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June 08, 1923 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1923-06-08

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.9 I

Digesting the Week's News


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ed by Mr. Wolf after he had been
jected by the Typographical Union.
In Washington Mr. Wolf's friends are
of all classes, sects and parties. The
(Concluded from Editorial page.)
late Father Walter of St. Patrick's
Catholic Church there once said:
it is beautiful, archaic, with folk- "The best Christian in Washington
crafts once ours and lost to us, with
is Simon Wolf," the Jew," a tribute
incons?ious architectural grace in his
which Mr. Wolf was always proud of.
hygenically impossible stone villages
from which we as builders in the Or-
,tient have much to learn.
4 * "The Jew must come so quickly that
the Arab will absorb education with-
Real Est.. Exchange Specialist
rut in the slow process, losing the
I exchange what you have

Engineer Weisblatt has refused to accept the office of president of beauty of his folk-ways. As life de-
Warsaw Jewish community, which has been left vacant by the death of vetting, as the earth gives forth its
Dr. Runstiiin. Mr. Weisblatt gives no reason for his refusal. riches, as the land is settled and the
terraced hills are covered with vine

• 9 •
The conference of Palestine Jewish physicians for the combatting of and olive as of old, the Arab will rec-
malaria wan held in Haifa. Delegates included representatives of the ognize fully the brother that has conic
Workers' Sick Benefit Association, of the Hadassah and of the Jewish to save and rebuild with him the an.
cient homestead.
Physicians' Association.
"Not only for Palestine. Jewish

• • .
Polish police and military officials have begun to carry out the recent culture reviving, and revivifying the
of Palestine will influence all the
secret instructions to oust Jews from military general headquarters , a re-
port from Bialystok states. Three Jewish policemen were discharged and East, will be call to a rebirth of the
ancient Semitic brotherhood of cul-
a number of Jewish soldiers who were working in the military G. II. Q.
tures. ‘S'ho knows whether the West-
were returned to the ranks.
iirn World, too, will not benefit from I

such a revival? In the Orient, by cus-;
Acting Rector Jacobovici of the University of Klausenberg, at Budapest,
tom, families and clans •
hold together '
had a narrow escape from death when a bullet was fired at him by one of
naturally, developing side by side,
a crowd of Fascisti students. Professor Jacobovici is one of the teachers
without losing in vague assimilation .
opposing the enforcement of the percentage norm against Jewish students.
the fine edge of personality. Jewish
A number of university professors in•Jassy, among them Niter Conlacu
culture and Arabic culture can easily I
tine, have received letters threatening them with murder for persisting in
flourish side by side in Palestine as I
siding with the Jews.
but mutually creative en-

titles "
The first massmeeting
under the auspices of the Christian-Jewish-Mo-
Greatereffort for Palestine in Dias-
amme an Society, an organization established to create a better under-
p ire will mean a greater number of
standing among those religions throughout the world, was held at the Brook-
Jews settled in the Holy Land and a
lyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn, N. Y. The principal speakers were Dr.
speedier realization of the aims for a.
S. Parkes Cadman, pastor of the Central Congregational church; the Rev.
Jewish homeland.
John L. Belford of the Roman Catholic Church of the Nativity; Dr. Thomas
W. Davidson of the Reformed Church on the Heights; Rabbi Israel II.
Levinthal, Brooklyn Jewish Center; Rabbi Clifton II. Levy and Syud Hos-
sein, a Mohammedan orator and journalist.

• • •

Children's Corner

Resentment felt in Jewish circles over the visit Colonel Kisch paid to
Rabbi Sonnenfeld, leader of the intransigeant orthodoxy, found expression
at the meeting of the Palestine Vaad l.eumi. Dr. Ben-Zion Mosessohn
questioned the colonel, who is acting as the political representative in Pales-
tine of the World Zionist Organization and of the Jewish Agency, about his
visit, particularly as the Zionist emisary was accompanied by Professor
Israel Dellaan, an avowed opponent of the Zionist Organization. The colonel
replied that his visit wa's unofficial and prompted by his nelsons) desire to
acquaint himself with all parts of the Jewish population.

• • •

The mid-monthly issue of the Survey for May contains a leading edi-
torial on "Jewish Councils Over-seas." It describes the history of the
Council of Jewish Women's European program for refugees and the result
of its work in various centers of Jewish population. It concludes with this
very interesting information: "Thus the socially minded Jewish women of
Europe who chafe, as one of them writes, under 'the task of having per-
petually to assume the role of supplians and beneficiaries of American
effort,' have been given an opportunity of making this important social
enterprise their own. What better result could there be of American
philanthropy abroad?"

(Concluded from Editorial page.)

"Literature—Miss Rebecca Klein,
for her short story, 'Tony the Boot-
black.' "
The announcement then read:'
"The judges deem the results of this
contest unusual, because the three
winners are of different nationalities,
and because each winner has for his
or her theme another nationality. We
note that Mr. Carl Holzman, who is
of German parentage, has taken the
negro background for his composi-
tion; Miss Margaret Kelly, who is
Irish, has for her subject a Jewess,
and Miss Rebecca Klein, a Jewess
born in this country, has as her hero
I 'Tony the Bootblack.'
"The judges were very pleased
with the respective endeavors, for
they realize that such attempts will
(tend to further the understanding be-
' tween the peoples of this country and
the world over."

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Funeral Director

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Startling figures have been published by the Oze, an ass,ciation for the
improvement of health of the Jewish population in Russia, regarding the
health conditions of Jewish refugees and their children in the various im-
migration camps. The investigators show that in some cases half of the
children are afflicted with tuberculosis and that as many suffer from
trachoma. At the immigration camp in Kowno, 25 per cent of the children
are consumptive, the report states. Thirty-three per cent of the children
of Brest Litovsk camp are tubercular, while the inroads trachoma has
made among children in the Rowno camp amounts to 65 per cent. The
health condition of the parents is not much better than that of the chil-
dren, 55 per cent of the adults being said to be afflicted with one disease
or another. Mortality in the refugee camps reaches 9 per cent. A Warsaw
report states a third of the pupils attending the Jewish People's Schools are
threatened with tuberculosis.

• • •

Anti-Semitism and other forms of racial and national hatred are de-
nounced in a resolution adopted by the Socialist Congress at Hamburg. The
resolution declares it the duty of Socialist parties in all countries that are
now become part of the Labor and Socialist Internationale to wage war on
intolerance which menaces the safety and the rights of minorities. Fascism
as a form of rabid nationalism which, the resolution declares, in many
countries takes the form of anti-Semitism, is also condemned and Socialists
(Continued from page 1.)
are urged to combat it. The democratic self-government of the minorities
and their right to "cultural freedom" is recognized in a separate resolution. Orphans' Home in Atlanta, for which
The resolution dealing with anti-Semitism and minority rights was intro- he himself raised$150,000. Ile was'
duced by re rev
of the Poale Zion, one of whose leaders, S. Kan- nresitlent of the Washington Hebrew
lansky, has been included in the executive of the new internationale. The Congregation and was active in the',
Poale Zion is the only inter-territorial organization recognized as entitled formation of the Union of American'
to be represented on the new executive committee.
Hebrew Congregations. Last Janu-

• • •
ary at the convention of that body
The Jewish' Memorial Hospital at Dyckman street and River road, New in New York Mr. Wolf was elected
York, was formally dedicated Sunday to the memory of soldiers, sailors and vice-president.
marines who made the supreme sacrifice in the late war. Letters from
He was twice president of the gen-
President Harding, Vice-President Coolidge, Governor Smith. Theodore eral convention of the B'nai B'rith,
Roosevelt, General Pershing and Herbert Hoover were read. The grounds. and after the depth of Leo N. Levy
overlooking the Hudson river. were crowded with friends and fellow workrs became president of the order. At*-
who had been active in securing the 8500,000 raised by voluntary constribu- ter the Kishineff pogrom of 1903 it -
tion. Members from the neighboring American Legion Posts • wearing uni- was at Mr. Wolf's initiative that the
forms and carrying flags, attended, and there was music by the boys' band memorable protest meeting at Wash-
from the Hebrew Orphan Asylum. A bronze tablet was unveiled. It bears ington seas arranged and the confer-
a bas-relief of a battlefield showing the wounded receiving medical aid, and ence with Roosevelt and Secretary
also contains the names of the officers and directors of the hospital and of Hay held. The famous protest note
the Ladies' Auxiliary. Edmond Schwartz, president of C'e hnsMtal, said vent by Mr. flay to Roumania was
that the institution now has 100 beds, and in a short while it was hoped also the result of Mr. Wolf's constant
to make the number 400.
stipea's to President Roosevelt and

• •
Secretary Hay.
One hundred fifty Jewish organizations of the East Side of New York
In 1896 Mr. Wolf published "The
were represented at a convention at the Bialostock Center, 228 East Broad- American Jew as Patriot, Soldier and
way, called to nominate 50 candidates for delegates to the American Jewish Citizen," in answer to a challenge to'
Congress. Max Eckman opened the convention, which appointed Lew's the Jews of America to prove their
Diamond as chairman. The following 60 candidates were nominated, of claims to having fought for their
whom 25 will be elected June 24: S. Ashkenazi, Dr. Bluestnoe, Joseph adopted country. He wrote a biog-
Berondess, Meyer Brown, Dr. L. Bernstein, Samuel Caplan, Louis Cahan, raphy of M. M. Noah, a one time hieh
Congressman Dickstein, Nathan Drosher, William Eckman, M. Epstein, J. sheriff of New York, and • biography'
Gottlieb, Rabbi Gut, S. Goldstein, L. Grill, J. Hamlin, A. W. Josephson, of Commodore U. P. Levy. Ills
Harry Gutblatt, J. Lipnik, B. Koenibsberg, Rabbi Iskolsky, M. Lipman, I. "Presidents I Have Known" recently'
Levitsky, A. Maierovitch, Congressman Perlman, R. I'latrot, Nathan Straus went into its second edition.
Abraham Shomer, Mendel Shapiro, Dr. Schlissel, Dr. Sheinholz, Max
Mr. Wolf said that he was the first
Wershleisser, A. Woliner, Ossip Wolinsky, Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Charles public officer to give a colored man a
Shapiro, Dr. M. Waxman, J. Zaar, N. Zvirin, Max Pasternack, A. Speiz clerkship. The man was the son of
handler, J. Rabinowitz, Nathan Jarka, Louis D:amond and Dr. I. Kaufman
Frederick Douglass and was appoint I

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Prime Minister Sikorski of Poland and cabinet have resigned following
an adverse vote in the Diet on the premier's move for a vote of confidence.
The Christian Socialists, the Peasant party deputies and representatives of
virtually all minority nationalities joined n the vote against the government.
Deputy Reich, on behalf of the Jewish members, declared he took the occa-
sion to voice their protest against Premier Sikorski's treatment of the
homeless refugees of the Ukraine whose expulsion from Poland the premier
directed in an order issued April 15. The discussion leading up to the
cabinet's defeat was occasioned by the premier's request for approval of
the provisional budget as a whole, including an appropriation for secret
service. The government was defeated by the newly formed coalition of
Witos, the Peasant party leader, with the Right bloc, the vote being 379
I against 117.

W A S II I N GTON.—(J. T. A.) I-
Henry Ford would have great
strength as a Presidential nominee
no matter which ticket he was named
on, in the opinion of Senator Cope-
land of New York in a sttaement
made here.
"The people have confidence in
, Ilenry Ford," said the senator repre-
' venting the world's largest constitu-
ency. "They believe he would give
them a business administration of
' the government. He would be par-
ticularly strong in the agricultural
districts. He has given the farmer,
as well as other people, a car within
their reach and he has also given the
farmer a tractor.
"Agriculture is the great basic in-
dustry of the country. The farmers,
however. were given no consideration
by the Republicans. There is some-
thing wrong when the farmer can get
for 23 chickens only what a carpen-
ter or plumber is paid for a day's
Senator Copeland lived in Michi-
gan before he came to New York.
He is familiar with conditions in that
state. Ile said he had been informed
that Henry Ford will be nominated
in the primaries of that state by 1.5th
"I don't think that Mr. Ford has
ever declared his party affiliations,"
said the senator. "Ile is much in the
same position that Secretary Hoover
was some time before the national
convention in 1920.
In New York and Ohio, Senator
Copeland said, Ford is very popular

1514 Woodward Aye.
Main 7127
Appointments for Studio or at Hons.


Student Fascism, which has been raging in Roumanian universities, has
recently penetrated into secondary schools as well and the younger students
are rapidly following in the footsteps of the older ones. Temesvar i with
its 40,000 organized Fascisti, has become the center of the Chauvinistic
movement. The Fascisti of Czernowitz have demanded of the university
(Concluded from page 1.)
heads that "numerus clausus" be put into effect at once, providing for the
exclusion of "aliens" in general and Jews in particular. The officials have Representatives and the Hungarian
decided to close the Czernowitz University, following the attack made on government.
In his report as president Dr.
Jewish law students, when the students were mercilessly beaten.

Buehler declared that conditions in
Notables from Palestine and other neighboring states gathered at Am- Hungary have not improved much in
mon for the celebration of the proclamation of independence of Transor- the last few years—as they affect the
dania, with Emir Alidullah as the ruler. Tile text of the declaration, which Jews. They are still being discrimi-
was agreed upon by the British government in conferring the rights of nated against, ridiculed, beaten and
autonomous administration upon the territory east of Jordan, was read by imprisoned because of their religion,
the Emir. Sir Herbert Samuel, the British High Commissioner for Pales- he charged.
Dr. Buehler read messages from
tine, was the chief honorguest. Ile spoke in behalf of the British govern.
meat. Geliciting Transjordania on its attainment of independence, the President Harding, Governor Smith,
l'aleatine High Commissioner declared Britain would continue its merest Senator Copeland, United States Su-
in the country, but for the rest the country would be what the Arabs will preme Court Justice Brandeis, Otto
II. Kahn and Murray Hulbert.
make of it.

• • •




An official Roumanian regulation has been published in the Monitorol,
declaring students upon entering the Bucharest University will be obliged
to sign a pledge to observe order. The first violation of the pledge will be
followed by warning and reprimand, the regulation states, and continued
disorderly conduct will be punished by exclusion from all Roumanian uni-
versities. The Students Union will be permitted in the future to engage
only in cultural activities and sports, the senate being empowered to con- , Mere chance brought Margaret and
trol the activities of the union and to order it dissolved on the slightest me together and mere chance shall
misuse of authority. In consequence of the continued disorders, the Uni- part us. •
versity of Jassy remains closed until the

The Cleveland section ofthe Council of Jewish Women had many unique
elements at its program presented at its annual meeting in May. A film was
presented to the members, picturing all phases of the section's work in the
community. This film was offered as the annual report of the president
and gave a clear insight into the work of Martha House, the Council Edu-
cational Alliance and the work of the Big Sisters. The film "Opportunity,"
on sight conservation, and slides on the work of the National Department
of Immigrant Aid were also included in the afternoon's program. Mrs.
Siegmund Herzog, president of the Cleveland section, was exceedingly grati-
fied with the results of this visual method of informing the section's mem-
bership of her organization's progress..

Harry Feinberg, Photographer

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