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June 20, 1924 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1924-06-20

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Periodical Ceffter







s, Claw H. Jimiseb.)

I had occasion not so long ago to discuss with a very distinguished Eng-
lishman our good friend Zangwill. His criticism of Zansnvill was that he
approached serious matters in a flippant and cynical way. The result was
that he never reached anywhere. Ile had a good time making everybody
else mad and probably found enjoyment in the more making of epigrams,
but the net result is that he has failed to achieve that position or to exercise
that influence to which his unusual talents justify him. As an interesting
and dramatic figure he is a success, but he seemed to think that as a con-
structive force in Jewry he is a failure. And the Englishman I refer to is
a Christian.

Someone tells me that some Orthodox leaders are considering the idea
of establishing Jewish "parochial" schools. This is interesting, if true. But
I take this opportunity to serve notice on all Jews who are entertaining this
astonishing notion, so thoroughly out of harmony with the spirit of this
country, that if they ever go before the Jewish public with their proposition
I shall fight it tooth and nail. There is no excuse for Jewish schools of the
type suggested and it is about time that some of our reactionary co.religion-
ists cease doing those things that will completely alienate them from the com-
munity in which they live. It surely tries one's patience these days when
one sees well-meaning but misguided folk trying to turn back the hands
of time.

A committee formed at the suggestion of the New York World, com-
posed of men and women of all religious denominations, and from every
part of the country, united in demanding that both political parties include
a plank in their platform, substantially as follows:

"This party pledges itself and its candidates to stand inflexibly
for government by due process of law and against all groups, open
or secret, which attempt to take the law into their own hands. If
its candidates are elected this party gives assurance that no act of
theirs will render aid or comfort to any organization based on
prejudice and discrimination against any citizens for reason of race,
color or creed."


City Flags Presented Family
Appreciation For Park
Informs Lucien Wolf Reports
Of Outrages Were
NEW YORK.—More than 10,000
in City Hall Park
and hundreds more at open windows
in office buildings near by heard the
Goldman Band give a concert in'
JEWRY INVESTIGATING front of the main entrance to City

Announcing to Our Patrons the Corset
Sensation of the year


Hall. The occasion was the presents.
tion of flags of the City of New York
to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Guggenheim
and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Guggen-
helm in appreciation of their gift to
the people of the entire series of CO
LONDON.—(J. T. A.1—'The Joint concerts by the Goldman Band on
Foreign Committee has received the the Mayor
Mall in Hylan
Park. the silken
following cable from its secretary,
Lucien Wolf, who is now in Vienna: banners. They were accepted by
"Before leaving Bucharest, I sub- Daniel Guggenheim and, in the ab-
mitted to the Roumanian government sense Guggenheim,
abroad of Mr. by
and their
Mrs. son
the telegrams of the Jewish Tele. ri und. Wearing Palm Beach suits,
graphic Agency concerning the po- ' t l ite musicians sat on benches in front
grams, and asked for an investigation of the steps, while Mayor Dylan and
of the matter. In reply I received Mrs. Hylan, members of the Cuggen-
the following telegram front the Rou- beim families and guests were seated
manian Foreign Minister: at the top of the stairs. Edwin
"'Except for the few small inci.
1 ! Ferrt anko Goldman conducted the con-
dents of which you know, there is
anti-Semitic movement in Roumania, ` It t started with "The S ar Spangled
which approaches in the slightest de-
grey pogroms. These false and ei. Banner." Then followed Tchaikov-
travagant statements are exceedingly sky's "Marche Solenelle," Ambrose
I will be
you Thomas'
will contradict
L. if Clarke's
of Venice"
of a Jewish woman, the government excerpts from Wagner's "Lohenirrin,'


Peace in Bucharest Rut
Declares Government is

Maeie by the makers of the famous NL140

Rubber Girdle

,0 ,

knows nothing, but has arranged to Liszt's
No. 2"
and "The
Pioneer," Rhapsody
a march written
undertake a rigorous
"So far as Bucharest is concerned," , mezzo-soprano
by Mr. Goldman. of Miss
Cecil Arden
Did the Republican party include this plank in its platform? It did not. Mr. Wolf's telegram continues, I
Company, sang an aria from
, O ,
can testify that there is absolute
All this empty rhetoric about making the world safe for democracy; tranquility and perfect security for Samson Be•r
and Delilah."
Entire Expense.
about the rights of men; about maintaining a high standard of ethical con- the Jewish people. Anti-Semitism
In his presentation address, Mayor
duct in social relationships. All this ranting about "Christian civilization" exists, but the government is vigilant Dylan said it was City Chamberlain
and a "Christian nation"—nothing but meaningless phrases. Some day all and effective measures have been Berolzheimer's plan to give free con-
these hifalutin statements may be translated into a genuine brotherhood. taken."
certs in New York. although they
In the meantime we shall have votes placed above principle. Someone did
In connection with this telegram
have been Many
sub. 1
say, so history tells us, though history is hard to verify at times, that "I it will be recalled that the Roumanian scription.
indoor by and
would rather be right than be President." I have been listening for a good paper Adverul had the following to concerts, given under the auspices of
many years with my ears close to the ground, but I have yet to be thrilled say recently anent the denials of the 1 the
. city, are paid for by the people,
by such a declaration from living lips. If civilization isn't a sham and a Roumanian government:
he said, through budget appropria-
mockery, then resolutions such as suggested by the World should be adopted,
"Vienna has committed certain ex- ti • a... ,
and carried out by the responsible heads of government.
aggerntions because no direct reports on,..
"This year," said the mayor, "I re-
from Roumania were possible How- eelVed a communication from a tam-
The blase (I hope the printer doesn't print this "blaze") folk of Los ever, the denial of the . Roumanian
manian ily which has been intensely active in
Angeles, the capital of the World of Make-believe, now have something to government will remain ineffectual , .• tn e past in giving free musical con-
stimulate their jaded minds. "Random Thoughts" will appear every week because it denies flatly everything, certs to the people, in which an offer
while, as a matter of fact, 60 Jews was made to bear the entire expense
in the Los Angeles Jewish Review.
were seriously wounded. They were • of the series of 60 summer concerts,
What every Pittsburgher knows. Says the American Israelite editorialy: thrown from the windows of trains thus assuring the people of a ev-
ening at full speed. Trains were also tinuance of this splendid musical en-
kept for long periods at various sta- tertainment.
"A rather unusual temperament is that of Dr. Samuel II. Golden-
lions so that the drunken anti-Semites
"I believe that the people who will
son, Rabbi of Roder Shalom Congregation, Pittsburgh. At the an-
might have plenty of time for their be the recipients of this family's gen-
nual meeting of the congregation Dr. Goldenson was proffered a life
would wish to extend their
contract, which he declined. He also refused to accept a five years'
' this time the Roumanian authorities appreciation and gratitude, and I
contract and finally accepted one of three years. This is the more
consider it fitting to ex-
remarkable as Dr. Goldenson is a married man, and has a family,
I tacked and maltreated Jews. No one press such sentiments to those who
and that he is one of the highest paid rabbis in the country."
lives now behind a Chinese wall, and have contributed no handsomely to
the denial of the government is, there- the cause of good music: Mr. and
I might add that if this nation had minds and characters of the Golden- fore, in vain and a disgrace. It would Mrs. Daniel Guggenheim and Mr. and
son type in the seats of the mighty it would be a much better nation.
be much better if the truth were ad- Mrs. Murray Guggenheim."
milted and the guilty ones punished,
In accepting the flags, Daniel Gug-
Those Jews who have been hysterically enthusiastic over Papini's "Life especially those officials who corn- genheim referred to Mayor Dylan as
of Christ" may be interested to hear what a liberal Christian weekly has pletely forgot their duty. On the the most "popular" mayor New York
to say of the book, and I might add that the opinion of Unity, the Chicago other hand, the protest of the Jews has ever had.
publication I am quoting, accords exactly with the opinion of the book de- abroad is entirely justified. "
"Mayor Hylan's success, in my
• • •
livered by Rabbi Stephen Wise, who scored the Jews for wasting their time
judgment, is due in no small part to
on such "trash."
his constant endeavor to do some-
thing to make the lives of our citizens
Say's Unity:
' NEW YORK. — (J. T. A.) — An- happier and better,", he said.
other denial of the anti-Jewish atroci-
"His (Papini's) 'Life of Christ' is a book as wicked morally as it
ties in Roumania was made by Prince
is worthless historically. . . . As we said last week, Unity was the
Bibeaco, the Roumanian Minister to
first religious paper in this country to declare, without reservation,
the United States, in a letter ad-
that this Italian biography of the Nazarene was only so much trash.
dressed to the Jewish Telegraphic Camp:
Its enormous popularity is no more amazing than the popularity of
Agency June 10. The letter reads
This year a new arrangement has
stuff of the same order in other fields of literature. Its acceptance
as follows:
been made for the opening and clos-
and laudation, however, by respected leaders of religious and culutral
"I wish to inform you that I have i ng of the camp. Heretofore the girls
life constitutes a well nigh inexplicable scandal. We know of no
brought the contents of the cable- , ante out on Sunday afternoon and
more dreadful evidence of the superficiality and even degradation of
grams you enclosed to the notice of I eft the following Sunday morning.
so-called educated opinion in America than this recent exhibition of
my government and BM in a position This broke up their Sunday at camp.
prostration before Papini and his Christ. Everything that has been
to confirm my denial of May 26.
This year the girls will come to camp
said about this country in terms of 'Main Street,' 'Babbitt' and Menc.
"The whole fabric of 'news' origin- , on Monday morning, their week end-
ken's 'Boobocracy' stands here triumphantly justified."
sting from Vienna and Budapest is! i ng Sunday after supper. This will
apparently based on a fight between
them all day and evening of
Well, that's that. It will give the admirers of Papini something to think Jewish and Roumanian students, give
Sunday at camp. The first group will
which took place in a train between go to camp Monday, June 30. Now
Cluj and Blaj. Nobody was seriously that the weather is getting hot, regis-
I notice with amazement that the recent anti-Semitic disturbances in wounded and still less killed.
trations are coming in fast. Those
"The Roumanian government main- who wish to go should register soon.
several parts of Roumania are being openly discussed in Roumania. Surely
this must be some mistake. Didn't the Chief Rabbi, who is here on a visit, tains their point of view, as explained
tell the newspaper men that there is no anti-Semitism in Roumania? I shall in April, by Under-Secretary Tar- Wednesday Night Suppers:
be glad to acquaint the rabbi with the information concerning anti-Semitism tarescu, and has taken the necessary
The first Wednesday night picnic
steps to have those guilty of having supper at camp will take place Wed -
of which he seems to know nothing.
started the above mentioned riot nesday, July 9. Register on the Mon-
The most courageous book that has appeared for popular reading in a brought to trial."
day before the Wednesday on which
• • a
great many years is the "New Decalogue of Science." I stress the qualifies-
you wish to go. For further informa- a.
lion of "popular" because there are, of course, unlimited books that appeal GIVES 4,000 REFUGEES
tion please call the club house, Glen-
to peculiarly a professional clientele that Main Street, Mrs. Grossly, the PERMISSION TO STAY
dale 7971.
BUCHAREST.—(J. T. A.)—Four
Keokuk Ladies' Aid Society, the Reverend John Roach Straton, the Legis-
lature of Kentucky, the president of Clark University, William Jennings thousand refugees have been granted Friday Nighters:
Bryan, the Most Fanatical Fundamentalist, and others of similar caliber do the privilege of remaining in Rou-
The Friday Nighters ended the sea-
nd censor. But when a scientist like Wiggam makes up his mind that mania, as the result of an arrange- son with a delightful outing at Put-
questions that pertain to the welfare of the human race, which are ordinarily ment concluded between the Rou- In-Bay on Sunday, June 15. This
discussed freely only in scientific circles, should he discussed as freely with manian government and I.ucien Wolf, club has proved very successful and
the man in the street, then it requires courage to lay naked the hypocrisies, representative of the Joint Foreign popular and we hope to continue their
the inconsistencies, the appalling ignorance of society as constituted today. Committee and the Jewish Colonize- jolly meetings in the fall.
After reading this book that man must be an optimist who can find much tion Association, according to a state-
ment made by Mr. Wolf to press rep-
to gloat over in our civilization.
The Jewish Colonization Associa-
But his stinging, lashing, merciless arraignment of Christianity which

has guaranteed that it will see to Neighborhood Improvement
he carefully differentiates from the religion of Jesus,
arresting features of the book. If there be men who cherish the belief that it that these refugees are transported Association:
religion and science have nothing in common, and that those daring souls either to Russia, tn . to some country
Interest is waxing high in the cam-,
who would attempt to interest religious experiences in terms of science are of emigration.
pais,m which is being conducted by the
a menace to religion, they will find anything but pleasant reading in Wig-
Neighhorhood Improvement Associa-
an m's
i thi
' b
k T ere
hi s volume
• 1
this column.
h is no nee, to
1 elaborate upon this
tion of the Oakland district. The fol-
It would require pages to even touch the high spots. But
lowing activities are being sponsored
said enough to convince you that it is a thought-stimulating book and writ-
IN RUTENBERG CASE by the Association: 1. Cleaner streets,
ten in such an easy style that it will hoist the attention of those readers
2. beautifying the district through
whose literary education is obtained from the Literary Supplement of the Will Join International Court to De. more gardens, 3. early closing of
New York Times.
cide Claim.
Members of the association have
There are just two things that I must say about this Wiggam book be-
TILE HAGUE.—(J. T. A.) — The pledged themselves to close their
fore I dismiss it. One is his attempt to prove the supremacy of the Nordic permanent Court of International stores at seven o'clock every Wednes-
group, using, to my mind, the same general arguments that I would expect Justice has granted the request of the day and Friday night during July and
from some such writer as Kenneth Roberts, and the other is, his suggestion Greek government to permit Kalcy- August. The merchants who have
of the menace of certain immigrants, suggesting in one chapter the thought annis, formerly a member of the Mix- agreed to co-operate in the early dos-
that these put bombs under institutions reared by the Nordics. One puts ed Court in Egypt, to sit in the In- ing campaign are to receive posters
up and the other pulls down. I would expect such ideas to emanate from ternational Court when the case of from the association which they will
the Department of Justice under the regime of the lately retired William J. the Greek government against the exhibit in their store windows.
Bums, who, with his friend Harry Daugherty, used very effectively the British government, in the matter of
The Kahn Shoe Store has offered a
bugaboo of the reds to frighten the conservatives. And then, too, we have the electrification and irrigation of $5 pair of shoes to the one having the
Harry's own word that the Bolsheviks in Russia were responsible for his Palestine, is heard.
best vegetable garden, and the Bens-
leaving the cabinet, and retiring to the back room of the Ohio grocery. And
The Greek government recently sub- man Dry Goods Store will give $5
Ir am sorry that Mr. Wiggam for the moment showed that he had permitted
mitted to the International Court the worth in dry goods to the one having
hiss reason to be colored by prejudice in making the statements he did. claim of its citizen, M. Mavrommatis, the best flower garden. Other prizes
Nevertheless, read the book. Over 2,000 copies a week are now being sold
obtained a concession from the to be awarded will he for the best new
--a remarkable sale for a non-fiction book. I would like to see a copy who
Turkish government for the electrifi- 1924 garden and for the best window
Placed in every hotel room side by side with the Gideon Bible.
cation and irrigation of Palestine , box garden.
to the concession granted by
housekeepers who want to enter the
The editor of the Chicago Sentinel received a letter from a Catholic similar
the British government to Pincus Rut- garden contest should forward their
reader who says:
enherg on behalf of the World Zion- names and addresses to the Associa-
tion's headquarters at 1111 Westmin-
ist Organization.
"Although a Catholic, I am a reader of your weekly magazine
According to the statute, when a ster, Arlington 1313.
• . . and take pleasure in perusing its columns. Under the heading
'Random Thoughts,' I see you make reference to a friend of mine,
the latter includes a judge of the na- Oakland Mother. Club:
Frank Tinney. I do not condone what he has done, rather I feel
The last meeting of the season of
tienality of one of the parties only,
ashamed for what he has done."
the other may select a judge ad hoc the Oakland Mothers' Club will be
Saturday afternoon, June 21, at
Tinney, according to the writer, is a Catholic, but married a woman who of its nationality.
the Moore School, Alger and Cameron.
he thinks is of Spanish-Jewish descent. It's regrettable that men of the
Bennish will speak in Yid-
t tint of Mr. O'Dea should feel inclined to bother with men of the Tinney
PALESTINE GOVERNMENT dish on Dental Hygiene. J. H. Harp-
type. I was almost tempted to say "tin-type."
SENDS AGENT TO POLAND er of the Rank of Detroit, Westmin-
ster Branch, will ask for the house-'
I don't like bad actors either on or off the stage and I abominate men
who strike women. If I had my way, wife-beaters wad be flogged in WARSAW.—(J. T. A.I —Two hun- keepers' co-operation in the campaign
is being waged by the Neighbor-
public. Mr. O'Dea wants to know if a Jew becomes a Christian Scientist, dred and thirty Jewish families left that
hood improvement Association.
is he still a Jew. That's a question, Mr. O'Dea, that has puzzled the best here for Palestine recently.
As a result of the increased im-
minds. I do know that Jews who are Christian Scientists continue to con-
Night School:
er themselves Jews. Though Reform Judaism, which considers Jews as migration from Poland to Palestine, Summer
new English class is being opened
members of a spiritual community and not as members of a race, cannot the Palestinian government has sent for A immigrants.
These desiring .to

logically look upon Jews who have taken up Christian Science as Jews.
Monday or Wed-
here are marked divisions of opinion between different elements among late the traffic. He has already ar- join should report on 1111
nesday evenings at
heejaers to whether we are race or a religion. At this writing, my
at 7 o'clock.
tdar r. O'Dea, the matter has not been conclusively settled.
Zionist Organization.


At last the Ideal Rubber Girdle makes its appearance, and it is only nat-
ural that it should be the product of such famous house as Nemo.

The NEMOLASTIK Girdle differs in many ways from the ordinary rub-
ber girdles, making it, in our estimation, the best Self-Reducing Girdle on the

NEMOLASTIK is a pure gurn rubber fabric covered
both sides with fine Italian silk. Can be kept hygienic
and be worn at all times, Summer or Winter. And what's
most important, each• girdle is backed up by the Nemo
people as well as by us.


It is guaranteed not to rip or tear.
It makes the figure permanently smaller and lighter in
No rubber comes in contact with the body or undergar-


moulds the figure into graceful lines.
It is adjustable to the decreasing size of the figure.
It gives comfortable and gratifying support.
It can be washed with pure soap and water.
It doesn't chafe the skin nor cause irritations.
It doesn't bulge over the abdomen.
It has no disagreeable odor to cause embarrassment.



The Nemolastik Reducing Girdle is of the closed-back step-in or pull-over
type; made with four garters in a delightfully lustrous peach shade. Even
sizes, 24 to 38. Attractively priced at $10.75. We invite you to come in and
try on the Nemolastik. Experienced fitters to serve you.

1413 to / 4 4 7






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