
bubbling cauldron of humanity,
came hack before my eyes. Again
I felt the electric current of throb-
bing vitality behind all the glare
and blare which that section of the
American Metropolis offers. A
stranger, but also possessing the
experience of an immigrant, I
could only suspect the tragedy and
the sordidness, but also the joy
and humor, of that seething hive,
Mr. Gold brings it to life in all its
miraculous hues and shades of
squalor and poverty, with shafts
of light and beauty, piercing the
Incidentally the book is one of
the most revealing contributions
on the adaptability of the Jews.
We see them; awkward and stumb-
ling immigrants at first slowly
finding their way in the labyrinthal
maze of New York, and the second
generation in many cases escaping
from the vermin-infested tene-
ments. Yet, Mr. Gold's book is no
mere vurgar story of success, of
the little East Side boy rising to
the pinnacles of achievement and
all that sort of thing, to which
kind of story the popular maga-
zines have so often treated us.
There are no false sentiments. It's
often brutal realism that he un-
folds. Ile spares no one's feelings
in exposing the East Side's hor-
rors, the sweatshops and the vice,
the squalor and the misery.
If Terrence could say that he
was no stranger to anything hu-
man, no Mr. Gold is no stranger to
anything in the East Side. There
are fine pieces of prose in the book.
For instance, this of Reb Samuel
and the synagogue, where he says
of the Chassidim, "They fascinated
me. They were as mysterous as the
folk in my father's fairy tales.
They were not pale East Side car-

'welters, tailors and peddlers, bir
sorcerers and spirits. 'they drain,
tiny glasses of brandy and then
danced in a circle, clapping thei r
hands. Their beards wagged, [heal
eyes were shut in ecstasy, the LP'
veins throbbed in their throats a•
they wailed the hypnotic dews'
melodies. It was weird; and son s ,
thing deep inside of me respond,. s
to it." Or take this description ...
the advent of spring: "Pushcart-
appear. Pale, bearded peddler-
crawled from their winter cellars.
again shouted in the street.
Oranges blazed sin the carts; calico
was for sale, clocks, sweet puts
toes, herrings, potted geranium-
and galoshes. Spring ushered in
a huge ragged fair."


. y,




I have recently been readiss,
what my kinsmen, the South Af-
rican Dutch, are saying in th•i r
"taut" newspapers in explanatie.
and excuse for shutting down tle
barrier on Jewish immigration -
"We are not against anybody,"
said Premier Herzog, "we ar,
simply for South Africa, and we
want to preserve, or at least a-
sure, a predominantly Nordi,
population here." For that reason
the bars are down to Mediterran
vans and Slays and Jews. At th.•
some time I notice in certain
Dutch and Flemish newspapers an
agitation to set emigration t,
South Africa in motion. Th,•
Transvaal and Orange Free State
are called the natural outlet fos
surplus population of Flanders and
Holland. Dutchmen and Flemings.
one and the same race, by the
way, and speaking the some lan-
guage, become easily assimilated
in America or elsewhere. In South
Africa they can, if they will, re-
tain their own culture and lan•
gouge. There is no use crying, of .4s•
course, over spilt milk. And ther•
is little chance that Premier Her-
zog and his nationalist following
will soon come back for their sle-
cision, but taken all in all, one
still entitled to wonder if th.
South African Calvinists, it he
pride themselves on being tle•
spiritual successors of Israel. ss
God's chosen and elect, have Iss s
worthy in this instance of the erase
traditions of their fathers in
land, and who, significant to el.
serve, at the sante time ushered ,
that period which is known
Dutch history as the "Golden ce.

«'opyright, 1030, J. T. A 1

. i .v



Wherever bankers and econorn-
•ts gather they are now discussing
Paul M. Warburg's book on "The
Federal Reserve System." As sine
of the few American financiers
who spoke his mind on the specu-
lative mania that swept over the
country last year Mr. Warburg,
who is a brother of Felix M. War-
burg, was listened to with dived-
lied ;snsl careful attention. His
book deals with the Federal Re-
serve system and the 1929 bull
When Paul Warburg
speaks of the Federal Reserve sys-
tem he speaks not only as a finan-
cier with an international reputa-
tion but as one of the fathers of
our present monetary system.
When the Federal Reserve act was
passed in 1913 President Wilson
appotnted him to the first Federal
Reserve board. Much favorable
comment ha been aroused by his
assertion in his work on the Fed-
eral Reserve system that the only
way to preserve the board's proper
authority over the credit situation
in ease of future emergencies to
ensure the political independence
of the board. Once more Mr. War-
burg speaks with characteristic
courage and statesmanlike vision.

Clergymen have a way of be-
coming popular with people not of
their faith and in Rabbi Samuel
Goldenson of Pittsburgh we have
an eminent example of this. As
the spiritual leader of Pittsburgh's
best known congregation he has
already achieved fame in the Jew-
ish community, but even he him-
selfprobably did not know that
his fellow citizens of Pittsburgh
thought of him until he was chosen
one of the city's 10 most outstand-
ing citizens in a popular vote. He
is not only a rabbi. As an orator
well worth hearing he probably ad-
dresses as many meetings and
functions as sloes Rabbi Stephen S.
On the same day that Pitts_
burghwas honoring hits he was

telling the B'nai B'rith convents.
in Cincinnati in no mincing word
that assimilation would not soli
the Jewish problem. Rabbi Gels
ensue has the knack of maki.s.
people like him even if they
agree with hint and it is to de
trait that can be traced his obese'
universal popularity in Pittaburc I

Los Angeles Jewry boasts
number of rising Jewish jud.,
not the least important of who.
Judge Harry A. Hollzer. A
guished honor has just come to h ,
that will not make Los Angeles
proud of him. As a member of
judicial council of California
will act as chairman of the nati.o
conference of judicial cows,
which meets in Washington t '
week. At the same time he o
represent the California state les
at the annual session of the Ameri
can I.aw Institute. On the bench
since 1924, Judge Hollzer is promi-
nent in Jewish activities on the
Coast, where he is president of
the Nathan Straus Palestine S. ,

By comparing American usurer.
sities to drug stores, Dr. Abraham
Flexner, former secretary of the
Rockefeller Foundation general
education board, and one of the
most eminent of American educa-
tors, has again gotten into the
limelight. There is no single in
stitution in this country that really
deserves to be known as a units r
city, he told several hundred -
vents last week at the sessions
the American Philosophical
As lecturer, author, official or
the Rockefeller Foundation and
well-known authority on eduete
tional matters, the opinions of Dr.
Flexner, se-ho is a brother of the
notable scientist Simon Flexner
carry weight and as such were suf-
ficient to get front page attention.

(ConYright, 1530, J. T. A I


LOUIS LIPSKY, President Zionist Organization of Ameris,
"Entering wholeheartedly into this partnership of Jewish service. a,
Zionists look forward to the growth
of mutual understanding and uh
prejudiced appreciation with regard to both objectives that are include.]
within the Allied Jewish Campaign. We see in them not a source
division, but an inspiration for wholehearted harmonious co-operation.
Let not bigots divide us. The affirmation of common interests shout.'
constitute the program of this united effort."

DAVID M. BRESSLER, National Chairman, Allied Jewish Cam-
paign: "For the first time Jews representing points-of-view which in
times past have held them apart, have assembled determined that thete
points-of-view shall no longer divide them, shall no longer serve to dis-
sipate energy that is best utilized for concrete effort for the Jewish
good. For that, after all else is said, is the underlying motive of the
Allied Jewish Campaign. It is a unified effort
on the part of all Ameri-
can Israel to give our people overseas, be it in Eastern
Europe or in
Palestine, that moral and material aid of which they stand in such sore


HON. ALFRED Si, COHEN, International President of
1. its
0. inten-
B. B.:
"In no uncertain way. Great Britain has solemnly reiterated
tion to stand by its assurance and that of the League of Nations given
12 years ago that Jews would be made secure in Palestine as a
national home. Creation of the Agency at Zurich blazes the way for
I (ol Jewry
y L n d to . '' make united effort in behalf of constructive work in

ALEXANDER LYONS: "The Jews should launch and con-
tinue a campaign of Jewish education both of adults as well as of chil-
dren that shall have as its objective information and inspiration in ideals
of Jewish duty and dignity. As long as there are objectionable Jews
the others will suffer. We must regard every disleyal Jew a; ore
be recovered or rejected. In thia way we shal
5tand that all respectable Jews are active for l give te h world to under-
Jewis h respectability and
determined to stand by and fight for it."


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