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September 07, 1923 - Image 4

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1923-09-07

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ELEI)entotawisnel RON ICU;

those who did not come within their select circle.
litEDurRorrjEvasitetRoxicm to frighten
This condition was, however, only temporary. Sanity and

gruesome methods to impress their own deluded followers and



clarity are sure to return, after the most insane and chaotic
periods. And with the return of sanity and clarity of vision the
Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle 'Publishing Co., Inc.
Jacob H. Schakols, Business Manage r men and women of America have penetrated into the very heart ix
Joeeph J. Cummins, President
It:Acted 83 second-class matter March 3, 1911, at the Postoffice at Detroit,
American institution that has ever raised its head in this
Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879.
General Offices and Publication Building
From the very outset we have taken the position that this We are on the threshold of a new
organization, by reason of its undemocratic, intolerant, narrow, year. As we look back upon the clos-
850 High Street West
ing period of misery }Old Staining of
Cable Address. bigoted attitude, had no inherent strength; that it would live
our people in the Old World on the
Chronicle only as long as it succeed in attracting the attention of the peo- one hand, and the prosperity and hap-
Glendale 9300
ple and as long as it aroused the hostility of those they attacked. piness of American Israel on the oth-
Organizations of this kind die from internal decay, intrigue er hand; as we muse on the events of
and dissension. The men who form them and lead them seek the past (iind review our accomplish-
....... ....$3.00 her Yea only self-aggrandizment, and always overreach themselves.
Subscription, in Advance.......- ................... ......
de; tX•ha lint it' g rfuh tu r t e rZ
v s I hi= Ze -
The great Lincoln made a correct estimate of the American us. With uncertain expectation we
To insure publication, all correspondence and news matter must reach
people when he said:
query in our mind whether 505-1 will
this office by Tuesday evening of each week.
bring Jewry its
unny apportioned
"You can fool all of the people some of the time, and
I the new year has
some of the people all the time; but you cannot fool all
Editorial Contributor
;in store for
or us better and happier
the people all the time."
days, (lays of joy not for American
The Jewish Chronicle invites correspondence on subjects of interest to ,
Th e A merwan

people have awakened to these children. Israel alone, but for our entire people
W Jewish people, but disclaims responsibility for an indorsement of the I
And as we weigh in the balance the
?km expressed by the writers.
miserable months of 5053, with their
masked. and are satisfied that if left severely alone, they will cup
of sorrows tilled to the brim, we
September 7;"' 1923
Ellul 26, 5683 disappear from internal corruption and pass away as a grue- say with Tennyson:
some and fearsome nightmare.

Rosh Ha-Shanah, 5684

"Ring out the old, ring in the new,
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true."

The Jewish Art Theater.

(IT,1)ilbren's ([orner


LeShanah Toes Tikosovu!
Once more we wish our young read.
ers a Happy and Prosperous New
Year! May the New Year bring to
Young Israel as well as Old Israel
blessing which will remove sorrow and
grief from our ranks and will restore
in its stead gladness and happiness
and security for our people every-


Rosh Ha-Shanah holds a very high
place in the Hebrew calendar. It is
the most solemn day of the year next
to the Day of Atonement. It is known
as the hay of Memorial, when all of
the events of the year past are review-
ed, the chaff separated from the groin
and the evil elements of each individ-
ual's life rooted out by prayer. The
notes of the Shofar are a summons to
the better side of each worshipper's
nature. They are a bugle call to a
changed life.
Our hope for the New Year is that
the dark clouds that are still hovering
over the heads of many of our people
will be dispersed and that happiness
and joy will tie the lot of all Israel.

The year 5683 contributed nothing startling. Practically
In the last five years the Jewish Art Theater of New York
The New Year's Problem..
no significant event took place. No pogroms, no massacres on has produced seventy plays. Dramas, farces, comedies, trag-
The problems that we are to face
the mournful side of the slate; no new ventures, creative be- edies from the pens of gifted Yiddish playwrights, translations on the New Year are many. They are
ginnings on the joyful side. Just a year of laissez-faire. Per- from the Russian, German, English, Scandinavian and French important and pressing, and they de-
mand solution. And upon the solu-
haps it was a year of germination, and the fructification will have made up the repertoire.
tion of the problems that face us will
come later. Perhaps it was a year of introspection, and the
Actors and actresses of outstanding ability, schooled in the depend the happiness of our people
living thought will be born the coming year. Perhaps it was severest discipline of the dramatic art, combining the finest re- and the advancement that is to be
a year of recuperation after the terrible years of the war and straints, subtle characterizations and profound feeling, have made in Jewish endeavors. The car
questions for us to answer des
the period of post-war reaction; and henceforth we shall go made this theater all that its name implies—a Jewish Art final
with immigration, Jewish education
forward with our energies renewed, our spirits revived and our Theater.
and the rebuilding of Palestine. They
By Joseph K. Forest.
bodies invigorated.
The cheap, tawdry, sentimental, slap-stick and obscene per- are questions that affect Jewry every
With the dawn of the new year we find that America has formances which characterized the Jewish theater in America where, and the promptnss with which I stood, today, in a temple,
answer is given to these will af-
Like one of the olden time:
the largest Jewish population of any country in the world. We before the Art Theater came into being have been rigorously the
fect the measure of Jewish progress. And I dreamt a dream recalling
now have three million six hundred thousand Jews in this coun- excluded.
The scenes in an Orient clime;
try. And were it not for immigration restrictions, before the
America in the Lead.
Critics of ability, who have witnessed the performances of
And I felt, though somewhat strange-
decade is out, there would probably be more of our co-religion- Ben And, Maurice Schwartz, Miss Thomashefsky, have pro- In all of these America will have
ists in this country than in the rest of the world. Not only are nounced the performances of such excellence and dramatic to take the Rad in presenting iLsolu- An influence sublime!
and in the construct f k work fur
we first in point of numbers, but financially we are stronger by strength that they compared most favorably with the perform- tion
Israel's welfare. As the rgest J- And before me hung the tablets
far than the rest of combined Jewry of the world. Those of us ances of the best English and American actors. This is not a ish center in the wort( in point hsv
Of the out Mosaic law;
who have caught the crude spirit of America and measure all pulling or cheap compliment to the Jewish Art Theater, but a numbers, and what is more important, And the white-robed ancient Rabbis,
Again, in that (Realm I saw;
things in bigness and volume are highly edified, are smugly sat- genuine appreciation. The Jewish Art Theater has been badly
in the world, America is called And the Hebrew psalms are chanted,
isfied, and are certain that we shall grow from greatness to handicapped, due to a lack of interest among the Jewish people munity
upon to accept a great responsibility
Those hymns of praise and awe.
outside of New York and even more to the traditions of the and a live-fold duty: To provideNfhe
There are tremendous obligations which the spiritual and Jewish stage and the bad manners of Jewish audiences in the means for Europe's Jews to colonize And Israel's pristine splendor
cultural leaders of American Jewry appreciate anti assume. Jewish theater, For our part we hope to see the day when the in centers where they will have the Arose, as in the days of old,
freedom which is denied them at pres- When each prophet after prophet
They realize that if the new Jewry, American Jewry, is to con- Jewish Art Theater will take its place with that extraordinary ent,
and to build a cultural center that
His tale of promise told;
tribute anything original and of value, it must have standards organization of supreme artists, the Moscow Art Theater, whose should prove a monument for Israel. And the shades of by-gone glories
and values of enduring quality, and not merely values of evan- performances in this country thrilled and captivated all those
Before my vision rolled.
Immigration and Palestine.
escent bigness and volume.
who were fortunate enough to see them. The least we can do
the New Year of the Hebrew;

immigration is close-
Before the great war the bulk of Jewish population was is to encourage this organization in its splendid endeavor to
That ancient sacred day,
ly linked up with that of Palestine. It
confined to Czarist Russia. The Jews of Russia were compelled create a living Art Theater.
the memories of the ages,
is of the utmost importance that a
to live inghettoes, were excluded from the cities, were limited
Awake from time's decay,
great many of Europe's Jews

hopes of future glories
as to their occupations, were restricted as to their educational
grate from their present homes and
Are bright as the morning's ray.
settle in lands where they will have
opportunities. Secular education was permitted to very few,
a free opportunity for development
and the only educational opportunities available were in the
In the event that the proposed new I beheld the chosen children
yeshiva and the synagogues. As a consequence the contribu-
Of the Great Eternal God,
immigration laws that are planner
tion of the Jew in Russia was a rather narrow religious sectarian
for this country are passed, thu Still bend in mute submission
To sorrow's painful rod;
greatly curtailing the number of Jews
contribution. In thepolitical and economic world he left prac-
relief and reconitruction that has that are to come here, the most press- Desirous still to follow
tically ,no impress because of the restrictions and disabilities.
The road by their fathers trout.
been done in Euri pe by the Jews of ing need will be created for the find-
"Unesane Tokef Kedushath Ha- America should co lapse. This is the
But despite all the limitations all of the obstacles, the poverty, yam."
ing of another center wherein these
I asked if a faith so lofty
the pogroms anti massacres, the Jew of the Nineteenth Century
people should find refuge and a home.
"Who is to live, who is to die—who
Could be but a passing show?
the Joint Distribution Commit- Palestine offers the most plausible an-
in Russia (which in the last analysis was the dominant Jewish is to die of hunger, of disease, of gen,
echoes of the by-gone
swer to the problem thus created. An
expression) left an unmistakable impress upon the world. His cold!"
Replied to my doubtings, "No."
cabled from Moscow on Aug. 6:
avenue must be opened whereby those
in their constant waiting,
profound piety, his patience, his perseverance, his spiritual this most solemn day of the Jewish "Jewish relief work in Russia can- who are to he colonized in new home-
qualities, are of an enduring character. They are monuments year. 'Mid fasting and tears we im- not stop for another year. The Jew- lands he enabled to settle in the Jew- Their strength must nobler grow!
ish problems make it imperative that ish homeland. American Jews will
along the highway of the goluth. They are an inspiration to plore Him On Iligh to spare us for we
continue our relief work here.
another year of life, of health, of There are in the Ukraine and Russia be called upon to supply the means
the third generation of American Jewry.
prosperity. We implore our Heavenly 300,000 Jewish orphans, the result of for the settlement of their less for-
The Jew, no more than other people, can escape the Father to spare to us our loved ones
By Maurice Kahn.
tunate European brethren. And the
war, famine and epidemic of typhus Jewish international Routers will he
processes of change going on on this planet. And Israel, trans- —our children.
and tuberculosis. There is also the called upon to secure the removing of
"Rosh Ila-Shanah." It Wan
planted friim Russia to America, is faced with conditions en- And even as we, the Jews of Amer- great problem of medical and sanita-
ica, living in peace and prosperity, yet tion work. There are thbusandm of such obstacles as create restrictions one of those beautiful autumn days,
tirely different from those which confronted him in Russia.
is in all her glory. There
to the Judgment Throne and Jewish refugees gradually and surely upon immigration even in Palestine.
In America, Israel is no longer compelled to liv'e in ghettoes, turn
plead to be written down for another living rehabilitated so that they may Palestine, if it is to be built as the seemed to be a sacredness in the very
Jewish homeland, must not have its air. The spirit of the (lay seemed to
he is not excluded from the large centers of population, he is year of life, so the Jews of war and
to take care of themselves. This construction plans hampered and in- pervade the very atmosphere.
not restricted as to his occupation, he is not excluded from pogrom-shattered Ukraine, the old begin
work must he sustained for some time terfered with by conditions and re-
I finished my noonday meal and,
educational opportunities. He has political, social and eco- men and the old women, the broken, yet, although the situation is becom- strictions.
We hope that the new year lighting a cigar, reclined in my easy
mothers, the helpless, suffer- ing more settled. All this must 'he
nomic opportunities and equality. (Lest some of our captious widowed
ing orphans turn to the Jews of Amer- provided for another year it seems; will see the concession of at least one chair on the front porch, giving way
holy principle to Jewry, permitting to the thoughts of that particular day,
critics think we are unmindful of the Harvard and Syracuse , ice that they too may be written down
all the splendid results so, our pioneer settlers an unrestricted "Rosh Ila-Shanah."
incidents, or of the Fords and Hendricks, et al., anti-Semitic for another year of life—for another otherwise
ipportunity for colonizing Palestine
I pondered upon the significance of
propaganda, or the exclusion of some of our co-religionists from year of e p.
In the face of this urgent plea from
indeed, have the Jews the trusted 'representative of the Jews and rebuilding the land in the same the (lay; the construction that some
some of the resort hotels, in the main we insist that the above of Generously,
place upon the (lay; the use
America answered the piteous
that is made of the day. I was think-
is an accurate statement of the position of Jewry in America.) pleading of their war and pogrom- of America who has cabled from the ment was credited.
scene of the greatest Jewish tragedy
the (lay affected and influ-
The contrast of the picture of American Israel and that of stricken brothers and sisters of Eu- in all history, is there a Jew in Amer-
Jewish Cultural Work.
enced some people, how much good it
Russia is very marked. Here we enjoy prosperity, freedom, rope. And because of their generosi- ica who, imploring his Maker 'On this, The creation of a cultural center does. I was thinking how many peo-
ty in the past, we feel that the Jews the most solemn clay of the year, for
equality, unlimited opportunity.
in America is something which, we ple carry out the resolutions that they
of America will not desert them now.
We have survived the greatest calamities. And adversity Those who have already given will another year of life will fail to an- believe, will materialize very soon to make on "Rosh Ila-Shanah.'
the cry of the helpless old men
As I was thinking and pondering
did not corrupt or corrode. Poverty and inequality did not rejoice to give again, and those who swer
(Turn to last page.)
over the things mentioned, my eyelids
promised to give and have, thus and women, the anguished orphans
tarnish the faith and ideals of our fathers. Under the most have
far, failed to do so, will, we are sure, who also beg for another year of life.
difficult circumstances we contributed to the stock of the hasten to do so on this solemn day
world's culture, wisdom and beauty. Israel has been the in- when they in lore the Heavens for A towmont, sire, has gone to wreck!
0 Eighty-eight, in thy sma' space,
destructible. Israel has been the sublime manifestation of mercy unto t nselves.
The help t at the stricken Jews of What dire events have taken place!
Russia and the Ukraine ask of the for- Of what enjoyments thou hest reft us!
We cannot but think of the undying line of Goldsmith:
tunate Jews of America must be given In what a pickle thou host left us!
"Ill fares the land to hastening ills aprey,
j immediately and generously unless we
—Burns in "Elegy in 1788."
Where wealth accumulates, and men decay."
Will American Jewry resist the disintegrating influence of
material prosperity? Will American Jewry utilize its leisure
for spiritual and cultural advancement, or will it waste its time
in riotous living and wasteful ostentatious extravagance? Will
American Jewry use its political equality and freedom for the
common weal? Will America destroy that which the world for
two thousand years has been unable to destroy?
Over the crest of the russet hill,
These are the questions which every responsible member
The slender new moon, clear and still,
of Israel must courageously face. These are the burdens which
must be shared by united American Jewry.
Peered at the world awaiting nig'•t,
We, too, the same as the rest of America have dropped the
Though the west still gleamed with crimson light;
hyphen. We are no longer German Jews, Polish Jews, Russian
Jews. We have arrived at our majority. We are conscious that
And it said to the guardian evening star,
we need no old world affiliations, just as have the rest of Amer-
"You send your peering darts so far,
ica since the Great War.
We no not propose to loSe our identity in a melting pot.
Perchance you know why so many eyes
We have determned to leave our impress definite and distinct,
To-night are watching the dark blue skies—
although of necessity a different impress than that of our an-
cestors. But none the less, one as significant, as valuable; nay,
It seems to me that a prayer I see
more significant and more valuable.
In the wistful eyes that are watching me!"
Let us go forth in 5684 to make our contribution to the cul-
And the evening star in clear tone cried,
ture, wisdom and progress of America and the World in greater
proportions than ever before.
"0 little bright moon in the sky so wide.



began to droop, I felt drowsy, my hal
finished eager fell from my hand, Iola
I was asleep.
The unseen Power must have rea,
my thoughts and 1 found my answel
in the dream.
When in my dream, I reached Ileav-
en, I thought for a moment that I wa.
in one of the department stores, at °y•
of their bargain sales. I was ght',1
to understand that Rosh Ile-Shanah
and Yom Kippur are the lousiest days
in Heaven.
I was hal' into the Hall of Voices
and for a mamma I Wan struck with
the din and the roar that pervaded ilia
air. Like thunder rumbling in thy
distance on a hot summer day before
the storm breaks, so the noise in the
Hall sounded to nie. The angel who
had charge of guiding me around ex-
plained to nie that voices of the wor-
shippers on "Rosh Ila-Shanah" reach
that Ilall and their prayers and sup-
plications heard,
I heard the voice of the once.a-year
Jew, he who reminds himself that on
that day he is a Jew. I heard the
voice of the man with the adninant
heart, who CHITS for no one but him.
self. The man, who is not interested
in his fellow men. The man who lives
a life as if he was only created to live
for himself.
1 herad the voice fo the men who
does not believe in charity, he tillo
helps to create those who must ask
assistance of charity, and gives little
or nothing to charity.
I heard the voice of the pious Jew,
he who believes that piety consists of
loud prayers and fastings, but who
abhors tolerance and liberal-min(Oed-
I heard the voice of the profiteer,
the greedy, grasping, soulless, indi-
vidual who does not seem to know or
wnnt to know that he cannot take any-
thing with him to his grave.
I heard the voice of the selfish self-
centered individual. I heard the voice
''f him who always asks, "am I my
brother's keeper" I heard the voice of
the bigot, the narrow minded. 1 heard
the voice of the orthodox, he who
laughs at the reformer.
I heard the voice of the reformer,
who belittles the belief of the ortho-
I heard the voices of the hypocrite,
the liar, the cheat. I heard the voice
of him who gives to charity because it
"covers a multitude of sins." I heard
the voice of him who commercializes
his religion.
I heard the voice of him who capi-
talizes his friendship. I heard the
mire of him who worships mammon
the year around and deserts him on
this (lay. I heard the voices of those
who make gamblers, harlots, widows
and orphans through their money
I heard the voices of all those who
are responsibile for the misery, the ills
that the human being very often has
to endure.
What were those voices asking?
What were their prayers?
They were asking for forgiveness
for violating the laws that God want-
ed man to uphold and practice, the
laws that make good men. They con-
fessed that they did wrong, but pray-
ed for indulgence, telling Ilim how
magninimous He is, how good and
kind, how forgiving Ile is, and prom-
ising and resolving to do better, To
overlook this once, their sins, and tear
out pages of their past, and give them
a clean book. Some prayed fervently,
others prayed hysterically, but they
all prayed for the same thing—for-
giveness. They all confessed to the
slime thing—transgression.
As I staid there, not in the least
moved by the tears, wails, sighs and
other emotions of the voices, the
thought occured to me, how more fit-
ting it would be, if on "Rosh Ila-Sha-
nah" we would congregate in our
places of worship, ready to place be-
fore the Most IIigh our records of our

(Turn to last page.)

D . t.
is inctive Frocks

A Prayer For The New Year


$ 65 00



The Ku Klux Klan.

Recent press reports have carried remarkable exposures
concerning the activities of ex-imperial wizard Simmons and
imperial wizard Evans. Charges of graft, dishonesty, banditry,
have been flying thick and fast. For our part, we believe all
these reports.
An organization born in hatred and bigotry, founded upon
the denial of every American ideal, arrogating to itself the
right to determine who are Americans. Could anything me
more absurd than the attempt to separate a portion of our pop-
ulation and classify them as the sheep and exclude the others,
and classify them as goats, in a country made up of every race
and stock in the world? And this is exactly what the Ku Klux
Klan has attempted.
The war had loosened the ugly inflamed pasiions, hatreds,
fears and suspicions of men. The feeble-minded and the dull-
witted were ready to accept any fantastic tale, the war propa-
gandist had seen fit to fabricate. The demagogue, the provincial
and the benighted fomenter of race and national hatreds
fnund the time most opportune to spread stories calculated to
inspire malice and blood-thirstiness against all those who were
not of the Nordic race and Protestant religion.
These eneTie5 Qf America employed childish, fear-inspirini s

There's a prayer in the souls of men tonight
For a new year lies in your chalice white!

And they know not if it bring good or ill!
But with tender faith in the Father still,

They pray for strength to live it through
With courage high and with purpose true.

are presented
in our Fourth
Floor Shop at

v it

New moon of Tishri, so silvery bright,
Shine clear, to cheer men's hearts tonight!"

Charming Autumn models
that appeal to women who
want something more than
st y I e alone — for these
dresses represent the ut-
most in value as well!

So it shone in the dark of the dusky sky
Like a crescent of diamonds set on high,

And the weary folk who saw it there
Moved tired lips in a little prayer:


"God grant that for all the year be bright
As the new moon that brought the year tonight!"


ass A.k


1241-1243 Woodward

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