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March 09, 1923 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1923-03-09

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Aistededit lavish PerioNeal Carter




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0-1AS. I+. JOSEPH-,--

(csiwyertght, tint.

By Ch.. H. Joseph.)












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Jews as
If non•Jewish writers could discuss subjects affecting the
competently as has he professor from Oberlin, it would he a relief
to the Jews of the nation who are becoming nauseated with the half-
baked, irresponsible, superficial discussion of the "Jewish Question."
Iadvine the editors of the leading magazines of the nations to

give on a rest.

No wonder there are heretics like Percy Grant. The other day
the Rev. Joseph Grieff of Union Hill, N. J., was fined $1 for producing
the Passion Play in his school hall on • Sunday. Nothing must be per-
mitted to interfere with the Blue Laws—not even religion!

Well, the Pharaohs did not live in vain. I could never quite un-
derstand of what special use to the universe were those cruel Egyptian
rulers, But it has all been cleared up since the discovery of the tomb
of Tut-ankh-amen. This ancient ruler has been able to change com-
pletely he fashions for women for the spring of 1923! Quite an
ommentary on the
achievement! Furthermore, it is • remarkable c
moderns have developed. Mr. Cameron, why
sort of civilization


ot issue • special number of the Dearborn Independent calling atten•
n tion
to this new international Jewish menace to corrupt the Christian

world by introducing pagan-inspired costumes? You'll lose your job
if you continue to miss opportunities such an these.

1sn't all this interesting in connection with the ressom why • great
un i versity wants to close its door. to young men desiring an educa•
tin„? And I want to say right here that those are the "popular”
objections made by the Gentile against us. You can fool
yourselves if you choose to; I don't want to fool myself. Gleason has
draftee." into the open the things that are said against us in private.
Now that all the "awful" things have been marshaled in this manner,
ashamed of themselves that over these
maybe many Gentiles will be
things—done admittedly by only • tiny minority—that all Jews should
4* fenced out. Some day I shall marshal those deficiencies against
good taste, good manners •nd culture present in Gentiles at those
Jews •re not w•nted.
club., hotels, colleges nd apartments at which

the heinous crimes that a few Jewish

Here are the remainder of
president of Harvard to make a
1,0 75 commit which has caused the

donkey of himself:

"They are clannish. They complain of examinations fall-
ing on Jewish holy days. They want kosher food. They are
day students (commuters). They carry a limburger cheese
sandwich in the pocket for luncheon. They smell of Gefullte
fish. They have a trampling ego, an assertiveness that domi-
nates another individual, and that in a group transforms o
locality into a Jewish club. In a general university club they
park their books and spread themselves and their possessions
till genial loafing and lounging are made impossible. It is the
same trait that has converted lower Fifth avenue from the
favorite show place and sight-seeing promenade of New York
Into a Hebrew club of the clothing trades. They push their
way into conveyances. They hog the road. This little minonty
have some of the worst members in Christendom. They are not
socially correct. They rank with others of foreign name and
obscure ancestry who lack ultimate civility. They do not know
the art of waistcoats, knives and forks. In this sense the prob-
lem is not one of Jews alone, but of

week I shall take the oppor-
All this in very interesting. Next
e the

who ot li aje ecn t *t' o jr.,
i lins erti o cas n o sms:
s f
n . ut lf fceowu rof
t i mti L tep t ai y ritth
funny they are to Ey-
se" with "funny names," 'appreciate how
repeals. when they visit there.

Topcoats and Gabardines Are Ready
for Spring. Tailored by the Famous
"House of Kirschbaum" 2$38.50 and up



Each Suit

has two pair
K nicker..


■ are cut full
■ and full lined.

Specially Priced for the
Passover Holidays

Every suit tailored perfectly to hold
their shape. Materials are all wool, the
styles the latest. These are good DUR-
ABLE suits at $12A8, and parents will
do well to bring their boys here.

Kirschbaum Clothes

The fineness of material and
finesse of tailoring actually
shows up in Kirschbaum


Other suits range in price up to $24.50.

Spring Blouses, 79c

White and colored madras
Also new spring hats and
raps at 95c to $1.98.



gtinple Nell El

'Jew nd Christian:"

Under this title Rabbi Franklin will,
on March 11, 18 and 25, give a series
of three addresses, as follows: (a)
"Where Judaisni and Christianity
Stand Together;" "Where Judaism
and Christianity Differ;" (c) "Can
the Gap Be Bridged?"
This series promises to be of great
tinnily interest and importance.

Professor Das to Address

On this coming Monday, March 12,
Professor Taraknath Das of Calcutta,
India, will deliver an address at 2:15
• p. m. before the Sisterhood of the
temple upon the subject "The Near
East and World Peace." Professor
Das is a well known Open Forum
'speaker. II cis a recognized student
of international relations and will
undoubtedly give a very splendid ex-
. position of his subject. All the mem-
' bers of the Sisterhood are urged to
take advantage of this fine oppor-

The Women ' s League of the United
Hebrew Schools will hold a card

party and social gathering at 2:30
p. m. Monday, March 12, at the Kirby
Center, Kirby and Antoine streets.
The purpose of this and following
gatherings will be to get the ladies
acquainted with the work of the
schools and to have them visit the
classes at intervals. The proceeds
will go towards the upkeep of the
Officers of the Women's League
an Mrs. Wolf Kaplan, president;
Mrs. M. Mendelsohn, financial secre-
tary; Mrs. Jack l'erlmutter, record-
ing secretary; Mrs. M. Weiswasser,
treasurer. These are assisted by the
following members of the board of
directors: 51rs. P. Gordon, Mrs. S.
Lachman, Mrs. R. Zuieback, Mrs. II.
Sorenko, Mrs. J. Gilbert Israel, Mrs.
Henry Weinstein, Mrs. David Zemon,
Mrs. J. II. Ehrlich, Mrs. I. Rosenthal,
Sirs. P. Shulman, Mrs. N. Lieberman,
Miss Ida Keidan, Miss Mary Caplan,
Mrs. 13. Levine, Mrs. R. Weintraub,
Mrs. Ida Baker, Mrs. Julius Gnisberg,
Mrs. Sam Lavine and Mrs. Abe Srere. '

Victrola 111

(One Hundred Eleven)
Your home will be made more attractive through
the beauty of this big, artistic model—and your family
find it a boundless source of entertainment, musical
education and enjoyment. Gladden your home with
it now.


Israel S. Privul, sales manager of
the American Zion Commonwealth,
Inc., will visit the cities of Chicago,
!Milwaukee, Detroit, Cleveland, Buf-
falo, Syracuse, Rochester and Albany,
111111 also the neighboring towns, for
the purpose of organizing sales aglell-
cies for the sale of I'alestine land of
the Palestine Land Development Corn-
The Rosenblatt Recital:
pany, Ltd., and the land and mort-
The program which Cantor Rosen- gage certificates of the American
blatt will present at his concert at Zion Commonwealth, Inc. Mr. Privul
the temple on March 20, has been re- will be in Detroit on March. 18.
ceived by the Men's Temple Club.
Jewish traditional melodies predomi-
note, but there are also some classi-
cal numbers which will give Mr. Ro-
senblatt an opportunity to display his
At a meeting of the Jewish Women's I
great versatility. If you have not
made your reservations for this ex- European Welfare Organization, held1
traordinary event, you should do so on Tuesday, Feb. 27, at the Hotel
Tuller, Mrs. L. Kopel, treasurer of
without delay.
the committee in charge of the play
and dance to be given on Sunday
Friday Bible Class:
On this Friday evening, March 9, evening, March DI, at the Kirby Cen-
Rabbi Franklin will continue his dis- ter, reported that returns in the sale
cussions of Biblical prophecy. As of tickets assured the success of the
i this theme is of particular interest, undertaking.
The Roll Call," a play written by
the class should be largely attended.
Miss Jessie Bogen of the Joint Dis-
tribution Committee, will be staged by
Young People's TernIpe Club
a Judean group, `eaded by Miss L.
On Wednesday evening, March 28, Leniko, and will be followed by a
the Young People's Temple Club will dance. David A. Brown has consent-
hold a cabaret night in the ballroom ed to be the speaker of the evening.
Mrs. Eva Bloom of Pittsburgh, for-
of the temple. Table reservation
cards will he mailed out at an early merly of Detroit, founder of the or-
will be a guest at this
date, together with more detailed in-
affair and will renew old friendships
on this occasion.
The next meeting will be held at
Religious School to Edit Paper:
the Hotel Statler on Tuesday, March
The boys and girls of the Religious
•School are laying careful plans for
the publishing of a little paper of
Will Open English Classes
!their own. This paper will contain
all kinds of school news and notes
the announcement of the clos-
with original contributions by the
schools on March 15
I boys and girls themselves. The first ing of the night
reopened until September
number will appear in the very near
department of the
United Jewish Charities announces
that classes will be opened at the Jew
.Congregational Seder:
ish Institute, provided there are
On the evening of Sunday, April 1,
enough registrations showing a de-
s g reat Congregational Seder will be
held in the dining hall of the temple. mend for them.
This is the second Seder night and
He who wishes to be forgiven mus
will in no way conflict with home
forgive.—The Talmud.
celebrations on the first night,


A wonderful, extensive collection already here for the wide-awake
man who prides himself in keeping abreast of fashion.
New styles—featuring the latest waist-line effects, which this sea-
be high or low—to best suit the figure of the wearer. Suits
have one and two pair trousers.
These brand-new spring garments are characteristic of the unusual
values which have helped make this Detroit's most popular clothing
store for men and young men.

Boy's Suits

leading colleges:

"There is a third group of Jews who are of the greatest im-
portance. They are the idealists. Their number is large and
their influence is incalculable. It is no accident that Jesus,
Rothschild and Karl Marx were Jews. These three symbolize
the three fundamental directions in which the world organiza-
tion must take place—by idealism, by economic organization,
by the common interests of the masses of mankind. These
typically Jewish attitudes are complementary, not exclusive.
There is no way of escaping the consequences of discrimination
and hate. Attention may be diverted to the disagreeable char-
thereby aggravate the very clwracteris-
acteristics of Jones 0111
tics that ought to be inhibited, and to the individuatsJew the
recompense is wormwood and gall. To a large degree the
measure of success in the extension of these fundamental prin-
ciples will be indicated by the contumely heaped upon the Jews.
If this prospect does not mean divinely chosen, I have no other
to offer."

Sixth Floor

Third Floor

in receipt of • letter in which the writer takes exception to a
1 ern
statement in the Literary Digest. The "digester —the one who di.
pll" all the opinions offered on any subject and then assembles the
ut of all of them for the re•der—in commenting on the Rev. Percy
ermons, had this to say:
Grant's s

Announcement has just been made
by the National Jewish Hospital for
Consumptives at Denver, CoM., of
plans for it unique convention which
will be held there in June. While
"Dr. Grant reaffirmed his 'apostasy' before the plaudits of a
conventions usually mean the coming
congregation which included Jews, Negroes and Chinese, and
together of a small body of delegates,
verflowed into the street and into the hospitable arms oe the
this hospital, eager to have all Ontsti
gathered to prevent what was once a too familiar machod
who are supporting it see the insti-
of theological disputes. The controversy which drew this mot-
tution and take part in its adminis-
ley congregation of races and people of diverse creeds to the
tration, has sent out a general call
dismay of the regular attendants at Ascension Church is fa-
for the convention to raL000 men and
miliar through 2,000 years of history."
women t hroug.hout the United States
who are helping its work, and is urg-
There is nothing in the statement that should annoy us. Of course,
ing them to participate in the prepar-
Chinese" might have been avoided.

lumping us with "Negroes and
ations which will be made at the con-
riter had mixed as up with the Unitarians, Ethical Culturists,
vention for the celebration of the
Buddhists, Moh•mmed•ns, Spiritualists, Theosophists, Quakers, Liberal
twenty-tifth anniversary of the found-
Christians, Radic•ls, Infidels, etc., it might have looked less offensive.
ing of the institution.
"In issuing this call for its con-
vention, the hospital feels that it is
In view of the controversy which has been aroused by my public•.
no additional burden on its
lion of Walter Hurt's criticism of the position taken by Henry Hur-
supporters," Manny Strauss of New
hancellor of the Intercollegiate Menorah, on the "religious mis-
w itz, c
York, chairman of the subscribers'
sion of the Jews," I quote the section from the magazine The World
committee, declared. "Thousands of
Tomorrow, in which the offending article appeared:
persons annually cross the continent
!tin route to California tie the East.
is of the very utmost importance, then, for Christians—
We hope that of this great number
sincere, intelligent Christians —to reform their religious edu-
many of those who have the welfare
cation in churches and schools, with a view towards inculcating
of this institution at heart may he

far more historical and humane conceptions towards the people
able to time their trips to coincide
from whose ancestors, after all, came the very personalities and
'with the convention, or that others
doctrines they adore. But here let me hasten to interject, lest
' unable to come may be represented
blind to the factors on the other side, that I am all too
I seem
by tourist friends. It should be a
painfully conscious of the motes in the Jewish eye. It is silly,
!souree of pride to every American
for example, in this day of ours, for any people te claim to be
i Jew to say that he is a supporter of
a 'chosen people,' favorites of a universal God--a blasphemy,
I the National Jewish Hospital, for this
surely. Nor do I lay any store whatever in the nauseating
WAS the4Irst institution to offer free
claim of a 'religious mission' to the rest of mankind. These
'care and treatment to the tubercular
pretentions of certain sects in Jewry must grate upon Chris-
!mn% It has enjoyed the support of
tians, I fancy, nearly as much us they grate upon many Jews
notable Jews for many years, a fact
!that is attested by the names of its
buildings, the Guggenheim Infirmary,
' the Lew isolin Synagogue, the Hof-
I wonder if our readers, if the members of the Intercollegiate
heimer Children's Pavilion, the Lewis
Menorah, if Chancellor Hurwitz himself, appreciate the seriousness
Beaumont Nurses House, the Joseph
developed as • result of the publication of
of the situation which ha
E. Schoenberg Memorial, the Dudley
Mr. Hurwitz's opinions in the previous paragraph? The criticism of
I C. choenberg Farm and the Samuel
Walter Hurt threatens • controversy among the Jews themselves that
:Medical Building. This
will be far reaching in its effects. The Menorah society itself is
' is truly a representative Amercian
threatened. Here we have • fundamental cleavage between the racial
ilnking North,
and nationalistic Jewish positions and that of the Jews who believe
East, Path and West in a common
religious mission, and who contend that if the Jews do not have
in ■
the religious excuse for living, then they have no excuse for living as
The National Jewish Hospital for
earnestly suggest to Chancellor Hurwitz that in order to
Jews. I
I Consumptives was the first free hos-
relieve • situation that is fraught wtih great danger to Jewish interests
] pital in the United States for the
and that he
that he take notice of the criticism that has been
!care of tubercular poor. Men, women
at least make • statement reaffirming his position in all its particulars
and children have come to it for
or, if he has been misinterpreted, to explain exactly what he did mean.
treatment from all parts of the coon-
No one realizes more than I do how easy it is to be misunderstood.
try, and since it was opened, with a
Mr. Hurwitz owes the society of which he is the head, he owes it to
single small building, it has grown to
himself and to the Jewish community at large, •n explanation.
be an extensive institution with 12
buildings contributing toward the
health and happiness of thousands of
In the same issue of the magazine in which Chancellor Hurwitz ex-
:sick patients. The first building
pressed himself in an article written by Professor Herbert Adolphus
!housed 64 patients. To date more
Miller, head of the Department of Sociology of Oberlin College, nd
than 4,01)0 persons have been treated
in this article, curiously enough, Professor Miller exp his idea of
' at this hospital and 60 per cent of
the 'chosen people.' It is well worth reading:
!these have been restored fully to
. health and economic independence.
"It may be difficult to find a theological basis that will he
I Of the remainder, 15 per cent have
universally accepted for the claim to be 'chosen people,' but the
!been improved in health, and those
peculiar history of the Jews, with its consequences on their atti-
whose cases had advanced beyond the
tudes and wills, may actually make them such. Living under
stage of improvement were made
many governments anti religions, their faith in their scripture
comfortable and contented. A new
and devotion to ritual gave them a unity which differed from
building for the care of children was
the imperial unity of the Roman Catholic world, and made them
recently opened.
the original people of plural sovereignty. This was very offen-
Originally sponsored by the Order
sive to the absolute patriot, and thus anti-Semitism has been
13'nai B'rith, a great national Jewish
rampant in the chauvinistic periods succeeding wars. Whatever
the hospital now has directors
may have been the purpose, the accident of existence has made
in all parts of the United States. The
it inevitable that the Jews should he internationalists, and both
officers are: N. L. Dauby,
as capitalists and proletarians they have had a leadership in
Cleveland, president; Rev. Dr. W. S.
the direction in which society is inevitably tending."
Freidman of Denver, David May of
St. Louis, Harmon August of New
York, B. Flesher of Denver, Charles
Now comes a most interesting statement and one that should be
II. Studin of New York, Herman Wile
than passing interest to every Christian as well as every Jew.
of more
of Buffalo, vice-president; Mrs. S.
And please bear in mind that the following words are written, not
Disko of Denver, secretary; Ben Alt-
by • Jew, but by • liberal minded Christian, professor in one of our
heimer of New York, treasurer.

Boys' Clothing
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Men's Clothing
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Twenty-fifth Anniversary to Be
Celebrated at Denver

wonder that this is
one of the most popular

styles of the matchless Vic-
trola line. Case is 45 3-4 inches
in height. Case is of rich ma-
hogany, oak or walnut. The
tone arm, sound box, etc., are
gold plated. It has extra large
tone chamber, and is fully
equipped with Victor Record



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Records. Easy pay-

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An instrument to be proud
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the further satisfaction of
owning a VICTROLA, best by
every standard of comparison;
leader the world over of all in-
struments of the sound-repro-
ducing type!

Grinnell Bros

Victrolas, $25 to $1,500

Largest stock of Records

Headquarters, 1515-21 Woodward Avenue


Broadway near Monroe; Woodward at Pasadena; East
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Yemans; Michigan at Thirty-second; 1054 W. Jefferson.

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