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April 18, 1924 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1924-04-18

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A l Naftali PWiSk periodical eater

AE))crRorr,Amsn &mete

A Special

For Misses

at $35

Mrs. Arthur Pollak of 18))2 Atkin-
son avenue entertained at her home
Wednesday, April 16, with a luncheon
bridge and malt jung.


in to
[ce is

Marriages j Memple etll El

Palms and tall smilax and a
wreathed candelabra holding white
tapers formed an effective setting fur
Complimenting Mrs. Fred Selker, a lovely green and white floral bell
a recent bride, and Mrs. M. B. Cohn which served as a canopy for the
of Toledo, Mrs. Charles S. Selker en- marriage service of Miss Ida Stein-
tertained a group of her friends at berg and August II. Gould of Chat-
bridge at her home on Virginia park. tanooga, Tenn., at the Hotel Statler
Tuesday evening April 1, at 6 o'clock.
The Sisterhood of Congregation Rabbi A. M. Ilershman officiated in
Emanuel will have a meeting Monday the presence of the immediate family.
afternoon, April 21, at '2 o'clock, at The bride was given in marriage by
the home of Mrs. Herman Fisher of her brother, Morris Steinberg, and
was charming in 0 gown of white ro-
1682 Atkinson avenue.
maine crepe studded with rhinestones

Group of

A group of very line coats for
street and spurts wear. Tans,
beige and such bright colors as
I.anvin green, rust, orange, and
rookie. Materials -Polaire, Kasha
plaids, Twills, fleecy wools and
Velvetunes. Ready for immediate


Nest Sundays Sermon:

"Passover and Easter—The Proph,
eta of a Better Day" will be the sub-
ject of Dr. Franklin's sermon next
Sunday morning. In this address he
will discuss a theme suggested by the
coincidence of Passover and Easter.

Passover Services:
Services for the first (lay of Poss.
over will take place in the temple
Saturday morning, April 19, at 10
o'clock. The sermon Will be preached
by Rabbi Berkowitz on the topic "The
Bread of Affliction." The service's
fur the closing day of Passover will
be held iin Friday morning, April 25,
at 10 o'clock, the sermon being
preached by Dr. Franklin on the
topic "Has the Leaven Been Re-

A meeting of the Ladles Mizrachi
and Loan Association will he held at
Kirby Center Tuesday afternoon,
April 22, at 2 o'clock.


Co gggggg Goo.' Seder:
The. Congregational Sedar, in
which all members of the temple and
their families are urged to partici-
pate, will take place in the temple
dining hall on Saturday evening,
April 19, at 6:30. The rabbis and a
selected choir will participate in the
ritual service, after which a delicious
dinner arranged under the auspices
of the Temple Sisterhood will be

Miss Sarah Rapaport of 516 Alger
avenue entertained with a card party
Sunday evening, April 13. Jack
l'rady was the guest of honor.

-7,......,,...9.,„,.. @



Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Rachlin left for
Chicago to spend the Passover week
ith their parents, Rev. and Mrs. L.
D. Rachlin.

No connection with any other store


Among the students home from
Ann Arbor for the Passover holidays
are Jacob J. Rosenthal. Harold Ehr-
lich, Edward and Harold Opnenheim,
Alex Straus, Benjamin and Robert
Silberstien, Lester Rosenthal, Philip
Mareuse, Henry Silberman and Myron



Alfred j. RUBY Inc.

Jacob J. Rosenthal is entertaining
Aaron Nochimson, Frank Bernstein,
Shirely Horowitz and Vineient Bern-
brutal, all from the University of
Michigan. and Maurice Marcus for

1529 Washington Boulevard
Adjoining Statler Hotel.


Thursday, April 10, Mrs. Morris
Blumberg, retiring matron of Purity
Chapter No. 359, entertained her of-
ficers with a luncheon and bridge at
her residence, 1485 Chicago boule-

French dress pumps

are considered
very smart for
afternoon. wear

Mr. and Mrs. 1.011iS Duscoff and
daughter, Mrs. Sarah Mendelsohn,
are spending Passover week in Mt.

We have an un-

usual assortment
--. 4 iPsik of ornaments

Miss Dorothy Hyman has returned
from a five months' stay in the East.

Mrs. Abraham Shitiman of Boston
boulevard gave a luncheon and bridge
Saturday, April 12, in honor of Mrs.
Ivor Kahn and Miss Ruth Breiten-
bach. Silver bod vases holding sweet
'-vas and daffodils marked the places
for 12 guests and were the favors,


J. I.. Pearl gave a banquet at Kahn
Brothers' in honor of Faye Cogut,
who left Saturday, April 12, for her
home in New York City.

Credit Makes the Ownership Of
FineFurnitureEasy forEveryone

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Aronson and
niece, Ruth, have left for a trip east.
where they will visit relatives and

Credit is largely re-
sponsible for placing
homes on a higher
plane today than ever
before. It is no long-
er necessary to be de-
prived of a comfort-
able and attractive
home simply because
you are not in a
position to pay cash
for the furniture you
want. Our liberal
credit service offers a
very convenient solu-
tion to this problem.

our spring display
embraces home fur-
nishings of the newest
style from the work-
shops of the country's
foremost manufactur-
ers. An unusual op-
P' rtunity is your to
purchase this fine fur-
niture at savings much
greater than you had
ev r expected.
We urge an early
visa to this store while
the assortment of the
vario us lines is still
complet e


JUST from l'orie fur f hr t;i, I
from School — foi
faehionn that interpret youth--
FROCKS and Gowns of indi-
viduality far the visit home.
otchooltime, Dinner, Theater or
he Prom /hours—('OATS for
traveling, motoring or the
and SUITS for Town or
College wear, all priced n.ithin
the rconorniee of every thrifty
College Girl.



Wet Wash, Flat Work,
Rough Dry

W e Please

5,000 families weekly.

Our work is

Tailored Suits

45.00 to 225.00

Coats and Capes

Can we please you?

39.50 to 275.00

next to none. Service Supreme.

Dresses and Gowns

35.00 to 225.00

One-Day Service on Wet Wash by Request.

Protective Laundry Co.
24,3. 17 Orleans Street
Phone Main 6171



because of the scientifically constructed arch, narrow
heel seat, and other features especially designed to meet
the requirements of stout women, allow the freedom
and ease of movement that spell gracefulness.

Mrs. Jerome Kanter of Flint is
convalescing at Saginaw General Hos-
pital after an operation for appen-

At Lane Bryant's, you will be expertly fitted to
ADAPT° Shoes, by men'trained under the aupervialon
of Dr. Byron Schindler, the famous foot specialist.

Miss Lucille Greenebaum, who at-
tends school at Bishopthorpe Manor,
Bethlehem, Pa., is spending a few
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Greenbaum.

ADAPT° Shoes come In antics up to II, all widths,
(AAA to EEE,) all styles,leathers andmodels. Boots
with wide, medium and extra wide ankles and tops.

Sold exclusively by

Miss Emilie Oppenheim, Edward
Seitner, Milton Greenebaum and
Louis Goldstein are home from Ann
Arbor for their spring vacation.


1452 Farmer St
John R,


Mrs. Harry 1.enick and daughter,
Sylvia, are spending a few weeks in

Miss Rita Bluntrosen of Detroit is
the guest of Miss Stella Alice Thal of
610 Park avenue.


Among the Saginaw people who at-
tended the I. 0. B. li. dance in Jack-

Mrs. Anna Wolfson announces the
marriage of her daughter, Nell, to
Harry Berger, formerly of Cleveland, I
which took place Feb. 24 at the home
of the bride at 2989 Virginia park.
Mr. and Mrs. Berger arh residing at
1990 I'ingree avenue.

To College Girls
in Town for
Easter 'Vacation

When a woman Is stylishly and comfortably gowned
It Is natural (or her to be graceful. But no woman can
be comfortable,—or stylish — or graceful—in ill-fitting
or improper footwear. Especially true Ls this of the
woman who is robust of figure.

The Tuesday Bridge Club met at
the home of Mrs. Max Hirshberg.


1448 Woodward Avenue

_ 8,.ce *Men
et' graceful

The Jewish Young People's Society
held its monthly meeting Wednesday,
April 9. Plans are being made for
a leap year dance.



We do not believe that a
sale is consummated when
the furniture leaves our
store. You must be satisfied
even after the furniture has
found its place in your home.
This principle has prompted
the motto "No Sale Complete
Until the Customer Is Satis-
fied" to which we have ad-
hered always.


The Blusi Israel Auxiliary held its
monthly meeting at the home of Mrs.
Ben Rosenbreg, April 8.

Millinery, Gowns, Frocks

son were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Levin.
oihn, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Levinsohn,
Mr. and Mrs. John Immerman and
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Goldfarb.

survived by two brothers, Edward H.
and Morris D. Ullman, and a sister,
Mrs..1. L. Freud, all of this city. The
funeral is said by persons associated
I with Temple Beth El to have been
one of the largest in the history of
the congregation.
Mrs. Spater was the daughter of
• the late
and Mrs. Ilenry Ullman
of Peoria, Ill., and spent the early
part of her life in that city. She in.
terested herself in charitable) organiz-
ations and was an ardent worker in
the interest of the Sabbath School.
She was a woman of broad intelli-
gence and of deep human sympathies.
Throughout her life she made it her
purpose to spread cheer and courage
among those with whom she came in
!contact and translated her love for
I and interest in people by means of
concrete acts of goodwill and help-
fulness. General regret has been ex-
; pressed at her death.


Michigan Ave. at Washington Blvd.


and pearls. lier veil, arranged in cap
effect with orange blossoms, was held
in place by a pearl band. She car-
ried a shower bouquet of orchids, val.
ley Hiles and roses. Miss Jeanette
Steinberg, who was her sister's only
attendant, was gowned in orchid
beaded georgette and carried and arm
bouquet of American Beauty rose's.
A string orchestra played "0 Prom-
ise Me" during the service. At the
dinner following, covers were laid for
25. A beautiful floral centerpiece,
flanked by smaller baskets of spring
flowers, marked the places for the
bridal couple. Out-of-town guests
were Miss Sara Shaw, Miss Bees Solo-
mon and Mrs. Eugene L. Stern of
Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Marks
and Miss Blanche Steinberg of To-
ledo. Mr. and Mrs. Gould left for a
trip east, sailing later from New York
City for Savannah. Ga., whence they
will leave for Chattanooga, their fu-
ture home.




For Four Per Cent of Your Declared Valuation

M rs. Jacob That entertained three ,
table's of bridge Monday afte•noon,
April 7. Mrs. Adolph Scatter and
Mrs. Israel Rich won the prizes.



And to further make possible the ownership of fine
furniture, we have established a standard of new low
prices on our spring showing that you will recognize
immediately as representing values greater than we
have ever offered before. This has a deep sig-
nificance in view of the fact that we are known for
our unequalled values:


MgiltMlu Notre

Rabbi Ilarold M. Rosenthal of Isaac
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Jacob.
Elchanan Yeshiva of New York is
spending the Passover holidays with son have just returned from a two
Charles Marks, beloved husband,
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ro- months' tour of the Pacific coast re-
sorts and California. Mrs. Jacobson father, brother and grandfather,
senthal of Boston boulevard.
passed away April 17, 1923.
is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
"Rest on, dear one, your vacant
W. Grossman of New York City and
Mr. Jacobson is the son of Mr. and space shall never be filled in our
DEBATE IN NATION M rs. Charles Jacobson of Detroit. M r. ! hearts."
and Mrs. Jacobson were married Feb.
The debate which Dr. Chaim Weiz- 19 at the Hotel Astor in New York.
mann and Israel Zangwill he'd on They are making theri home in this
the Zionist question recently i'l The city.
Nation will he re-echoed at t' e next
Mrs. Hattie Ullman Spater, 51
meeting of the Zionist Culture club,
years of age, wife of Joshua II.
I Monday evening, April 21, at the
The marriage of Miss Sylvia Plot-
'Jewish Women's clubhouse, 89 Rowena nick and Carl Shapiro took place Spater, died April 11 at her home in,
street. Benjamin Kreisberg will March 30 at the 'home of Mr. and the Chatham Apartments. Funeral
l present the views advanced by Mr.' Mrs. Samtiel Shapiro 2316 East Third services were conducted Monday of-,
Zangwill and Hyman Mendelson wil • street, Los Angeles. Calif. A dinner teritoon, April 14, in the chapel cf
Temple Beth El by Rabbi Henry J.
argue the question rom th e pose
and reception followed the cert.- Berkowitz, who delivered an eloquent I
taken by Dr. Weizmann. The meet-
may. Mr. and Mrs. Shapiro are eulogy.
ing will be open to the public.
r, king their home in, Los Angeles. I
Besides her husband, Mrs. Spster is

Low 'Prices Mark Our Spring Display

Dry Cold Air

In our fur storage vaults 1. We call for your furs.
we offer you this ideal 2. Remove the dust.
atmosphere i n which
3. Secure them against
furs should be stored
moths, theft or tire.
during hot weather.

4,....**OW ■■ •• ■ ••••••• ■••■•••■•••■■•■••■ •••

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Franklin of
Three Rivers, Mich., announce the
marriage of their daughter. Mynne
to Jack N. Primalson of Detroit,
Joseph Wineberg of Cleveland spent which took place Saturday, April 12,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seymour
last week in the city.
Franklin, 938 Virginia park. Rabbi
'Miss Freda Becker of New York, Henry J. Berkowitz perforated the
whose engagement to Morton Aronoff ceremony in the presence of the im-
; of this city was recently announced, mediate family. After an extended
is spending the Passover holidays in western trip to Salt I.ake City, Utah,
Detroit as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. and the Pacific coast, Mr. and Mrs.
S. Aroma
Primalson will reside in - Detroit.

NOT 141G-1-I-
PI:k1 D

Your Furs in Summer Time

010.1.14.....M.4•• ■■•■••■■ ,........•••• ■•••■■•■ ••••••W ■

Miss Myra Finsterwald is leaving
Monday for Sargent's School in Bos-
ton after spending her vacation here.




Expressing the utmost in Quality and Value

Suite 203-204 Park Ave.


Opposite Hotel Taller

111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111


ocial anti





Good Things

From most every land undo-
the Sun moulded into the

Purity and Goodness



All Sixty Cent, the l'ound



Harry Burnstein son of Mr. and
Mrs. William Bornstein 1515 Atkin-
son avenue, was bar-mitzvah at the
El Moshe Synagogue last Saturday.
I A reception at which 250 guests were
present wax given in his honor at the
Kirby Center Sunday evening. A
catered supper, followed by (lancing,
was arranged. Addresses were de-
livered by Rabbi A. M. Hershman, C.
K. Sandorf, I. Weinstein, Max Ed-
ward and the father of the bar-mitz-
vah. Meyer Stone was toastmaster.
The boy responded with an address.
Among the out-of•town guests were
, Sol Schwartz of New York, Mrs.
I Goldstein of Philadelphia and Miss
!Sarah I.evine of Brooklyn, N. Y.



The Jewish Women's club will hold
! its annual luncheon and election of
officers Monday, May 5, at Temple
Beth El. The speaker of the after-
noon will be Arthur Delroy of New
York, who will lecture on "Psychic
, Exposures." Mr. Delroy is a well-
, known lecturer on psychic fakery,
character reading from handwriting,

Passover QrccrIngs

In the opening of our new Restaurant and Inn it is

to extend best wishes for • joyous Passover

our desire
to our

Jewish Friends and Patrons.

N anking Inn

Chinese and American Restaurant


Noonday Luncheon, 11 to 2

Table d'Hote Dinner, 5:30 to 8

Special Sunday Dinner, 12 to 8

Chop Suey or Chose Mein can






delivered to your parties at

y m essenger. Prompt germ,

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