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August 12, 1927 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1927-08-12

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Charming Bride of Judge Keidan

Hudson Sale of

Help Mother Furnish Nursery
Economically and Practically

Mr. and Mrs. David Trattner
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fishman
and daughters, Myrtle and Made- and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Robbins and
line, of Los Angeles spent several the Misses Dorothy Isberg and
days in Detroit this week visiting Ruse Schrebnick spent the last
friends and relatives. While here week-end in Cedar Point at the
they resided at the Wilshire Apart- Breakers.
ments. They have just returned
from a trip which included New
Mrs. Sol Gittleman and daugh-
' York, where they visited their son, ters Corinne and Ora Ruth have
Harold, who is attending Colum- returned from a sojourn at Kings-
bia University; Cincinnati and To- ton, Ont.
: ledo.

"Santa Maria"

The Misses Lucille and Maxine
Finsterwald, daughters of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles A. Finsterwald of
Chicago boulevard, will arrive on
Sunday from Ithaca, where they
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Kruger and were students at Cornell Univer-
Dr. Maxwell E. Silver ore leaving sity for the summer session.
for Los Angeles by motor.

Mrs. Helen Gross Sillman is
among the guests at the Inn at

This fine model of the "Santa Maria" mimes

rowdily sailing ontoxs the tonna,: to find a har-

bor on a desk, table, or perchance a annul man-
tel. It is a lovely miniature of the large models

that hare been the rogue daring the past two
seasons, even the go jig being of canvas. The
size is just right for drab, table or wall . 1111111-

tel ,

inches from hart to peak. A eery sperial 'slate

at thix price.


East Grand River and Library

Mrs. E. Broody, Mrs. Julia Mar-
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mellon of ruse and son Philip and Miss Fan-
Clairmount avenue have returned nie Weiss have returned from a
from a month's visit in Atlantic motor trip through New York and
City and Philadelphia.
the Catskill mountains.

Mrs. J. E. Mitchell entertained
at luncheon and mah jong last
Wednesday in honor of Mrs. Max
Weinberg of California.



Who Is Ile?

Much has been said about the
International Jew--

Come and hear him speak for

ADMISSION I am an International Jew.

you wish to know how one
FREE If looks,
feels, thinks and

speaks, come to hear me speak on Thursday

Schubert Lafayette Theater
Aug. 18th, 8:15 P. M.


--- Come to ---


Six-Mile Road and Livonia-Redford Town Line Road.

On Six-Mile Road two miles West of Telegraph Road, corner


2 Beautiful Halls Available!


Mattresses filled with
CottOrl or Kapok,
2.95 to 58.95—Cov-
ered with pink o-
bi. art ticking.
Sizes to fit the
• b ova bassinets,
and cribs. •
Pillow. with Kapok
tilling, 45c — Pink
I or Woe! al. pink
with blue on the
never. side. Sizes
IT bye and 11 by
Quilted Pad,. 49:-
15 by 34 inches,

Kirby and St. Antoine.

Newly redecorated, first-class janitor service
Decorum positively guaranteed
. .„

Rats Reasonable.

For information Call Main Office, Northway 0476, or

Garfield 7044-J .

Samuel Rhodes and Max Sable
motored east and are at present
in Atlantic City.


Pretty in its simplicity was the
marriage ceremony of Miss Kate
Levenson, daughter of Mr. and
Sirs. Israel Levenson of 2270 Tay-
lor avenue, to Judge Harry B. Kei-
don, on of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kei-
dan, which took place on Wednes-
day, Aug. 10, at 4:30, at the
bride's residence in the presence
of the immediate families. Rabbi
A. 51. Hershman and Rabbi A. M.
Ashinsky officiated.
Si iss Dorothy Levenson, sister of
the bride, assisted as maid of
honor and Hyman A. Keidan,
brother of the groom, acted as
best man.
Mr. and Mrs. Keidan left for a
wedding trip to the northern part
of ('amide and the Western coast.
They will return to the city about
Sept. 15 and will make their home
at the Whittier.
The public ,weer of Judge
Keidan, who is II gears old, is not-
able. Ile was graduated from the
Detroit College of Law and admit-
ted to the liar in 1904, Eight years
later, Ilugh Shepherd, then prose-
cuting attorney, appointed him as-
sistant prosecutor. Ile served in the
same captivity under Charles II.
During this period Keidan's most
striking service was in prosecuting
proprietors of roadhouses
Ca fes, in which girls under 17 years
of age, escorted lay older men, were
served with liquor, and in all but
ridding Detroit of quack medical
nien and loan sharks.

Miss Shirley Friedman is among
Mr. and Mrs. David Berlin will the guests at the Inn at Charle-
be hosts to a company of friends voix.
on Sunday at their home in Bloom-
field Hills in compliment to Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rosen-
Mrx Weinberg, a popular guest zweig and son Abner have re-
;rom the West.
turned from a sojourn at the Inn
at Charlevoix.
Mrs. Laura Wurzberger of Chi-
cago boulevard left on Sunday to
Miss Esther I. Bloom of 234
join Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Robin- Windemere avenue has returned
son at Mackinac.
after spending six weeks in the
West. She spent three weeks in
Mrs. M. II. Cohn and family and Chicago.
--- ---
Mrs. R. R. Goldstone are recent
arrivals at Van Etan Lake.
Mrs. Abe Coition of 1 aSalle
boulevard and youngest Solt, Mil-
A dinner of beautiful appoint- ton, are spending two weeks at the
ments was tendered Mrs. Max summer home of Mr. and Mrs. .fax
Weinberg of Los Angeles Tuesday Veliek at Hongore Bay, Onawav
- - ---
evening at the North•annl Inn by
Masters Albert and Louis Gor
4(1 of her friends.
;Ion are spending the month of
August at lamp Nissokone, Os-
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Kantor are
coda, Mich.
now residing in their new home at
3750 P isadena avenue.
A birthday party was given in
honor of Mks Ida Eisenberg on
In honor of Mrs. Max Weinberg
Saturday evening, kug. A, at her
of Los Angeles, who is the house
home at 8821 I% (laminae,: Wilson
guest of Mr. anal Mrs. A. S. Wein-
avenue. Covers were laid for 25
berg of Ilague avenue, Mr. anal
guests. Breakfast was served at
Mrs. Israel Brown of the Wilshire
the Detroit Leland Hotel the fol-
entertained at dinner on Wednes-
lowing morning.
day at the Masonic Country Club.
- ----
Sirs. Harry Cohen of 1624 Glynn
Dr. and Mrs. ('harks Bennett of
court left Friday for a two weeks'
Mr. and Mr , . Bernard Isaacs of
Massachusetts avenue are guests
visit to Atlantic City and New 2305 West Euclid avenue are
at Van Etan Lake Lodge.
spending three weeks at South:
Haven, Mich.
Miss Jeanette Schnedman of
Miss Eva Rosen, secretary of the
3730 Wager avenue has returned
from all extended trip to NOV Y. M. H. A. of Mt. Vernon, N. Y.,
Mrs. Roy ChatlIn and mother,
is the house guest of her sister and
York and Atlantic City.
Mrs. Pearl Lieberman of Clements
brother-in-law, Sir. and Mrs. Ben
avenue, are enjoying a short stay
Sidlow of 2500 Glynn court.
I. W. Weinstein of Burlingame
at South Haven, Mich.
avenue has as his guest his daugh-

Mrs. Simon Snitz, accompanied
ter, Mrs. M. Bilovsky of Cleveland,
The entertainment committee of
by her son. Harry, have left for
their home in Newport News, Va., Jericho Rebekah l.odge, No. 328,
entertained with a bridge and
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ferguson after being the guests of Mrs. stork shower on Monday evening,
have returned to Chicago follow- Snitz' daughter and son-in-law, Aug. 8, in honor of Mrs. W. Hack-
ing a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Max- Mr. and Mrs. D. Block of 21103 er, which was held at the home of
well Benjamin of Wilson avenue. Blaine avenue, during the past two Anna Gottlieb of 3787 Blaine ave-
nue. Covers were laid for 40
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rosenberg
Mr. and Sirs. Morris Birnbaum guests.
of the Hotel Chatham left on Mon-
day for Chicago, where they will
Dr. Ira Altschuler of the Lee
be guests at the Edgewater Beach tor tour of the East, slopping off
at New York, Atlantic City and Crest has returned from a six
weeks' visit to Boston, Mass.
Washington, D. (i.

Mrs. M. Lipsitz of the Whittier
was hostess to 30 guests at lunch.
eon on Wednesday, Aug. :1, at the
RRedford Country Chili.

Philadelphia and Byron.

Pillows and
Bedding Specially

Mrs. Alex Werbe of Glendale
Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Lipsitz anal' avenue is spending a few days in
family and Miss Esther In chhalter Cleveland, Ohio.
are touring through New England
and the Berkshire mountains.
David Levyn and Miss Tina
Levyn of Fostoria, Ohio, are the
Mrs. M. Deetz of Buffalo is visit- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry R.
ing Mrs. Jennie Tobias of Hamil- Solomon of Calvert avenue.
ton boulevard.

11 inches from stern to bowsprit and II


Rosinets, SIM and 94.95—Attractive styles in ivor y-color wood, oultable fcr
babies in their first six months.
op to tt years, and from H i to 5 yea,, are $7 •1,
Bassinets for
14.75 and $19.75.
Illustrated, 114.75.
Roby Scales, 14.95— Ivory•enameled, complete with bestial and maim pad
High Chairs, 34.95—
lu.. of four col-
ors, Windsor back,
Complete with
alummuni tray ,.
Chest of Drawer,,
812.50—Fout draw
ens for It ab Y
clothes. Ivory-col-
or. Illustrated.
Nursery Chairs, 82.89
—Trimmed with
beads and complete
with skirt and

Mrs. Alan Kopelson and daugh-
ter, Sally Jean, of Gladstone aye-
:, nue are at Clyde, Mich., for a few

Stirs Tessie Grossman of Colum-
bus, Ohio, is spending several
weeks in Detroit as the house
guest of Mrs. Joseph Gendleman
of Blaine avenue.


Patricia Kolodin of 1986
Waverly avenue, who left June 26
for the East to spend the entire
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Saxe of summer, is being extensively en-
Chicago spent a few days in the tertained by friends and relatives.
city this week as the guest of Mr. Al present she is the house guest
of Mr. and Mrs. L. Horowitz of
I and Mrs. Peter Wilkus.
Riverside drive, New York.


Mrs. Guy Rowe and son Charles
Mrs. J. Sweetwine and daugh-
have returned to their home in
New York after having been the ters, Annette and Sarah, of 2047
avenue have returned
guests of Mr. and Mn. Charles
Finsterwald of Chicago boulevard. from Chicago, where they were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Anixter.

The Misses Ruth Cohn and Dolly
Mrs. William Schustak of Leslie
Lewis of Buffalo were the guests
I of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Silberberg of avenue have returned from a de-
trip to Milwaukee and Chi-
Burlingame avenue last week-end.
cago. Mrs. Schustak was accom-
panied by her son, Alexander, and
daughter, Celia.

Dance Tonight ! v

Dancmg from 6.3G to 10

The Mimes Bertha London and
Cecil Sutkin are spending the
week-end in Toledo, Ohio, where
they are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Dolgan.

Dr. Maxwell E. Silver of 83 East
Warren avenue left for an indefi-
nite stay in California.

Judge Keidan definitely entered
the political arena in 1918, running
for associate recorder of the old
recorder's court. He was defeated
by a slight margin by Judge Ed-
ward J. .leffries, veteran of the
Judge Heiden then was drafted
to aid in drawing up the plan of the
present recorder's court, which did
much to eliminate delays in admin-
istration of justice in criminal
Already much in the confidence
of the public, the young attorney
was appointed to the new recorder's
court by former Governor Albert E.
Sleeper in April, 1020. He was for-
mally elected to the bench by an
overwhelming majority the follow-
ing November.
The recaarder's court plan Judge
Kristen helped conceive and put in
operation provided for a psycho-
pathic clinic, which has since
worked in close co-operation with
the probation department. each con-
tributing much to the administra-
don of justice.
Judge Keidan has gained more
than local recognition for the stern
•usiive he has meted out to armed
•thugs. He has contended men who
go armed in the commission of a
:crime are prepared to murder, if
resisted, and that they should be
put away for long terms.
Governor Fred W. Green ap-
pointed Judge Keidan to the circuit
bench March 17, 1927, to succeed
: the late Judge George P. Cold.


b.) the Detroit-
Leland Dance Orchestra



The marriage of Sirs. Esther
Gaitely to Robert Ruben of this
city, formerly of Boston, took
place on Tuesday, Aug. 9, at the
home of Rabbi A. Si. Hershman,
with the rabbi officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. Ruben an, at home
to their relatives and friends at
2633 Richton avenue.







AUG. 11 TO AUG. 18, 1927


10 A. M. to 8 P. M.




A beautiful ceremony took place
on Tuesday evening, Aug. 9, at
the Shaarey Zedek Synagogue, at
which Miss Nettie Zeman, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zeman,
and Dr. Joseph !Abut, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Liburt, were
united in marriage by Rabbi A. M.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Puroff of Hershman.
Ocean Park Way, Brooklyn, N. Y.,
Miss Zeman wore a French
have returned to their home after model of white satin princess style,
spending a week with Sir. and with a long train embroidered in
Mrs. Ray Chatlin of Clements ave- pearls. Her veil was cape shape.
Miss Esther Zeman, as maid of
honor • was becomingly attired in
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cohen green georgette, while the three
and family and Mrs. Jennie Finkel- bridesmaids were attractive in
stein of Chicago have been the Period gowns of green and peach.
guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. Raskin These were Miss Gertrude Rat-
of 2294 Glendale avenue during chick, Miss Elaine Rose and Miss
the past four weeks.
Ann Koval of Rochester.
Dr. Charles I.akoff served Dr.
Mr. and Mrs. George Willens of Liburt as best man and the ush-
8425 LaSalle boulevard have re- ers were Sol Rose, Robert Silver'
turned from a trip to New Hamp- stein and David Zeman.
shire, where they visited their
Little Miss Yvette Brenner of
children at ('amps Eigle Point and Bay City was flower girl and Mas-
St i mson.
ter Miles Meyerson was ring
Miss Frances Wollen of Blaine
Dr. and Mrs. Liburt left for Du-
avenue has returned from St. luth and Mackinac to be gone un-
Buis, Mo., where she had motored til Sept. 1.
with her sister and two sons, Dr.
Among the out-of-town guests
Irwin I. and Albert Roy Lappin. present were: Mr. and Sirs. J.
She was extensively entertained Ko•al of Rochester, N. Y., and
during her stay there.
Mr. and Mrs. Y. Aklin, Samuel
Vanek and daughter Anna and Sol
Sirs. R. Rosenblum and Mrs. Vane's, all of Chicago, and Mr. and
Lillian Yudowitz were joint hos- Mrs. Louis Brenner of Bay City,
tesses at a bridge and linen shower Mich.
given in honor of Miss Ned Ze-
man, a bride-elect of this month.
Iligh honors were won by the
Misses Esther Zeman and Gertrude
Sirs. Philip Fineberg
Greenbaum. Covers were laid for
announce the marriage of their
22 guests.
daughter, Helen Rose, to Hyman
Mrs. Max Hayman of 37411 Atlas of Chicago, Sunday. Aug. 7.

Mr. and Mrs. B. Katz of 2709
Fullerton avenue entertained on
Sunday, Aug. 7, with a dinner in Wager avenue and her cousin, Miss
honor of their twenty-fifth wed- Dorothy Mendelsohn of Des
ding anniversary. Card playing Moines, laws, have returned home
was the diversion of the evening. from a motor trip through the
East, which included Cleveland,
Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Bittker as,
Miss Rose Selling of 9933 Mc- Pittsburgh, Atlantic City, Phila-
and New York. While in receiving congratulations on the
Quade avenue entertained with a
bridge in honor of Miss Rose New York, Mrs. Hayman was a birth of a daughter. Marjorie Mae.
Weiner of Winnipeg, Man.. on guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Stock- July 27,
er, formerly of Detroit.
Thursday evening, Aug. 4.
Mr. anal Mrs. William Gottes-
Mr. and Mrs. I.. Rosenthal and man of 9710 Martindale avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilarold Trun-
sky and son, Leonard, have left for Mrs. J. Rosenthal and daughter, announce the birth of a son, Bur-
New York. They will be the Rhea, have returned from an ex- ton Edgar, on Thursday, July 7.
guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Stu- tensive trip through Northern
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kantor of
den, who are residing on Riverside Michigan.
3750 Pasadena avenue annowo,
drive, New York.
Mrs. Morris Otis and daughter, the birth of a daughter, Rita Na.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Manheim Clara Belle, of 2256 Ferry Park, talk.
and son, Jerome, and Mr. and Mrs. have left for an extended trip to
D. Ponnusky and son, Milton, will Buffalo, Niagara Falls and To-
Mr. and Mrs. J. Sivy of 3987 : :
leave Sunday by motor for a trip ronto, where they will visit friends Beniteau avenue are receivinz
through he Allegheny Mountains and relatives.
congratulations an the birth of :a
and Atlantic City.
daughter, Miriam Siphra, July
Mrs. Joseph Gendleman of

Reverend A. Rosenthal, cantor Blaine avenue delightfully enter-
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rosenthal of
of Congregation B'nai Moshe of tained with a bridge-luncheon on 13247 Pinehurst avenue announce
-- 2010 West Philadelphia avenue, Saturday evening, Aug. 6, in honor the birth of a daughter, Garry
left on a three weeks' vacation for of Miss Tessie Grossman of Co- Lorraine, on Thursday, July 28.
Hunter, N. Y.
lumbus, Ohio. Covers were laid
for 12 guests. High honors were
In revolutions It is the most 1
Between Calvert awl
Miss Esther Engel left for a two awarded to the Misses Rose Esko, powerful who incurs the greatest
weeks' stay at Indiana Harbor.
Tessie Grossman and Sadye Esko. danger.



an Estate

Paintings by old and maul

ern masters at the

j. W. Hughc'r

Maccabees Building

33.35 Putnam Ave.


LEol, nerds given pervonoo
• D•ntion.

Ice Cream

.411r33. 11

MADE of the purest in-

gredients in a factory as
clean as your kitchen.

Special designs and flavors
for weddings, parties,
bridge luncheons and
other social events.



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A.. Cen
Kr z

riumscitm- rd.r.racisiziass:-.Incionstailosamans

4,01044rN4-_!,04tNItWQ. WO*

Merchant 11-e Shop Where Courtesy 10347 Woodw'd
a-id Service Prevail.


14i07 Dexter


Arlington 8801

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