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August 12, 1927 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1927-08-12

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A merica Apish PerioSeal Carter




Eugagentrithi Hall And .11usic
Are Donated For
Hadassab Dance

oat that will
be Smart
This Fall



Combine Wore(' chic
with the luxury of fur






made glam
orous by lustrous

L 'lFlors

peach-bloom texture

of the new fabrics.

The glory of fine
furs—lavishly used
in huge collars find


..ls Pnr is sow them
of the :Trent open-
ings, sa 11ctroit mug

srr than nna-
urally It Siegel Co.

PECIAL ;Mention has been • I
devoted to the needs of
"petite" women and larger •
women.. . . Full size range ,
at each end of the scale.

is first to premeirt the
of arl-
10 riet



IT ore litoikx.


81,01181 1 FLOOR.

lop 01a7:ittlem trAs 51.

The Best-Dressed Woman-

May not have MORE dresses than
other women, but they always keep
the dresses they have in perfect con-
dition. To keep your dresses in per-
fect condition is our mission and we
do it at small cost to you.

It's a good

"Use the Forest Service regularly.

service and a good habit."

Daily Deliveries to

all parts of Detroit

Melrose 4200

37 Forest Ave. E.

"A Modern Plant With Modern Methods."

Mrs. Jack Epstein and daughter
Lila of 8660 Woodrow Wilson ave-
nue have returned from their sum-
mer vacation at fort Stanley, Ont.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Colman of
Lawrence avenue, accompanied by
their mother, Mrs. B. Weishlum of
Taylor avenue, have left for an
extended motor trip to Atlantic
City, New York and other Eastern



. , t c4st_K ■ w c)*tc.- 4,-tookt4. - 4, -tc4tWook

Sunday dinners are prefect - ea by (liners- out—not

--but also because the restful, hospitable air of home is

into the attractive (lining room all lounscs•

e d'
4,3: (ea



Cohen ShOr specials


a plate

will ins tate a choice

famil y ftT, le, ;Sr, or Rosrt
wide Mint6auce, Fremh
Sprin g
Peas anti Potatoes for 50c.

IATilliam J. Chi tten..en, Jr., Manager



Three Pairs, 5.70



Phone Glendale 5375-5376


mel.tlose —First Floor.


414 Au t Sale cf
is Furs

Select now—our production for
this 41st August Sale is the

largest and most varied ever

shown in our establishment—

and enjoy genuine reductions

from prices which will obtain

September 1st.

Buy now(

Buy With Confidence


Electric Refrigeration


who is spending ■ fortnight with
her. Among the many affairs be-
ing given for Miss Raimond was a
dinner and theater party given by
Mina Susan Bronson and a bridge
and dancing party at the home of
Miss Freedman. Numerous other
affairs are being planned in honor
of Miss Raimond.

an automobile
if you can
with a motor that has only 3 moving parts.
Compare it with existing cars. Difficult, yes,

but only by so doing can you understand the
marvelous simplicity of the NORGE system

of electric refrigeration that is revolutionizing

the industry.

that's all. All
Only 3 moving parts
operate submerged in oil undo! pressure.

Quiet, too, for the Norge is of the rotary type

The Norge Fran-
chise incorporates many new
all that has
been found sound and effec-
tive by the held as a whole



trip througout the state of New
Hampshire, where they visited
Claire Grant, who is at Camp
Eagle Point. They also visited in
Quebec and Montreal.

I like an electric motor I and not of the piston

type (like a gasoline engine). This makes

it as smooth as velvet in operation—and it

gets better and better with use.

By all means investigate Norge. Investigate

the adequately financed organization behind

it: the experienced personnel; the complete
— and different--merchandising plan that is

ready for dealers. Your inquiry is solicited.

Write or wire.


Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Granet have
returned after • delightful motor

WasAei, Circulating

eibc.X40910~6409k-VOt-% 4OCW% * N

The Misses Ruth Ruttenberg
and Belle Fox of Chicago are
spending the week in Detroit.

Miss Fritzi Freedman of Max-
well avenue hr., as her house guest
Miss Freda Raimond of Chicago,



Miss Shirley N. Mendelsohn of
1526 Lawrence avenue has re-
turned home from a visit with
friends and relatives in Chicago
Miss Mendelsohn will spend the
remainder of this month at the W.
W. Girls Club cottage at Sylvan

Mrs. Maurice Schwartz of 1526
Lawrence avenue has returned
home after spending • few weeks
visiting with relatives and friends
in Chicago.

of Chicken Pot Re,


Upholstered Furniture.

st !Okic+, 9;

only for the unusual quality of the cuisine aita correct service



Cleaners of Fine Carpets and

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slatkin and
daughter, Esther, of 8344 LaSalle
boulevard are spending a few
weeks in Atlantic City.



National Carpet
Cleaning Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Munch
Miss Leona Harris of Hollywod,
Calif., and Miss Nance Rosenthal were hosts at a luncheon for 28
of Detroit are the house guests of guests at their summer home, Syl-
Nliss Maxine Fisher at Houghton van Lake, on July 31. They also
Heights, Mich. entertained at a dinner Wednes-
day evening in honor of the Misses
The Mesdames R. Berman of Rae and Esther Rubinstein of Chi-
Los Angeles, Calif., and S. Sillman cago.
of Detroit and George Harris of
Mr. and Mrs. Max A. Kirsch-
Hollywood, Calif.. have returned
to their respective homes after vis- baum of 1988 Elmhurst avenue
iting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Fisher and Mrs. Jules Lelloft of :1710
Richton avenue, who left a week
at Houghton Ileights, Mich.
ago for a three weeks' motor trip,
The Mimes Sadye Levin of will visit New York, Washington,
Work avenue and Gertrude Schnei- Niagara Falls and Canada before
dermas of Pingree avenue have returning home.
returned to their homes after a
Mrs. Pauline Rossen of 2210
I short stay at Cass Lake.
Buena Vista avenue announces the
approaching marriage of
daughter, Dorothy, to David J.
Ginsberg, to take place on Sun-
day, Aug. 14, at the Congregation
Nlishkan Israel.



of Vamp--Toe Chiffon

Mies Marion LeVev of 2526 Cab
Mr. and Mrs. S. Reicher and
funnily were in Cleveland to attend vert avenue is a visitor at the
the marriage of Ernestine Wollner Grand Hotel at Mackinac Hand.
and Martin S. Schott on Aug. 7.
Miss Helen Ressler of Coiling-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weinberg wood avenue was hostess at a
of 2044 Ilazelwiod avenue are luncheon and theater party in
leaving Aug. 14 on a motor trip honor of Miss Ann Black of Sher-
to New York. brook, Que.



The Flattering Sheerness


Miss Sadie Bruch of 2532 Elm-
hurst avenue has left for a two-
weeks' stay in the South.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. LeVey
Mrs. Maxwell E. Silver of War -
ren avenue is visiting relatives and and daughter, Marion LeVey, for-
merly of 1545 Glynn court, are
friends in Baltimore.
now living at 2525 Calvert ave-
, Miss Ruth Lipsitz of the Whit- nue.
I tier left on Tuesday for a cruise
Mrs. Lou Barnett and children
to the West Indies.
of 2326 Atkinson avenue have re-
, Miss Ilildegarde Oxenhandler turned from a month's vacation at
is spending two weeks in Chicago Port Stanley, Ont., and other
and Wisconsin. points of interest.

Howe, Snow and
Company, Inc.

Smart Women Like

Clean Rugs Make a

Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Cohen of
2039 Gladstone avenue have left
courtesy of h1 r. and Mrs. Mor-
for South Haven, Mich., where the
ris Friedberg, both the dance hall
they will spend the remainder of
an the music are furnished gratis
Aa i n the summer.
Mr. s B. Gottloeb and son Aaron
Iladassah, thus niaking the en-
have returned from Port Stanley,
tire proceeds of the dance pure
Ont., where they spent a month's
Miss Jeanette Pereira of Rich-
without a dollar's expense.
vacation, and will be at their new ton avenue has returned from a
honor at 2933 Sturtevant avenue. two weeks' vacation at Charlevoix By this means a substantial sum
should be raised for the Hadassah
and Mackinac Island
emergency fund, of which De-
Norman Kaufman of 309 Phila-
troit', share is $5000. A similar
delphia avenue has returned from
Mrs. M. Berg of Los Angeles,
affair, held last summer, was high-
a three months' trip abroad.
who has been a guest in the city,
ly successful and an even larger
has returned from a short visit to
attendance is expected this year.
Miss Betty Weisberg of Clair- Saginaw .
Mrs. Sidney Stone, chairman,
mount avenue entertained at her
has planned a number of attractive
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Greenwald
home on Wednesday evening in
features to add zest to the eve-
Honor of her birthday for the fol. and family of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
ning ' s program. Mrs. Abraham
lowing guests: The Misses Maude have been delightfully entertained Srere, a board member, is an ac-
Grossman and Beulah LaBow and during their visit in the city as the tive worker on the dance com-
I Ben Flayer, Wilfred (fallow and guests of their cousins, Mr. and mittee.
Mrs. M. Greenwald and family of
David Wittderson.
Seward avenue.
Mrs. Minnie Weiss of 2931
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Green and
Miss Cyril Barnett of Barberton,
i Clements avenue was hostess at a
family have departed for an ex-
reception held on the evenings of Ohio, is the guest of relatives and tended motor trip through the
July 30 and 31, honoring the en- friends in the city.
Igagement of her (laughter, Eve-
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Benson and
, lyne, to Lloyd Ancell, which was
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Loeb of
funnily, formerly of 303 Farns-
recently announced.
Hamilton avenue have left for
worth avenue, are now residing at
Chicago to spend the remainder of
Mrs. H. J. Somerich if White 3027 Calvert avenue.
the summer.
Plains, N. Y., is visiting her par-
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rosenberg
, eats, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Ilarh of
Miss Carrie Samuels is leaving
of Glendale avenue announce the
11534 Byron avenue:
for Los Angeles to remain for an
approaching marriage of their
indefinite stay.
Mrs. Joseph Greenberg of 8934 daughter, Ilenrietta, of Louis Kash
Goodwin avenue was hostess at her of this city, which will be an event
SIrs. Samuel Grosner and daugh-
li home at a lovely appointed bridge of the early fall.
ter of Buffalo are visiting Mrs. S.
and kitchen shower in honor of her
Prenzlauer of Hamilton boulevard.
The Misses Rose and Gertrude
sister, Miss Sara Utchenik, whose
'marriage to Ruben L. Patin will Bernstein have returned to their
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Bing of the
ke place on Sunday, Aug. 28. home on Collingwood avenue after Wil,hire have returned from
enjoying a trip through Yellow-
Covers were laid for 20 guests.
stay at Van Etan Lake.
stone Park, Rocky mountains, Den-
Mr. and Mrs. A. Root of 4224 ver and Colorado Springs.
r. and Mrs. Max Wigler of
Lincoln avenue announce the ap-
558 Holbrook will be hosts at a
Mrs. Sam Friedland and daugh- reception at the Palmetto Hotel
proaching marriage of their daugh-
, ter Edna to Samuel Solway of To- ter, Ruth, were the guests of Mr. on Sunday evening, Aug. 21, in
I ronto, to take place on Sunday, and Mrs. J. Solomon of Cleveland. honor of the betrothal of their
Aug. 14, at the home of the bride's
daughter, Frieda, to Louis Port-
Rev. and Mrs. H. Milktwsky noy, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Port-
wish to express their most heart- noy of 2155 Sheridan,
Miss Ida F.. Greenwald of Sew- felt thanks to the Jews of Detroit
, ard avenue has returned from a for the kindness and good will
Mr. and Mrs. 11. Goldstone of
pleasant visit with friends in Chi- shown them during their stay in I.os Angeles are the guests of their
cago. She was accompanied by Detroit, and wish to bid all good- children, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
her cousins, Mrs. Paul Greenwald bye before departing for Chicago, Mellon of Clairmount avenue.
hind daughter Olivia of Brooklyn, where they will make their per-
manent home.

Mr. Phil S. Hanna, formerly
representative of the Wall Street
Journal in Detroit and who be-
came associated with this organi-
zation in January, 1927, has been
appointed Resident Manager of
our Detroit office, 334 Buhl Bldg.


'Woodward Thru to Washington

last May, killing the driver and un-
A brisk sale of tickets is in pro. lacing nine of the women passel,
gress for Detroit s an. z.n.•s, were sentenced to death by
The engagement ofMiss Essie nual summer dance, which takes the Jerusalmil Court. The third re-'
G. Perlmutter of Chicago to Louis ;dace Monday night, Aug. 22, at c.„,..•irs,stistlu as
i(.. sentence 01 15 years penal
G. Korn of Detroit 'and Mt. Clem- Granada Park, Belle Isle. Through
ens was announced recently at a
The widow of the driver was
party given at Miss Perlinutter's
nVeatInql 8125 0 .
home in Chicago.
The attack on the bishop's auto-
mobile WIIS made on May 5 on the
road 19 miles from Jerusidem. All
Among the guests at the Grand
the valuables carried by the niem-
Hotel at Nlackinac are George
bees of the putty were taken.
Gassel and daughter, Marion, and
Mi'm Marion LeVey.

Mrs. F. I.. Kanter (Florence
Bloomberg) of 2680 Rochester
Mrs. II. Barnett and daughters avenue entertained 21 guests at
Ellen, Marjorie and Lila have re- a bridge-luncheon and miscellane-
turned from Port Stanley, Ont., ous shower at the Wilshire in
where they spent a month s vaca- honor of Miss Betty Wallace, a
bride-elect of Aug. 21.




JE Itt 'SA 1. EM.—J. T. A.) --Two
the three assailants who at.
tacked the car of Bishop McInnes



533 -

Mrs. harry J. Glasser of 3200
Collingwood avenue was hostess at
a charmingly appointed bridge-
luncheon on Wednesday afternoon.
in the ballroom of her home, in
honor of her sister, Mrs. Hattie
Bartivick of New York, Miss Ida
Himmel: of Toronto and )1iss Ma-
bel Newman of Butika. 'rhe tab'.
was beautifully decorated with
fall flowers and yellow and orchid
tapers. Covers were laid for 30
guests. NI rs. Ethel Kaufman en-
tertained the guests with S0veral
piano and vocal selections.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Osnos of 2673
Taylor avenue announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Rose,
to Al Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Meyer Cook of Clairnmunt avenue.


Norge Michigan Company

C. C. starkweather

1812 Ford Building, Detroit

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