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June 20, 1924 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1924-06-20

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Thenemorr, kraut GIRoNICIA

lished in Shanghai, the nucleus is VILNA JEWS HONOR
here, and surprisingly long strides
have been made in that direction. It
is both amazing and gratifying to
VILNA.—(J. T. A.)—The memory
realize that in such a remote corner
of the globe, so cut off from Jewish of the "Righteous Proselyte," Count
stimulation and atmosphere, the tra- Pototzky, who embraced Judaism 150
Expeditions Headed by Slousch ditions of the race persist, altruism years ago, for which he was burned
for charity and education prevails,
Result in Very Valuable
and the spirit of our people is pre- at the stake, was honored at the Great
Synagogue in Vilna by a large num-




I U1111 1111111U

tors' I

/1 .4 Yfrlar are


IIrern Correspondent• and Cables of JewIth 1elegraptIc Agency.)

The bloc of the Orthodox and Aseimilationist parties was victorious in
the Cracow Kehilleh elections of the second Kurie. Only one Zionist, Dr.
'Wye., was elected,
• • • •

Procrastination is the chap who
is responsible for the army of rent
payers. The folks who put off that
initial payment on the house are
legion. Do it right away.




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W. are now taking orders and
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Eielit members of the Jewish Cultural League, an organization legal-
ized by the Latvian government, were arrested in Riga. The charge against
them is "suspicion of communism."
• • • •

The Jewish Pasteur Institute in Jerusalem has extended an invitation
to Dr. (lunar Sommerfeld, head of the Danish Royal Expedition to Pales-
tine, to tyk• part in the institute's expedition to Yemen.

The port of Jaffa was visited by a part of the British fleet June 3. The
Jewish municipality of Tel Aviv gave a special welcome to the officers and
men. A dance was arranged for the officers and a moving picture perform-
ance was given for the men.
• • • •

Skljansky, the well-known Jewish Communist, who was at one time Trot-
sky'. substitute, and was slated to be the Soviet ambassador to Esthonia,
has been arrested and charged with corrupt dealing in the purchase of
ammunition for the Red army.
• • • •
Thirty-eight Zionists, who were sentenced by the Cheka to hard labor in
Siberia, were permitted by the Soviet government to proceed, instead, to
Palestine. The arrested Zionists had asked the Zionist headquarters for
visas to Palestine and their request was granted.

NEW YORK.—Among the many
activities comprising the work of re-
claiming Palestine, the recovery of
historical monuments is attracting in-
terest in the widest circles. Recent
discoveries made by the expedition of
the Palestine , Jewish Exploration So-
ciety, under the leadership of Dr. Na-
hum Slousch is of particular interest
to students of Palestinian history and
to those who value any addition to
the knowledge of the land of Israel.
Excavations on sites where his-
torical monuments are supposed to
exist beneath the ground, receive the
encouragement and aid of the local
government as well as from many
non-Jews. Dr. MacAllister, who is
excavating in behalf of the Palestine
Exploration Fund. an English organ-
ization, and the Daily Telegraph of
London, has made important discov-
eries on the site of the so-called City
of David. His discoveries are of no
definite value to archaeology, how-
ever, as there was no inscription
found on any of the vaults Dr. Mac-
Allister discovered. Another expe-
dition is conducted by Dr. %Veil in be-
half of Baron De Rothschild, which
has not yet met with any marked



orte011111111411. 1.111111en



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Co-operation between Jewish and Arab tobacco growers was urged by
the district governor, Lieut. Col. C. II. F. Symes, during his visit to the
Jewish colony at Rosh Pins. Ile declared that the government was dealing
with the question of the tobacco industry in Palestine very carefully and
that it was the desire of the government that there be co-operation between
the Jewish and Arab tobacco growers so as to avoid competition and secure
a good market for both. The Arabs, however, are hesitating to co-operate,
as they are afraid that they will be the losers by ouch an arrangement.
Propaganda is now being made by the sub-district governor of Acre to per-
suade the Arabs in his district of the feasibility of such an arrangement.
• • •
A party of 200, consisting mainly of merchants and chalutzim, left
Warsaw for Palestine. Several thousand friends and relatives assembled
at the station to bid the party farewell and many touching scenes of joy
and sorrow were enacted. The economic crisis prevailing in the country
has greatly increased the number of those anxious to go to Palestine and
Jewish merchants and small manufacturers are awaiting an opportunity to
realize on their property in order to raise the capital necessary to re-estab-
lish themselves in Palestine. Another group of several hundred Jewish
merchants and chalutzim left two days later. Most of them are well-to-do
and are going there to establish themselves in various enterprises and busi-
• • •
A reeolutisn eeeinst the numerus clausus was unanimoulsy passed by
the management committee of the World Alliance for Promoting Interna-
tional Friendship Through the Churches, at its last meeting at Oxford. The
alliance, of which the Archbishop of Canterbury is president, has among
its members famous scholars and the most prominent representatives of
the churches of '26 countries. The resolution reads as follows: "The man.
agement commit ee of the World Alliance, having considered a memorandum
received from the Committee of Jewish Delegations, Paris, concerning the
introduction of 'he numerus clausus in certain universities, desire to .state
that we have se* suit' cient knowledge as to local circumstances to enable
us to express ao e pinion on'the particular cases mentioned. But as regards
the general mes. , iple of such restrictions, they appear to the management
committee of thii World Alliance to be inconsistent with human right of
self-developmen' "

The plenary (wet ings in Paris of the executive committee of the Jewish
World Relief ( ie.rence hove been concluded. Dr. D. Jochelman, a mem-
Americas and European Plans.
ber of the exec submitted a detailed report on the mission which he
Now Hydriatic Baths.
recently carried to in Russia. He expressed his conviction that a continua-
tion of relief w• is essential. Dr. Jochelman further reported on the pos-
Golf Privileges and Garage.
Bathing From Hotel.
sibility of a 1.1! .el Jewish People's Bank being able to conduct a relief
activity in Russ . le. the advance of credits. Ile submitted for the approval
of the executive •;r preliminary convention which he has signed on behalf
of the United .J , P'eople's Bank with the Ukrainian Bank, for the trans-

mission of remi lances. In view of Dr. Jochelman's report, the executive
committee decided to intensify its campaign on behalf of the Jews in the
Ukraine and to . xpedite the opening in Paris of a-branch of the United
Granite nd Marble
Jewish People's nark. It has been decided also to convoke the second
World Relief Cos r-rence for August 12 in Carlsbad.
• • •
The Board of Jewish Deputies, at its last monthly meeting, received the
report of the ink? foreign committee on the plan for Jewish colonization in
184 Winder Straw.
Crimea and the l'kraine. Lucien Wolf, secretary of the joint foreign com-
noes Cadillac 48
mittee, reported that he had discussed the matter with the representatives
Lo ■ l. A. Worhe, R•pre•••tsti••
of the Jewish C , lonization Association, with Felix M. Warburg and Dr.
Only Jewish MONUMENT
Boris Bogen. H. also learned that the political autonomy of the proposed
Dealer in Detroit.
inianontici ■ P Jewish region of celonization was not a part of the original scheme and is
being regarded unfavorably by the Soviet authorities. It is probable that
the introduction of racial and religious distinction may wreck the whole
plan. Mr. Wolf also reported that, according to information in his pos.
session. it appear that the anti-religious policy of the Soviet government
is abating and that there are reasons to believe that this government will
shortly adopt • more liberal attitude in the question, especially concerning
the freedom of religious education in Soviet Russia. • ,

is the Ocean Front




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(Continued from Pave 1)

strike has meant a war of about 10
weeks' duration—sometimes longer—
affecting 50,000 families directly and
an almost similar number in the sub-
sidiary and independent industries in-
directly. Losses of many millions in
wages and employers' profits and gen-
eral distress, particularly in the sec-
tion of the city very largely inhabited
by our workers, will be other results.
The public also would suffer in this
case, because the manufacturers, to
recoup themselves for the losses Ind-
dental to a strike, would inevitably
raise the prices of their garments."
Mr. Hillquit said that the governor
had invited both sides of the garment
dispute to meet him in conference,
and that representatives of the job-
hers and workers had gone to his
campaign headquarters in acceptance
of the invitation.
Governor Smith said that he had
"transferred the state capitol tem-
porarily for a day to his campaign
headquarters," and felt that a settle-
ment of the garment dispute was of
more importance than his chance to
win the Presidential nomination.
Deadlocked Since May 31.
The questions at issue have been,
raised since the expiration on May 31
of a two-year renewal of a three-year
agreement between the jobbers and
the garment workers, Mr. Sigtnan
"The workers voted last week in
favor of a strike by approximately
31,000 to 400. We have been in con-
ference for the last five weeks with
the employers, but have made no
"What the union asks in the first
place," declared Mr. Ifillquit, "is that
the jobbers assume a certain degree
of responsibility for the seen who
work for them. We
• believe there
should be a contract for wages, and,
that the employer should guarantee
the workers a minimum of 36 weeks,
a year employment. We now hove
only about 30 to 35 weeks' employ-
ment in the year. In a great many
instances our members go without
work for 30 weeks or more in the
year. Now we ask that the employer
arrange his production so as to guar-!
antee steady employment or wages."
"We understand the union request-,
eel this conference," said Mr. Blum-
berg. "We came up by invitation.
We refused to arbitrate because you
can't arbitrate a principle. The gov-
error suggested that the contending
parties should revert to a conference.'
Our feeling is that all elements of the
industry should be asked to partici-.
pate in a joint conference to be di-
rected by a conciliatory advisory

ber of worshippers. A prayer for the
soul of the "Righteous Proselyte" was
offered. It is the tradition of the lo-
cal Jewish population to commenter-
ate the day of the Count's martyr-
Prayers were also offered on the
same occasion for the victims of th e
recent anti-Jewish pogroms in Rou-


Favored by Fortune.
Forty delegates, representing 26 branches of the Zeirei Zinn of the
The most important expedition, on
United States and Canada, participated in the fourth annual convention of
the organization, which took place in Buffalo in the Jewish community account of its geographic position
building. The Zeirei Zion, which is a recently organized branch of Young and the most favored by fortune, is
the one of the Jewish Palestine Ex-
Zionists of America, elected a new executive committee.
ploration Society under the leader.
The summer residential district of Otwock, which is usually filled with ship of the well known archaeologist,
Jewish guests during the spring and summer months, is completely deserted Dr. Nahum Slousch. As a particular
now on account of the severe economic crisis prevailing in Poland. The favor to the public spirit of this so-
proprietors of the villas have reduced their rentals 50 per cent, but even ciety, the Palestinian government has
reserved for its researches a site in
this reduction has not proven sufficient to attract tenants.
the neighborhood of Jerusalem, rich-
A conference of Hebrew teachers took place in Jerusalem under the est in promise. It is the ground ad-
auspices of the Ilebrew Teachers' Association. Dr. Moseensohn, director of jacent to that rare monument of Jew-
the gymnasium in Jaffa, made the opening speech. During the discussion of ish art known as the "Hand of Ab-
the problems of the educational system, the question of a new scale of salom."
Going ahead on the supposition
wages for the teachers as well as the draft of the new articles of the asso-
that important structures must have
ciation were considered.
• • • •
existed in the neighborhood of this
A new arrangement of the I'alestine administration with a concession to monument, Dr. Slousch started his
the demands of the Arab population for self-government will bs introduced researches on this much coveted site.
in Jerusalem shortly. The country will be divided after six months into Present discoveries have proved this
two governmental districts. According to a report published in the Arab supposition correct. In addition to
paper, Falastin, the governors of these two districts will be Britishers but several rock tombs, Dr. Slousch has
unearthed the burial place of the
the sub-governors of the districts will be natives.
priestly family of Khezer. His good
• • • 5,
Ex-Kaiser Wilhelm has publicly announced his support of the anti- fortune was chiefly due to the un-
Semitic ewastica movement, headed by Adolf Hitler and General Ludendorff, dermining of an ancient wall by rain-
according to a statement made by Graf Vulle, the leader of the anti-Semitic storms, which has made possible the
party. It is also reported from Doom, Holland, that the ex-Kaiser in enter- discovery of the facade of the tomb
taining his friends recently gave them as gifts copies of the notorious "Pro- of Jehoshophat, an example of im-
tocols of Zion" and a German translation of Henry Ford's book on the Jews. posing Jewish art of the fourth and
The ex-Kaiser's conversion to anti-Semitism is ascribed to the influence of third centuries B. C.
American Jews Aiding.
General Ludendorff.
Dr. Slousch's tour in America was
• • • •
A world congress of the Sephardic Jewish communities will be held in effective in securing partially the
Jerusalem for the purpose of discussing the problems connected with the financing of the expedition. How-
rebuilding of Palestine. The congress will take place shortly before the con. ever, he is still facing the possibility
vening of the World Zionist Conference. At the request of the Sephardic of discontinuance of his labors in be-
youth in Jerusalem, M. M. Ussishkin, director of the National Fund, who is half of Jewish history and art. Dr.
now touring the Jewish communities in the Near East, has undertaken to Cyrus Adler and Peter Wiernik,
propagate the idea of the Sephardic congress. The Jewish communities of editor of the Jewish Morning Journal,
have undertaken to obviate this. The
Greece and other neighboring co .unt.ries . have agreed to participate.
High Commissioner of Palestine, Sir
The work on the Jordan for the purpose of utilizing the water power of Herbert Samuels, takes a particular
the river for the electrification and irrigation of Palestine will commence interest in these excavations and
this year, according to a statement made by Lord Arnold in the British often comes to watch the chalutzim,
House of Lords. The concession to this enterprise is held by Engineer who carry out with love and care the
Phineas Rutenberg of the World Zionist Organization and the sum of instructions of Dr. Slousch.

$1,000,000 necessary for the beginning of the work has already been raised,
Lord Arnold stated. The land and the necessary machinery for the enter-
prise have already been acquired. The sum of approximately $4,000,000
will be necessary before the work is completed.
• • • 5
Buyers of All Kleds of
The establishment of a B'nai B'rith Grand Lodge in Palestine has been
decided upon by the executive committee of the Independent Order of B'nai
B'rith. Palestine has been, until now, included in the region of Egypt and
1342 Brewster St.
Assyria as far as the B'nai B'rith activities were concerned, and constituted
Cedilla. 1709 ,
Cadillac 17015
a part of one lodge. The new Palestine lodge will be known as Grand Lodge
No, 14. A congress of representatives of all B'nai B'rith lodges in Turkey,
Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Bulgaria and Greece will be held this month in
Constantinople. This congress will he the most representative gathering
of Jews ever held in the Near East. The last convention of the B'nai B'rith
lodges in that part of the world took place in 1914.

JUNE 20, 1924



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sian relief and other activities. but
the recipients of these benefits are!
the non-Jewish Russian refugees, in
great part the exiled soldiers of the
ex-Cases army, the Whites, whom we'
all know • are guilty of unspeakable
outrages against the Jews.
Telephone Empire 2114
"While no solid Jewish spirit or
g •
•• C Ohl 4•
• OMB:1M' 917 W\Ile esprit de corps has yet been estab-


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