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May 28, 1926 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1926-05-28

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i I

Camp reservations will be accepted
after June 1. The camp is to be
open from June 21 to 28 for the
mothers of the members of this or-
ganization. This is a real oppor-
tunity for mothers to get away from
the cares of their families for at least
a week.

Your salary
now and then—

Your salary is
sufficient now —
but what if you
should be forced
out of work by
sickness — Now is
the time to include
this policy in your
insurance program.

A hike is being scheduled for Sun-
day morning, June 6. So for all of
the hikes held from the "1" have
been very successful. The weather
has been ideal and the freshness of
the country has been a relief to the
girls who have been cooped up all
year. Those who have missed pre-
vious hikes are urged to come along.
Bring lunch and be at the clubhouse,
89 Rowena street, at 9.

Athena Girls Club.

Kadimah Girl. Club.

The last meeting of the Kadimah
Girls Club was held at the home of
Miss Etta Biegel. Arrangements
have been completed for the bridge-
luncheon to be held June 5 at the
Food Craft Shop, Metropolitan Build-
ing. Those who haven't purchased
tickets are asked to do so, as tickets
can not be bought at the door. Tick-
ets may be secured from members of
the club or by calling Mrs. A. C.
Goldberg, Euclid 0421-W. The next
meeting will be held at the home of
Miss Rena Glassman of Elmhurst

•Social Links.

Ziff Meta Delta Sorority.

Both the Strolling Players and the
Beginners Dramatic Club are to have
a theater party. The girls are plan-
ning to have dinner down town and
then nee the Garrick Players in the
"Taming of the Shrew." This party
will wind up their activities for this


Young People. Society:

we nt


2222 First N.t'I

Bank Bldg.

Cadillac 2477

A very successful meeting of the
Young People's Society of the Old
Folks Home was held on Monday eve-
ning, May 24, at the home of Mrs. M.
P. Fisher of Tuxedo avenue. Danc-
ing followed the business meeting.

The last meeting of the Social
Links was held Tuesday evening,
May 25, at the home of Miss Dora
Milstein, 522 Palmer avenue. The
members had as their guests Mrs.
Sam Mann, Miss Frances Shonsky
and the Misses Lillian and Shirley
Milstein. After the business meet-
ing bridge was played and high hon-
ors were awarded to Miss Frances
Shonsky, Miss Rose Slotnick, Miss
Sophia Cohen and Mrs. Sam Mann.
Miss Celia Heiman received the con-
solation prize. Final arrangements
were completed for a hike to be held
Monday, May 31, after which the
members will entertain their friends
at the home- .of Miss Dora Milstein,
522 Palmer avenue. Miss Anna
Pierce of 2019 West Philadelphia
avenue will be hostess at the next

Annual Meeting:

The annual meeting of the Old
Folks Home will be held on Sunday,
May 30, at 2 p. m., at 318 Edmund




C. W. Kotcher Lumber Co.

General OM= and P415--Cratiet and St. Aubla Arse.
North Yard and SUB-Cawant wad H.1b...
Dwaider Eatalold= Wa
Al Rear•alatme We*

',Fraternal ant. f>Zlub Antes

The Athena Girls were hostesses at
a farewell party on Tuesday evening,
May 25, at the home of Miss Ann
Milstein of 576 Hague avenue hon-
oring Miss Florence Gilman, who is
leaving shortly for Miami, Fla., where
she will make her home. Miss Gil-
man was presented with a beautiful
necklace as a token for her friend.
ship and good work in the organiza-
tion. The next regular meeting will
take place Tuesday, Jan. 1, at the
home of Mrs. Lottie Salzman of 9046
Brush street.

Theater Party:


be given on Sunday evening, May 30.
During the summer months, meet-
ings will be held in the afternoon
and the next meeting will be on Tues-
day, June 1, at 1 p. m. Members
wish to take this opportunity to thank
Mrs. Busker for the donation of $68,
the proceeds of a card party which
was given at her home. They also
wish to thank Mr. and Sirs. Schwartz
for the donation of $10, given in
honor of the engagement of their
granddaughter. All members are
urged to attend the meetings.

Miss Ann Rubenstein was hostess
at the last emeting of the Zig Meta
Delta Sorority. The evening was
spent in playing bunco and other
games. The next meeting will be
held at the home of Miss Segal of
Wellington avenue, on June 3.

W. W. Girls Club.

The last meeting of the W. W.
Girls Club was held at the home of
Miss Belle Wuntner of Eighteenth
street On Tuesday, May 25. A base-
ball team has been organized and a
practice game was held on Sunday,
May 23. The girls will be the guests
of Miss Esther Simon, who is resid-
ing in Northville temporarily, next
Sunday. Miss Shirley Mendelsohn of
1006 Theodore street, who has been
ill for some time, is again active in
the organization. The next meeting
will be held at the home of Miss Anne
Branch Old Folks Home.
Wuntner of Jos. Campau avenue on
The first annual election of officers June 1. As this is an important meet-
for the Northwestern Branch of the ing, all members are requested to at-
Jewish Old Folks Home was held on tend.
Tuesday evening, May 25, at the
Phi Kappa Beta Sorority.
B'nai B'rith Community Center, 275
East Ferry avenue, with the follow-
Members of the Phi Kappa Beta
ing results: Mrs. Louis Rubenstein, Sorority enjoyed a theater and pa-
retiring chairman, monitor; Mrs. M. jama party on Friday evening, May
P. Fisher, president; Mrs. Philip D. 21. After the theater, a delightful
Cowan, vice-president; Mrs. A. M. luncheon was served at the home of
Ferar, second vice-president; Mrs. Miss Arlene Gildenhorn, where the
Samuel Singer, treasurer and finan- girls spent the remainder of the
cial secretary; Mrs. Bessie Greenfield, night. Atthe last meeting, which
recording secretary; Mrs Mary Silen- was held at the home of Miss Pauline
sky, chaplain; Mrs. E. J. Schwartz, Gerber, plans were made for a hike
mentor, and Mrs. Sidney Max, guard- and weenie roast to take place on
ian. Reports were read and showed Sunday, June 13.
the wonderful work that has been
done by the organization. In a very League of United Hebrew Schools.
At the last meeting of the North-
s , ort time, $1,100 was expended for
the comforts and necessities of the west Women's I.eague of the United
Schools, committees were
old folks. A rally for new members
is being held and all who are inter- elected and final arrangements were
made for the May flower dance to
ested are requested to join.

Blossoms of Zion.

The last meeting of the Blossoms
of Zion was held at the home of
Sadie Shur, at which time officers for
the ensuing year were installed. On
Sunday, June 13, members of the or-
ganization will participate- in till en-
tertainment which will take place at
the Philadelphia Talmud Torah. Ad-
mission is 25 cents for adults and
10 cents for children. All raffle re-
ports must be in by the next meet-
ing, which will be held at the home
of Shoshana Shnitz of 2231 West Eu-
clid avenue on Saturday, May 29, at
3 p. m. Sophie Cohen, Sophie Cap-
lan, Esther Weissberg and Nathalie
Marwil have joined the club. The
club hopes to build a library in the
Philadelphia and Byron Talmud To-

Philomathic Debating Club.

A declamation contest will feature
the next meeting of the Philomathic
Debating Club on Sunday evening, at
the Y. W. H. A. Little Theater, 89
Rowena street. The program will in-
clude the following orations and
speakers: David Leach, on "A Tri-
bute to His Brother," by Robert G.
Ingersoll; Saul Rosenman on "Na-
poleon the Little," by Victor Hugo;
Albert Williams on "Mordecai,"
from "Daniel Deronda," by George
Eliot; Isadore Gents on "Jews As a
Race and a Nation;" Hyman Golden
on "Toussant L'Overture," by Wen-
dell Phillips; Irwin Shevitz will give
a selected number.
The program promises to be very
interesting and the public is cordial-
ly invited to attend this and every
meeting of the society.

Junior B'nai B'rith at this meeting, I slept and dreamed that life was
urged the members to assist in the
social work of the lodge. This will I woke, and found that life was Duty.
be discussed at the next meeting,
which will be held on June 1. "Dad-
dy" Freund welcomed the members
and outlined the charitable work that I
is being done by the lodge in con- ,
nection with the Cleveland Orphans
Home and the Denver Sanitarium.
After the business meeting, a short
program was given. Miss Aline Sie-
gel rendered ■ vocal selection from
"The Student Prince," accompanied
by Miss Rebecca Rosen. Refresh-
ments were served.

'DAVIS and]


Super Heator a Leader.

The Super Oil Ileator, which is very
favorably known in the East having
been used in over 3,000 homes three
winters is now available m Detroit
and vicinity through their distributor
the Oil Heat Service Co., 4401 Cass
avenue. The Oil Heat Service Co. will
sell and service the Super Automatic
Oil Heator for domestic and the Bal-
lard burners for industrial uses.
The Ballard equipment is one of the
oldest on the market, having the rep-
utation as leader in this industry for
over 20 years, and heating such places
as the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New
York; Keith's l'alace Theater, New
York; Brooklyn Daily Times and
thousands of other equally important
The Super Automatic Heator has
attained its reputation through sim-
plicity in construction and is excep-
tionally quiet and economical in its
These burners can be supplied for
Ac or De current, using either gas
pilot or electric ignition.
The large production on these burn-
ers has made it possible to put the
price within the reach of everyone.
The carburetor, a unique feature on
the Super burner, enables you to get
a clean, quiet flame for any size boil-
er, within the burner's capacity, con-
sequently the maximum economy.

i 1

,,i I'1,;

li ( ,


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An ultra-smart White, Washable
Kid, one strap pump., Cuban
heels. AA's to C-3 to 8. Spe-
cially priced—



We can guarantee satisfaction no
matter how hard you are to fit.
Scientifically correct.



Near Taylor

B11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1E

Tri.W Social Club.

From the President's Desk—Talk No. 252

A declamation contest was held at
the last meeting of the Tri-W Social
Club. Sol Irving Rosenman, who
gave Victor Ilugo'n "Napoleon, the
Little," was awarded first place and
Samuel Epstein and Samuel Barbis
were awarded second and third
places, respectively. The next meet- =
ing will be held Tuesday evening, =—
June 1, at the Y. W II. A., 89 Rowena
street. The public is invited.

Earn enough in 30 years
to last your lifetime

Blue Bird Girls.

Mrs. Max Lax of 3027 Grand ave-
nue was hostess at the last meeting
of the Blue Bird Girls on Tuesday 0_
evening, May 25, at which time they
decided to contribute towards the
United Jewish Campaign. The first =
picnic of the season will be held by
the girls on Saturday afternoon, June
12, at Belle Isle. A special meeting
will be held on Tuesday evening,
June 8, at the home of Mrs. Harry
A. Kwiker, 15345 Fairfield avenue, -0_
at which time electidn of officers will F--
be held. The June 1 meeting was
been postponed due to Decoration =-

Even the man on an average
mechanic's wages can do it.
You can't do it by spending
all you earn, because you are
earning the necessary sur-
plus now.

What does it, is the difference between what you earn
and what you spend. The money you can sieve in a
year, if saved and invested at will keep you a year
in your old age.
Figure it out for yourself—than lel us help you.

Alpha Beta Gamma Sorority.

The hostess of the last meeting of
the Alpha Beta Gamma Sorority was
Miss Ida Ilartstein of 17179 Lumpkin
avenue. Plans for the auction pack-
age bazaar, to take place on June 12,
at the Y. W. H. A., are being com-
pleted and committees are working
hard to make this affair a success.
The Misses Sonya Lober, Anne Shnu-
ro•itz, Elizabeth Litvin and Ruth
Berman will spend next week-end in
Toledo and while there will be en-
tertained by the Sigma Omega Phi
Club, formerly a chapter of the so- =-
rarity. The next meeting of the so-
rority will be at the home of Miss
Anne Shnurowitz, 1150 Wellington
avenue, on June 7.

"Server means just that!

No waiting for the ice man.

No muddy floors.

No emptying of drain pans.

(I No worry about shortage of ice.

No wondering whether the "ice
will last."

never above the "danger-line" of 50
degrees—no humidity—just perfec-
tion—without bother—without care
—without worry.

q"Servel" is entirely automatic—
Electricity not only provides refrig-
eration—it watches it for you—and
it costs less than ice.

tJ No need to anticipate or estimate

quantity required.

Just ideal refrigeration—constant
temperature — always cool enough
to prevent bacterial development —

Methun Girls Club.
The regular business meetnig of
the Methun Girl, Club was held on
Tuesday evening May 25, at the
home of the Misses Rose and Goldye
Abramovitch, 515 East Philadelphia
avenue. A hike to Cass Lake is be-
ing planned for Sunday, June 13.

Put Away the Blankets
Hang Fresh Curtains---

Ladies Aid Society.

Mrs. J. Greenwald, chairman,
wishes to thank the officers, commit-
tees and workers of the Hebrew La-
dies Aid Society who helped to make
the spring dance, which was given
on Sunday, May 23, such a wonder-
ful success. The membership drive
is still on and all new candidates will
be initiated in the near future. The
date will be announced in a later is-
sue of The Detroit Jewish Chronicle.

And lay down clean, cool, rag
rugs. Welcome Spring with a
clean house.
Our share is to clean and fluff
the blankets before laying away,
and to renovate those rugs and
put new life into your curtains.

Congregation Emanuel will be held in
the synagogue on Monday afternoon,
May 31, at 2 o'clock. A large at-
tendance is desired. A bridge-tea
will be given by the Sisterhood on
the afternoon of June 15, at the
Oriole Terrace Cafe.

Beta Rho Delta Sorority.



159 EAST ELIZABETH STREET. Insurance Exchange Bldg.

The Serve! Showroom in the Women's City Club Building. 2118 Puck Avenue. is equipped as • rest
charge of Miss Brazil, You are invited to use it freely for appointment..

0 1925,11w Serval Corporation, New York


The next regular meeting of the
Bicur Cholem Society will be held
Griswold at Lafayette
June 3 at 2201 Gladstone avenue. =
This is an important meeting, as of-
15 Convenient Branches
ficers for the ensuing year will be
elected. All members are particu-
larly urged to attend. After the reg-
ular meeting and election of officers,
there will be dancing and a few short _
speeches by sonic of the officers and
members of the organization for the
purpose of promoting enthusiasm and mompagoggoggesgammageinamiWie
interest in the advance sale of tickets
for the excursion which will be held
on June 13.
Those in charge announce that con-
siderable interest is being taken this
year in the excursion and that a rec-
ord breaking crowd is expected. Jack
Behrman, in charge of prizes, an-
nounces that prizes for the field
events have already been secured.

Sisterhood Congregation Emanuel.
A meeting of the Sisterhood of

(I No uncertain temperatures, and
consequent food spoilage and danger
to health.



Bicur Cholem Society.


-Wernher o/-

Clearing House Assn.
and Federal Reserve System


room tad Is is

On Sunday, May 23, the weekly
meeting of the Beta Rho Delta So-
rority was held at the home of Miss
R. Marcus at 610 Holbrook avenue.
Many interesting events are forth-
coming, both for charitable purposes
and for the entertainment of the

Junior B'nai B'rith.
At the first open meeting of the
Junior B'nai B'rith, which was held
at the community house, 275 East
Ferry avenue, on May 25, the main
topic of discussion was whether a
philanthropic or social course should
be followed. Mrs. H. Fleishman, pres-
ident of the Ladies Auxiliary, urged
that a committee be appointed to at-
tend meetings and give reports. Jack
Rosenberg, installed as sponsor of the


Glendale 5680

27 Convenient Branches.


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