ki_Eikraundaun &tor
1U111 I1
You can tell the difterence be-
tween • renter and • home owner
at • glance. One look. like a chap
who has been through the mill and
the other look, independently
pleased with himself.
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GARFIELD 2423 . 5380
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Declares Our Attitude and Foreign
Policy Inconsi•tent.
NEW VORK.--Samuel Untermyer,
presiding at a debate between Scott .
Nearing and Bertrand Russell upon
the adaptability of the Soviet form;
of government to the United States,'
at Carnegie Hall last Sunday, advo-
Irrnm Corrimpondencit and Caller of Jewish l•legrapkie Opener
cated the recognition of Soviet Rus-
,si.h Association for the Protection of health of Poland has sia by this country.
Untermyer described Ameri-
owed in Danzig a colony by the sea for 1'20 Jewish children.
• •
Ca's attitude upon the question as
"hypocrisy, pure and simple," assert-
Leon Tretzky's son-in-law, Dr. Salmon Coglin, professor at the Swerdlow ing that this country's foreign rela-
University, Moscow, has been expelled from the Communist party for par- tions policy is not consistent. The
ticipatwg in the organization of an illegal newspaper, Labor Truth.
chairman made these remarks before
introducing Mr, Nearing. "I hope'
Aci online to official statistics, :he number of births in Palestine during the time will Sutton come," he said,
the moiler ending Dec. 31, 1923, was 9,991, against 7,672 for the same "when selfish, partisan propaganda
quarter in 1922. 'Fite number of deaths was 4,730, as against 3,401 for will end with respect to this question,
the same period in the previous year.
and when we shall reach a stage at
• •
which we will have open minds.
The greatest Jewish tobacco manufacturer of Poland, Polakiewiez, whose
"I never have been able to under-
plant in Crodno has taken over the government's monopoly of the tobacco stand the basis on which our govern-
industry, has left for Palestine fur the purpose of 'establishing there a ' ment has persistently refused the
tobacco manufacturing plant. i'olakiewicz has taken with hint a consider- recognition of Russia.
able number of workers skilled in the tobacco industry.
Recognised Despotism.
• e
Maximilian Harden, Germany's foremost publicist, was again the sub-
ject of a conspiracy which failed. An attempt was made to attack him at
his villa in Gruenwald but a few hours before he left for Holland. The
Nationalist press has been carrying on a campaign against Barden, accus-
ing him of anti-German propaganda in the American press.
• • • •
A Sunday closing law, obligatory on the entire population, has been
passed by the Municipal Council of Salonika, in spite of the protests of the
Jewish representatives. This law must be confirmed by the Greek govern-
ment before it can become effective. It is considered that if passed the
bill will cause much damage to the Jewish merchants of Salonika.
• ••
The healing properties of the hot springs at Tiberias, which have been
attested by medical men and are regarded from a therapeutical point of
view as among the most valuable in the world, may be utilized to make a
world-fainuus health resort of Tiberias. Jewish capitalists are conducting
negotiations with a view to taking over these but springs for development.
• • •
The Cunard Line is a huge
organization with offices at 3
Teatralny, Proezd, Moscow, as
well as special offices in all im-
portant European cities.
A highly organized service
looks after passports and visas,
brings passengers direct to
steamers and attends to all de-
tails. A Cunard liner sails from
Europe every few days.
There is a Kosher Kitchen on
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Hotels. Tickets are good on
thejastest ocean service in the
WD d.
Fdr further Information apply
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1243 Wuhinglens
(Contnued from page 1.)
(Continued from Page 1)
was the society," said Rabbi Hersh-
man. "Her idealism endured amid
doubting years that followed and be-
came the basis for the present large
activities in behalf of the National
Fund and for the other efforts to-
wards Zion's upbuilding. When she
reaches Palestine she will find what
she has put into it, and the result will
gladden her."
Symbol of Faithfulneu.
Joseph Chaggi, speaking for the
National Fund, said that were it not
for Mrs. Ehrlich the work in Detroit
would have been negligible. Amid
the materialism rampant years ago,
she was the symbol of faithful Jew-
ishness and an example that finally
was followed by a host of others. Mr.
Chaggi pleaded for a strengthening
of the work in Detroit and said that
the recognition of Mrs. Ehrlieh's
idealism and labor could only be had
if her efforts for the National Fund
were sustained.
The local organization will have
the name of Mrs. Ehrlich inscribed in
"We have always recognized mon - 1 the Golden Book before she departs
archies and despotisms, however re-' on her journey.
volting they were to our own institus
Mrs. Joseph Ehrlich spoke in be-
tinny or our conceptions of govern- half of the family of the guest of
ment. We ourselves maintain sub- honor.
ject countries like the Philippines and
Porto Rico, and this high virtue and
the pedestal on which we stand
smacks very much of hypocrisy pure
and simple.
"If our persistent refusal to recog-
nize the present government in Rus-
(Concluded from page 1.)
sia is based upon the fact of its un-
ors and sisters on the other side that
they can't look to this country for
hope and happiness. We have had
immigration for years and have made
this the greatest country on earth
with it.
Ready to Give Lira.
"The Jews dre ready to die for this
country and equally ready to live for
it. It is true that we have prospered
here. It is true that we have been.
incorporated into the body of Ameri-
can citizenship which is the greatest
privilege in the world. We have ap-
preciated it, by getting into the in-
dustrial world of the nation and we
have yet greater duties to perform.
The richest countries in the world
have gone down because they have
put the material above the spiritual.
"As the result of the lack of Jewish
education, a class of Jewish criminals
has arisen, an entirely new phenome-
non in Jewish life. However, I am
inclined to think this will redound to
our benefit, because in this manner
our attention has been directed to the
great need of a responsible Jewish
education for the young."
Book Now for JULY and AUGUST
Secure the space you prefer at the price you wish to pay, while a choice
la still to be had. The British Empire Exhibition et London Is a great
attraction thls year.
Sail from Montreal or Quebec by the short sea route. From Montreal
on Monocles, lone class) cabin ships—comfort with economy. From
Quebec on Lops... liners — glants of the St. Lawrence route to Europe.
Nuther information from local steamship agents or
G. G. McKay, General Agent,
Canadian Pacific, Cadillac 8939,
willingness to assume the obligations bar. The fact that it is condemned
1239 Griswold St., or Local Agents
of the Czarist regime, it is equally in- by prominent men and that the peo-
sincere for us to recognize other Eu-1 ple hear this condemnation and are
ropean governments which have re- influenced by it is a great bar to
fused to assume the obligations of progress toward better things.
• Darwin and the great scientists
The famous drama of Jewish life, "God of Vengeance," by Sholam the preceding governments. We had
hurry up and withdraw our have been and still are dominant.
Asch, prohibited in America, and recently in Poland, will be produced in
I'aris shortly. The production will be given at the Art Theater L'Atelier, recognition of a number of European Their thoughts lead in the direction
of progress. It is my earnest hope
under the direction of Charles Dullin. The French translation of the play governments."
The debate was held under the aus- that they will prevail in the end, for
was made by M. Illuernenfeld. The first performance will be given in
Dis- the way onward and it is
• . s
blindness not to look at the path they
. point out."
The Orthodox community of Jerusalem is in mourning on account of the
Present System Transitional.
death of Rabbi Chairs Shapiro, Chassidic rabbi of Drohovitch, Galicia. Rabbi
After tracing the development of '
Shapiro was beloved by the entire Jewish community of Palestine and, in Sovietism, Mr. Nearing asserted that
spite of his strict adherence to Orthodox doctrine, was a devoted supporter the present Russian government is
of modern political Zionism. Two years ago he visited the United States, not the goal to which Communists
Most Complete Stocks in Detroit
where he has many followers.
aspire but is only the bridge over
and Gravel, Partition Tile, Portland
the abyss between capitalism and
The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society of America was represented at the communism. America, he said, is not United Hebrew Trades Campaign
Cement, Plaster, Lime, Drain Tile, Sheetrock, Wall Board
Nets Nearly $60,000.
international emigration conference which opened recently in Rome. The yet ready for the Soviet government.
delegate is Leon Alter, the director of the Warsaw branch of the society. He pictured, however, the coming of
Phone Us Your Requirements .
Mr. Alter will work in Rome in conjunction with the representatives of the another war, and said that the cata-
NEW YORK.—(J. T. A.1—Nearly
Jewish Emigration Directorate and other Jewish emigration aid societies clysm is being proclaimed ton every $60,000 was raised among American
which will be represented there.
envelope upon which the postoffice Jewish workingmen for the Jewish
• • •
stamps "Let's go to the Citizens Mili- workers of Palestine by the campaign
One thousand applicants for Lithuanian citizenship, who were previously tary Training Camps."
of the United Hebrew Trades. This
rejected, will again have the opportunity of acquiring the same, according
Mr. Russell maintained the negative, was announced by the chairman of
to the latest decision of the government. This decision will affect a con- asserting, however, that he agreed the campaign, Max Pine, at the gen-
siderable number of Jews who were born in Lithuania but who lived for with Mr. Untermyer in his advocacy eral meeting of the national commit-
a considerable length of time in Russia
and owing to the upheavals have of American recognition of Russia. tee, which has been convening here.
returned to the country of their bir
One of the chief reasons the Com- Of this money $43,000 was in cash
• • •
munists in Russia are able to apply and the balance consists of pledges.
The first original opera in Yiddish, "David and Bethsheba," was per-
The meeting passed resolutions as
their authority over the large peas-
formed in Warsaw recently with great success. The theater was completely
ant class, said Mr. Russell, is because to the continuation of the campaign
filled and the artists were enthusiastically received with applause and of the lack of education of the ma- and decided to send immediately
flowers. The author of the libretto, the young Yiddish poet Brotherson, ,
jority, many of them not even being $25,000 for disposal by the Jewish
who resides in Lodz, was prevented front attending the performance because, able to read or write,
workers' organizations of Palestine.
not being a Polish citizen, he was not granted permission to leave his place
The committee proposes to hold a
of residence.
meeting at the end of June, in New
• • •
York, at which representatives of
The office of the Jewish newspaper Die Zeit, Vilna, was attacked by
Jewish workingmen from all over the
nationalistic students because of the tact that the paper reported student
country will be present.
attacks on the Jews during the May 1 demonstrations. The editorial staff
put up a strong self-defense and the students were subsequently arrested
(Concluded from Editorial page.)
by the police. The dean of the University of Vilna has declared that those
students who participated in the attack will be tried by the university court
and national union of German
of discipline.
Jews is so strong today that beside it
• • •
indifferent and backsliding ele-
More Jewish firms have been forced to the wall on account of the severe
economic crisis prevailing now in the capital of Poland. Most of the failures ments are of practically no signifi-
The latter, however, still at-
were in the textile business. Almost three-quarters of all the Jewish textile
firms in Warsaw, the center of the trade in Poland, have suspended pay- tempt to hide their identity as Jews
ment and closed their doors. It is characteristic of the situation that the in order to worm their way into those
suspension of payment came, not as a result of property losses, but because political parties that exclude Jews. A
certain small but very noisy organi-
of a shortage of cash.
• • •
nation of so-called German Nationalia-1
The defeat of the Assimilationist and Orthodox groups at the Kehillah tic Jews has lost many of its members!
of the strong anti-Semitic cursi
elections in Lemberg was a complete one, according to further information
which has arrived from that city. Even the Orthodox musses del not sup- rent and the resultant reaction of the
port the bloc created by the Aguda and Assimilationists, but voted for the
ticket of the National Jews. The loss of the election to the Lemberg
The fact remains that Jewish racial
Kehillah puts an end to the supremacy of the Assimilationist group in feeling is showing a gratifying in-
Lemberg, which was one of the strongholds of that party.
crease,—which, however, in no way in-
, dicates an estrangement of German
Abou Ziam, the representative of the Palestine Arab Communist party 'Jewish youth from German culture. ,
in the Third International at Moscow, is none other than Ziarne Auerbach, ! The matter is primarily one of
the Russian Communist who was sent to Palestine by the Third Interna- strengthened race consciousness and
tional for the express purpose of carrying on Communist propaganda there. of revived tradition; and thus it is
When he later returned from Palestine, he dressed like an Arab, assumed brought home to the Jew that he is'
1111 Arab name and acted the part of an Arab continually. As recently as racially different from the majority
early in March, at the fifth anniversary of the Third International in Mos- of his country's citizens, and that it is
cow, he delivered a speech declaring that Communism is growing rapidly precisely this difference of which he
among the Palestinian Arabs, and that the Communist party was the second should be proud.
in size there.
The more intelligent Christians of
• • • •
Germany are also beginning to realize
The formation of a professional association of Palestine lawyers wan
the importance of discovering the hid-
decided upon at the conference of Jewish lawyers which was held in Jeru-
den qualities peculiar to this element
salem recently. The main questions which interested the conference were
of different race and tradition. They
the status of the lawyers before the court and the executive office, and their
understand, moreover, that they must
position in connection with court taxes. The conference elected a central
use these qualities intelligently to en-
committee consisting of Messrs. Auster, Eliash and Freitlenberg, Jerusalem:
rich the German people and assist in
Gorodissky, Tel Aviv, and Waschitz, Haifa, and decided to issue a special
its rehabilitation.
organ. Discussion arose as to the language of that organ and it was re-
Only he who regards and honors his
solved that this question should be decided by a plebiscite of the lawyers
ancestors can command the respect of
of the country.
contemporaries, and his fellow-
• • •
workers. A satisfactory mutual re-
The Budapest Criminal Court has sentenced N. Kadar, editor of' a
lationship between the peoples can be
Budapest daily, to 14 days' imprisonment for incitement to pogroms against
built up only on a basis of self-re-
the Jews. last December a group of drunken soldiers invaded the Cafe
spect on the part of every nation; for
$1545 f.o.b. Dr troi t— $160.3.71 delivered
Lazar in Budapest and attacked a number of Jews who were on the premises.
such self-respect is the foundation of '
One Jew, named Joseph Loebel, who was stabbed with a bayonet in three
all international regard. Similarly
places by one of the soldiers named Tremmel, wrested the bayonet from
the Jews, in the states that have be-
Tremmel and killed him in self-defense. Kadar wrote in his paper that the
come their second fatherland, most
Jews had attacked and murdered Hungarian soldiers. Anti-Jewish dis-
build their lives on a foundation of
turbances resulted and the Jewish quarter of Budapest had to be guarded
self-esteem, which will win for them
by police patrols.
respect of the other groups within
• • •
the country.
The claim to the irrigation and electrification concession in Palestine,
now held by the Zionist World Organization and Engineer Phineas Ruten-
berg, make by tl.e Greek entrepeneur, Mavrornatis, a-ill be decided by the
Full Strength of Bonstelle Com.
International Court of Llustive at The Hague June 16. Mavromatis claims
pany Appears in "Up
that previous to the granting by Great Britain of the concession to the
Zionists, he had received a similar concession to the same enterprise in 1914
the Ladder."
from the Turkish c,vernment, under whose rule Palestine then was. The
Greek government has already intervened, demanding compensation for
Mnvromatis. Gnat Britain, however, in its reply, stated that it shares the
The full strength of the Bonstelle
opinion of the Zionist Organization regarding the impossibility of granting Company will be required next week
the compensation claimed by the Greek engineer.
for the production of Owen Davis'
farce, "Up the Ladder." This play
The accusation against the Jews of Palestine that they desecrated the had a successful engagement in Chi-
craves of the British soldiers in that country, made by Lord Ernest Hamil- cago, but failed to reach Detroit,
ton, was withdrawn because both the Briti-h Colonial Office and the British though it served to bring to Doris
Royal Commission for the Protection of Soldiers' Graves emphatically de- Kenyon and her associate players flat-
clared that this charge had no foundation whatsoever. At the meeting of tering notices from the critics.
the Board of Jewish Deputies held May 18 the matter was given consider-
Miss Katherine Alexander will play
able attention and a report was submitted showing that not only was the the principal role, and as seven wom•
accusation untrue, but that Jews were employed in Palestine for the our- en and eight men are required, the
nose of improving and taking care of the cemeteries of the British soldiers. ingenuity of the casting director will
During the discussion Lord Rothschild declared that according to informa- be put to the test. "Up the Ladder"
tion he had received the accusation was incited by persons in official posi- is a comedy of American manners.
tions in Palestine.
and was originally produced by Wil-
•Ham A. Brady.
German military experts, testifying before a parliamentary committee
The play recount. many incidents
inve•tigatieg Germany's breakdown in the world war, declared that the in the lives of a young couple whose
charge that the Jews, because of cowardice and unfitness, caused Germany's mounting of the business and social
defeat, was absolutely unfounded. General Kuhl, chief of the general staff rungs of the ladder is altogether too
of the Ruprecht army. Colonel Stuelpnagel and Lieutenant Schwerdtfeger fast.
stated that from their personal experience and from the military records, '
"Up the Ladder" is purely farce
they know that the Jewish soldiers, fighting at the front, conscientiously and the author takes advantage of
Norwoodward Motor Co., 9115 Woodward—Northway 5782
fulfilled their military duties and were the first ones to deserve the Iron modern deportment. such as the wom-
Northeast Motor Co., 8564 Jos Campau—Empire 4083
Cro e. They also stated Usat the Jewish soldiers who were not in active an's rime, the private still and the
Midwest Motor Co., 7753 Grand River—Garfield 7100
serv'se were very efficient in their work, and indispensable. The figures immigration question, for many a
Da-Western Motor Co., 3950 Dix—West 1601
publ!s' ed a few days ago by the Association of Jewish Soldiers bear out Satiric slap.
Gratiot Motor Co., 8226 Gratiot —Lincoln 1172
the statement+ of the military experts. According to thew figures, 96,000
The first performance of "Up the
anadian Pacific
MAY 30, 1924
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Jewish soldiers voluntarily enlisted, being 12 per rent of all those who Ladder" will be given next Monday
voluntarily enlisted. Four-fifths of the Jewish soldiers fought at the front ! night and the last on the following
and over 12.000 were killed. Thirty-five thousand were decorated for Sunday. The usual Tuesday, Thurs.'
bravery, 1,000 receiving the iron Cross. Twenty-three thousand received ; day and Saturday matinee. will pre-
promotion to the first class, 2,000 becoming oat ter&