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April 18, 1924 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1924-04-18

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.aciat au





from designers who
create the
most for the price!



Making Bid for University

Every Department in

The Intercollegiate Club of Detroit
will give its first annual dance at the
Elks Temple Sunday evening, April
27. The dance is benig arranged as

This greater Hudson Store

Is Organized for Service

Mems and ether local notes should be communicated to th• office of Tim
All society
Chronicle by 5 :clock Wsdneeday •Iternoon m order to appear in the current astele*
, Mail notices sees to by retalved eat late
Issue. Phone Glendale 9300, Soclety Ulla
than Wednesday.

Miss Miriam Fechimer returned
Dr. Leo M. Franklin returned from
College after
Chicago, where he attended the spe- last week to Vassar
vacation with her moth
cial council meeting of the Union of spending her
or, Mrs. Henry Fechimer, 14g Paths-
American Hebrew Congregations.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wineman re-
The following Detroiters are stay-
turned Sunday from a trip to South-
ing at the Alvarado Apartments in
ern Palms, N. C., and Washington.
Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Zerger and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hellen-
Miss Margaret Franklin is spend- der, Mrs. E. Wolf and daughter, Mrs.
ing the week in Chicago.
Itubye Wolf Klein, Mr. and Mrs. S.
A. Gump, Mr. and Mrs. Kositcheck
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weisman of and daughters, Mrs. Abramson and
Hague avenue have moved into their granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz-,
new home at 2525 West Euclid ave- berger, Mrs. Sillman, Mrs. Goldberg
and (laughter, Juliet, and Mr. and
Mrs. Becker.
Felix Saltzstein of Milwaukee,
Wis., is visiting his brother, Dr. Harry
On April 21 the seniors of the
Saltzstein, at the Chatham apart- Highland Park High School will leave
for their annual trip to Washington
and historical places of interest
Mr. and Mrs. David Schawyer are
through the South. Awing those the first step of the organization in a
sojourning at French Lick, Ind.
who are going are Esther Winkelman, plan to acquaint college graduates
Jeanette Pereira, Lucille Marx, ' with the purposes and activities
Dr. and Mrs. Willard Mayer left Charles Wineman, Rena Horowitz, the organization. Harold N. Harris
Monday for an extended European Norman Fleishman, Louis Grabow, i is chairman of the dance and the
Rosalie Crabowsky, Edythe Rambar, committee assisting him consists of
Melbourne Finsterwald, It u r to n Nathan Hoskin, Sidney Foreman,
Mrs. Sidney Silberman has re-
John Horowitz and Dr. Daniel Cohen.
Marks and Mildred Fink.
turned home after a month's visit to
Paul Wilson's Wolverines of Ann Ar-
New York City.
Adolph Amberg is staying at pres- bor will furnish the music.
Mr. and hIrs. Day Krolick have re- ent at Wilton place, Hollywood,
turned from a trip to Chicago.

00 to $7500

At these prices you
may choose from an
abundance of distinc-
tive models. Invariably
our prices are lower
than elsewhere because'
we also aim to save you

Bring children here with the surety that
the proper clothing, hats, shoes, hosiery
and all other outfittings will be shown to
you in great variety. Hudson's service is
polite service, which offers suggestions
only when it is desired and proves help-
ful to mothers in shopping with little


Ileyn's Fourth
Floor Sloy

Go into any department in the store
and there is always an effort to give
you an individual attention and a per-
sonal service which will permit you to
purchase with the greatest satisfaction.

We are building a bigger store to
give even better service



Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ileavenrichd
Mrs. Wallace Rosenheim is spend-
who have been in Southern California
Besides the address of David A.
ing a few days in New York.
( meeting
since January, returned to Detroit Brown who will speak
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Butzel have Monday.
of the Detroit Chapter of Hadassah
returned from a trip to Atlantic City
Wednesday evening, April 23, at the
and New York.
Mrs. Mayer B. Sulzberger is spend- Shaarey Zedek Synagogue, vocal
selections will be rendered by Mrs.
ing the week in New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rosenberg
Abraham Cooper, soprano, who will
have returned from Long Beach,
Samuel 1.. Miller is spending the be accompanied by Miss Harriet
Calif., where they spent the winter. Passover holidays with his father, Ingersoll. Mr. Brown will tell of his
t ur in Palestine and will describe
i l l e lr e ,r al a p r fi o nrg ni fie er l Idy,1 to
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Butzel are stay- Rabbi E Rla i ts
he various phases of lladassah work
ing in White Sulphur Springs for the Ohio.
connected with the B'nai Abraham I in that country.
Synagogue of Detroit.

Announcing a Very
Special Selling of New


the French Room

Not just the average type of 10.00 tio
hats—but the kind that closely fol- 9
low the usual 16.00 and 20.00 models.
About three hundred are offered at... -

Miss Anita Fischel of Milwaukee,
Mrs. Benjamin Kamin has returned
Wis., is visiting Mrs. Samuel S. Dan- from Los Angeles and Venice Calif.,
ziger of 1631 Glynn court.
and other points west, where she ,
spent the past four months.
Mrs. Raymond Moers of Coiling-
wood avenue has left for a week's
Miss Dorothy Kamin, who attends
stay in Cincinnati, Ohio.
the University of Michigan, is spend-
ing her spring vacation with her par-
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Grant and
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kamin.
daughter, Claire, of Chicago boule-
vard have returned from a two
Miss Sarah Levine of Brooklyn, N.
months' visit in California,
Y., is visiting her sister, Mrs. I. J.
Shevin of 2747 Gladstone avenue.
The Maevlin Club gave its first so-
cial gathering at the home of Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lamport and
Rae Siegel, 51 Owen avenue, Sunday,
sons arrived from New York Friday
April 0. Members of the club ar-
to spend the Passover week with Mrs.
ranged an entertainment for the
E. Lampert of Atkinson avenue.
Bernard Lieberman, who attends
Miss Mae Hoffman of 031 Euclid the University of Michigan, is spend-
avenue has entered the Farrand
ing the week with his parents, Mr.
School for Nurses.
and Mrs. I. Lieberman of Kirby ave.


Woodward Avenue

Between Grand River and State.

The J. L. Hudson Co.


We Clean Clothes as
They Should be

Mrs. Marietta Johnson of Fairhope,
Ala founder of the "School of Or-
genic Education," addressed the Sis-
terhood of Temple Beth El Monday
afternoon, April 14, on "The Social
Life of the Child." Mrs. Johnson
criticized the present day school sys-
tem for developing an "inferiority
complex" in young people by paying
heed only to the mental requirements
of education. Everyone should go
to college for the association, accord-
ing to Mrs. Johnson, and should re-
gard the scholastic training as sec-
ondary. They should receive the best
in guidance, instruction, inspiration
and association until the age of 21.
The exceptional child will make his
own way; it is the average child that
needs what the colleges can give.

Our equipment and facilities for
cleaning garments, plus our super serv-
ice, in unexcelled in the City of Detroit
and has earned for us an enviable repu-
tation. Put us to the test!

Miss Sadie Mandell, a bride-elect nue.
of next month, and a number of her
Miss Betty Goldberg is spending
friends were entertained by Miss
the week-end with friends in Cleve-
Anne Green. Saturday, April 12, at
a theater party at the Garrick, fol-
Mr. and Mrs. II.
lowed by a tea at Dixieland Inn,
harry Goldberg and daugh-
where the bride-to-be received many ter, Peggy, of I.awrence avenue have (Birdie Green) of 1704 Lee place are
receiving congratulations on the birth
returned from a five months' stay in of a (laughter, Rosalie, on Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. Hyman P. Weller of Los Angeles, Calif.
April 11.
Chandler avenue and Mrs. Anna Katz
Mrs. llarry C. Markle has returned
of 2002 Pingree avenue, Mr. Weller's
fortnight's visit with her par-
sister, have returned from a several f rom a
Fink of ,
days' stay in Pittsburgh, where they ents, Mr.
Miss R uth Fink accom-
Pittsburg h.
attended a wedding.
panied her sister here.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Camiener an
Mrs. Jacob Weller of 1576 Dela-
Miss Lottie Plotkin, who attends nounce the engagement of their
ware avenue has just returned from
Sadye, to Max Boris of this
Boston, Mass., where she visited her Highland Manor, Tarrytown-on-the- daughter
N. Y., is spending the Pass-I cit ,,
mother. She was called to Boston by
over holidays with her parents, Mr.
the illness of her brother.
and Mrs. Samuel Plotkin of Yorba
Mrs. Nathaniel Nathan and chil- Linda park.
dren of 1634 ('lairmount avenue are
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Rosenberg
visiting Mrs. Nathan's sister, Mrs .
Benjamin Towlen, in Los Angeles, and sons of Buffalo, formerly of De- !
are spending the Passover holi-
Calif. Mrs. 'Fowles is a former De-
troit resident. Mrs. Nathan has been days with their parents, Mr. and
spending the winter in Southern Ari- Max Rosenberg of 327 East Palmer

firt h s

For every occasion The Best Shop
in Town for GOIV1171 " offers beautiful
and individual models of style in which
the artistic productions of the greatest
makers are brought forth. Trimtned
in imported tares, these new frocks in
all the shades of the rainbow are
made of the highest grades of ma-
terials and are now being offered at
most remarkable prices.

"A Modern Plant With Modern Method."

533.37 Forest Ave. E. Phone Melrose 65',



1522 Broadway

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kahn and Miss
Rosalie Kahn are spending the month
in Northern Carolina.





The Forest Cleaners
and Dyers


One Door South of Capitol Theatre




Alvin D. Hersch has returned to
the city after a short trip to St. Pe-
tersburg and Bellaire Fla.

Owing to the approach of Passover,
Alvin D. Ilersch's lecture on "King
Solomon, the Man of the Ages,"
which was to have been given Mon-
day afternoon at the meeting of the
Ladies Auxiliary of the Shaarey Ze-
dek, has been postponed until the
Mothers' Day meeting of the auxil-
iary. Mrs. Max Bailin gave a short
talk on the League of Women Voters
Monday, after the conclusion of they
business meeting.

the new

Miss Sally Ehrlich and Mrs. Reu-
ben Rosenfield (Fara Litman) com-
plimented Dr. and Mrs. Louis Ullian
(Silka Stocker) with a bridge-sup-
per Sunday evening, April 6, at the
Mr. and Mrs. II. Gordon of 26161,
home of Miss Ehrlich on Longfellow
avenue. Dr. and Mrs. Ullian left Chicago boulevard have as their,
April 9 for Boston, where they will Passover guests Mr. and Mrs. A. Mil-
ler of Cincinnati, Ohio.
make their home.

"'Better yifrS"



Experience Great Things

with "just that so different" style about
them, in Summer Ermine, Chestnut and
Metal Caracul. Mole or the fabric-like
pelts 'hat do produce the slenderized, unbroken lines, so sought after
this Season. with its tailored vogue. We model our fur garments along
symmetrical lines for either the "willowy figure" or "pleasingly plump."

Jac quettes


We ask you to compare quality and prices, and invite comparison.




nly by driving the car, and experiencing the remarkable
performance of its harmonized V-Type tight-cylinder engine
and Cadillac Four -Wheel Brakes, can you r<ali a how widely
the margin of Cadillac leadershid has been increased.


Jefferson Avenue Denson.
Detroit Branch:
Walker St
at Wal
J e fferson Avenue
CAM Avenue at York St.
Moons Na ng
Additions,: ibiplay Roo , Qeneral


on all
Valuation of
$400 and up—
Protected by



Second Floor, Park Avenue Building
Opposite the Hotel Tuller



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