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May 04, 1923 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1923-05-04

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4arriat faith Radial eater




MEnrritondtmsn @Roman







l'irrsItUlt(01. -1J. C. 11.1 -- Dr.



Eitan of Jerusalem has accept-
ed a position on the faculty of the
Ilelocw Institute of Pittsburgh. Ile
Sons of Judaea.
will liegin his duties immediately as
teacher of advanced Hebrew. :\n interesting program w'N9 pre-
Dr. Ell all was a member of a coni- seeded ut fhr mrcting of the lions of
mitt,. of three appointed by the Pal-
Max Scahyowitz
Oil Sundae,
,t1111,111 V.VV I 11111V111 to adapt
told the story of King David. A dis-
IOC,' terminology for modern uses.
which all the memberstiar-
Boldnig a .legrce from the UM • •i v cussion
was held on the aims and
a Paris, Dr. Eitan is at
problems of Young Judaea. Harry
working un an exegetical thesis at Levin was elected captain of the in-
door baseball team. The club will
play the Suns of the White and Blue
Film of Jewish Interest to Be in ;i few weeks.
This Sunday's program will eon-
Shown by Crystal Theater.
s.st of a general discussion on the
whether Palestine should he
A fil m w i t h an est„.,.mi appr.1 1 t„ t h e
an agricultural or Indus-trial
,ten's, th e p mt havin g to d.. w i t h t h e built us - Morris Kosak and l'arl nett'
struggles of a typical Jewish family land. „
speak on lag
Itussta and of the light for exist-
IS Ili) would
cure a n d fortune in America, will be
Tikvas Zion.
shown at the Crystal Theater, 4e.15
not look cool
Michigan av 11
e nue, oll Thursday and The Tiliv-as Zion, at the meeting on
and ;dfrac-
Friday, \lay In and 11. -Breaking Sunday at the El Moshe Synagogue
Bono, 'Pies," the film in question, will on Twenty-ninth street a nd :Michigan
- tisein one of
be shown here it the t . rystal Theater avenue, presented all interesting pro-
our 111'W printed silk
for the tirst time. gram which wits featured by it dis-
The play opens in Russia and 1 cussion of Great Britain's part in the
frocks - la ,Ns it ruling, ex-
shows the home of a well-to-do Rus• national movement fur the rebuild-
pressiN e things Nits all
sian-Jewish family with the quaint ing of Palestine. Lord Itobert Cu-
the charm, grace and
furnitino• and other fittings, ands cil's attitude on Zionism was empha-
charaeters carefully selected to inn- sized. There was also a discussion
color of the realm of
lierstinate the roles allotted to them.ilif the week's news. A general dis-
and the son is •USSiiill followed as to whether the
.Misfortune t el
forced to flee to America to escape spirit of Judaism was fostered in the
Come and see them!
the consequences of a supposed synagogue, the Talmud Torah or the
crime. Left to themselves, the aged home.
Arrangements were made at this
parents fall upon evil .lays and they
are compelled to move to America. meeting fur the hike on Sunday, NItty
In the nevi: world they find the strug- • 13, with the Knights of Judaea.

gle too much for them and refuge in
the home tor aged is ;ill that is It ft'
Tiffereth Zion.
to them. It is there under the most
The last meeting of the Titiereth
dramatic circumstant-es they find •
/ ' Lieu was held at the home of Anna
their lost son, who has prospered ant, , 'radon'. The program consisted of
is now a successful lawyer.
a report 011 the , Keren Ilayesod work
Several unusual scenes make the by
att e Kar t o w . Toe Young Judaea
picture one well worth seeing. (Inc
i d ea l WaS discussed by Bessie Silver-

recited a poem.
00000 0 0000000470 -00000- 0000 00 000000 0000000000 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 photographed true to life in all the
Florence liorwoz Mei newspaper ar-
smallest dt•tails,
tr-iles of interest.
Where Quality I. Higher
Miss Mendel-
Itill in mass singing.
Than Price.
er, read
Woodward Sample Furniture Sohn,
i the C 1 .'', i lea der,
from the Bible.
Company a Growing

This will
y ou make
y our mind










m o ll

7 be


Afignonette Grand

The exquisi e pr iportit n IS Ind remarkable delicacy of line enchant
the eye—just us the g den tone Will superb reStillall•e delight the
ear. The living room of the fine home receives its perfecting touch

by the presence of this dainty pianoforte.


G rood !iro n , $1.: turd op.


Knabe Warerooms





At the hist meeting of the ('ha-
Thc \Voodward Sample Furniture
Company, 12 Wt•st Elizabeth street, Litzos news of the week was dis-
gruel ing young concern whose!cussed by Ethel Weinstein. Dorothy
interesting facts
remarkable selling success has !ie . : Schechter spoke Oil
casioned much comment in business in Jewish history. A resolution of
circles. "This is due," says Jules sympathy to the president, AMe lia-
Isaacson, sales manager, "to the fact rahal, on the recent death of her sis-
that we give OW, best furniture val- ter was adopted by the club.
ues in the city of Detroit," but it is
Maccabees of Judaea.
well known that this company is also
it shrewd and persistent advertiser
At the meeting of the Maccabees
and that by alert methods the mans- of Judaea, held on May 11, members
alters rapidly turn over large stocks 44 the club spoke on Palestine topics.
if merchandise with the minimum of Morris Goldman won honors as hav-
rverheatl expense.
trig the best prepared speech of the
SO far as the buying end of this
growing business is concerned, it is , evening.
news was
cussed by
difficult to conceive of a better selec-
arter spoke on the work of the
ted stock of furniture than is here ibis- S
placed and„mi. i.„„ wellbelievethatJewish National Fund. The Keren
Ilayesod was discussed by Benjamin
people come from all over Detroit and
the stilon.bs to buy to take advan- Labret. The debate on the question
of whether the Bible should be taught
tag,. at this store, where prices are
ill the public schools was held be-
so reasonable and the lalyer receives '- tween Nathan Lesser and Sam Smith,
ton-out-aging assistant•e from the rot a
. Ir. Lesser, who upheld the affirm:L.
toms sales people.
live, being awarded the decision.
. Plans are being made for the annual
hike of the club and arrangements
'tare also being made for a !lance.
By Ben Jacob.


UYING something to eat or some-
thing to wear doesn't mean much
of an investment. Picking out the
family supper—choosing a new dress--
selecting a new coat—purchasing ap-
parel for the little ones—these things
dont run into big money. Naturally
folks cannot give a lot of time to their
When it comes to furniture, however,
the situation is different. People buy
their furniture to last a life time. In
many cases it is the biggest investment
they ever make. When they pay too
much they may work a real hardship
upon theliselvee and their family; when
they effect a saving it really counts.

Knights of Judaea.

The weather . ; been so ball that I
The payment of the first 5100
phi, of worship 1 . 011111 not try,
Opposite Kresge Bldg. 2
to the Keren Ilayesod and
2015 Park Avenue
But now that my new frock I see,
collection of a substantial sum to
I'll go, whate . er the weather be.
start payments tin the second SIMI
00000000000000***000000000000 000000000000000000000000
contribution to the Palestine Founda-
tion Fund was anima need at the
meeting of the Knights of Judaea on
Tuesday evening, Tis, first SIOu
pledge was paid in record time and
the members hope to over-subscribe
the second pledge.
Election of officers resulted as fol-
lows: Abraham Torgow, president;
I Sol Slomovitz, vice-president; Ilarry
Seligson, secretary; Reuben Cohen,
treasurer; Sam Must, Keren Ilayestal
treasurer; Abe Torgow and Nathan
Zack, members of the Senior Coun-
The program of thc evening con-
sisted of a talk on the origin of the
Jewish flag by Alfred Lewis; as re-
vie• of the week's news by Sol Si0111-
ovitz and an talk on "Charity in .1u-
daism” by Morris Waxman.
The program of the meeting the
coming Tuesday will consist of a re-
view of the week's news by Joseph
Safran. Abe Torgow will lead in a
discussion on the question "Should
I the Jewish National Fund help bust-
! ness men in Palestine? What can
'Young Judaeans do to help the Jew-
ish National Fund all the year

Park Avenue Building

Going Great! Silk Shirts
$3.65 Each, 3 for $10.50

So it's worth one's while to give careful con-
sideration and plenty of thought to picking out
the most suitable home outfit.

It's a good policy—and one to be encouraged
—for folks to shop around and compare prices
before they buy. Generally speaking, there is
no such thing as" standard prices" in the fur-
niture business. IT DOES MAKE A DIFFER-
ENCE where you buy your furniture.

Heavy Cubtom Shirtings
Fine Pongees
Plain White Jerseys

Satin-striped Baby Broadcloths

On the basis of the most rigid, searching
investigation and comparison we feel sure that
you will decide to buy your furniture from this

Satin-striped Jacquard Broadcloths

Satin-striped Jerseys

Satin-striped Tub Silks

We make the atatemont on the strength of years
of experience that your average savings will be 25%.
This is due to the fact that we don't have to pay the
high rents demanded for downtown locations, nor
maintain expensive wit' ehouses from which to trans-
port our merchandise.

Sons of White and Blue.

Plain colors—white—stripes—checks—color 1

combinations—ANYTHING that you will want

in silk shirts for this Summer!

They're Regular $4.98 to $6.98 Ones!

SO it's no wonder that this live department has been one of the chief
attractions for men these first few days of the Anniversary Sale! Hundreds
of Detroiters have rushed down to get their share of these -and those that
couldn't get here, sent someone! They did not pass them up—they're too
good a bet! Still lots of them left—in all kinds! Hurry!
Crowley-Milner's—First Floor.

Men's Summer Union Suits 75c, 3 for $2

Luxury brand union suits made of tine count checked nainsook! With
elastic ribbed insertion! Cut extra full! Man! Here is your chance to
stock up for the entire hot weather season! Sizes 34 to 46!

$1.75 Silk Hose, $1.15 Pair

59c Athletic Union Suits,
3 for $1.50

High quality men's silk hose, full-
2,000 suits! lsts and 2nds! Made
fashioned! Elastic ribbed silk or
lisle tops and reinforced heels and with elivtic waist band. Sizes 34
to 46.
toes! Sizes 9I:. to 11 1 2 .
Cotton Hose, 19c Pair – $2.00 Dozen
Fine quality, summer weight Hose! All good colors! Elastic ribbed
Crowley-Milner's—First Floor.
tops—reinforced! All sizes!

Crowley, Milner & Co.

At the meeting of the *ins of
the M'hite and Blue held on Wednes-
day evening, .1. Kahn spoke on the
.lewish Legion and .1. Solomon On
the Keren Ilayesod.
A new system for a program has
11,11 01111111Pd for next Wednesday.
Every member will participate in the
program, each having been assigned
a city in Palestine. Hyman 'figt•I,
leader of the club, will draw a map
of Palestine and each member will
have to locate himself. The geog-
raphy of Palestine Will he discussed.
Preparations are being completed
for the opening of the indoor base.
ball season. The first game will he
played with the Sons of Judaea.



-Cohen Co


Hamilton at Philadelphia
Warren W. at McGraw
Oakman Blvd. at Davison

Elections of the Wrnis Yisroel held
rat the last meeting resulted as fol-
lows: Mae Allen, president; I'earl
Nlarkofsky, vice - president ; Anna
Samsun, secretary; Ethel Kulick,
treasurer; Sylvia Lesser, scrap book
editor and Chronicle reporter.
An interesting program was pre-
sented at the juvenile party held on
Sunday, April 211. Games., sores and
dances were features.

Open Monday, Wednesday and Saturday Evenings.


Pirchai Zion.

The last meeting of the Pirchai
Zion was held at the home of Frieda
Gold, 020 East Ilanceok avenue. New
officers were elected sa follows. Miss
Gold. president; Gertrude when,
vice-president; Margaret Gunsberg.
secr•tray; Gertrude Rosenthal. cor-
responding secretary; Jennie Schnei-
der, treasurer. Interesting talks on
matters of interest in Jewish life and
in Yiiting Judaea were given. The
next frle•tITIV w ill be held at the home
of Miss Bessie Kostik, 1026 Nletlbury

Collegiate Judaeans..
A discussion on the advisability of
establishing a Jewish university in

America featured the program of the
Collegiate Judaeans on Sunday after-

noon. Hyman Tigel led in the at-

tirmative and Sam Firestone in the
negative. Max Weine reviewed a •
chapter of Jewish history dealing
with Joshua's conquest of Palestine.14
Harry Seligson reviewed the week's
At the meeting on Sunday. May 1
I:1, Mr. Tigel will review Colonel'
Patti•rson's latest book, "With the .11,-
dooms in the Palestine Campaign."'
Herz! Shur will speak on the Keren
Hayes.' accomplishments in Pales-


There wilhilso be other inter-

esting numbers.
Plans are being completed for a
social gathering to close the term's
activities and to welcome into the or-
hose Young Judaeans
who are entering college next semes-


Harry Feinberg, Photographer


1514 Woodward Arc
M•i ■ 7127

Appointm•ole for Studio or at Homo.

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