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June 20, 1924 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1924-06-20

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Mr. and Mrs. Barnett Gosavitch of
2652 Hazelwood avenue announce the
engagement of their daughter, Ethel,
to Joseph Cherniack of Winnipeg,

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Ortner of Louis-
vflle, Ky., announce the engagement
of their daughter, Leona, to Max
Bachrach, son of Sir. and Mrs. Ii. J.
Bachrach of this city. air. Bachrach,'
All aaais Items and other local notes should Im communicated to dm office of The
Chronicle by o'ciock •Iternoon in order to •poiDar in the current . wk's
who has resided in :Southern Indiana
Immo. Phan ,' Glondel• 9300, Society dditar. Mail notice. .• se to Ine sec...a net late.
the past three years, recently r.'-
thee Wedemday.
turned to Detroit, ahcre he will
The following young men and
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fishman and make his home.
women from Detroit were among the children, Pauline, Benjamin, Eman-
graduates at the University of alichi- uel, Herman and Milton, of 2252
Mrs. Anna Coopersmith announces
can: Joseph C. Blumenthal, Ruth Iladstone avenue will leave June 24 the engagement of her (laughter, late,
Caplan, Leo 1. Franklin, Gladys Leh- for New York, whence they will sail to Sidney E. Goldenberg, son of Mrs.
man, 110Td1111 Myers, Edward Schlus- on the Majestic for a three months' Ida Goldenberg.
sel, Helen Shetzer and Jerome Si- trip abroad, They will visit Poland,
mons; in the School of Medicine, Sid- where Mr. Fishman's parents reside,
Max Rosen announces the engage-
ray Siegler, Daniel Cohn, Milton Francs-, Germany. Austria and Eng- ment of his slaughter, Esther Zelda,
Feldman, 'Martin Feldstein, Emanuel land. Mr. Fishman will attend the to Benjamin Sachs, son of Mr. and
Goldberg, Edgar Kahn, Dennis Ko- convention in London of the North- Mrs. Abraham Sachs.
van, Morris Marks, Ilarry Metzger, ern Assurance Company, which will
Saul Rosenzweig, Edward Alva Stern, be held during the month of August.
Sidney Weinberg and Joseph Wruble; Mr. and Mrs. Fishman have been ex-
in the School of Law, Juels Gold- tensively entertained prior to their
stone; the Dental School, Maurice departure. The Ladies' Auxiliary of
Gaeta, Samuel Harris, Samuel Silver B'nai B'rith gave a surprise party in
and Max Winslow; and in the School honor of Sirs. Fishman Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Katz of 617
of Education, Sarah Levin and Elea- evening, June 14, at the home of Mr.
nor Patricia Stanfield. The coo- and Mrs. S. Braicker of Gladstone East Warren avenue announce the
mencement exercises took place in avenue. The honor guest was pre- birth of a son, Edward, June 9.
Ann Arbor Monday, June 16. sented with a handsome hat bag by
Sir. and Mrs. Samuel Goldstein
the members of the organization. The
Mrs. Max Stricker and Sirs. Mayne I officers of the Detroit Life Insurance (Mary Oppenheim) of 376 Mani.
Kohn of Chicago returned to their Company, of which organization Mr. stique avenue announce the birth of
homes last week after spending sev- Fishman is vice-president, with other a daughter, liarriet Jean, June 14.
eral days with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel associates and friends, entertained at
a banquet for the voyagers last Wed-
Sir. and Sirs. Sidney M. Schott of
Marwil of Virginia park.
nesday evening at the Riverside ho- 1963 Burlingame avenue announce
Mrs. Anna Greenberg of Decatur, tel, Mount Clemens. In the absence) the birth of a daughter, I'aula Ile-
who has been visiting her (laugh- of M. E. O'Brien, president of the lent', June 15.
ter, Mrs. Milton Greenblatt of Glad- company, his assistant, Homer Guck,
Sir. and Mrs. Ilarry II. Koffman
stone avenue, returned to her home presented Mr. and Sirs. Fishman with
• last week. Among the hostesses for an engraved hall clock, the gift of (Esther Goldsmith) of 1910 Dela-
avenue announce the birth of
Mrs. Greenberg during her stay in
Detroit were Mrs. Abe Gittleman and family will be at home Sunday even- a son, Ross Lewis, June 14.
Mrs. Gus Koplin, who entertained at


Hot Weather
Sport Frocks

A stunning assortment is ready
—and you'll find them extreme-
ly big values at a price that
doesn't bear down on the purse.

$25.00 to $49.75



Woodward Avenue

Between Grand River and Stmt..



Our Complete Stock Will Be

Below Cost

All the new Summer
styles are included in
this remarkable sale.

GOWNS fastidious women
want; individual and tail-
ored by America's foremost
artists are included.


•It is to your advantage to come in

at once.

1522 Broadway



I)... ,"oath of Capitol Th.,


a bridge and luncheon at Mrs. Git-
tleman's home on East Grand boule-
vard; Mrs. Ilarry Cohen of Calvert
avenue, who presided at a luncheon-
bridge at the Chatham, and Mrs. Ab-
raham Cohen of Euclid avenue, who
also entertained with a bridge-lunch-
eon at the Chatham in honor of Mrs.

Meyer Lassir of 536 East Kirby
avenue will sail June 24 for a Eu-
ropean trip.

The Misses Shirley Saar and Esther
Atlas are spending several days in
Cleveland and Marion, Ohio.

The Misses Rita Blumrosen, Jean-
ette Jacobs, Sophie Greenfield, Leona
Weil, Esther Levin, Mildred Quint
and Josephine Cohan of Denver were
in Pontiac last week-end to attend
the Beta l'hi Tau conclave.

Miss Stella Thal of Saginaw spent
a few days nil tie' cay.

Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Glickman
have returned from Indianapolis,
where they visited relatives and at-
, tended the auto races.

Miss Rose Weinstein, who ha:Neon
spending the past three weeks in
Chicago, Will return Sunday.

Among the registrants from De-
troit for highland Manor School for
Gills, Tarrytown-on-the-Hudson, for
the coming year are Miss Dorothy
King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David
King of the Whittier Apartments;
Miss Rosalind Robinsan, slaughter of
Mr. and MN. M. M. Robinson of 1144
Chicago boulevard, and Miss Rette
Tannenholz, daughter of Mr. and Sirs.
Benjamin Tannenholz of 400 Burns
drive. They will leave for New York
early in October.

Among the pre-nuptial affairs given
in honor of Miss Rae Davis, a bride-
elect of this month, was a shower and
dinner for 12 guests given by alis
I'earl Feldman of 3751 Carter avenue
which took place in the Florentine
room of the Addison hotel Wednes-
day, June 11. Miss Davis was the re-
eipiont of many gifts. Those present
nt Cm dinner were the Misses Nina
Levitt, Mary Nathanson, Fay Rosen,
Shirley Greenfield, Mel Price, Elea-
nore Katzer, Betty Wallace, Mrs. A.
Moss, Mrs, II. Harris and airs. G.
Copeland. Among other affairs at
which Miss Davis was tha honor guest
were a miscellaneous shower at which
Miss Mary Nathanson was hostess
and a luncheon and theater party
given by Miss Eleanore Katzer. alias
Davis has set June 25 as the (late of
her wedding, which will take place at
the Beth Abraham Synagogue,

Mrs. Si, E. Cohen of 4120 Brush
street recently left for New York,
where she will remain for an indefi-
nite length of time. During her stay
in New York she will visit her broth.
ea Samuel Appel.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Silherblatt and
Miss Belle Silberblatt have moved
from 4446 Brush street to 1627 Col.
lingwood avenue.

Mrs. CUR Koplin was hostess at a
luncheon and bake at the ChathaniThe Phi Delta Sorority entertained
Mass alendetta Popkins of West
Hotel Tuesday, June 17.
Grand boulevard at a theater and din-
Miss Yetta Schwartz entertained ner party, as a farewell prior to her
at the Masonic Country Club last Sat- departure on an extended western
urday vath a luncheon and bridge for trip.

16 guests in honor of Mis Ruth Op-
pen (elm, a bride-elect of July.

Dr. Daniel Cohn of 649 West Be-
thune avenue graduated from the
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Enggass and medical school of the University of
small (laughter left Monday for Michigan last Monday. Starting in
Bloomfield Hills, where they will oc- July, Dr. Cohn will hold an interne-
cupy the Misses Guysi's home for the ship in Grace Hospital.
Norman E. Fleishman, son of Mr.
Adolph Amberg, who has been and Mrs. Harry Fleishman of 332
touring in Southern California, is ex- Tuxedo avenue, graduated from
' pected in Detroit shortly. Before re- Glendale Mich School Thursday even.
turning he plans to stop in Portland, ing, June 19.

Seattle and Vancouver.

Professor Craigie and Mrs. Craigie
of Oxford, England, spent several
days last week as the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Benjamin D. Marx of 138
Connecticut avenue, Professor Crai.
gm was en route to Chicago, where
Mks Ethel Rosenthal will arrive in he will deliver a series of lectures at
Petrat from New York June 23 to the summer session of the University
'pond a few weeks with her mother, ofChicago.
Mrs. Sarah Rosenthal of 2509 Blaine
The following attended the stag
dinner given at the Hotel Addison
• Mk, Leah Rosenberg of Elmhurst, Sunday evening, June 15, for S. Sey-
L. I., was a house guest of the Misses mour Shlain: J. J. Rosenthal, J.
Jeanette and Shirley Safir of Hazel- Shurley Horwitz, David Shupe, Rom
ben Hurwitz, Samuel Weisberg and
wood avenue the week of June 8.
Aaron Nochimson of Paterson, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. James Nadler of 3557 Mr. Shlain and Miss Annie Lapatin
Longfellow avenue were hosts at a were married Tuesday, June 17.

Miss Ruth Cole spent last week-
end in Ann Arbor, where she attend.
' al the Sigma Phi Fraternity spring
' house party.

dinner party for 25 guests at Green-
Felix F. Silver son of Dr. and Mrs.
berg's Cafe Sunday evening, June 15,
E a Silver, graduated from
in honor of their tenth wedding an: :M
niversary. The tables were decorated the University of Michigan Monday,
with flowers and greens. Mr. and June lo.
' Sirs. Nadler received many gifts.
Dr. Maxwell E. Silver has returned
Among the graduates of the Uni- from Chicago. where he attended the
of the American Medical
versity of Michigan wan Miss Flor-
ence Meietsky, daughter of Mr. and Association.

Mrs. Simon Meietsky of Windsor,
Mrs. Jacob II. Schakne entertained
— Ora.
Wednesday afternoon, June 18, at

home, 2073 Hazelwood avenue,
Miss Helen Kleinsmith of 1698
West Philadelphia avenue was hostess with a bridge tea in honor of her
guest, Miss Frieda Marcus of
at a bridge party Friday afternoon,
June 13, complimenting the Misses Johnstown, Pa. Covers were laid for
Irene Abraham of Chicago, lielen
Glickman of Cleveland and Lucille
Among the graduates of the De-
Cohen of New York.
troit College of Law was Stanley

You Can

Smart, good-looking summer frocks
in the Hudson Dress Shops, at $6.50.
These dresses are right in every de-
tail. All beautiful styles, and excep-
tionally well made.

Other groups of dresses at $9.75,
$12.50 and $15.00 Half of these
dresses are imported, chosen in Paris
by our own representatives.

You will do well to purchase in this
offering of Women's and Misses'
Summer Dresses at these extremely
low prices.

Third Floor—Woodward


Levin to Rep
t Detroit at Junior
Zionist Convention.

Solomon Levin, president of the
leaders' council of Detroit Young Ju-
daea, left Thursday evening for Long
Branch, N. J., to attend the sixteenth
annual convention of Young Judaea,
which opens with a religious service
Friday evening, June 20, and will
continue until June 23. The conven-
tion will be addressed by Louis Lip-
sky, chairman of the executive corn.
iittee of the Zionist Organization of
America; Miss Henrietta Szold, arena
aent of iladassah; Dr. David de Sola
Pool and Dr. Joshua Neuman, editor
of the Young Just:man and director
of the education department.
Will Make Report.
air. Levin will sport for Detroit
Youne Judaea, which during the past
year has made large strides both in
the growth of clubs and in the de-
velopment of cultural activity. Mr.
Levin will present to the national or-
canization $500 which was pledged
at the last annual convention. This
, um was raised by Mr. Levin and
Philip Slomovitz. The local presi-
dent has been instructed to make a
similar pledge when the budget of
the national organization conies up
for consideration.
For a number of years Detroit
Young Judaea has been considered
one of the most flourishing junior
Zionist organizations in the country
and its representatives have figured
prominently at the annual meetings.


Although Monday evening, June
30, the (late of the Young People's
Temple Club's twenty-fourth annual
moonlight is over a week away, the
full quota of tickets has practically
been disposed of. It is the intention
of the committee in charge to circu-
larize tickets to no more than the
Steamer Greyhound can comfortably
accommodate, in order to insure the
comfort of those on board. Those
who have attended this outing in the
oast will recall that it is usually the
most elaborate affair of its kind
towed during the season. This year
will be no exception. Since dancing
s the main attraction at an occasion
If this kind, the committee has se.
cured the services of a reputable band
of syncopators to furniab dance mu-
•uc. Other features willaae supplied
by talent of high rank. Steamer
Greyhound leaves the foot of Gris-
wold street at 8:15 sharp and will
return shortly before midnight after
non-stop trip. Tickets are available
through members of the Young Peo-
nle's Temple Club. The moonlight
sommittee is headed by Harvey Ve-
hon, who is the club's president.


Paul Gunsberg, 36 years old, son
of Morris Gunsberg and member of
the Gunsberg Packing Company, died
at Providence Hospital Saturday
evening, June 14, after a short illness
and was buried at Machpelah Ceme-
tery, Monday, June 16, Rabbi Moses
Fischer of the First Hungarian Con-
gregation officiating. The funeral
took place from the residence of his
father at 934 Farnsworth avenue. Mr.
Gunsberg is survived by his widow,
who before her marriage was Kath-
leen Krause; his father, five brothers
and three sisters.
Mr. Gunsberg was born in Hun-
gary and came to the United States
20 years ago. lie was active in re-
ligious and charitable work and was
esteemed for the high principles
which characterized his business ca-
reer and for the intensity of his re-
ligious observance.

The J. L. Hudson Co.



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$ 10.00

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By I. Miller
Here is Tailette, a slipper of


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Every article of standard Mealy quality. It
is superfluous to say more—we know y-.I will
be here.

Furniture Upholstering
Moderate Prices.





lileemmosee w


Dm. Mew Mu

Miss Elizabeth Schott will grallu.
ate from the University of Wiscon-
sin June 21, Miss Schott took ■
course in journalism. After a sev-
The Philomathic Debating Club, one
eral days visit with her sister, Mrs.
Joseph Folz of Kalamazoo, Mich., of the oldest Jewish debating societies
Miss Schott will return to Detroit to in Michigan, having been organized in'
make her home.
1889, will hold its twenty-second an-
nual meeting Wednesday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Kirschbaum of June 25, 7:30 o'clock, at the Shaarey
224 Erskine street have as their Zedek Synagogue. The program will
guests their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. he similar to that carried out at the
B. Cohn of Brooklyn, N. Y., who are usual weekly meetings and will be fol-
here to attend the Kirschbaum-Sim- lowed by a debate on the following
mons wedding, an event of June 29. question: "Resolved, That the Re-
striction of European Immgiration on
Milton S. Solomon, son of Harry the Basis of the 1890 Quota is Justi-
R. Solomon, 364 Tuxedo avenue, ar- fiable." The affirmative side will he
rived home Tuesday after an absence championed by Barney Koffman, Rob-
of a year and a half at the University ert Bernstein and Jack Schulman.
of California, Southern branch, Los They will be opposed by Ilyman Bara-
Angeles. He will attend the summer hal, Samuel Gujovitch and Jack Thu-
session at the University of Michigan, min. The meeting will be open to the
, which brains June 23.

Fresh Meats and Fresh Dressed
Poultry Daily.

One of the most undo-date and sanitary meat mar-
kets in the city. Located with the Reliable
Grocery Company.




Phone Empire 2280

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