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September 09, 1926 - Image 21

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1926-09-09

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71:r.1)crizomkw1sn (A RoNica.




We Wish All Our Jewish Friends and •i An Agricultural Settlement in Palestine of the Chassidic Fol.
lowers of the Rebi of Kusinitz.
Patrons A Happy and Prosperous. ik
. rri
New Year.

0 '

moment to the interested voices of
when advantage must be taken of more hopeful the result.
"Such massed settlements would opposition which are raised from
each day on which the rain holds off.
The soil needs tilling to enable the not only be the center of strength, sonic quarters, for obvious and trans-
sun to fructify it and the earth to but also of mutual stimulation and parent reasons. Nor will any sen-
grow her crops. Everybody must be , helpfulness, and whatever then would sible man pay the slightest attention
I be done would have every prospect to the alleged difficulties which are,
at his work at sunrise.
l'his is the settlement of Avodath of success. Of course, the work must in most cases, pure inventions of a
Israel, the settlement of the Chas-I not be that of amateurs, but must be malevolent kind, or gloomy forecasts
salmi of husinitz. These are its dif- , placed in the hands of expert organ- in which some writers of a partisan
liculties, and such its life. Avodath izers, with best teachers, if neces.- Kett indulge. It is a holy work
Israel. The name is well known to sary, being joined on. Our part upon which those are engaged who
all of us. It is the title of the fan- would only be then half. It would wish to settle our people on the land.
out work by the first Rabbi of Ku-1 only be a question of getting the They are thereby also removing a
sinitz. Other books were written by financial support for the first outlay, serious reproach, and give to our peo-
this holy man, books on religious sub- I the government giting the other half, pie n•ans for more powerful self-de-
ject, and mystic tobjecfs: but this ' fret- land, and other assistance. All tense than any speech or any article
the most famous of all. :Many know the expenses, trials and troubles con- in the press has ever given, or even
it butter than all other Itooks thin' netted tv,th emigration would be diplomatic ri.presentations, which
ir :ts'-errv,,p, ;•cting dignity SOU nil Very grand and mean very lit.
have read. It has gained greatsaved
Let the people take the work
people I
prominence among: NS'orlin of renown
of sa lvation into their own hands.
At present'
"I can only express a stneore hope tie.
in the chassidie world.
t h e time, n o d this is the oc-
his great-grandson fills his place and , that no one n Ile has the happiness of

A year no the place was half de- wide open. A year ago they were in
serted. Some clay huts, resembling Warsaw and were taught similar
0 ; I worn gravestones, stood On a hill on verses by their Melamed, who trans.
the other side of the river Kishon; lated word for word into their lim-
, feeble and ragged human beings guage, in an unsuccessful attempt to
A moved aiming them ; t he soil at the explain the meaning. Why should
of foot of the hill was untitled, or part- King Saul walk behind his herds?
0 IV Idled in a primitive manner, yield. And what means the threat "this
•• mg next to nothing. Thy goats of shall by done unto his Iloon?" Their
the nomad Bedouin, had eaten away presort teacher has not to translate,
• the few remaining shrubs and trees. he explains in the language which,
A year inissed. Rome was not built though not quite familar to them,

• in a year. Even Tel Aviv has nut t h ey listen to with interest, for they has immortalized the mune of the his tit-fipple at hear i will listen for a elision."
been built in a year. Nor has Aro know from actual experience that bunk by calling the settlement after
• dath Israel. But we already find their chief, the young Rabbi of Ku- it. This founder is only 26 years of —
/ . here the sprouts of national recur- sinitz, founder of the settlement, is age. Ns has been used to an t a.y
rection . The hills surround green walking in the fietil behind the herds and affluent life, having spent his
0:gardens; the soil in the fields has or entering their common hall to in- youth reading; and studying in his fit- •
1 ' been turned over, and boarded Jews quire after the on
of his_people ther's Beth Iliunidrath. On Satur-,
are following the and discuss the affairs of the cunt- days and feastilays he sat at the head'
4 1 plough. They urge urn their mules in munity.
of the sumptuous board, and when'
farmer lingo, while their Arbahkan-
In Nalerki cattle were of no im- the people came to listen to him he
00~. •~41,%•
portance in life; here they were the began speaking, about Avoilath Is- :
SWVa%•%Wa104,1‘• •%••••••
oreeze which caresses t heir p•rspir- fabric upon which life was built. rael, the work of Israel, •mil the
ing facet.
Their fathers ploughed with mules; work in Erez Israel. Ile spoke about
And on the hill? Nothing extraor- their mothers milked cows; they un- manual work and agricultural labor,
dinary has happened there during the derstand now how terrible the threat the resurrection of the people and'
year. Stone palaces have not been can be "this shall be dune unto his its return to the homeland. Taught
by his father to hive the land of his
0-0-00-0* 00** 0 000 0 0-0000 *-0-00 0 0 0 0000-10* 0000 00000-0 built, nor will be built, only timber oxen."
ancestors, he hail been a lover of
dwellings, whose black roofs are vis-
Every evening the population fore- Zion from his early childhood.
ible from afar. Trees, too, have been
'When Polish Jewry was suffering
planted. "Ilow beautiful are your gathers in the synagogue to listen to
dwellings, 0 Jacob! A pleasant, their rabbi. The hall is lighted by a from political prosecution, but the
sweet sound comes from One of the Lux lamp, the only luxury the settle- economic position remained sound, a
open windows! I am drawn to it as went possesses. In cupboards affixed movement developed to purchase land
if by magic. It is the voices of to the walls repose the holy books in Palestine for the purpose of set
school children reciting verses from they read. After evening prayers the tling there. A group was fornied to
the Bible: "And behold Saul came people sit round the big long table establish the colony Avodath Israel,
after the herd out of the field; and with the rabbi at their head and eat their chief and rabbi going first in
Saul said, What,aleth the people that their evening meal of small pieces of order to prepare for their coming.,
they weep? Anil they told him the herring and bread, after which they Ile came to Palestine two years ago
sing. The Chaluzim in the camp by and not here the Rabbi from Jablona j
tidings of the people of Jabesh
And he took a yoke of oxen, and the marshes they are draining listen and other Chassidim. Ile purchased
For Industrial Sidings
hewed them in pieces, and sent them to their voices. (In Friday night over 10,000 dunam of land stretching'
Let Us Bid on Your Work
Track Installations and Repairing
throughtwit all the coasts of Israel by they welcome the bride, the Sabbath. from Mount Carmel to the valley and
their hamls of messengers, saying, After Friday's meal the songs con- set up a notice to the effect that this I
Whosoever conleth not forth after tinue for into the night: On other was Avodathisrael. After the first j
Saul and after Samuel, so shall it be days, on Saturdays (-specially, they nttallment was paid for the Work
Telephone Garfield 5074
Milford Are. and P. M. R. R.
done unto his oxen." I looked at the assemble in the committee room and started. The rabbi took upon him-
facet of the children seated in the discuss the complicated affairs of self the burden of looking after the
00* 00000000 - 0 09 0 000-0-00 0 4 0-00-0
000 - 0 90-0*-0-00-0-0-0-0-0-04
classroom. The young eyes were their settlement. There are so many needs fu his flock. Twenty-six fami-
obstacles to overcome. The crisis in lies arrived from Poland and many
Poland is one. The settlers who were more are seeking to join them.
to join them this year have lost their Meanwhile, economic conditions in '
property and cannot pay even for Poland have changed for the worse.
the land purchased on their behalf, The prospective settlers have become
or towards the drainage work and destituto and can no longer pay the
the other expenses of the colony. yearly installment promised. Al- •
D & C Shades are Made to Order and Installed.
And the time has come to pay the though monies required for continu•
annual installment to the landlord ing the work have ceased to be sent
and to settle many other creditors. to the rabbi the time has conic to
Some suggest handing the land over tkfray the second installment for the':
to the Keren Kayemeth and asking cost of the land, and many other
the Keren Ilayesod to finance the necessary payments. All these bur-
Our Autos will call in any part of Greater Detroit.
work of colonization. Everybody dens are aid on the shoulders of theI

Chas. F. Meagher


Lumber Company






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For the Office or


No Shades can pos-
sibly please you bet-,
ter than D & C

Lace Curtains
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Prices Always Rea-

No Charge for Esti-

For Permanency

tries to find a way out of the thin- young rabbi. His pale and intellec-
rutty. Night overtakes them, it is tual face is already drawn; his
time to rest, tomorrow is Sunday, dreaming eyes are turned toward,'
first day of work, and it is winter, the Keren liayesod.





Dr. Moses Gaster Calls Jewish
Land Settlement A Holy Work


Manufacturers of

Stock and Common Brick



VanDyke and
14 Mile Road

11803 Gratiot Ave.
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Dr. Muses Glister, Ilaham of the
Sephardic community of England,
pioneer Zionist and one of the great-
est living Jewish scholars, has given
his endorsement of the Russian-Jew-
ish land settlement project in a let-
ter which was published in London
on March 19. This letter is an ampli-
fication of previous utterances by the
Hallam on the same subject, but deals
with the subject in more.ottensive
detail than heretofore. Ile calls it
"a holy work.' His letter in full fol-

"You have asked me about my
opinion concerning the project of
settling Jews on the land in Russia.

I have given it, as I believe, quite

fully, in the letter sent to the com-

oqiitiii iI11111111111111111

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The Season's Greetings

We wish the entire Jewish
Community of Detroit a very
happy New Year.

Central Concrete Block Company

S. T. SOCHALSKI, Proprietor



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Main Yard and Office


Permanent Foundations
Satisfied Customers
Strong Boosters

. 'Branch Yard, Residence and Mailing address

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mittee on the occasion of the meeting
which was held for the purpose of


bringing home to our people here
the value and importance of such a
talk-molt. I'do nut mind, however,


repeating some of the points given
there and adding a few more which
may help in obtaining a true estimate
of this subject. Whenever a now
idea is suggested, intended to benefit I
our people, our first duty is to in- •
quire how far such a now idea will I
really be beneficial, and whether any-
00000ta-tr00000000000a000 -000000 00000-000000000 **
thing can be undertaken which will ,
have in itself a guarantee of perma-
nent solution of the difficulties of the'
situation in which the Jews find them- j
It must also be considered
from the point of view of freeing our
people from the paralyzing effect'
whic h charity, eve n in the west
sense, must produce: and how can we
avoid creating a new proletariat, with
the terrible results which must fol-1
low for the physical and moral de-
velopment of our people? Now,
looked upon from these points of
view, the idea of settling Jews
the land seems to be an ideal one.
It frees the people from becoming
victims of charity, it takes them out
of the slums, both physically and ,
morally, of a pauperized city life. ,
It teaches them to rely upon their I
own work, and to be satisfied, nay,
o be proud to be able to eat the • 1
bread which they have grown, and ,N
the fruit which they have planted.
The life in the open is the best so-
lotion of all the problems, and the
craft which a man learns by tillimf i —
the ground is one which will carry j
him throughout the world. The world •000000000000000****0000040:100000000000000040 4:1 0*00-00000
is wide enough, and land is every-
where, ready to receive a husband-
man who has been tried in his craft, j
and expert in his work. Let me ask
one single question, and the answer I
to it will, I am sure, bring most
enthusiastic support to a project
"Made in Detroit by Detroiters"
of this kind. Within the next 10 j
years a host, or, I am afraid, a hoard
of young orphans will grow up.
"What will become of them if left
under actual conditions? Is there'
Monthly or Weekly.
not a grave danger lurking in the





Houghton Cement
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Service on All Types and Makes of Elevators.

masses of such unfortunate victims
of the pogroms, who may be thrown
upon the world without sufficient
means of self-support; without any
strength of will or body, and will
they not turn their eyes with re-
proach upon us and ask: 'What have
we done for their future independent 0-00•0 0-000 00008 0 0-00000000-040 0-0-0 0000040**04-0-0-000-0-0-000400
life?' True, a crust of bread has
been given to them. and a rag to
cover their naked bodies. Some have
been treated in hospitals, and left as
wrecks, and a few, no doubt, have
R00000 0 00 0 00 0 0 0* 0 0 00*(10 00 **GOO 000 0 00-00400-0 CYO 0 0**
been taught some handicrafts, diffi-
cult to ply in congested cities. Think
now of the other alternative. If, and
this I consider a primary condition, i
the settlement is carried out on a
We Wish You All a Very Happy New Year
large scale; great groups forming
centers, not isolated farms, but aj
large number of families together;
from 200 to 500 at least, and if a ,
proportionate number of orphans are
settled along with the rest, how dif-
ferent the outlook, and how much


T. J. O'Reilly

Cadillac 0864


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